"How are you, your good friend Kato Sakura? I grew up watching the teaching videos of you two!" Lin Mo said sincerely, holding Tony Komu's hand.

Tony Xiaomu looked embarrassed. He wanted to throw away Lin Mo's hand and yell, "Who the hell knows Kato Sakura?"

"Mr. Lin, I am a serious professional." Tony Xiaomu said patiently.

"I understand, I understand. In your neon industry, this kind of industry is actually very normal and common. Don't worry, we don't mean to look down on you at all.

Some people live in the present, and some people...live in the crotch...

Make money, don’t be embarrassed..."

God is living under the crotch, this is not the same thing at all, okay?

Crow stood aside and didn't know what to say. Lin Mo could always make others so angry that they could not speak.

"Crow, you two can't get on the boat yet. Let's make an agreement first. The money must not be less. This time I heard that you have offended An Fuzhen's people. If An Fu really comes, I will not Take action and solve it yourself.

If you die in the hands of An Fuzhen, I can fulfill your wish for free. "

"Can we be resurrected?" Lin Mo suddenly asked.

For a moment, Crow directly covered his eyes, while Tony Xiaomu felt so tired. After finishing this order, he prepared a golden basin to wash his hands. It was really tiring to attract such a customer...

"Okay, hurry up and get on the boat!" Tony Xiaomu couldn't help but say.

After Wu Wu and Lin Mo boarded the ship, the whole ship sailed directly into the distance.

Seeing the neon island behind him getting further and further away, Crow couldn't help but show a look of reluctance on his face.

"Follow me, I'll show you where you live!" Tony Xiaomu said with a smile: "Although the condition of our ship is not good, what I want to tell you is that the room I prepared for you It’s so good!

Hot water, beer, and soft beds are all available 24 hours a day. Even when we get to the shore, we can ask two girls to come up and give you a complete relaxation..."

Tony Xiaomu said with a smirk on his face.

"You still said you don't know Kato Sakura?!" Lin Mo looked at Tony Komu and suddenly said.

Tony Xiaomu: "..."

You can’t get past this joke, right? !

Tony Xiaomu sent Lin Mo and Crow to the door of the room and left directly.

It seemed that Lin Mo was very angry.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could wait until I got to Yue Kingdom!" Crow Crow said with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand to push open the door.

In the room, there were bunk beds. The entire room was only six or seven square meters in area at most, with a bed taking up most of it. There was also a small table, and then there was a faucet that could supply hot water.

The remaining space is filled with beer, but judging from the packaging, it seems that it is not far from expiration.

"Okay!" Lin Mo shrugged helplessly: "I'll take the upper bunk."

After saying that, he jumped directly onto his bed, preparing to take a nap for a while.

"Let me have a drink first to calm down the shock!" Crow picked up a can of beer and drank it by himself.

Lin Mo was lying on the bed, and as the waves swayed, he gradually fell into sleep.

At the same time, Lin Mo began to practice crazily in his dream.

And in the process of cultivation, the spiritual power surged crazily and has directly enveloped the entire ship.

Lin Mo saw two women sitting in a certain room on the ship, and the water capacity of the entire ship was not small, but there were not many staff.

"There's something wrong with the ship!" Lin Mo muttered.

He had already figured out that the ship was actually a garbage ship with garbage cans piled on it. The garbage seemed to have been sorted.

Such a shipload of garbage would be impossible to handle without staff and just Tony Komu alone.

Therefore, there must be something wrong with the entire ship!

After reaching this conclusion, Lin Mo's mental power quickly searched for the whereabouts of Tony Xiaomu.

Lin Mo smiled at this sight.

Tony Xiaomu sneakily appeared at the door of two rooms with women, knocked gently, and walked in.

Soon after walking in, the sound of singing came from the house.

"This kid is really... convinced!" Lin Mo withdrew his mental power and let it just guard the entire room, not listening to the singing inside.

But the sounds he heard before were enough to scare Lin Mo.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Tony Xiaomu walked out of the room with a satisfied look on his face.

The moment he went out, Lin Mo saw Tony Xiaomu raise his hand to check the time.

Then Tony Xiaomu walked towards the deck, meeting no one along the way.

Just when Lin Mo thought that Tony Xiaomu was just here to blow the wind, Tony Xiaomu made a move of his own. He carefully untied the emergency lifeboat on the side of the boat. After the boat fell into the water, he turned around and took a look at his big boat. , and then climbed along the rope little by little towards the lifeboat.


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly condensed his energy and blood into a sharp force and shot towards the rope.

With a dull sound, Tony Xiaomu lay directly on the ground.

"You'd better not move at all now, otherwise, I can't guarantee what you will experience!" Lin Mo's voice rang in Tony Xiaomu's ears.

Tony Xiaomu was shocked because the voice he heard felt a bit familiar...

Then he thought of the reason why he heard this voice.

Isn't this his own voice?

Thinking of this, Dongni Xiaomu suddenly thought of what Lin Mo said before: "Spiritual power is the only source of all power.

Am I stupid because of Lin Mo?"

Thinking of this, Dongni Xiaomu quickly shook his head: "Impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible, I am another will you split out!" The voice sounded again.

Dongni Xiaomu was sure that he had not heard it wrong this time. He looked around blankly and said, "What should I do now?"

"Don't move, just stay here honestly, someone will come to interrogate you later, and then you can just say what you know!"

The voice disappeared directly.

Just when Dongni Xiaomu thought his hallucination disappeared, he suddenly found that his boat was rising.

When the boat rose to the same height as the side of the ship, he saw the faces of Lin Mo and Crow.

"Hello!" Lin Mo smiled and said.

Crow also waved expressionlessly.

Seeing Lin Mo like this, Dongni Xiaomu was completely scared. He was worried that Lin Mo would kill someone here.

Fortunately, Lin Mo didn't seem to have any intention of killing anyone. Instead, he looked at the crow and said, "Brother Crow, can we try him together?"

The crow nodded and looked at Lin Mo curiously.

He didn't understand why Lin Mo could sense someone running away while he was sleeping.

But now was not the time to think about these things. Since Dongni Xiaomu was ready to leave, it proved that something might happen later!

Thinking of this, Crow looked at Tony Xiaomu with hatred: "You said we have been friends for many years, how could you do such a thing? You disappoint me so much!"

Tony Xiaomu had an embarrassed look on his face: "We don't have much friendship, you beat me before!"

Now it was Crow's turn to be embarrassed, he glanced at Lin Mo and coughed lightly and said: "Okay, let's not talk about the past, let's talk about business now, why do you want to escape? Don't try to quibble, I have a way to tell the truth from the false!"

Looking at Crow's face, Tony Xiaomu showed a tangled look on his face, but in the end, he still sighed and said: "Because the back of this ship will become a battlefield..."

"Battlefield?!" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Tony Xiaomu.

And Crow was also shocked, how could this good smuggling ship become a battlefield?

But he soon thought of the most important reason...

"So, you were bribed by others to wait for us to get on the boat, and then brought us to this place where there is no place to go up and down, and handed us over to others, right?

Are you from Anfuzhen?"

Crow looked at Dongni Xiaomu, and the blood and energy began to surge in his body.

Feeling the interweaving of killing intent and blood and energy, Dongni Xiaomu's face turned pale.

"Please let me go, I have old people and young children..." Dongni Xiaomu cried loudly.

Although he didn't feel sad, he couldn't laugh in front of Crow and Dongni Xiaomu!

"Tell me, what is the specific situation, which group wants to deal with us!" Lin Mo looked at Dongni Xiaomu and asked one of the most important questions this time.

"The Neon people and several strong men from the Beautiful Country, according to my plan, after you all pass through the dangerous area, I will leave by myself. If you can't get out of the dangerous area by then, the final result will be death!"

Dong Ni Xiaomu opened his mouth, and then begged for mercy: "I promise that I really just did it according to their requirements. They arrested my family, and I had no choice!"

Lin Mo looked at Dong Ni Xiaomu, but his heart was not much touched, but he looked at the crow sitting there.

After a long time, the crow sighed and said: "Lin Mo, can you let him go, I believe he may..."


Before the crow finished speaking, he saw the light flashing in Lin Mo's hand, and he actually killed Dong Ni Xiaomu directly!

"Sorry, I can't let him go!" Lin Mo shook his head and said: "If we didn't find it today, we might die here..."

The crow looked at Lin Mo, and after a long time, he sighed slightly, as if he agreed with Lin Mo's approach.

After dealing with Dongni Xiaomu's body, the two suddenly realized a serious problem, that is, neither of them, two grown men, had any experience in sailing!

"Lin Mo, Crow, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded outside!

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