Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 335 Joining forces with the Xiao family!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The remaining figures rushed into the house frantically.

Behind them, Xiao Qian followed with a steel knife and killed people.

Looking at Xiao Qian's angry face, they felt depressed.

"You are angry, we should be angry when you chase us and cut us, okay?"

"Do you want us to stop and wait for death, so that you can smile?"

As they ran, they couldn't help complaining in their hearts.

Xiao Qian: Baby is bitter...

The changes outside finally attracted the attention of everyone in the Xiao family. With the sound of several winds, more than a dozen powerful people appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Mo's eyes sank. Among the few people who appeared, the strongest one had reached the early stage of the fifth-grade martial emperor!

"Share it!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, and the token in his hand trembled again, and a beam of light enveloped several of the dozen people.

But the light flashed for a moment and then disappeared directly.

"It seems that the number of times of control is also limited, it should be about three times!" Lin Mo sighed lightly, this time the control failed.

However, every time he controls others, the mental power and blood power consumed are also very terrifying.


The Dragon Spear instantly pierced Xiao Qian's body.

Because he was still rushing forward, after the tip of the spear pierced his body, the force of inertia made him break free from the Dragon Spear, and rushed forward two steps before falling heavily to the ground.

"Don't believe her, this dog thing is a traitor!" The people of the Xiao family in Beijing looked at Xiao Qian, who was lying on the ground without life, without any sympathy on his face, but raised his hand and slapped his body.

With a puff, the body was directly torn into pieces.

"Really dead!" The man who made the move was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Good death, killed several people in my Xiao family, and now died in my hands, it can be regarded as a worthy death!"

"Do it!" The strongest man on the Xiao family side shouted coldly, and then rushed towards Lin Mo first.

He was not a fool. He could tell at a glance that among these people, Lin Mo was the strongest.


The vibration sound resounded again, but this time there was no flash of light.

Instead, the Eight-foot Mirror appeared in front of Lin Mo. All the martial arts of the Xiao family members who took action were copied by the Eight-foot Mirror at this moment, and then returned to these people!

Screams rang out. The biggest advantage of the Eight-foot Mirror is that when copying martial arts, it can achieve a perfect 100% restoration!

So many martial arts were copied and returned to oneself at the same time. Who can withstand it when caught off guard?

Just a face-to-face, these people received serious injuries!

The dragon roar resounded, and Lin Mo held the Dragon Spear and performed the Silver Dragon Spear Technique.

The blood and qi power turned into a silver dragon and rushed directly towards the few people!

The injured people resisted hurriedly, but one wrong step, and the whole game was lost!

The silver dragon bared its fangs and claws, and directly tore the weakest people into pieces.

The remaining strong man was already injured, and now he is seriously injured!


When the silver dragon attacked, Lin Mo had already rushed up again!

The blood and qi were boiling, and the Five Beast Fist completely exerted its most powerful attack power at this time.

A mouthful of blood was spit directly on the ground, and the strong man of the Xiao family was hit in the chest by Lin Mo's five consecutive punches.

It can be seen that his chest was deeply sunken, and he looked extremely pitiful.

But at this time, no one would feel sorry for this person, but they were all shocked by Lin Mo's strength.

It must be said that Lin Mo is too strong. In just a few minutes, he beat so many people to death by himself!

"Hit, otherwise there will be nothing for us!" The crow on the side spoke, and then rushed up directly.

"You guys take action, I'll go to save people!" Lin Mo shouted, thought about it, and threw his sword of fire to the crow.

Between the flashing figures, Lin Mo rushed into the depths of the Xiao family.

Along the way, Lin Mo met several strong men from the Xiao family in Beijing, but Lin Mo did not stop at all and killed them all directly!

Finally, Lin Mo met a strong man in the backyard.

In front of the strong man stood a woman, and this person was Xiao Xun'er!

When he saw Xiao Xun'er, Lin Mo's heart sank, and he thought that this woman had been treated in some way!

But the next words made Lin Mo feel a lot more relieved.

"Bitch, I have given you so many chances. I'm saying it for the last time. If you obey me, I can make your father suffer less. Otherwise... I will rush in now and give your father two knives!" The man said as he walked towards Xiao Xun'er.

"You are so old, don't you feel ashamed?" Lin Mo looked at this scene and smiled and spoke directly.

Only then did the man realize that there was still a person standing behind him.

He turned around suddenly and rushed directly towards Lin Mo!

It must be said that this person is also powerful and can make the most correct choice in the shortest time!

But Lin Mo was not in a hurry at all. This man was far inferior to him in strength. He was only a second-grade martial emperor!

Five Beast Fist!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he attacked directly!

With a loud bang, Lin Mo's fist hit the man directly.

A crackling sound rang out, and the man fell directly to the ground, looking at the sky with a distracted look.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Xun'er.

During the last time I treated her, Xiao Xun'er seemed to be doing well. At least for now, her face looked much normal.

"Lin Mo, you're back!" Seeing Lin Mo, Xiao Xun'er's face suddenly showed a smile, and she couldn't help but take two steps towards Lin Mo.

But soon he stood there again, looking at Lin Mo timidly.

"I have disabled this man's limbs. Now he is a useless person, leaving it to you to deal with!" Lin Mo pointed at the man on the ground and said softly.

"Thank you!" Xiao Xun'er looked at the man on the ground, his eyes full of hatred, and then he looked at Lin Mo: "Brother Lin Mo, can you help me rescue my father first? He is in the dungeon now. , He has the key on him!"

Xiao Xun'er said, nodding and finding the key on the man's body, then handed it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded, hesitated, and handed the ice knife to her.

Then he left here without looking back.

Shortly after he left, a scream suddenly sounded behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the man's screams could not be heard. It was hard to imagine what Xiao Xun'er had done to him.

Lin Mo shook his head, and his mental energy suddenly dispersed, and he found the location of the dungeon.

After opening the door with the key, Lin Mo stabbed Tian Congyun forward fiercely at the same time!

With a scream, Lin Mo took Tian Congyun back.

"If you want to plot against me, you're not qualified enough!" Lin Mo looked at the man lying on the ground and sneered.

When his mental power dispersed earlier, Lin Mo had already noticed his presence, so the moment he opened the door, he took action and killed the man!

Lin Mo walked straight to the depths of the dungeon and saw Xiao Yan and others locked inside.

Xiao Yan's strength is not weak, but he has been crippled at this moment. Someone used a hook on his shoulder to pierce the pipa bone, and his limbs were also crippled.

After Lin Mo opened the prison door, he stepped forward and took out the magatama. The power of blood surged and enveloped Xiao Yan's body.

Soon, Xiao Yan's injuries recovered to some extent.

After Lin Mo took off the hook, Xiao Yan's momentum instantly returned to its peak!

Lin Mo breathed lightly for a moment, then looked at Xiao Yan: "The Xiao family has been almost occupied by the Xiao family in the capital... Do you want to take action?!"

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and when he looked up again, his eyes were full of murderous intent: "Whatever they did to my Xiao family, I will repay them with the same means!"

Lin Mo nodded. At first, he was worried about Xiao Yan's sense of belonging to the Xiao family in the capital. But now it seems that he is overthinking it!

After leaving the dungeon with Xiao Yan, the first thing he saw was Xiao Xun'er and the extremely mutilated corpse on the ground.

After Xiao Xun'er saw Lin Mo, a shy smile appeared on his face.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, not because of Xiao Xun'er's shy smile, but because the panic in her eyes had disappeared.

In fact, Lin Mo knew very well that Xiao Xun'er was not harmed in any way, but due to special reasons, she didn't know much about this kind of thing. The mere verbal offense made her feel that she was impure, so she had feelings for men. So much hate.

However, after the man died, this hatred disappeared.

"You stay here, I will let your eighth uncle and the others guard you here, while dad takes the rest of the people to drive away the bad guys!" Xiao Yan stepped forward, patted Xiao Xun'er's head, and said softly.

Xiao Xun'er nodded and stood honestly behind a middle-aged man.

Xiao Yan looked at Lin Mo and said solemnly: "Thank you, let's go!"

A group of people rushed forward in a mighty manner.

With the addition of Xiao Yan and others, the entire situation was suddenly reversed.

So it only took half a day for everyone in the Xiao family in the capital to be killed!

Because of Xiao Qian's death, the Xiao family led by Xiao Qian now sided with Xiao Yan. Those who were unwilling to side with Xiao Yan were directly killed!

From now on, only two major forces, Chen Banzi and the Xiao family, representing Lin Mo, are left in the entire Luobu City!

Of course, compared to the two forces, Xiao Yan's power is much greater, but at this moment, it is inside the palace of Lord Dog.

"Lin Mo, from now on, my Rob Xiao family will be at your disposal!" Xiao Yan sat at the bottom, looked at Lin Mo, clasped his hands and spoke respectfully.

"What are you talking about, Uncle Xiao? I just hope that from now on, in the huge city of Luobu, you and I can help each other!"

No matter how great the danger is in the future, we cannot give in even half a step! "

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Yan and spoke seriously.

"That's natural!" Xiao Yan nodded: "However, I still said the same thing. From now on, I will hang out with you. I have no other skills, but I am pretty accurate at judging people. I think I will follow you. , the future achievements will definitely not stop there!”

Lin Mo smiled and said nothing more.

However, one thing he knows very well is that from now on, he, Lin Mo, has the final say in the entire Rob City!

"Finally, I have a starting point of my own power..." Lin Mo, who was sitting on the chair, looked into the distance and thought silently.

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