"Are you martial arts cultivators?"

On the super long freighter, Zhou Ming, a man with a beard and greasy hair, was looking at Lin Mo and Crow.

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile: "Something happened, thank you Brother Zhou for saving me!"

If it hadn't been for Zhou Ming, they might have wandered at sea for a long time, or even been caught by An Fuzhen accidentally.

"We are all Chinese, so there is nothing wrong with helping each other... However, you two are definitely not bad people. I can warn you that in the Chinese sea area, you two had better keep your bad intentions away before our people find out. If so, I will ask someone to throw you back into the sea, do you understand?" Zhou Ming warned with a serious face, and then stood up to leave.

Lin Mo and Wu Yao nodded repeatedly and watched Zhou Ming leave with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, you two. Our captain is a talker, otherwise he wouldn't have let us change course to save you!" A crew member said with a smile: "By the way, were you two fighting with someone earlier? Half An hour ago, our radar detected some fluctuations. It looked scary. It shouldn’t be coming from you, right?”

Lin Mo and Wu Yao glanced at each other, and their hearts sank.

At that time, in order to escape from danger, Lin Mo directly summoned the Hai Clan.

If Lin Mo's prediction was correct, the entire Neon should have fallen into the hands of the Hai Clan now.

"Let's get out of here quickly. There may be danger in the direction of neon lights!" Lin Mo still warned.

The crew nodded, got up and left.

"Let me tell the captain first. In fact, we also feel the danger and are ready to go back!" He dropped these words and ran towards the captain's cabin.

Lin Mo glanced at Crow, sighed and said, "Neon should have a sea tribe showing up now, and I had no choice but to make this choice!"

"Lin Mo, please stop talking. This is also to save yourself. What's more, with the people from Beautiful Country, I don't think Neon will have much of a problem..." Crow shook his head: "We'd better return to China first. , and then let’s talk about other things!”

Lin Mo nodded, and both of them closed their eyes and waited quietly.

Just as the two were out of danger, above the neon sea.

Anfu Zhen and Two-Winged Angel looked at the thousands of sea monsters in front of them with ugly expressions.

Among these sea clans, there were extremely powerful sea clan experts. They looked at An Fuzhen coldly.


After a roar, the sea tribes rushed towards An Fuzhen.

"The prophecy left by our ancestors mentioned your existence, but I didn't expect you to appear now!" An Fuzhen looked indifferent, and a vaguely bloody figure appeared behind him.

"Hmph! Neon Man, you seem to be hiding a lot of things from us!" The two-winged angel had a displeased look on his face and said in a cold voice: "Does Neon want to experience the death of that year again? "

Faced with such a threat, An Fuzhen's expression did not change at all. Instead, he looked at the two-winged angels quietly and said calmly: "If you don't want the neon lights to disappear, you'd better take action quickly. Are these sea tribes like you?" Rivals of angels!"

The two-winged angel took a deep look at An Fuzhen and snorted: "It turns out that we underestimated you.

However, you are the first and last person who dares to play with our angel clan..."


As the words fell, the two-winged angel radiated a golden light.

The sea monsters that rushed up seemed to be frozen.

In fact, not only the sea people, but also the ripples on the sea, the wind, and the clouds seemed to have stopped moving and stagnated there at this moment.

Even An Fuzhen on the side had a shocked expression on his face, and his eyes seemed to be frozen, looking at the two-winged angel.

There is no doubt that this is a special field. In such a field, only the two-winged angels are not affected in any way!

She walked up to the sky step by step, and there seemed to be a holy song coming from her mouth. Golden lights cut through the sky like sharp swords. A gap appeared, and the same golden light shone down.

Figures condensed in the golden light. Their appearance was extremely holy, and they also had white wings behind them!

Four-winged angel! Seraphim!

There were a total of sixteen angels, and the number of seraphim among them actually reached ten!

The rest of them are all four-winged angels!

These angels stood in front of the double-winged angel, and the double-winged angel slowly knelt down on one knee with a pious look on his face and shouted piously:

"Praise God, the darkness will eventually dissipate, and God's light will shine on the earth!"


Sixteen angels suddenly raised their right hands, and sixteen holy swords were raised. Sixteen rays of light intertwined at this moment, forming a huge hexagram in the sky!

The six-pointed star rotates slowly, and a ray of light condenses on each star corner.


There were endless fluctuations in the air, and the sea tribes were all shrouded in six-pointed stars.

The six-pointed star slowly descended, and the expressions on the faces of the sea tribesmen were extremely serious.

With an extremely shining light, those sea people disappeared directly!

All angels except the two-winged angel disappeared.

The sea surface has returned to calm, the sea peaks are still blowing, and white clouds are floating in the sky.

An Fuzhen's eyes moved, and he looked at the sea creatures that had already disappeared in front of him, and there was a brief confusion in his eyes.

If he hadn't seen everything that happened in the whole process with his own eyes, he would have thought that what he saw was actually an illusion.

But now, he knew very well that everything he saw before was not an illusion.

"So strong..." An Fuzhen looked at the double-winged angel, and couldn't help but be shocked.

"An Fuzhen, are you willing to continue to worship the gods in the future?" The double-winged angel seemed to notice the change in An Fuzhen's mood, and smiled at him.

An Fuzhen's eyes flickered for a moment, and finally he slowly knelt in front of the double-winged angel.

"An Fuzhen is the most loyal servant of the gods, and is willing to serve forever in the place where the divine light shines!" An Fuzhen said piously.

"The three artifacts are extremely important. The will of the gods is for you to deliver them to the gods in the shortest possible time.

I will arrange a few people to assist you. Go to China, where the gods have not yet illuminated. I hope you will become the disseminator of the light of the gods!"

The winged angel looked at An Fuzhen and spoke softly.

An Fuzhen showed an excited smile on his face and bowed deeply: "I will be the most loyal disseminator of the light of the gods. The land of China will surely become a place covered by the light of the gods!"


China, Fucheng.

As one of the largest ports in China, Fucheng Port faces ships traveling back and forth between the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

These ships travel between China and various countries in Asia for maritime trade.

But today, the staff of the seaport discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, many ships returned empty.

You know, although some ships mainly transport goods from China to other countries for sale, they will never return empty when they return.

"Zhou Ming, what's the situation with you guys? You're all empty-handed. Do you have a lot of money?" A port manager looked at the captain of a ship and asked loudly.

"Don't mention it. Neon has a problem. We dare not get close. The waves are thirty or forty meters high. My god, if our small boat gets close, we will die!" Zhou Ming spoke slowly with a look of horror on his face.

Recalling the scene they saw before, he was still frightened.

After saving Lin Mo and Crow, they planned to sail normally according to the original plan.

But the crew soon came to warn that there was a sea storm in the Neon Sea area ahead.

At that time, Zhou Ming immediately called the satellite through his connections and saw those waves that were like hills.

In the end, Zhou Ming returned.

Compared with making money, life is more important.

Back to the port, Lin Mo and Crow were sent to the Public Security Bureau by Zhou Ming as soon as they got off the ship.

"Your name is Lin Mo?" The director of the Public Security Bureau looked at Lin Mo's ID card and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The name sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't figure out who Lin Mo was for a while.

He winked at the person behind him, and the staff member immediately turned around and left to investigate Lin Mo's relevant information.

"Your name is Crow, you are Japanese, what is your purpose in coming to China?" The head of the Public Security Bureau set his eyes on Crow again.

A Japanese came to China in this way, they had to treat it with caution.

"Let's wait until my identity is investigated before studying his problem!" Lin Mo said before Crow spoke.

The head of the Public Security Bureau glanced at Lin Mo and wanted to get angry, but in the end, he swallowed his anger.

He closed his eyes slightly, as if he was considering Lin Mo's words.

Soon, the person who left earlier came back, with an anxious look on his face, and whispered a few words in the ear of the Public Security Bureau.

"What did you say?" The head of the Public Security Bureau suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at Lin Mo, and then turned to look at the young police officer, as if to confirm the truth of his words.

"It's true. I sent the specific information to your phone!" The young police officer said quickly.

The director of the Public Security Bureau took out his hand and took a look, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Mr. Lin...Mr. Lin, this is all a misunderstanding. We didn't know you were on a special mission in Neon. We apologize for the trouble we caused you!"

The director of the Public Security Bureau spoke respectfully.

His phone not only had relevant information about Lin Mo, but also a latest report about Neon.

The report showed that just half a day ago, Neon was suddenly submerged by the tide. Although the tide receded in a very short time, Neon suffered heavy losses in this short period of time.

Countless temples were destroyed, and the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society was directly washed away, with countless casualties.

Although there was no evidence that all this was related to Lin Mo, the director of the Public Security Bureau had already imagined that Lin Mo sneaked into Neon alone and destroyed everything in Neon with the help of the little traitor Crow in Neon.


The director of the Public Security Bureau looked at Lin Mo with respect.

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