Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 355: Solving Problems

Seven days flew by.

With the help of Shengguo, Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong both improved in strength.

Especially Wei Yunlong, after taking the Holy Fruit, because of his high talent, he directly improved his strength to the peak of the seventh-grade Martial Emperor within seven days.

In one month at most, he can reach the ninth-grade Martial Emperor realm.

Moreover, Lin Mo estimated that Wei Yunlong would become Emperor Wu within a year!

When the time comes, Rob Abyss will have a strong man of the Martial Emperor level, which will inevitably greatly enhance the voice of the entire Rob Abyss.

"Thanks to Lin Mo this time!" Wei Yunlong felt the majestic breath in his body, with a sigh of relief on his face.

"By the way, where's the master's wife?" Lin Mo looked at Wei Yunlong with a puzzled look on his face.

Previously, when Wei Yunlong was recuperating, he could see his master's wife Han Wei every day, but recently, she has not appeared for a long time.

After the words fell, Lin Mo noticed that the look on Wei Yunlong's face became a little evasive.

"Teacher, if you have anything to say, just say it. You don't have to have any worries in front of the disciples!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Alas!" Wei Yunlong suddenly sighed: "Actually, this matter is my fault!

In the past few days, I have told your master the reason for my recovery. Originally, she thought she could stay with me for a lifetime, but now if I can become the Martial Emperor, then my lifespan will naturally be far longer than hers in the future.

Therefore, she has been in a bad mood these past few days and is having trouble with me!

I felt guilty, so I didn’t go home during this time! "

After hearing these words, Lin Mo's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

Looking at Lin Mo's face, Wei Yunlong said quickly: "Lin Mo, don't think too much, I can solve this matter!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw Wei Yunlong's nervous expression.

When Wei Yunlong was seriously injured, it was Han Wei who took care of him. Even because of this reason, Han Wei still had to pick up food in the garbage dump at such an old age.

Speaking of which, all this actually has something to do with Lin Mo, so Lin Mo has always felt guilty for Han Wei.

Now that Han Wei has such an idea, Lin Mo doesn't have many holy fruits in his hand, but it's not too little either, so there's no problem in giving one away.

"Teacher, this is not a big deal. Let's go see Master Niang together. I can solve this matter!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Lin Mo, do you still have the Holy Fruit on your body?" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo seriously: "One Holy Fruit can create a Martial Emperor. There are still many difficulties you will face in the future, so there is no guarantee that you can If so, I suggest you keep all the holy fruits!"

"Master, do you think that Master's Wife is unreliable?" Lin Mo asked with a smile: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will file a complaint to Master's Wife!"

Wei Yunlong was so angry at Lin Mo's words that he stared at him, pointed at Lin Mo and opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

He understood that the reason why Lin Mo said this was actually just to ease the awkward atmosphere.

After all, what he said before was equivalent to asking Lin Mo for the Holy Fruit.

Fortunately, Lin Mo finally agreed to his request.

However, this made Wei Yunlong feel a little uncomfortable, because he felt that this had changed the quality of the relationship between master and disciple.

The group of people walked towards several newly built buildings in Robo City.

This was originally the residence of Xiao Qian's family, but now it was transformed into a family compound by Lin Mo.

Both Han Wei and Ye Qing live in these courtyards.

Han Wei and Wei Yunlong now live in one of the courtyards. Because the two elderly people are old, they have been given special care to make the place where they live sunny, which is considered a very good area.

Lin Mo stood in front of the courtyard gate, raised his hand and knocked twice.

"You should practice your martial arts well. We will be separated by life and death anyway, so we should never meet again!" An old voice sounded in the yard.

"It's me, Master Wife!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

With a creak, the door opened from the inside.

"Lin Mo!" Han Wei's voice sounded.

Han Wei today is completely different from the one she saw before. Because she was well nourished here, Han Wei looks much younger than before.

"Lin Mo, you're here..." Before she finished speaking, she saw Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi standing behind Lin Mo. Her expression suddenly changed: "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you last time? You walk on your Yangguan Road, I'll walk on my single-plank bridge!

Go now, I don't want to see you now! "

"This..." Wei Yunlong's face was full of embarrassment: "Can you give me some face in front of outsiders!"

He finally spoke like this, which made Lin Mo couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Wei Yunlong was a well-known figure at Wuhan University in the capital, but he was so cautious in front of Han Wei. I really don't know whether to praise him as a love-struck good man or call him a coward.

"Hmph!" Han Wei snorted lightly, but stopped paying attention to him. Instead, she looked at Lin Mo and Chen Banzi: "Teacher Chen, Lin Mo, you two please come in quickly!"

After saying that, he went directly into the house and brought stools for Lin Mo and others, but he did not move stools for Wei Yunlong.

Wei Yunlong was not angry, and ran to the side with a smile, moved a stool, and sat down.

"Master Wife, the reason why I came here this time is actually to solve the problem between you and the teacher!" Lin Mo took out a holy fruit directly from his body and said: "As long as you swallow this fruit, you can be healed in a short time. Let your cultivation level reach the state of Martial Emperor, but the side effect is that from now on, your cultivation level will stop at this level!"

Looking at the holy fruit in front of her, Han Wei couldn't help but widen her eyes, and she was a little panicked for a moment.

"This..." He looked at Wei Yunlong and saw that the latter was also looking at her with a smile on his face.

"You damn old man, you are so ridiculous! Did I say those words to get you to ask for the Holy Fruit from Lin Mo?

Are you a wooden fish head? Don’t you know how to say a few nice words to coax me?

The holy fruit is so precious, wouldn't it be a waste if I eat it? "

After scolding Wei Yunlong, Han Wei turned around and looked at Lin Mo, with a kind smile on her face.

"Xiao Mo, please take this thing back quickly. I won't eat it. Your teacher is a straight man and doesn't understand anything. You must not imitate him. Do you hear me?" Han Wei waved her hand directly. He spoke to Lin Mo.

"Master Wife, don't get me wrong, this fruit was originally meant for you. Now I need someone I can trust to take the holy fruit and become a strong Martial Emperor.

In this way, the strength of Rob Giant City will become stronger and stronger. Only in this way can we build this place without fear of the opposition forces in the entire capital!

Moreover, you should also know that the Zhu family has already taken action against me, and their revenge will definitely be more terrifying during this period, so we must make plans in advance!

If you don't take the holy fruit and a fight does break out, the teacher will probably be worried about you and won't let go. You should be very aware of the consequences! "

Lin Mo looked at Han Wei and patiently explained every word.

Han Wei listened to Lin Mo's words with a thoughtful look on her face.

A few minutes later, she nodded slightly and said, "Lin Mo, I owe you a favor. From now on, your master's life will be yours!"

Wei Yunlong originally had a smile on his face, but after hearing these words, he immediately said with a grimace: "What does this have to do with me? Don't you owe me the favor? Why do you have to use my life to pay it back?" ah!"

"Why, you don't want to?" Han Wei originally had a strong smile on her face when she was talking to Lin Mo, but after seeing Wei Yunlong, her face suddenly darkened.

This made Wei Yunlong originally intend to say a few more words, but he quickly swallowed them all. He could only look at Lin Mo helplessly, and at the same time smiled gratefully.

"By the way, Master, please keep this matter a secret, otherwise I'm worried that something really happened, and we will become the target of public criticism!"

Lin Mo looked at the three of them and explained solemnly.

"Don't worry about this, we all understand it!" The three of them nodded solemnly.

Lin Mo's worries actually make sense. The Holy Fruit can create a strong Martial Emperor, and Lin Mo obviously has more than one Holy Fruit in his hand. This opportunity is a huge opportunity for both big forces and big families. lure!

If the news really spreads, Lin Mo and the entire Rob City will be in endless trouble.

"The matter has been settled, let's take our leave first. Teacher will give you three days' leave to protect the teacher's wife!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then pulled Chen Banzi away from here.

"This kid!" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure and couldn't help but laugh and curse.

"You still have the nerve to scold others, look at your virtues!" Han Wei's voice directly made the smile on Wei Yunlong's face freeze.

He turned around and looked at Han Wei with a flattering look on his face: "Oh, okay, I know I was wrong..."

At this moment, outside the yard, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi, who were about to leave, heard the sounds inside, and suddenly a strange look appeared on their faces. They glanced at each other, and then left quickly with the corners of their mouths raised.

Soon, waves of fluctuations came from behind.

Three days later, Han Wei stood up with a smile on her face. Her current strength had actually reached the level of a first-grade Martial Emperor.

At this level, as long as one is not killed directly, one can naturally live to be close to three hundred years old!

Moreover, she knew very well that she had not reached her limit yet. If she was given another three years, she would definitely be able to break through and become the Martial Emperor!

"Lin Mo actually has such a good thing in his hand!" After a long time, Han Wei gathered her breath and stood up.

Her face was filled with a tangled look, and a vow was swirling in her mind.

"From now on, I will become a seed of Neon, and I am willing to give everything for the power of Neon!

I will conceal my identity, hide in China all my life, marry Chinese people, learn their secrets, and pass on their news..."

Glancing at Wei Yunlong who was guarding outside the door, Han Wei's face finally flashed with determination.

She slowly reached into her arms and after groping for a while, she took out a jade piece.

"Lin Mo has something in his hands that can improve a person's cultivation level in a short period of time. Our current location is the giant city of Rob..."

After saying something to the jade piece, Han Wei crushed the jade piece directly!

The moment she crushed the jade piece, in a certain branch of the Black Dragon Society in Neon, thousands of miles away, the branch president suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it in the air.

There was a soft buzzing sound, and a jade pendant appeared in his hand.

After listening softly to his ear for a while, Han Wei's original words actually rang in his ears again.

"Lin Mo actually mastered this kind of thing!"

When the branch director heard this news, his face suddenly showed a fanatical look.

"You guys immediately send this piece of jade to the chairman for his personal review. In addition, bring those phones to me. I want to arrange this matter myself!"

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