Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 354: Ways to control side effects

Embarrassed, Lin Mo finally knew what the side effects of Jing Ziyuan were!

Damn it, after using this thing, people will immediately lose interest in women!

The most important thing is that after using it once, the side effects last for three days!

During these three days, Ye Qing's mood was extremely bad, and her eyes were red almost every day.

After Lin Mo completely woke up three days later, he was speechless when he recalled all the past events.

"So, these are all side effects of Jing Ziyuan, right?"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo in front of her, listening to his explanation, she still had some doubts in her heart.

"If you don't believe it, I will test it for you right now!" After finishing his words, before Ye Qing could speak, another ray of light fell on him.


As a trembling sound resounded, Lin Mo felt that a certain emotion in his heart was suppressed again!

The most important thing is that he glanced at his right hand. At this moment, Ye Qing's hand was being held in his hand.

The familiar feeling of resistance came over again, and Lin Mo let go of his hand.

Ye Qing's face showed a look of disappointment again, but then she thought that it was the effect of Jing Ziyuan, and she felt helpless.

"Do you have to wait another three days?" Ye Qing said softly, then turned around and said: "Then we will see you in three days. I just need to optimize the Qi Blood Pill recipe again. According to my estimate, it will take three days. That’s almost it!”

Lin Mo naturally had no objection, nodded, and watched Ye Qing leave.

In the past three days, Lin Mo had been accompanying Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong.

Now Chen Banzi's cultivation has been stable, and as time goes by, his realm is still improving.

The original barrier has disappeared. According to the function of the Holy Fruit, he will break through to the Martial Emperor realm without any hindrance, and then he will completely reach the limit.

After a period of recuperation, Wei Yunlong's body gradually recovered, but due to the inhuman treatment before, there was not much left in his cultivation.

"Lin Mo, you don't have to worry about me. With the strength of the two of you, what kind of losses can I suffer in Rob Giant City?"

Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo and Chen Banzi's sad faces and spoke with a smile.

Chen Banzi glanced at Lin Mo instinctively, but in the end he did not speak.

This short glance was already noticed by Lin Mo. He smiled, and Chen Banzi's thoughts actually coincided with his.

However, Wei Yunlong's body has just recovered... can he withstand the power of the holy fruit?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi: "Master, do you think the teacher can withstand the force impact of the fruit you ate before?"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Chen Banzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and after thinking for a while, he nodded repeatedly: "Yes!

After eating the fruit at that time, all the power was actually very gentle, and the entire speed was controllable.

At that time, because I was worried about Lin Mohe's safety, I forcibly accepted all the power.

In fact, if you absorb it slowly according to your physical condition, there is absolutely no problem!

Do you still have that fruit on your body? "

Lin Mo nodded, and with a flash of light in his hand, a holy fruit appeared in front of him.

"That's great, Yunlong, you should eat this fruit quickly!" Chen Banzi's eyes lit up, knowing that Lin Mo was willing to take out the fruit, and he had probably agreed to give the fruit to Wei Yunlong, so he didn't There is no need to think about anything anymore, just ask Wei Yunlong to swallow the fruit.

"Teacher, what is this fruit?" Wei Yunlong looked at Chen Banzi and asked in confusion.

"Let this guy Lin Mo explain it to you!" Chen Banzi coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Your teacher and I have such cultivation, it is actually all the credit of Lin Mo!"

"This kind of fruit is called the Holy Fruit. After swallowing it, your upper limit can be increased to..."

Lin Mo recounted what he had explained to Chen Banzi before.

Listening to Lin Mo's words, Wei Yunlong had a look of shock on his face.

"It's just that teacher, your talent should be more than the first level of Martial Emperor. If you really swallow the Holy Fruit..."

Lin Mo had a hesitant look on his face.

"Why are you hesitating here? With Yunlong's current situation, what if he has that talent?

How many years will it take to regain his original strength? Whether he can survive until then is still unknown!

It is better to swallow the holy fruit directly, which can forcibly improve the cultivation level and reach the level of a first-grade Martial Emperor in a short period of time! "

Chen Banzi took the holy fruit and put it in Wei Yunlong's hand: "Come, listen to Master and eat it!"

Wei Yunlong looked at the holy fruit in his hand and swallowed it directly after a slight hesitation.

"There is nothing to hesitate. The teacher said it right. What I have to do now is to return to my original strength in the shortest possible time!

If you can reach the realm of a first-grade Martial Emperor, it will be even more fortunate among misfortunes! "

Recalling what he had experienced before, Wei Yunlong also had anger in his eyes.

If his strength reached the level of Emperor Wu, how could he let his wife suffer such humiliation with him in school? !

In the final analysis, I am still not strong enough!

"You kid, go back quickly and think of a way to solve the side effects of Jing Zi Yuan. From what I see in your state, it's probably because you used Jing Zi Yuan again!

Why do you make Ye Qing wait for you for three days?

On Yunlong's side, I will stay here to protect the law, so you don't have to worry! "

Chen Banzi directly issued an order to expel Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had an indifferent look on his face, and finally nodded lightly.

In the current state, Lin Mo felt that women would only affect the speed of drawing his sword.

"Although I have no interest in women now, the side effects of Jing Zi Yuan will exist after all, and I still have to find a way to overcome it!"

Lin Mo was walking on the road, thinking like this.

Soon his eyes lit up as he thought of something else that might be useful.


The confused character flashed for a moment, and the light fell directly on Lin Mo.

In an instant, Lin Mo's eyes showed a look of desire, and he looked in the direction of Ye Qing from a distance with fiery eyes.


Lin Mo's figure flickered and rushed directly in the direction of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was sitting in front of the table at the moment, staring at a pill recipe in a daze.

He said he was coming back to verify the prescription, but in fact, Ye Qing was not in the mood to do this now.

At this moment, Ye Qing suddenly saw a figure in the distance running towards him crazily.

"Lin Mo!" Her heart trembled, and she stood up instinctively, but then slowly sat back down.

"In his current state, it would be better not to see him than to see him and feel disheartened!"

Thinking of this, Ye Qing raised her hand and locked the door.


Just when she turned around to go back, a loud noise came from the window.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo's figure appeared in the room, looking at Ye Qing with burning eyes.

"Lin Mo...what are you..." Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo and was about to speak, but the next moment, Lin Mo's figure rushed in front of her, hugged her directly, and then faced the pink face The lips kissed her!


Ye Qing trembled. This was the first time the two of them had such passionate contact.

Especially Lin Mo's hot invasion of her lips made her feel numb all over, almost as if she was about to collapse to the ground.

"Lin Mo..." Ye Qing whispered Lin Mo's name while letting out a series of breaths.

But Lin Mo continued as if he didn't hear her voice.

"Lin Mo!" Ye Qing finally discovered something was wrong and pushed Lin Mo away with great force.

But after Lin Mo was pushed away, he hugged him again.

"Lin Mo! Who are you?!" Ye Qing's face was already full of tears, and she shouted in a crying voice.

Lin Mo's body trembled, and his eyes regained some clarity.

"Damn, the effect of this confusing character is so powerful!" Lin Mo sighed inwardly, and then said with a wry smile: "Qing'er, listen to my explanation..."

After that, he explained what just happened.

"So, you were tricked by these tokens..." Ye Qing blushed and almost believed Lin Mo's words.

"Okay, you must never do this again!" Ye Qing finally coughed lightly and said loudly.

Lin Mo nodded repeatedly. After the previous accident, all the side effects of Lin Mo had disappeared.

Looking at Ye Qing in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with infinite tenderness.

"Lin Mo... how about you use your Jing Zi Yuan and Confusion Zi Yuan on me at the same time?"

Ye Qing in her arms suddenly spoke, surprising Lin Mo!

"What did you say?!" Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing in his arms, almost wondering if he was hallucinating.

Ye Qing made a big blush all his life, and then shook his head repeatedly: "I didn't say anything!"

The next moment, she pushed Lin Mo away, covered her face and ran away.

Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing's back, touched his chin and said: "It seems that what I just heard was not an illusion...

Why don't you shoot a static character at his back, and then add a confusing character? "

This thought came to Lin Mo's mind, and he quickly shook his head: "Lin Mo, Lin Mo, how could you sink to this level!

shame on you! "

Lin Mo secretly despised himself, then forced himself to calm down, and finally looked into the distance again.


Jing Ziyuan appeared in front of him, and then Lin Mo took out another token that had been fused.

Along with a series of slight tremors, the Jingzi Token also merged into it.

The brand new Jiuzhou Order has three characters on it, namely Jing, Huo and Zhen!

Currently, the side effects of the Jing character can be restrained by the Bewildering character, and the side effects of the Bewildering character can be restrained by the Zhen character.

However, there is currently no way to restrain the side effects of Zhenziyuan.

"There are nine Kyushu Tokens in total. There must be one that can offset the side effects of Zhenziyuan!" Lin Mo thought with a determined look on his face.

On the other side, the Zhu family.

An old figure appeared above the Zhu family.

"Take away three of the nine Jiuzhou Tokens. You are a bunch of trash. I will give you ten days to get those three Jiuzhou Tokens back to me!"

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