"He became a hero out of nowhere. Thinking about this kind of thing makes me feel psychedelic."

Leaving Fucheng Port, Crow looked at Lin Mo speechlessly.

Previously in the port city, the group heard about the great achievements imagined by Captain Zhou Ming, and they were so excited that they planned to hold a celebration banquet.

If Lin Mo and Wu Wu hadn't firmly refused, they might have been drunk in the deep land of Fucheng.

"As far as I know, the Black Dragon Society has quite a presence in the giant city of Rob. Are you sure you can establish your own power there?" Crow looked at Lin Mo worriedly.

If you are not a Neon person, you may not be able to understand the power of Neon in the entire Black Dragon Society.

Even when Neon's power was reshuffled by the beautiful people, the Black Dragon Society took the opportunity to start laying out its plans in the entire world.

China is the closest to Neon, so over the years, the Black Dragon Club has had the most layouts.

In fact, not only the Black Dragon Society, but also the forces that Neon took advantage of to rise have more or less left the seeds of evil in China.

"Don't underestimate those forces. They are like the roots of the Black Dragon that will stay in China. As long as the main root system is still there, those roots will be controlled forever.

Once the main root system gives the order, the roots buried throughout China will grow with all their strength. At that time, it will be a catastrophe for China. "

Crow had a worried look on his face and spoke softly.

“Since I dare to establish my own power in Rob City, I am naturally ready to face them.

Some things must be done little by little. Lin Mo said with a chuckle.

Whoosh whoosh!

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of breaking wind.

Not far away, several figures were approaching quickly.

"The troublemakers are here." Lin Mo looked at the figures and said calmly.


Three figures stood in front of Lin Mo and Wu Wu, but they were wearing the uniforms of the Ministry of War.

"Lin Mo, do you know your guilt?" The leader was a middle-aged man. The most distinctive thing about him was his pair of gloomy eyes. He looked Lin Mo up and down, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The peak of the fourth-grade Martial Emperor." Lin Mo glanced at the three of them. The strongest one was the fourth-grade Martial Emperor.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo experienced a battle at sea and had a slight breakthrough in his energy, blood and spiritual power, and he just reached the level of the fourth-grade Martial Emperor.

Hit them just fine.

"Lin Mo! Kneel down!"

Next to the middle-aged man, a man looked stern.


The man bent his knees and knelt there.


"Lin Mo, you are going too far!" Another man had an angry look on his face, raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo, shouting loudly.

Then, with a plop, he also knelt down there.

"It's interesting. Unlike the intelligence, your mental power has reached such an extent now." The man in the middle said with a chuckle, seemingly not paying any attention to the actions of the two people around him.


He took a step forward.

In an instant, the wind picked up!

The power of Qi and blood escaped from the man's body and headed towards Lin Mo.


Lin Mo's eyes were filled with light, and his mental power surged like a torrent.

The terrifying power of 400,000 points of mental power was completely revealed. Behind Lin Mo, the mental power was really like the water of the Yellow River.

The two people kneeling aside groaned and fell to the ground at the same time, gasping in pain.

Crow couldn't help but widen his eyes. He could tell that the two people knelt down earlier because Lin Mo forced them to kneel there with his mental power.

"Now that I'm here, your mental power is nothing to fear." The middle-aged man smiled.

He spread his right hand, and a golden token hung in his palm.

On the token is an ancient Chinese character written in flowers and birds - Zhen!

This is what he relies on.

The golden light was blazing, and in just a moment, Lin Mo's mental power was directly shaken away.


A mouthful of blood spat out from Lin Mo's mouth. The backlash caused by the collapse of his mental power caused him to lose his spiritual realm in an instant!

"Lin Mo!" Crow's face changed slightly. When he faced An Fuzhen in Neon, he didn't vomit blood. Now, he vomited blood before the battle even started.

"I'm fine." The sword of fire condensed in Lin Mo's hand, and the steaming flames enveloped Lin Mo's entire body.


The two people who were lying on the ground rushed out. They wanted to seize this opportunity and kill Lin Mo.

"Aren't you a little disrespectful to me?" Crow snorted coldly, and the black aura suddenly descended on his body, and his whole body seemed to be fused with darkness.


The black kunai pierced one of them, and almost at the same time, the black fist waved, stirring up endless black energy, and hit the chest of the other person.

"You are also a third-grade Martial Emperor!" The middle-aged man holding the token looked at the crow with a surprised expression.

He didn't seem to expect that there was another strong man accompanying Lin Mo.

"The token in your hand can suppress the target, but during the suppression, you seem to be unable to move!"

The crow's figure loomed in the darkness, and its voice came out.

"You are a Neon person." The man spoke softly: "Lin Mo destroyed Neon's most cherished shrine, and so many Neon people died, but now you want to stand on his side?

He carries your three artifacts with him. Now, as long as you stand by my side, the three artifacts are yours! "

"Do you have this right?!" The crow's figure completely solidified in the shadows, seeming to be very interested in the middle-aged man's proposal.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zhu Qiong, and I come from the Zhu family in China." The man announced his name, but the smile on his face was still as calm as ever.

"The Zhu family of China?!" Crow's face showed a look of surprise: "I didn't expect that the Zhu family, with their status, would do such a thing."

"What happened to the Zhu family?" Zhu Qiong said calmly: "A new era has arrived. China will be more than just China, and Blue Star will be more than just Blue Star.

Not just the Zhu family, but all families are making arrangements.

In the future, all forces will be shuffled and make wrong choices, and the final result will be to be eliminated and become the dust of history.

Our Zhu family just chose a path that is more suitable for us! "

"What do you need me to do?"

"Kill Lin Mo and take away the three artifacts of your Neon." Zhu Qiong said with a smile: "The Zhu family will protect you. After returning to Neon, hand over the three artifacts to the Black Dragon Society. Our Zhu family is behind you. Support, and you will become a big shot in the Black Dragon Club.

Under one person, above ten thousand people! "

"Good suggestion, very tempting." Crow nodded: "But I want to reject this suggestion..."


As soon as the words fell, the crow rushed towards Zhu Qiong with endless darkness.

"It's a pity that you made the wrong choice." Zhu Qiong shook his head with regret: "Since I came here, I must be fully prepared..."

After the words fell, another person slowly walked out.

It was a woman wearing a latex tights, which outlined her slim figure in an extremely alluring way.

The woman has purple hair, a face full of mature charm, and her eyes are full of provocation.

Like Zhu Qiong, she also held a golden token in her hand. The difference from Zhu Qiong's hand was that on her token, there was a puzzle written in flower and bird seals.

There was a crisp sound, like a sound that sounded in the depths of my heart and mind at the same time.

Crow's eyes were confused for a moment, and his pupils became dilated in a very short period of time.

He struggled for a moment, but soon, the light on the token became more blazing, and they enveloped the crow, making him instantly lose the ability to resist.

"Zhu Yan, let him kill Lin Mo." Zhu Qiong suddenly snorted: "Our Zhu family has controlled the Jiuzhou Order for thousands of years. It was not until the martial arts flourished that we understood the purpose of this thing.

It's a pity that the old guys at home refused to unite the Nine Provinces Order into one, otherwise, how could they only have so little power! "

"You still have the nerve to complain. If I hadn't followed, you would have messed up the Zhu family's affairs this time.

You should know very well that once the cooperation between the Zhu family and Neon is exposed, the whole of China will be shocked.

At that time, the Zhu family will have no retreat!

If you go back this time, you will definitely receive punishment from your family, and the token in your hand will also be taken back.

Now how about a deal between you and me? Give me the token in your hand and surrender to me. I can keep your position in the Zhu family.

In the future, the Zhu family will be controlled by the two of us! "

Zhu Yan licked the corner of her mouth, with a charming smile on her face, and walked towards Zhu Qiong step by step.

Her hand crossed Zhu Qiong's face, and then his chest.

"Zhu Yan, you are crazy. I am your brother! Damn it, it's that token. The token in your hand has side effects!" Zhu Qiong suddenly understood.

Those tokens gave them great power, but with side effects.

The side effect of the Town Token is that when activated, the person holding the token cannot move.

The side effect of the Token of Confusion is that after using the token, the person holding the token will feel confused and confused.

"Give me the token in your hand!" Zhu Yan spoke again. At this moment, her breathing had become hot, and the desire in her eyes had become stronger.

Tear it apart!

There was a crisp sound, and Zhu Qiong's shirt was torn to pieces!

"You're crazy!" Zhu Qiong's expression changed drastically. At this time, he had no choice.

With a buzz, he put away the token in his hand.

He raised his hand and punched Zhu Yan in the chest.

"I want the token in your hand!" Endless madness emerged in Zhu Yan's eyes: "Kill him!"

She gave the order coldly, and then a figure flashed past, and it turned out to be a crow rushing towards Zhu Qiong.

"Damn it!" Zhu Qiong couldn't help but yell, and at the same time he was retreating crazily. The energy and blood power consumed by the previous token was too terrifying, and he was no match for the crow now.

At this time, the power of Qi and blood in Lin Mo's body began to circulate, and his mental power was also recovering crazily.

As if feeling the fluctuation behind her, Zhu Yan slowly turned around and looked at Lin Mo, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"You seem to be more in line with my taste!" Zhu Yan licked the tip of her tongue and walked towards Lin Mo step by step.


There was a muffled sound, and Lin Mo's face was full of disgust. His mental energy poured out overwhelmingly, and he pinned Zhu Yan to the ground.

With a crisp sound, Lin Mo took the token directly in his hand.

"Token of Confusion." Lin Mo chuckled, and a touch of energy and blood was injected into it, and the crow's eyes instantly returned to clarity.

"Don't stop, keep killing!" Lin Mo's voice sounded behind him.

Crow nodded and suddenly accelerated.

A pair of black wings appeared behind him, and the black feathers were like sharp swords!


A large amount of blood splashed out, staining the ground red.


The token of suppression trembled again, and the crow was fixed there in the rippling light.

But the next moment, Lin Mo's figure appeared in front of Zhu Qiong


There was a muffled sound, and Lin Mo raised his hand and pierced his chest.

At the moment Zhu Qiong fell, Lin Mo held the token of suppression in his hand.

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