Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 345: The mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole waits behind

The abundant spiritual power surged, and Lin Mo's clone stood there quietly, his whole body swelled up like a ball.

Xiaosheng's eyes were still full of resentment. He turned a blind eye to Lin Mo's changes and focused on attacking Xiaolu.

Xiaolu's body was the holy tree. At this moment, the holy tree had been controlled by Xiaosheng. Xiaolu, who had lost his body, had lost a lot of strength.

As long as Xiaolu was swallowed, Xiaosheng's strength would definitely increase significantly.


The spiritual power spread like ripples, directly covering Xiaolu and Xiaosheng.

"Suppress it for me!"

Lin Mo spoke coldly, and the Zhen character flashed, and a ray of light fell on Xiaosheng.

In an instant, Xiaosheng's body trembled, and he stood there directly, unable to move at all!

Lin Mo stood there, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Zhen character was indeed useful. Now as long as Xiaolu took action...

When Lin Mo looked at Xiaolu, he was stunned.

Behind Xiao Lu, an old shadow appeared there.

In his hand was a short knife, but at this moment it was flowing with the power of blood and qi.

Seventh-rank martial emperor!

Lin Mo's eyes were cold. Anyone who could directly break into the spiritual world must be far more powerful than Lin Mo.

Looking at the old man at this moment, Lin Mo already knew his identity.

Xiao Qianren!

Lin Mo's purpose of entering the abyss was to find him. According to Lin Mo's guess, Xiao Qianren should have entered the Holy Mountain.

But after Lin Mo entered the Holy Mountain, he did not find his whereabouts.

It turned out that he had been hiding in the dark.

"Kill them!" Xiaosheng looked at Xiao Qianren and suddenly said, "You can take all the holy fruits this time!

Our cooperation will continue in the future!"

"Kill, of course, you have to kill slowly..." Xiao Qianren approached lightly, his eyes fell on the Jiuzhou Order in Lin Mo's hand: "This thing is actually in your hand, it seems that the two idiots of the Zhu family are dead!"

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Qianren quietly. He now used the Zhen character token and could not rashly unlock this state.

And Lin Mo was also looking for an opportunity, looking for an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.


The next moment, Xiao Qianren passed by Xiaolu and casually sent the short knife into Xiaolu's chest!

Xiaolu's face was full of shock, and he fell heavily to the ground after a long time.

A stream of green energy escaped from the fallen body and then sank into the body of the holy tree in the distance.

The branches and leaves shook, and the fruit on the holy tree flickered, and the energy contained was greatly increased.

"Very good!" Xiaosheng showed a greedy look on his face: "I feel the abundant energy, you will be a distinguished guest of Rob Abyss in the future!"

"Don't say it so early..." Xiao Qianren glanced at the short knife in his hand and said casually: "After all, you don't know who I will kill next, right?!"

At this point, Xiao Qianren did not walk towards Lin Mo, but walked towards Xiaosheng step by step.

"The true mystery of Jiuzhou Order lies in mental power. Lin Mo's mental power crushes you, so he can control you.

If I kill you now, won't everything on the Holy Mountain be dominated by me?

As for Lin Mo, after killing you, I will naturally kill him!"

At this point, Xiao Qianren turned around and looked at Lin Mo, and said with a smile: "Lin Mo, I will kill him first, and then kill you, how about it?"

"Of course!" Lin Mo chuckled: "Don't worry, I won't cancel the role of Zhen Ziyuan!"

Xiao Qianren nodded and gave Lin Mo a thumbs up.

"Why?!" Xiaosheng looked at Lin Mo, his face full of disbelief: "If I die, you can't live either. If you let me go, I will help you kill Xiao Qianren!"

"But after killing Xiao Qianren, you will also kill me, and in the end you will become the final winner!" Lin Mo whispered: "If I kill you, it doesn't matter even if Xiao Qianren becomes the final winner, after all, he is a human!

Besides, we don't know who will win in the end!"

"Smart!" Xiao Qianren nodded. At this moment, he was already standing in front of Xiaosheng. Looking at the dagger in his hand, he sighed softly, and then put it on Xiaosheng's heart.

"It's been a pleasure to cooperate with you over the years, but now, the time is ripe, and I can only ask you to die!"

After saying that...


The dagger directly pierced Xiaosheng's body.

"Humans are really untrustworthy!" Xiaosheng's voice was filled with resentment, which dissipated here bit by bit.


The moment Xiaosheng's body disappeared, Lin Mo rushed towards Xiao Qianren like lightning!

Behind him, five fierce beasts kept roaring.

The flesh formed by the pure blood and qi seeds is naturally terrifying, and the fierce beast formed by the blood and qi behind him is even more powerful!

But... Lin Mo's strength is too different from Xiao Qianren's!


The terrifying boom shook the entire holy mountain, and countless huge birds in the distance soared into the sky, constantly screaming and flying away.

There were also fierce beasts running wildly, trying to leave here.

Xiao Qianren held a short knife in his hand, standing still, just waving and slashing!

The dragon head was cut off and became nothingness!

The back of the knife cut through the phoenix head, wolf head, and leopard head!

The five fierce beasts disappeared in an instant!


In the bloody light and shadow of the beasts, a long knife formed by the blood and qi was slashed down!

One knife to kill life!

"Not good enough!" Xiao Qianren sneered: "Your swordsmanship is good, but your strength is too weak!"


The sword light shattered!


Lin Mo held the sword with both hands and twisted his waist in the air, borrowing the powerful waist strength to cut out with a sword!

Instant Kill Sword!

This sword seemed to exceed Xiao Qianren's expectations. With a flash of blood, a blood mark appeared on Xiao Qianren's shoulder.

But at the same time, Lin Mo only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

At the moment when Lin Mo drew his sword, Xiao Qianren had already cut his abdomen with a knife!

A huge wound appeared, and then a huge amount of blood and qi filled the wound.

"Such abundant blood and qi, you actually use this method to treat the wound!" Xiao Qianren's eyes lit up, looking at Lin Mo as if he saw a treasure!

Lin Mo can have such abundant blood and qi, there must be something precious on him!

"Whether it is the Jiuzhou Order or the treasure on your body that can replenish your blood and qi, they are all mine!" Xiao Qianren sneered.

However, Lin Mo roared, and a blood-colored spear appeared in his hand.

Silver Dragon Spear Technique!

At this moment, Lin Mo used this martial art, and the blood-colored spear was like a blood dragon.

Hundreds of spear shadows!

Lin Mo used this spear technique to the extreme!

Unknowingly, Lin Mo's proficiency has reached the perfect level!

Xiao Qianren frowned slightly. Lin Mo's strength was much worse than his, but the strength he showed at this moment shocked him!

"Why don't you have the surname Xiao?!" Xiao Qianren had a look of disappointment on his face: "Since you don't have the surname Xiao...then die!"

"Blood Battle Sword Technique!"

As the four words fell, Xiao Qianren was wrapped in the blood and qi.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The blood and qi that wrapped Xiao Qianren suddenly changed and became hundreds of short knives!

The blade light illuminated the entire holy mountain!

In just a moment, countless blade lights flew out, turning into a blood-colored tornado that wrapped Lin Mo in it!

A sound that made people's scalps numb resounded.

Lin Mo's body wrapped in it was directly shattered!

Destroyed with withered and rotten!

Under the bloody sword tactics, Lin Mo was vulnerable!

Xiao Qianren raised his hand slightly, and all the blade lights merged into the blood-colored short knife in his hand in the blink of an eye.

"What a pity..." He shook his head slightly and said a pity.


At this moment, a green branch directly pierced his chest!

Blood slid down the green branch little by little, and then dripped onto the dead leaves on the ground.

Blood spit out from Xiao Qianren's mouth.

He waved the knife casually and cut off the branch that pierced his chest.

Then he turned around suddenly.

Swish! Swish!


At the moment of turning around, Xiao Qianren had already slashed out two blades of light towards the holy tree in the distance!

At the same time, the holy tree in the distance also stretched out two branches and stabbed at Xiao Qianren again!



Two different sounds rang out.

There were already three fist-sized blood holes on Xiao Qianren's body, and blood was constantly gushing out.

Two knife marks appeared on the holy tree, and then it broke into three sections and fell down with a bang!

The fruits on it also turned into light spots and dissipated after falling.

"Cough cough..." A light cough sounded, and the shadow of the little saint emerged little by little at the remaining root of the holy tree.

When the figure completely emerged, the originally illusory body also became solid.

"You..." Xiao Qianren looked at Xiaosheng with a look of shock on his face: "You are not dead!"

"I am the Holy Mountain, how can I die?" Xiaosheng had a faint smile on his face: "If I don't pretend to be dead, how can I wait for such a good opportunity to let me use a fatal blow on you?"

Xiaosheng raised his head, and his whole arm was quickly covered with stone patterns.

The arm turned into stone.


Xiaosheng's stone arm pierced Xiao Qianren's body again.

When the whole arm was taken out, a heart was still beating in his palm.

Xiaosheng opened his mouth and swallowed the beating heart.

Blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, he greedily licked the blood, looked at Xiao Qianren who slowly fell to the ground, and smiled silently.

After a long time, he walked forward step by step.

That was where Lin Mo was torn to pieces.

You can see that a seed is lying there quietly.

"The seed of Qi and blood!" The smile on Xiaosheng's face became even more intense: "With you, I can transform again! Become a truly holy mountain!"

Under his feet, green roots stretched out in all directions.

The scenery changed, and the thick fog filled the surroundings and then slowly dissipated.

The whole world seemed to have pressed the fast-forward button. When everything returned to normal, the scenery around had changed.

This was still the forest where they were originally.

Xiaosheng still had a smile on his face, but behind him, countless thick roots took root in his body.

Around his body, there were also countless roots that kept swinging, looking like arms and venomous snakes!

And around him, corpses were piled up there.

Among these corpses, there were corpses that were cut into two pieces by the red line, and there were also corpses with intact bodies and smiles on their faces...


The roots trembled, and then went towards these corpses, and finally the roots pierced through the corpses.

The roots moved in a regular rhythm, and endless energy began to gather in Xiaosheng's body.

"Huh... so comfortable!" Xiaosheng said: "Is this the feeling of being strong? My strength is constantly recovering, and I am getting stronger!


"What do you mean by you? You are lying there like an octopus spider, which looks a bit disgusting!"

At this moment, a frivolous voice interrupted Xiaosheng's voice,

There were footsteps and a figure walked out slowly.

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