Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 321: The Location of the Artifact

"The Kusanagi sword, Yasakani no Magatama, and Yata Mirror are known as the three great artifacts of Japan, but haven't these three things always existed in the Japanese royal family?

According to the information I found before, the three great artifacts have never appeared in front of the world, so many people think that this thing is just a legend. Could it be that there are really three great artifacts in this world?"

Lin Mo recalled the three addresses that appeared in his mind before, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"But the most urgent thing is to send Ye Qing back first!" Lin Mo said softly.

When rescuing Ye Qing, Lin Mo had already checked Ye Qing's body. She just fainted and did not suffer any injuries along the way.

Lin Mo injected the power of blood and qi into Ye Qing's body. After a while, Ye Qing moaned and slowly opened her eyes.


The next moment, she suddenly stood up, the power of blood and qi in her body surged, and she raised her hand and punched Lin Mo!

Lin Mo dodged quickly and called out Ye Qing's name.

He did not resist, because with Lin Mo's current physical strength, even if he had no intention of taking action, Ye Qing would be injured by the recoil force.


Hearing Lin Mo's voice, Ye Qing's body trembled violently, and she slowly turned her head and looked at Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo!"

Her eyes immediately turned red.

Since she was caught, Ye Qing has been in endless panic.

Because she didn't know what was waiting for her, and she didn't want to become a weapon in the hands of others against Lin Mo.

Fortunately, now she opened her eyes and saw Lin Mo!

With a long sigh of relief, Ye Qing threw herself into Lin Mo's arms.

"I thought, I thought I would never see you again in this life!" Ye Qing's eyes were red and she spoke softly.

"No matter where you are, I will find you!" Lin Mo responded with a gentle smile, and at the same time, one hand gently patted her shoulder.

After Ye Qing's emotions gradually calmed down, Lin Mo lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently.

Ye Qing's cheeks immediately blushed.

"Rest well now, I'll be by your side!" Lin Mo said softly: "When you have rested well, I will send you back. I just have something to deal with here!"

Ye Qing glanced at Lin Mo, and finally nodded slowly.

She knew that since Lin Mo said so, it must be something important.

As a woman, she knew what she should do and when.

No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, Ye Qing opened her eyes and saw Lin Mo busy.

"There is no soy milk and fried dough sticks in Neon, so I cooked some porridge myself, so you can make do with it.

I have already contacted several of my master's former subordinates, and they will send you back through special channels later.

My master said that they are all trustworthy people.

You go back first, and we will meet in Rob City later!

We will find a way to move the main workshop of Qi and Blood Pill to Rob City later, which will be the origin of everything we have!"

Ye Qing listened to Lin Mo's words, and her eyes flashed slightly.

She had vaguely guessed what Lin Mo wanted to do, so she nodded solemnly.

After drinking the porridge, two figures appeared in the room.

"Qin Ying, Feng Qun." Lin Mo had received Chen Banzi's text message a long time ago, so he looked at the two figures in front of him and called out their names directly: "I am Lin Mo, and this is my girlfriend, Ye Qing!"

Ye Qing's cheeks were slightly red. This was the first time that Lin Mo introduced her like this in front of others, which made her a little embarrassed, but she still tried to raise her head and nodded gently to the two of them.

"Mr. Chen has already told us, please rest assured, Mr. Lin, I will ensure that Miss Ye is sent safely!" Qin Ying clasped his hands and spoke solemnly.

"Thank you both!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment, took out two bottles from his body, and handed them to the two: "This journey is thousands of miles, please accept these Qi and Blood Pills to replenish Qi and Blood!"

Qin Ying and Feng Qun refused repeatedly, but under Lin Mo's insistence, they finally had to put the pills away.

"Lin Mo, be careful, I'll wait for you in Rob City!" After Ye Qing spoke softly for a moment, she actually mustered up the courage to kiss Lin Mo's lips gently, and then stood behind Qin Ying and Feng Qun.

Both of them smiled and nodded gently, and then took Ye Qing away.

After they all left, the smile on Lin Mo's face gradually became solemn.

The address of the three artifacts is now in his mind, but before going there, he must first understand one thing, that is, this address is definitely not a trap set by the Japanese.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and his figure flashed. Not long after, he appeared at the door of Crow's room again.

After a slight hesitation, Lin Mo raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Lin Mo!" Crow opened the door and saw Lin Mo, his eyes flashed, and he quickly pulled Lin Mo into the house: "Why are you here now? The Black Dragon Society is searching for your whereabouts in Neon!"

"The news of the Black Dragon Society has spread everywhere now. They said that you destroyed the entire dungeon by yourself?"

Crow looked at Lin Mo expectantly with an excited look on his face.

Lin Mo's face was immediately full of black lines. These things were not done by him.

"The person who destroyed the dungeon was not me, but a man named Li Lei!" Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, and still told the truth: "Brother Crow, I wonder if you have heard of this person!"

Li Lei? !

Crow's face showed a thoughtful look, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you talking about him?! Didn't they say that this person is dead? How could he still be alive?"

Crow stood up with a look of shock on his face and paced back and forth in the room.

"Who is this person?" Lin Mo didn't expect to have an unexpected gain, so he asked quickly.

"This person is... the illegitimate son of the previous president of the Black Dragon Society!" Crow spoke and said a truth that Lin Mo could not have imagined.

It turned out that the previous president of the Black Dragon Society had appeared on the battlefield in China, but at that time he did not control the Black Dragon Society. His purpose of appearing on the battlefield was actually to save the dying and the wounded.

During this process, he fell in love with a Chinese woman and had a child, and this child was Li Lei.

Later, after the Neon people left the Chinese battlefield, the president of the Black Dragon Society originally planned to stay in China forever, but the Black Dragon Society found him and threatened the lives of his wife and children.

In desperation, he chose to return to Neon.

In Neon, he gradually lost his original heart and lost himself in power and desire.

It was also at that time that Li Lei came to Neon, bringing with him the remains of his mother.

Looking at his own bloodline, the previous president was touched and even intended to pass his position as president to Li Lei.

But at this time, the current president of the Black Dragon Society stood up, and he killed the previous president forcefully, and defeated Li Lei at the same time, becoming the president of the Black Dragon Society.

But before the previous president died, he told Li Lei the secret that only the president of the Black Dragon Society knew.

On the contrary, the current president did not know this secret.

"I didn't expect that Li Lei is still alive!" Crow said with emotion: "So, Li Lei and Haichuan Deren fought a big battle at the Black Dragon Society headquarters and destroyed the dungeon?"

Lin Mo shook his head and roughly told what happened yesterday, then looked at Crow: "What is the secret that only the president of the Black Dragon Society knows?"

"How should I know?!" Crow spread his hands: "This is the biggest secret of the Black Dragon Society, but Li Lei is dead, and the secret of the Black Dragon Society will never be known to anyone!

Haha, it's a bit gloating when I think about it!"

Lin Mo looked at Crow and remained silent.

If Crow knew the secret of the Black Dragon Society that only the president knew, and Lin Mo knew it, I don't know what expression Crow would have.

"Thank you for telling me, I'll go back first!" Lin Mo stood up and prepared to leave.

Crow looked at Lin Mo's back, and his eyes suddenly flickered.

"Wait a minute!" Crow called Lin Mo, then quickly took two steps forward, stood in front of Lin Mo, lowered his head and whispered: "Don't tell me that you know what the secret is..."

Lin Mo thought about it and nodded.

In fact, Lin Mo's purpose of coming here this time is very simple, that is, to find someone to accompany him to explore the address.

It is best to be a trustworthy Japanese.

After spending a few days with Crow, Lin Mo felt that Crow was still trustworthy.

Before coming, Lin Mo was actually gambling. If Crow couldn't guess that he knew the secret, Lin Mo would really leave. If Crow guessed the secret, then Lin Mo would invite Crow for help.

"I... I'll go!" Crow looked at Lin Mo and nodded, his eyes almost popped out, he raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo: "You were at the scene at the time, and you were discovered by Li Lei. In the end, Li Lei told you the secret before he died!"

Crow is not a fool, and he immediately understood the whole thing.

Seeing Lin Mo nod, Crow's face showed a look of shock. After a long time, he said, "What secret is it? Can you tell me? Don't worry, I promise to keep it to myself and won't tell anyone!"

He looked at Lin Mo expectantly with a strong curiosity on his face.

"Actually, this secret is an address..." Lin Mo thought for a while, and then said, "I was at the scene and heard a saying that this address seems to be the location of the three artifacts!"


Crow sat on the ground all of a sudden, with a blank look on his face, looking at Lin Mo: "What did you say? What address?

Is it possible that I was too excited and had hallucinations?"

"The voice transmission I received at that time was indeed the location of the three artifacts. I wonder if Brother Crow is interested in going there with me?!"

Lin Mo smiled and looked at Crow and invited him.

All of a sudden, Crow's face became more excited, and he looked at Lin Mo as if he was looking at his own father.

"Really...really? Can I really go to that address with you?" He even began to tremble because of excitement.

After seeing Lin Mo nod, the crow jumped up excitedly and pulled Lin Mo to the address.

"Where is it? Tell me and we'll go there right away!" The crow looked at Lin Mo and said excitedly.

Lin Mo thought for a while and said a sentence: "The mountain where the snow never melts all year round."

"The mountain where the snow never melts all year round..." The crow savored this sentence and thought of the answer almost instantly.

"Futu Mountain! This address is Futu Mountain!"

Hearing this address from the crow, Lin Mo was relieved. This address was exactly the same as what he guessed at the beginning.

Since the address is clear, it is natural to set off immediately!

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