Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 330 Xu Fu's real purpose

Lin Mo's face suddenly became serious. He looked into the distance, where several figures were rushing madly.

One of them was wearing a navy blue robe with a dragon pattern embroidered in black thread. This person was An Fuzhen.

The people following An Fuzhen were not the ones Lin Mo had seen in the distance.

The people in front of him were obviously from the United States. They had white skin, yellow hair, and wore very distinctive suits.

There was also a woman among them. Lin Mo saw her at a glance, not because of how beautiful this woman was, but because Lin Mo felt a threatening breath from her.

"This woman is very strong, be careful!" Lin Mo glanced at the crow beside him and spoke softly.

The crow nodded: "This woman may be the angel they are talking about in the United States!"

"Angel? Does that thing really exist?" Lin Mo's face was shocked. In Western mythology, there is a special race living beside the gods. They have wings growing on their backs, are powerful, and control different powers.

The woman in front of Lin Mo felt very dangerous. Lin Mo could indeed feel a strong attribute power on her.

"Hand over the three artifacts. You should know that you can't escape!" An Fuzhen looked at Lin Mo and said lightly.


In front of Lin Mo, the sword, mirror and magatama were quietly suspended, and the three artifacts all emitted a terrifying fluctuation.

The beautiful people were attracted by the three artifacts at a glance.

"The three legendary artifacts are really well-deserved. I want that mirror!" One of the rough men spoke, holding a holy sword, the power of blood and qi was running, and there was a golden light shining behind him.

"This is a knight!" Lin Mo showed a shocked look on his face and looked at the rough man.

"You actually know the knight?!" The man smiled: "Since you know our identity, hand over the things quickly, we can make you talk faster!"

Lin Mo sneered and directly slashed Tian Kusanagi at the man.

"Cross Golden Light Slash!" The man sneered, and swung the holy sword in his hand fiercely downward.

The two rays of light intersected, forming a huge golden cross, which slashed towards Lin Mo with a brilliant golden light.

"Get out of the way, this knight's strength has reached the peak of the third-grade martial emperor!" Crow roared, trying to pull Lin Mo aside.

But Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "Brother Crow, do you think the three great artifacts in front of me are just a decoration?

Watch how I kill people!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo's blood and energy sank into the Eight-foot Mirror, and then the mirror shone brightly, shining on the golden cross slash.


At this moment, another golden cross slash appeared on Lin Mo's side, and rushed towards the cross slash in the air.

With a loud bang, the terrifying fluctuations made both sides retreat a few steps.

However, Lin Mo and his men were slightly weaker, and the distance they retreated was much greater.

"Let's do it together. I, Neon, am willing to share the three great artifacts with the United States!" An Fuzhen's voice sounded, and he was actually going to share the three great artifacts with the United States.

"Haha, do you Neon deserve it?!" Another man spoke up, holding the Holy Cross Sword in his hand, with a look of contempt on his face.

From the beginning to the end, in the eyes of the United States, there were no people from other countries at all.

In their eyes, except for the United States, the others were garbage!

An Fuzhen's face changed slightly, and he was a little unhappy at this time. He asked these people to help them. As a condition, Neon could lend them weapons for free use several times.

But this group of people actually wanted to take all the weapons back!

A hint of coldness flashed in An Fuzhen's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

He didn't speak, but just took the brunt of the attack on Lin Mo.

After An Fuzhen made a move, the remaining few people also followed suit.

"Spirit Realm!"

At this time, Lin Mo was no longer prepared to hide his power. He directly exerted his mental power, and the power of 300,000 points enveloped the front like a flood.

The leading few people wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The mental power directly enveloped all of them.

In the Spirit Realm, Lin Mo had a cold smile on his face.

The Spirit Realm has now been mastered by Lin Mo very well. After an upgrade, a new effect has been produced here.

That is, here, everyone's realm will be weakened by 30%, and the duration is one minute.

Although the time is not very long, the weakening of 30% is indeed terrifying.

After being weakened, the general strength of these people in front of them stopped at the realm of the third-grade martial emperor.

At the same time, their mental power was also weakened, and they didn't even have 100,000 points!

Such mental power is obviously not enough to face Lin Mo.


Accompanied by a slight tremor, the faces of several people trapped in the Spirit Realm suddenly became confused.

In front of Lin Mo, the mental clone stood there quietly.

In the center of the spiritual clone, a seed was faintly visible.

If you look closely, you can see that a green aura is sprouting from the seed, and this aura seems to be filling the surroundings of Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo showed a satisfied look on his face. After destroying the spiritual power of these people in the spiritual realm, it really had a significant feedback effect on the spiritual clone.

Feeling the comfort coming from his body, Lin Mo couldn't help but smile.

"Humph, you can still laugh when you are about to die!"

At this moment, a cold voice rang out, it was An Fuzhen's voice.

Then Lin Mo suddenly dispersed the spiritual realm and rushed to both sides at the same time.

He was very fast and rushed to the edge of the ship in just a few seconds.


The sound of the body exploding sounded, and An Fuzhen swung his fist and directly blasted the few people controlled by Lin Mo into bloody mud.

And Lin Mo had already stood in the distance, looking at An Fuzhen, his expression was a little solemn.

An Fuzhen's strength is indeed very strong. Even Lin Mo may not be able to take that punch just now.

"You are young, but you are so cruel. I will destroy you on behalf of the entire Western Angel Corps!"

Another voice sounded, and then two pieces of light and shadow suddenly rose behind the woman. It was a pair of wings!

The wings composed of light and shadow waved gently, emitting holy light.

"The true body of an angel!" Crow showed a look of surprise on his face: "This woman is not simple. She can actually show the true body of a double-winged angel. Her strength should have reached the level of a sixth-grade martial emperor!"

"Sixth-grade martial emperor?!" Lin Mo looked at the expression on Crow's face and couldn't help but speechless: "You look very excited. Don't you know that we are dead?"

"What else can I do? I am also desperate!" Crow spread his hands. He felt that he should have been able to lie down. This time he was basically cold.

"In fact, I have always had a question, that is, why did Xu Fu have to bring the three artifacts to Neon, what was his purpose?

When he found that the three artifacts could no longer be used on Neon land, what did he do?"

Lin Mo looked around. At this moment, they were far away from Neon Island.

From a distance, Neon Island looked like... a disgusting bug...

"Wait... a bug?!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something.

The three great artifacts were collected by Lin Mo at the same time.

At the same time, he slammed down towards the sea with the power of blood and qi.

With a loud bang, under the blessing of Lin Mo's Five Beast Fist, although it was only one blow, it was enough to set off a ten-foot-high wave!

An Fuzhen and the two-winged angel changed their faces slightly and retreated.

At this time, an even more terrifying scene appeared.

Shadows began to emerge from the waves.

The leader was a humanoid monster with a horn on his head. He held a spear in his hand, and his hands were also filled with dense scales.

Lin Mo speculated that this monster was definitely a dragon!

"After so many years, I actually saw the sun again. It's so comfortable!" The one-horned dragon smiled and spoke with a look of aftertaste on his face.

"Sea Clan?!"

The crow standing next to Lin Mo changed his expression slightly and looked at Lin Mo, as if he was asking for confirmation.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "The purpose of the three artifacts is to allow the sea clan to reproduce in Neon, and then An Fuzhen will use the power of the three artifacts to control the sea clan!

I even suspect that in Xu Fu's plan, he wants more than just the sea clan in this area!

He also wants all the areas of China!"

"So that's it, Xu Fu had no good intentions from the beginning, what he wanted was to control the entire Blue Star, right?"

The crow spoke coldly as if he had seen through Xu Fu's character.

Lin Mo nodded, then carried the crow's body and ran away.

But An Fuzhen and the angel were different. They had no chance to escape at all, and were directly surrounded by the sea clan!

"The sea clan...really appeared?!" After the crow and Lin Mo rushed a long distance in one breath, they looked back at their original position.

The place was already filled with dense sea creatures, and An Fuzhen and the double-winged angel had disappeared.

"It would be funny if the president of the Black Dragon Society died here!" Lin Mo chuckled and turned to look into the distance.

They had already escaped, but the most important thing now was not to be caught again.

In addition, they needed to hurry up and find a place to stay. Although Lin Mo's Yanxiang technique was very powerful, it was the first time for him to fly with someone.

Lin Mo could clearly feel that his blood and qi were flowing wildly, and he had reached the edge of collapse.

"Look at what's over there, is it a patrol boat from China?!" At this moment, the crow suddenly pointed at the big ship in the distance and shouted loudly: "Here, there are people here!"

The crow's cry worked, and a few minutes later, the ship turned around and headed towards the direction where the crow was!

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