Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 344: The True Face of the Little Saint

This voice suddenly rang out, with a supreme majesty and an unquestionable tone.

Princess Yu'er and the guards trembled all over and almost knelt there.

As for Xiaolu, she also looked at the direction of the sound with awe.

Everyone attached great importance to this voice... except Lin Mo.

At this moment, Lin Mo heard his voice, but his hands did not stop at all, and he directly grabbed the fruit in his hand.

After watching a fruit being picked, almost one-third of the fruits on the tree fell down, turning into energy, rushing madly into the fruit in Lin Mo's hand.

Feeling the surging power in the fruit, Lin Mo smiled.

This fruit is really like what Xiaolu said, only three fruits can mature on the tree every year, and now he has picked one, and there are still two fruits left on the tree.

"Since we are here... why not give them some local specialties!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he looked at the tree and chuckled, "I'll take the remaining two fruits too, so that everyone won't fight over the fruits."

As he spoke, Lin Mo had already flashed and rushed towards the distance.


At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Lin Mo, looking at Lin Mo quietly.

"No!" This voice spoke, with a pure breath in his tone.

He seemed to be a superior who was high above, issuing orders to his subordinates.

There was a terrifying fluctuation of blood and qi on his body, and it was so overturned that Lin Mo's body seemed to be pressed by a mountain.


However, Lin Mo seemed not to hear his words, and the whole person rushed forward like a cannonball.

The Five Beast Fist was launched, and the terrifying fist intent enveloped the front and slammed into the man's body.

The man obviously didn't expect Lin Mo to suddenly attack, his face changed slightly, and he raised his hand to resist.

At the same time, he also used the power of Qi and blood to prop up a protective barrier, blocking each fruit, so that they could survive the impact of Qi and blood.




Lin Mo failed to hit with one blow, so he continued to hit.

The Five Beast Fist has been raised to a very terrifying bottom by Lin Mo. At this moment, it is like a divine power in actual combat!

The guard couldn't help swallowing his saliva and looked at Princess Yu'er with difficulty: "Too strong, he is really too strong, Princess, why don't you think of a way to keep him, the king will definitely be very happy!"

Princess Yu'er raised her hand and slapped the guard in the face, but this slap was obviously not very strong: "What are you talking about, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Mo's back and was a little absent-minded for a while.

"Will my father really be happy?" Princess Yu'er couldn't help but start to think about this question.

"Pfft! What am I thinking about!" Princess Yu'er said with a shy look on her face.

The guards on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh: It's over, it seems that their princess really likes someone from the outside world!

What a sin!

On the other side, Lin Mo and the man were fighting hard.

In fact, the man's strength is much stronger than Lin Mo, but he has to divide a lot of energy to take care of those national students, so that when fighting with Lin Mo, he has no way to use his full strength.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo can feel that the man has left a certain margin when he attacked.

In other words, the man doesn't want to kill him at all!

"I am still useful to him!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he figured out the most critical point at once.

"Lin Mo, can we talk!"

After fighting for a while, the man finally couldn't help it and spoke directly to Lin Mo.

At the same time, he showed a terrifying blood power and smashed it hard on Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo kept retreating with a look of surprise on his face.

"Your strength is really terrifying. Aren't you unwilling to use your strength? Keep going!" Lin Mo's face was full of mockery, and he had no intention of stopping.

Lin Mo forced a fight, and the man had no chance of refusing.

Faced with such a situation, the two could only fight again.

But this time the man's fight was obviously full of anger. Every time he attacked, he was quite domineering, and the terrifying sound of fluctuations resounded, without any consideration for the fruits.

However, Lin Mo noticed that although the fruits were constantly shaking, they did not seem to fall.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu in surprise.

Sure enough, Xiao Lu's eyes were full of determination, and it was obvious that she was controlling the fruits so that they would not fall.

Lin Mo's face was full of helplessness. He now understood that Xiao Lu was really the kind of indecisive person, too kind.

Boom boom boom!

The booming sound continued, and the man had obviously gained the upper hand.

Another bombardment, the two figures were constantly retreating, Lin Mo stood in place, looking at the man.

The man was also looking at Lin Mo: "You should have seen that you are not my opponent at all. Now, we can have a good talk, please believe that I have no ill intentions!"

Lin Mo looked at the man, his face expression noncommittal.

The man looked at Lin Mo and said nothing, then thought for a moment and said, "You are from the outside and I am from the abyss. We may indeed be enemies, but I have been thinking about how we can no longer be hostile. become friends!

My wish is for the creatures in the abyss and the creatures outside to live in peace! "

With a smile on his face, the man said slowly: "You should have guessed it by now. I am the Little Saint, and the holy mountain in front of you is me."

The man had a calm look on his face and spoke slowly.

"So? What are your plans?" Lin Mo asked lightly.

"I have a way to make us live in peace!" Little Saint said with a smile: "You have also seen the power of the Holy Tree.

Its fruit can allow people to break through their original boundaries and increase their upper limit.

But all this is not enough!

Just being the Martial Emperor is not enough, we have to do better, we have to be stronger!

The quality of the holy fruit can still be improved!

As long as the quality of the holy fruit is raised to a terrifying bottom, and our strength is strong enough to make everyone listen to us, then we can let the creatures of the abyss and the creatures of the outside world live in peace! "

There was a fanatical look on Xiao Sheng's face, and his eyes looking at Lin Mo became eager: "But I can't accomplish all this by myself, I need you to be with me!"

"So what should I do?"

"There should be a seed in your body. I have been looking for this seed for many years, but I have never found it.

It wasn't until you appeared that I discovered that all plans can be accomplished, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me!

Hand over the seeds in your body and let me fuse them with the holy tree. When the time comes, the fruits that will grow will be one for each of us!

With these two fruits, our strength will become very strong. When the time comes, you will represent the people outside, and I will represent the creatures of the abyss. We will always be at peace!

We can even communicate with each other, allowing your people to grow in the abyss, and our people can also live in the outside world!

Is not it good? "

With enthusiasm on his face, Xiao Sheng spoke slowly.

He seemed to have seen such a scene, and his eyes were shining when he said this.

Lin Mo watched his performance quietly with a faint smile on his face.

"Lin Mo, come on, the world is in our hands. As long as the two of us join hands, the world can be created according to our ideas!"

Xiao Sheng spoke loudly, just like a speaker, crazily bewitching Lin Mo.

However, his goal was wrong!

"Sounds good, but I refuse!"

Just when the look on the little saint's face became more and more holy, Lin Mo's voice suddenly sounded, directly interrupting his voice.

"You...what did you say?!" Xiao Sheng looked at Lin Mo with disbelief written on his face: "Are you kidding? Do you know what you just rejected?"

"I'm not joking, I just refuse!" Lin Mo's expression remained calm, but his tone was firm: "Why should I cooperate with you, why should I believe you?

To be honest, I don't believe you at all! "

"Lin Mo, please believe me. I really want to make the lives of the two worlds better. Wouldn't it be nice if there was no war between us?"

Xiao Sheng was still talking, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Okay, but I just don't believe you!" Lin Mo slowly took two steps back and distanced himself from the man: "Xiao Lu, if I were you, I would stay away from him now. That would be safer!"

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and spoke softly.

Xiao Lu looked at Lin Mo, and then at Xiao Sheng.

"Xiao Sheng, why do I feel that you are a little different from before?" Xiao Lu looked at Xiao Sheng with a look of horror on his face.

"Xiao Lu, what are you talking about? I am still the same as before. We are all good friends. Have you forgotten?" Xiao Sheng said softly with a smile on his face.

But Xiao Lu shook her head and said: "There is something wrong with you. I feel a dangerous aura in you. I want to stay away from you!"

After saying that, he actually ran towards Lin Mo!

Seeing that Xiao Lu was about to leave him, Xiao Sheng's face showed an angry look.

"Damn it, why are you all unwilling to listen to me? Xiaomori is like this, and even you are like this! Aren't you afraid of death?

Or do you want to be like Komori, a puppet in my hands, without any consciousness of your own? ! "

Xiao Sheng's words and expression made Xiao Lu start to tremble all over, because at this moment, Xiao Sheng's entire face was completely distorted, looking like an evil ghost in hell!

Xiao Lu stood next to Lin Mo, looked at Xiao Sheng and said, "You just said that Xiao Sen is your puppet now, so I haven't met Xiao Sen for so many years. It's actually because he is dead, right?" ?”

"He is not dead, he just gave everything for me, including his consciousness!" Xiao Sheng had a vicious look on his face: "In fact, you are almost there, as long as you fuse Lin Mo's seeds into your On my body, you are a perfect tree!

When the time comes, I will swallow you directly, and then you will become mine!

Then the three of us will be able to become one!

How are you? Are you happy? "

He walked towards Xiaolu step by step, but Xiaolu had a horrified look on her face, and she was thinking about walking behind step by step.

It can be seen that Xiaolu was extremely nervous, and even hid directly behind Lin Mo.


At this moment, Xiaosheng rushed towards Lin Mo and Xiaolu regardless of everything.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time. Do you really think I can't do anything to you!" Lin Mo's voice sounded at this time.

At the same time, a steady stream of blood and energy began to gather from all directions.

And Lin Mo's mental power also began to surge at this moment!

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