Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 322: The Abyss of Mount Futu

Futu Mountain, as the largest active volcano in Neon territory, has existed for endless years.

Over the past few years, news has spread every year that Futu Mountain is about to erupt. Every time the news comes, it will cause cheers in China, but every time the joy is in vain.

In fact, for people in many countries, Futu Mountain has almost become a neon symbol.

So much so that the first thing many Neon Dogs do after arriving in Neon is to visit Futu Mountain. Even if they don't go up the mountain, they will feel very comfortable just by kowtowing at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, at the foot of Futu Mountain, two figures appeared there. Looking at the mountains in front of him, Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly.


In just an instant, the spiritual power enveloped Mount Futu.

Just half a minute later, Lin Mo's mental power had enveloped the entire Futu Mountain.

Then Lin Mo couldn't help but let out a sigh and looked up at Futu Mountain in front of him.

"Is there a second snow-capped mountain here in Neon that never melts all year round?" Lin Mo asked softly.

"No!" Crow shook his head firmly: "This is the most famous mountain in the entire Neon Mountains. The rest are indeed not very famous, and they can't stay the same all year round."

"Something strange!" Lin Mo shook his head.

Because under the previous mental power, everything in Futu Mountain appeared before his eyes, but he found nothing.

This made Lin Mo a little surprised, and at the same time he also wondered if he was looking in the wrong place.

Now with Crow's affirmation, Lin Mo felt relieved.

"I didn't find any terrible energy fluctuations. If the three artifacts are really in Futu Mountain, there can't be no fluctuations at all!" Lin Mo expressed his doubts: "Is it possible that there is an entrance to the abyss in Futu Mountain? !”

"Impossible!" Crow waved his hand quickly and shook his head: "There is no entrance to the abyss in Futu Mountain. A hundred years ago, Neon spent ten years studying Futu Mountain, but the final result was that it could not be found. Any sign of the entrance to the abyss.

Even those people back then seemed to be in a daze, trying to find the entrance to the abyss in Neon, but in the end they all failed! "

With a teasing look on Crow Crow's face, he said: "It is because of this that those people back then came up with the so-called monster plan and brought out so many monsters. The final result was that the entire Neon was almost destroyed by the strong men of the beautiful country. Hongdu was beaten..."

Lin Mo looked at the gloating crow and was a little confused. He didn't know why the crow had such a hatred for neon.

"Isn't it weird?" Crow chuckled: "When you have seen the darkest things in the world, you will not have any good impression of neon!"

"I don't have much fondness for neon at first!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Since the address given is here, even if we don't find anything with our spiritual power, let's go for a walk in the mountains!"

Crow nodded: "It may be difficult for ordinary people to go up the mountain. You follow me and pretend to be my follower!"

"Actually, I can use Yanxiang Technique to go in directly!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"The entire Futu Mountain is actually protected by a large formation. If you force your way in, you will probably be directly obliterated by the formation!

Don't underestimate this grand formation in Futu Mountain. When the strongest warriors at the peak of Emperor Wu arrive here, the final result will be death! "

Lin Mo was slightly startled, looking at the large formation in front of him, with a solemn look on his face.

Following the crow, he arrived at the foot of Futu Mountain and was directly stopped by the guards.

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look at who I am!" Crow said coldly, and at the same time slapped him out: "You bastard, get out of here!"

"Ha Yi!" After recognizing Crow, a group of guards quickly bowed and apologized, letting Lin Mo and Crow in.

With an unhappy look on his face, Crow cursed and walked into the formation.

After entering the formation, Lin Mo thought for a moment and once again let his mental power move forward.

This time, the coverage of mental power was much faster, but just like the first time, there was still no result.

"Just think of it as a trip. Come and follow me!" Crow walked in front, introducing Lin Mo to the beautiful scenery of Futu Mountain and some unknown legends and jokes.

Lin Mo had a curious expression on his face as he listened quietly. Occasionally, with a flash of light in his eyes, he would compare the stories he heard with the information remembered in his mind.

After going back and forth like this, I finally gained some experience of my own.

"We are about to enter the snow line. Inside the snow line, there is ice and snow that never melts all year round." Crow introduced with a smile, and then the two of them had arrived above the snow line. Looking around, everything was white, except There are several cedars standing there in the distance.

Unfortunately, what disappointed the two of them was that even after entering the snow line, they still found nothing.

Lin Mo once entered the abyss, so he also felt the fluctuations of the abyss.

But on Futu Mountain, Lin Mo felt nothing.

"Is it true that I guessed wrong that this is not where the three artifacts are stored?" Lin Mo frowned and glanced at the road under his feet. Unknowingly, he had walked a long way.

Glancing at the crater on the top of the mountain in the distance, Lin Mo suddenly thought of going to the top to take a look.

After getting the permission, Lin Mo decided to go all out and go to the crater first.

After Lin Mo told Crow his idea, the two ran all the way without any hesitation and arrived at the crater in a very short time.

Mount Futu is an active volcano and may erupt at any time.

Looking at Mount Futu rolling and surging in the crater, Lin Mo's face did not show much feeling.

"I'll look around the crater first!" After Crow said this, he started to get busy.

Lin Mo glanced at Crow and didn't say much.

He quietly watched Crow asking there, silently deducing everything that had happened recently.

"According to my calculations, this should be the address that Li Lei and I said. There is an entrance to the abyss here, hidden in the volcano..." Lin Mo closed his eyes slightly, looking like he was thinking, but in fact Lin Mo was trying to summon his spiritual clone.

But thinking that Crow was still not far away, it was better not to let him see the whole process.

So a minute later, a figure jumped at Lin Mo's fingertips.

"Go!" Lin Mo said softly, flicking the figure at his fingertips and sending it flying.

The spiritual clone fell directly towards the crater.

It can be seen that there is boiling magma in the crater, and from time to time there will be sounds of foam and explosion.

It is foreseeable that as long as someone approaches this magma, they will be burned into blood in an instant.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. After a long time, he looked in the direction of the impassable: "I found the entrance!"

Hearing Lin Mo's voice, the figure of the crow suddenly appeared in front of Lin Mo: "Where is it?"

Looking at the crow's expectant eyes, Lin Mo smiled and raised his hand to point to the boiling magma under his feet: "It's in the magma!"

"Are you kidding me? If I jump in, I will die!" The crow is not a fool. If he really jumps into this boiling magma, the final result will really be burnt.

He hesitated for a moment before saying in a deep voice: "I'll jump down and see if there's no danger. I'll change it for him.

But if I find any danger, I'll come back immediately!"

Faced with Crow's assurance, Lin Mo was somewhat moved.

In fact, the two had not known each other for long, but at this time Crow dared to stand in front of Lin Mo, which surprised him and warmed his heart.

"Not all Neon people deserve to die!" Lin Mo sighed: "At least Brother Crow, you are more to my taste!"

Faced with Lin Mo's praise, Crow smiled immediately, thought about it, and said: "In this case, Lin Mo, do you have any solution?"

"I have already probed my mental power into it, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Lin Mo said loudly: "Wait until the mental power gives enough feedback, then talk about other things!"

Finally, Crow could only nod and agree to this request.

However, after waiting for several hours, there was no message inside.

"What to do?" Crow looked at Lin Mo. It was a complete waste to ask him to think of a solution at this time. He had no solution at all.

"In that case, let's just jump in first." Lin Mo let out a long breath and said, "Although the magma is hot, we both should be wearing protective outerwear. If we don't find anything after entering, we won't die in it. At least we still have the ability to escape!"

Crow nodded. Neither of them was the kind of person who hesitated. After standing at the crater and looking at it for a few times, Crow gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, if I die, remember to do your best to rescue me first!"

After that, he jumped directly into the magma.

Lin Mo chuckled and actually jumped in.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the sound of breaking wind rang out, and figures suddenly rushed out of the magma.

Their appearance was similar to that of the Japanese, but the aura of their whole bodies was indeed extremely terrifying!

"Who dares to trespass into the secret realm of the abyss of Mount Fuji?!"

These people shouted loudly, and their voices echoed above the magma, stirring up a high magma wave!

Lin Mo and Crow suddenly showed excitement on their faces.

There is indeed an abyss in Mount Fuji!

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