Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 334 Rob's sudden change

After Chen Banzi and Ye Qing heard Lin Mo's voice, they looked at him with surprise on their faces.

"Lin Mo!"

Ye Qing and Chen Banzi spoke in unison. When they were about to approach Lin Mo, they were seen by others in the room, and then they directly held the knife in their hands in front of them.

"You two, stand still!" The man holding the knife had a vicious look on his face, turned to look at Lin Mo, and said contemptuously: "Are you Lin Mo?

Kill members of my Xiao family in the capital, and ruin the good things of my Xiao family here. How do you want to die? ! "

Lin Mo ignored him, but looked at Chen Banzi: "Master, they are..."

"People from the Xiao family in the capital. In addition, the Xiao family in Luobu City is actually a branch of them.

The Xiao Ruhai and Xiao Yan you killed in the capital belonged to the same lineage in the capital.

Over the years, there has been almost no contact between the two branches, but now because of changes in the giant city of Luobu, these people have come here one by one, wanting to annex the Xiao family here! "

Lin Mo had a look of sudden enlightenment on his face after listening to Chen Banzi's words.

When Lin Mo heard Xiao Yan's name in Luobu City before, he felt it was familiar, but he didn't expect that it had the same name as the person he killed in the capital.

But Lin Mo didn't expect that the two Xiao families were of the same bloodline.

"Where's Xiao Yan? And Xiao Qian, these two are not fools. It shouldn't be so easy to just admit defeat!"

"Xiao Qian is one of theirs, and he should be at Xiao Yan's house now.

This time, the Xiao family in the capital is well prepared, and Xiao Yan may not be able to resist it! "

Chen Banzi's face was very ugly. Lin Mo handed over the affairs of Luobu Giant City to him, but unexpectedly, he didn't complete much of the layout, but instead caused trouble for Lin Mo.

"Since he is a member of the Xiao family in the capital, there is nothing to say... kill him!"

Lin Mo looked at the people in the room, and his face suddenly darkened.

With just a word-killing exit, the temperature of the entire room seemed to have dropped a lot.

The strength of the man holding the knife has reached the peak of the fourth-grade Martial Emperor. At this moment, when he heard Lin Mo's voice, he instinctively slashed the knife in his hand hard on Ye Qing and Chen Banzi.

But the token in Lin Mo's hand flickered, and a beam of light fell on him, and then another beam of light fell on Lin Mo himself.


The light of the knife flashed, and the knife cut down, causing the blood to splash out and fall on the ground, like blossoming red plums!


A scream resounded, but the sound did not come from Ye Qing or Chen Banzi's mouth.

I saw a man not far away from the man holding the knife, covering half of his body and screaming, then struggled twice, fell directly to the ground, and then lost his voice.

The man holding the knife stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and then suddenly looked up at Lin Mo.

"This...are you controlling all of this?" The man with the knife was far more powerful than Lin Mo, but he was still controlled by the fused token.

In fact, this is also a problem that Lin Mo discovered, that is, what the Kyushu Order values ​​most is not the power of Qi and blood, but the spiritual power!

Although Lin Mo's energy and blood power were not as strong as those of men, his mental power was able to crush the latter.

So you can control him briefly.

"You deserve to die!" The man with the knife shouted coldly, and he rushed towards Lin Mo like a tyrannosaurus.

His speed was so fast that the knife in his hand was instantly wrapped in the power of blood and expanded in a circle!

Even because the speed was so fast, the terrifying sword light trailed a long tail light, which actually made the whole air start to tremble!

"Brother Crow, get ready!" Lin Mo looked at Crow and suddenly shouted.

The next moment, the token in Lin Mo's hand flashed again.

The knife-wielding man who rushed forward paused for a moment, then suddenly stood on the spot from the forward charging state, and the energy and blood in his body began to decrease crazily.


As the remaining people watched in amazement, Crow's hands turned into bone claws and pierced directly through the chest of the man holding the knife!

"Hahaha, it's so cool. I, a second-grade Martial Emperor, can directly kill the fourth-grade peak Martial Emperor alone. This is so embarrassing to say!"

The crow couldn't help but speak loudly.

"I haven't seen you for so many years and you are still so shameless!" Chen Banzi stared at the crow and spoke slowly after a long time.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Crow Crow's face, he looked at Chen Banzi and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, please don't laugh at me...I haven't seen you for so many years, but your body is still strong, and your strength actually surpasses mine!"

This time it was Chen Banzi's turn to have black lines on his face. He glared at Crow fiercely and then paused slightly.

"Where is he?" Chen Banzi asked softly.

"I disappoint you!" Crow shook his head.

Chen Banzi looked sad for a moment, then nodded and said, "I don't blame him!"

"Let's kill first and then talk about it. There are still many enemies!" Lin Mo looked at the two of them and said with a chuckle: "This trip to Neon is thanks to Brother Crow, otherwise, I might be in a lot of trouble. !”

Chen Banzi smiled and nodded, then gave a cold shout and killed the remaining people.

After the strongest person was killed, although the remaining people were not weak, they could not withstand the attacks of the three people. In less than half an hour, they were all killed!

"Master, what happened during this period of time? Why did these people from the capital appear here?"

After dealing with the corpse, Lin Mo and others sat directly on the chairs.

Chen Banzi sighed lightly, and then said: "All this should be related to the Ye family...

The Ye family wanted to take over the power of the Dog Prince, but because of your appearance, they failed, and even lost their grandson here.

The power of the Ye family in the capital is much greater than that of the Xiao family, so in order to please the Ye family, the Xiao family took the initiative to come to the door!

Originally, we have begun to take root in the Rob City, but who would have thought that the Xiao family suddenly took action. At present, the entire Rob City is in the hands of the Xiao family in the capital..."

"Xiao Ruhai, the head of the Xiao family in the capital, has died in my hands. What other strong people do they have here?"

"There is another person named Xiao Qianren. This person is Xiao Ruhai's father. He is almost 120 years old this year. His strength is unfathomable. Some people think that his current strength has reached the seventh-grade martial emperor, or even higher, but no one has ever seen him use his full strength!"

Chen Banzi thought for a moment, and then said: "But you don't have to worry, he should have entered the abyss..."

Entered the abyss?

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something, that is, he has someone in the Rob Abyss!

His Qi and Blood clone is in the abyss...

"I hope the Qi and Blood clone can be more powerful, and it would be best to leave Xiao Qianren in the abyss!" Lin Mo thought so in his heart, and at the same time looked at Chen Banzi: "Can the gate of the abyss be blocked first?!"

Block the gate? !

Several people present stared at Lin Mo, this is really a strange idea.

After a long time, Chen Banzi shook his head slightly and said: "I can't bet, but he shouldn't come out for a while, we have enough time to deal with the above things!"

Lin Mo stood up and said: "In this case, let's do it as soon as possible!"

After that, he looked at Ye Qing: "You stay here, there will definitely be a big battle later, I don't feel at ease with you following me!"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo, and then nodded heavily.

A sensible woman always knows what she should do at what time.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi brought Crow to Xiao Yan's house.

When standing at the gate, Lin Mo couldn't help but frown.

Because a strong smell of blood had come out through the gate, there was no need to ask, this time Xiao Yan's family must have suffered heavy casualties.


With a loud bang, the door was kicked open from the inside, and then several figures rushed out.

The leader was Xiao Qian.

He was wearing a golden robe, which was stained with blood at this moment, looking like black ink spots.

With a smile on his lips, he looked up and down at Lin Mo, and nodded slightly: "I thought you wouldn't come back. Now that you're back, then die!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed directly towards Lin Mo.


At this moment, Lin Mo took out the token directly, and the light flashed, covering Xiao Qian.

The next moment...


With a muffled sound, Xiao Qian, who was rushing towards Lin Mo, suddenly changed his movements and knelt straight in front of Lin Mo.

The faces of the Xiao family members following Xiao Qian changed drastically.

"Damn it, we were deceived, Xiao Qian is a traitor, he has surrendered to Lin Mo! Repeat, Xiao Qian is a traitor, he has surrendered to Lin Mo!

I didn't lie, we all saw it with our own eyes, he knelt down when he saw Lin Mo!"

Those following Xiao Qian were all from the Xiao family in Beijing. They had planned to follow behind to grab some credit, but they almost cried when they saw Xiao Qian kneeling down.

"This dog-like thing actually cheated us!" Someone couldn't help but curse.

At this moment, Xiao Qian, who was kneeling there, wanted to cry but couldn't make a sound.

In fact, he was in pain, he couldn't control his body at all, and he knelt down directly!

Lin Mo smiled at the corners of his mouth and looked at the people behind Xiao Qian: Since you have misunderstood, let's make you misunderstand more deeply!

Thinking of this, the token in Lin Mo's hand flashed again.

Xiao Qian stood up with a bang, turned around and rushed towards the nearest person.

A ball of light condensed in his hand and pressed hard on the man's chest.


After a muffled sound, a huge wound exploded on the chest of the man he caught, and his internal organs were completely destroyed at this moment!

"Report to the Xiao family, Xiao Qian has completely betrayed, repeat, Xiao Qian has completely betrayed!

All the Xiao family members in Rob Giant City cannot be trusted!"

The remaining few Xiao family members in the capital shouted in panic, and then turned and rushed into the house.

Because there are still many masters of the Xiao family in the capital in the house!

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