Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 323: Ghost Ship in the Abyss

"The current president of the Black Dragon Society has no choice but to enter the abyss and take my Neon artifact!"

An extremely strong Qi and blood force burst out from Lin Mo's body, covering the front.

He just used Neon language, so the people in front were stunned for a moment.

"Do you have the proof of the president!" One of them shouted and winked at the people around him.

The remaining people dodged at the same time and surrounded Lin Mo and others in a special encirclement posture.

"Baga, you bastards, I am the president of the Black Dragon Society. Besides me, is there anyone else who knows this place? Get out of here!"

Lin Mo shouted loudly and punched at the same time.

"Brother Crow, do it!"

While punching, Lin Mo had already shouted loudly at Crow.

The moment Lin Mo took action, Crow had already followed suit.

A piece of black feathers condensed by Qi and blood appeared behind him and shot out in the air!

On the other hand, Lin Mo used the Dragon Spear, a heavenly artifact, as soon as he attacked.

Accompanied by the high-pitched dragon roar, the tip of the Dragon Spear emitted a terrifying light, directly piercing the person in front!

Killing one person instantly!

Boom boom boom!

On the other side, the Crow also achieved results!

The black wings contained extremely powerful energy, wrapped one of them, and then suddenly exploded.

The man was blown to pieces before he could even scream!

"So strong!" Lin Mo sighed, the Crow should have mastered some special martial arts of Neon, and the first move was a thunder strike!

When Lin Mo was sighing at the strength of the Crow, the latter also saw Lin Mo's means, and couldn't help but admire it in his heart.

Lin Mo was much younger than him, and at this moment, he used his means to face the several strong men in front of him, and he was still killed instantly!

"How come this guy has so many heavenly weapons!" Crow watched Lin Mo pierce one of the men's chests with the Dragon Spear, and then cut another man into two with a knife.

At this moment, he even stabbed the third man's forehead with a long sword emitting hot magma.

Lin Mo completed all these actions in an instant, which made Crow dumbfounded.

By the time he killed the second man, Lin Mo had already put away the weapon in his hand.


With a muffled sound, the last man in front of Lin Mo fell forward to the ground.

"Heroes emerge from youth. China is indeed a country with profound heritage and outstanding people!" Crow looked at Lin Mo, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Mo smiled: "Brother Crow is also very powerful!"

After that, Lin Mo pointed to the entrance not far away and said with a smile: "That should be the entrance to the abyss. Let's go in and take a look together?"

Crow smiled and nodded.

The two of them gave way to each other at the entrance for a moment, and then Lin Mo took the lead and stepped in.

Accompanied by a familiar feeling of dizziness, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes.


A wave of sound resounded, and just when Lin Mo was about to look around, a large wave suddenly appeared in front of him and hit Lin Mo's face with a bang.

The violent force directly slammed Lin Mo into the deep sea. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and adjusted his posture at the moment of being slapped away. He shuttled in the water for a while, and then rushed out of the water with the Yanxiang technique.

He stood quietly in the air and looked around.

"This is actually a sea!"

Lin Mo showed a look of shock on his face. This was actually an endless sea. What made people feel terrified was that the sea in front of him was actually black, looking like hell.

Not far away, the sound of a heavy object falling into the water rang out, and Lin Mo saw a figure falling into the sea.

With a flash of his figure, Lin Mo rushed to the crow who fell into the water, reached out and pulled him up, and the two floated side by side in the sea.

"We must reach the shore as soon as possible, otherwise, the two of us will inevitably run out of blood and energy and die!

The most important thing is that this is the abyss, there must be monsters..."

The crow looked around nervously and said in a deep voice.

Lin Mo nodded, and the crow had the same idea as him.

However, unlike the crow, Lin Mo can use the Yanxiang technique at any time to float in the air.

But even so, if he cannot reach the shore as soon as possible, Lin Mo will be in danger of his life, because even if the Yanxiang technique can be used unlimitedly, the blood and energy will be exhausted one day.

"Lin Mo, look over there, is there a ship? Am I hallucinating?"

At this time, the crow suddenly pointed to the distance and spoke softly.

Lin Mo looked in the direction of his finger and was immediately startled.

On the sea a thousand meters away, a black ship was slowly approaching.

This is an ancient ship, and the sails can be seen from a distance.

The entire hull of the ship is as black as ink, and there are black metal gun barrels sticking out on both sides.

"You are not mistaken, it is indeed a ship... a ghost ship!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment and slowly said: "If we can't find a place to stay, this ship should be our best choice at the moment!"

"But this is the legendary ghost ship, all the people wandering on it are evil spirits, if we go up, we will die!" Crow showed a fearful look on his face, and he didn't seem very willing.

"You will die if you don't get on the boat!" Lin Mo said helplessly: "Besides, with the current strength of you and me, even if we encounter any evil spirits, we may still be able to fight!

When the time comes to kill the evil spirits, this ship will be ours! "

Crow's eyes flickered, obviously moved by what Lin Mo said.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo is right, if he doesn't get on the ship, he will die if time goes by!

"Get on the boat!" Crow finally said: "Let's go in the direction of the boat. I used up too much energy and blood earlier!"

The martial arts skill used by Crow is called Crow Feather. Although the attack power is very strong, the energy and blood consumed is also very strong.

When the ship approached, Lin Mo's mental power directly enveloped the entire ship.

Ice cold!

An icy chill instantly enveloped Lin Mo, and at the same time, Lin Mo seemed to feel that the entire ship was like a living creature!

Lin Mo immediately withdrew his mental power, and cold sweat began to flow on his forehead.

Because at that moment, he seemed to feel that the ship was also spying on him!

Although this kind of snooping is not very powerful, Lin Mo can clearly feel it.

"This ship... is indeed alive!" Lin Mo's heart sank, and he became very energetic.

Yan Xiang Shu!

Lin Mo flew out of the water and fell onto the deck of the ship.

After Lin Mo stood firm on the deck, he quickly threw down the rope ladder and let the crow climb up the rope ladder.

After Crow also got on the boat, Lin Mo began to look at the entire hull.

Marks from swords and other cuts could be seen everywhere on the deck.

There were even dark stains of dried blood in many places.

"There must have been a big battle here. All the crew members were dead." Lin Mo pointed at the blood stains and spoke softly.

Crow was obviously very nervous. He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the dark cabin.


At this moment, a series of soft sounds came from the cabin, like bubbles surfacing.

Just when the two of them were confused and on guard, Lin Mo saw the source of the sound, and his expression immediately changed.

In the cabin, dark red blood continued to flow out, quickly spreading towards Lin Mo and Crow.

A strong fishy smell fills your nasal cavity. Even if you hold your breath, these gases seem to be pervasive, filling your mind along with your pores.

That feeling of nausea is extremely uncomfortable.

"Blood, so much blood!" Crow couldn't help shouting, and at the same time he hid towards the other side.

Tap tap tap!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the cabin.

The smell of decay came, and a shadow could be vaguely seen walking slowly.

Five Beast Fist!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed and he took action first.

With a bang, five ferocious beasts appeared behind Lin Mo. The bodies built with the power of Qi and blood were about one foot tall, and each one exuded a terrifying aura.


Lin Mo roared: "No matter who he is, he will die!"

The five beasts roared in unison, and the entire ship seemed to be shaking crazily, as if it was about to burst apart completely.


The figure seemed to feel the terror of the punch, and then it flashed and came forward.


A terrifying sound came, and the residual fluctuations caused by the collision of the two energies actually aroused the blood on the ground.

Crow couldn't dodge and was drenched in blood from head to toe.

Lin Mo's whole body was covered with a layer of energy and blood, and even though the blood splashed down, it was not stained on his body.


The sword light flashed, and when the Five Beast Fist was fighting this figure, Lin Mo's ice sword had already slashed out!

A black shadow flew out and rolled heavily to the ground.

Lin Mo shook his knife and shook off the blood stained on it. Standing in front of him was the dark, decaying figure.

"The mutilated corpse?!" Lin Mo looked at the corpse in front of him and frowned slightly.

He had seen such a body in the abyss before, but that body came from the future.

The body in front of him was still wearing ancient clothes. Looking at the decoration and hairstyle, Lin Mo thought it should be what it looked like before the Western Han Dynasty.

"It's most likely Qin Shi's body!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he bent down to lift off a rag on the body, revealing a gem pinned to his waist.

"What a good thing!" Crow came up and looked at the piece of jade in Lin Mo's hand: "Is this... ancient Chinese writing?"

There are actually two ancient characters on the jade.

Lin Mo had studied ancient characters before, so after carefully identifying them for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said in silence: "This is... Xu Fu?!"

The two characters on the jade are exactly the two characters Xu Fu written in flower and bird seal script!

"You said this corpse is Xu Fu?!" Crow said with a solemn look on his face: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I have a statue of Xu Fu in Neon. He died on the land of Neon. There is no way he died in the abyss!

What you see in front of you must be fake! "

Crow shook his head repeatedly, not believing it at all.

"Is it fake? Let's go into the cabin and see if there are any other clues!" Lin Mo put away the jade pendant, slapped it on the ground to separate the blood, and then the two of them walked towards the cabin together.

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