Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 324: Eight-foot Mirror

"I'll go, this smells really strong!"

As soon as he entered the cabin, Crow couldn't help but cover his nose and looked around with disgust.

The entire cabin was dark, with a little light shining through the holes in the hull, leaving mottled shadows on the ground.

It was this kind of projection that shone on the blood, making the entire cabin look like a monster with blood-red body and mottled skin!


Lin Mo directly drew out the sword of fire on his body. The flowing magma was instantly ignited by the power of Qi and blood, and then turned into a ball of torch, illuminating the surrounding area.

By the light of the torch, they saw the general appearance of the entire cabin, and they were suddenly shocked.

"The Qin Dynasty has been around for thousands of years, and the things in this cabin have been preserved so completely!" Crow sighed with emotion and reached out to touch the row of bookshelves in the cabin.

There are ancient books made of bamboo slips and some utensils made of clay placed on the bookshelf. They look very simple and have an inexplicable charm.

"do not touch!"

Lin Mo looked at the crow's movements, his heart sank for no reason, and he couldn't help but speak loudly.

But it was too late.

Crow's hand knocked over one of the ancient books, and then, an inexplicable aura suddenly emitted from the ancient book, instantly covering Crow's entire right hand!


The crow screamed and tried to take his hand back.


There was a sound of dripping liquid, and it was the crow's palms wrapped in breath that began to melt like a candle encountering a flame!


Lin Mo raised his hand and slashed Crow's wrist with his sword.

With a bang, the palm fell to the ground and soon turned into a pool of blood.

There were even densely packed things squirming in the blood, which looked extremely disgusting.


Lin Mo swung his sword of fire, and the rolling magma directly wrapped the blood on the ground. Then a strong odor filled his mouth and nose. When the flames extinguished, there was a pile of insect corpses on the ground.

"Don't touch anything in the cabin. Xu Fu is said to be a Qi practitioner. Who knows if he has some weird martial arts skills!" Lin Mo said softly.

Crow nodded. He had already sealed the wound with the power of Qi and blood. Although there was still a look of pain on his face, there was no big problem.

In the first cabin, except for these pottery pots and ancient books, there was nothing else.

The two continued deeper and finally found a portal at the rear of the cabin.

Lin Mo and Wu Yao looked at each other and nodded slowly.


Lin Mo kicked the door, and the wooden portal was kicked open by Lin Mo.

A row of steps appeared in front of the two people. They used the fire sword to shine inside. They could only see a huge room below, but they couldn't see what was inside.

"You should follow me and don't touch anything!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, then stepped onto the steps first.

The entire steps are made of wood. I don’t know what kind of wood it is, but it can last for thousands of years without decaying.

The entire steps extended into the darkness, so Lin Mo didn't know how long the steps were.

The two of them could only proceed one behind the other, cautiously and continuously going deeper.

"It's over!" Finally, the light in Lin Mo's hand shone on the ground in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Did we walk for a long time just now? The steps are at least twenty or thirty meters long!"

Crow spoke softly, with a shocked look on his face.

Lin Mo understood what the crow meant: They had descended twenty or thirty meters, which was already higher than the height of the ship they saw. So were they still in the ship now?

Or could it be that, during the process of passing the steps, they had actually arrived at a secret place in the abyss?

"Let's explore the surroundings first!" Lin Mo looked at the crow and said solemnly: "As I said before, be careful and don't touch anything!"

Crow nodded solemnly. Because he didn't know how big it was here, Crow could only take off his coat, wrap it on a piece of wood, and then use the sword of fire in Lin Mo's hand to light it.

He walked in one direction with a simple torch, while Lin Mo chose another direction.

"In order to prevent us from finding each other later, we will turn around and shout to each other every five minutes!" Lin Mo said.

The crow nodded and responded.

Lin Mo walked forward with the sword of fire. The light of the sword of fire should be able to cover the area within three meters.

Judging from the current situation, everything three meters away is dark, so Lin Mo is not sure how big this space is.

"If I had known I would come to a place like this, I would have brought a lot of lighting equipment with me before I came in!" Lin Mo said softly, then estimated the time, turned and looked in the direction of the crow.

After seeing that little bit of light, he shouted, and at the same time the crow turned around and shouted.

Two voices echoed throughout the space for a long time.

Lin Mo listened to these echoes with a look of surprise on his face, because the echoes were a bit slow, which meant that the entire space should be very large.

A rough estimate shows that the space they are currently in is at least several thousand square meters!

"It should be considered a secret abyss. I just hope there are no monsters or anything like that!" Lin Mo whispered, while trying to spread his mental power around.

At the moment when Lin Mo's mental power was escaping, Lin Mo felt as if he was shrouded by something.

"There is another terrifying mental power!" He was shocked and silently gathered his mental power, while also silently feeling the source of the other mental power.

Soon, Lin Mo thought of one thing: the source of the mental power just now was not far away from him, as if he was facing him face to face with mental power not far away!

Just after Lin Mo gathered his mental power, the other mental power also disappeared.

"The other party is also testing me?" Lin Mo's expression became solemn.

His mental power is very strong. He must be very strong to be able to tie with him with mental power at this time.


Lin Mo waved the sword of fire, letting the light of the magma converge, and threw it directly forward!

At the same time, Lin Mo's figure kept flashing, and rushed forward with the sword light!

His idea was very simple, that is, to use the sword light to attract the opponent's attention, and then pay attention to the power of the ghost shadow to catch the opponent.

The plan was good, but Lin Mo didn't expect that when he rushed to the place where the sword fell, he found nothing.

He gritted his teeth and dispersed his mental power again.


This time, the same huge mental power enveloped Lin Mo beside him!

"What's going on!" Lin Mo was shocked, and the ghost shadow was instantly displayed, and the whole person moved several meters to the side.

At the same time, Lin Mo also directly turned his mental power into a series of spear-like things, covering the front!

"Kill!" Lin Mo roared, wanting to kill the unknown enemy in the darkness in front directly.

But in a flash, the spear of the spirit shot out towards Lin Mo!


Lin Mo's figure dodged one after another, but his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"When I use my mental power to explore the front, I can feel that there is a mental power in front of me exploring me.

When I use martial arts to attack, the opponent also uses the same martial arts to attack me...

It feels like... there is a mirror in front of me, reflecting all my attacks...!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he instantly thought of a possibility, and at the same time, one of the three artifacts emerged in his mind.

Yata Mirror!

Blinking his eyes, Lin Mo instantly determined the location of the reflection point based on the previous reflections of mental power.


Lin Mo's figure flashed for a while, and when he appeared again, he had arrived at the reflection point he judged.

"Yata Mirror is here!" The sword of fire in Lin Mo's hand flashed with light, covering the area in front of him.

But what embarrassed Lin Mo was that there was nothing in front of him.

But when Lin Mo used his mental power, he deduced again that it was still the area in front of him.

"Yata Mirror... is invisible!" Lin Mo thought of a possibility, and then he bit his finger directly, forcing out a drop of blood at the same time.


Lin Mo flicked his finger and flicked a drop of blood out.


The blood seemed to hit something and made a slight sound.

Then the drop of blood seemed to be suspended in the air.

"Yata Mirror, it's right here!" Lin Mo raised his hand and touched the place where the blood was hanging.

But this hand stretched out without any hindrance, and even Lin Mo's whole body passed through that area without any problem, there was nothing blocking it at all.

"Am I wrong, is it just my illusion?" Lin Mo's face showed a puzzled look, and a thought popped up in his mind: "Yata Mirror... cannot be touched!"

Invisible, untouchable? !

These two words flashed through Lin Mo's mind, and he couldn't help but frowned.

Invisible, untouchable, how should this thing be taken away?

Lin Mo looked at the drop of blood hanging there and sliding down, and fell into deep thought.

One minute... two minutes... half an hour.

Lin Mo thought for an hour, and finally his eyes lit up.

He thought of a possibility, maybe he could collect the Eight-foot Mirror!

After a little contemplation, another figure appeared in front of Lin Mo.

This was Lin Mo's spiritual clone. With the spiritual clone, he opened his hands and covered the air in front of him!

This time, there was suddenly another spiritual clone in front of him, and the two spiritual clones made the same action.

They were actually walking towards each other and hugging there!

The moment Lin Mo saw them hugging each other, he directly used his spiritual power to perform martial arts!

The spiritual world!

In the spiritual world, Lin Mo can control everything!


Lin Mo shouted in a low voice, and a ripple slowly appeared in front of him.

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