Neon's side reacted quickly. At the same time, in some extremely secretive places on the land of China, someone appeared there and took away a piece of jade placed in that place.

After opening the ban on jade and listening to the content inside, several people's faces became ugly.

According to Yu Shi, what they have to do now is to get the fruit from Lin Mo, but at the same time, they have to be careful not to reveal their identity.

In the end, Yu Shi also came up with the idea of ​​using Han Wei's hidden line to design Lin Mo.

At this moment, in the huge city of Luobu, Lin Mo naturally knew nothing about all this.

On the contrary, Han Wei's face became more and more ugly.

Originally, she told everything to an unknown existence in Neon according to her oath, thinking that nothing would happen to her later.

But who would have thought that news came from Neon, asking her to fully cooperate with the people sent by Neon.

However, Han Wei swears to God, her original purpose was really just to pass on the news.

Han Wei also struggled, wanting not to cooperate with the request, and even thought about telling Lin Mo or Wei Yunlong about it.

But she felt that as long as she told the truth, she would lose everything she had now!

Especially since the other party threatened her that if she told the truth, all information about Han Wei would be sent to Wei Yunlong's mobile phone.

They will even pass this information to everyone who can kill her with public opinion. By then, she will definitely be unable to defend herself!

In the end, Han Wei could only agree to their request and fully cooperate with them to get the holy fruit from Lin Mo.

Of course, Han Wei has one condition, that is, she cannot hurt Lin Mo at any time!

But the other party just sneered and didn't give any response.

This made Han Wei's heart sink to the bottom, but at this time, it was already too late to regret!

"You finally came out and became a first-grade Martial Emperor. Hahaha, Lin Mo is not bad. I have gained a good disciple!" Wei Yunlong looked at his wife with a smile on his face.

Han Wei originally looked young. After experiencing a period of persecution, although she has become much older, she still looks like she is about fifty years old.

But now, she looked like she was about thirty years old.

Facing the fawning Wei Yunlong, Han Wei couldn't smile anymore. She could only nod to the former as a greeting.

Wei Yunlong didn't think much about Han Wei's indifference, but he just felt that she was still angry with him.

He could only coax her harder.

"You said if I did something sorry to you one day, would you forgive me?" Han Wei looked at Wei Yunlong and suddenly spoke.

Wei Yunlong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I will definitely forgive you!

No, you actually said such things to me. Are you in any trouble? "

Wei Yunlong's expression suddenly became tense, and he pulled Han Wei to look at her.

Seeing Wei Yunlong so nervous, Han Wei's mood became more complicated.

She even had the idea of ​​telling everything, but in the end she didn't.

One day later, Han Wei received new information and told the entire operation process.

The plan was unparalleledly detailed, and every step that Han Wei needed to do was even individually marked.

Also, it lists the time when the plan will be implemented.

Just tomorrow afternoon!

Time passed and another day passed. Han Wei looked at the plan above with a nervous look on her face.

"I have something, can you ask Lin Mo for me?" Han Wei found Wei Yunlong and spoke in a very relaxed tone.

Looking at the look on his wife's face, Wei Yunlong was a little confused.

Because every time Han Wei showed this look before, something was really going on.

But the most important thing for Han Wei right now is her cultivation, which has been solved. I wonder what else Han Wei has to do to have such a serious expression.

"Say it!" Lin Mo looked at her and said with a smile.

"My three younger brothers are coming to Luobucheng. Can you go to Lin Mo and arrange a suitable job for them?

They also all have cultivation bases, and their cultivation bases are pretty good. They are all at the level of the third-grade Martial Emperor!

Don't worry, they will never cause you any trouble when they come! "

Looking at Han Wei's expression, Wei Yunlong showed a smile on his face: "Han Wei, don't worry, leave this matter to me, I will definitely help you handle it!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside. This was the first thing Han Wei gave him, and he must do it!

Looking at Wei Yunlong's leaving figure, Han Wei breathed a long sigh of relief. At least until now, Wei Yunlong had not suspected her.

A few minutes later, Wei Yunlong appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, the teacher may have one more thing, and I want to ask your help!" After Wei Yunlong saw Lin Mo, he directly put forward his own idea: "Your wife has several brothers, and now she wants to come to Luobu Giant city work.

I would like my help in arranging some vacant positions. I wonder if you have any good recommendations over there. "

Lin Mo smiled. This matter was not a big deal, but it was necessary to ensure that the origins of these people were reliable.

"Teacher, do you know the specific situation of my wife's family? Why do I feel like these brothers appear out of nowhere!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Wei Yunlong's expression suddenly changed, and he said: "I followed Han Wei to visit her hometown many years ago. No, I remember it very clearly. At that time, she seemed to have no parents, no brothers and sisters!

How come there are so many brothers all of a sudden!"

Wei Yunlong's expression was ugly. Lin Mo was short of people now. If he could provide him with a few reliable people as guards, it would be great.

But he didn't know the people his wife had found this time, and he had never even heard of them before.

Why is it that now that he has moved to such a difficult environment in Rob City, someone is willing to come?

"Lin Mo, wait for me, I'll go back and ask first!" Wei Yunlong said and turned to leave

"Teacher, please wait a moment!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke, and said to Wei Yunlong's back, "I'd better go with you, so that we can understand the situation in advance."

Soon, the two came to Han Wei again.

"I didn't know you had brothers before. Where are they from?!" Wei Yunlong asked before Lin Mo could speak.

However, Wei Yunlong thought Han Wei would explain it to him, but he didn't expect Han Wei to not even look at him, but turned to look at Lin Mo: "Lin Mo, have you found a job?"

"It's no problem if Master's wife asks, but I have a question, that is, are these people reliable?" Lin Mo looked at Han Wei and asked with a smile.

"You can't even trust Master's wife?" Han Wei pretended to be unhappy and spoke lightly.

"Oh Master's wife, how could I not trust you? I am sure you can rest assured!" Lin Mo couldn't help feeling a little unhappy when he heard Han Wei say this, but he finally nodded with a smile.

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Han Wei also breathed a sigh of relief, because her brothers, although they were all Chinese, had all been controlled over the years.

They can all be called Neon dogs. As long as these people are used properly, they will definitely become a powerful weapon that threatens the entire China in the future!

"It's done. You should be relieved now. I told you that it can definitely be solved!" Wei Yunlong stepped forward and said with a smile.

Han Wei also nodded with a smile: "Thanks to you this time!"


On the other side, after Lin Mo came back from Han Wei, the smile on his face finally disappeared.

Although it was just a question, Lin Mo now knew very well that the people introduced by Han Wei were definitely not good people.

However, Lin Mo really couldn't understand why Han Wei would arrange such people in such an important place.

"I hope you can be honest. If I find anything wrong, I will kill you directly!" Lin Mo's eyes showed a fierce look.

A few days later, Lin Mo personally took Chen Banzi, Xiao Yan and others from Rob City to greet them.

Lin Mo smiled and opened his hands from a long distance.

"Welcome, welcome. I am the current manager here. Welcome everyone to join us!" Lin Mo smiled and stepped forward, actively hugging the four men in front of him.

He patted their backs with one hand, and at the same time, he injected a ray of mental power into their bodies.

A ray of mental power can completely attach to the patient's blood vessels and directly detonate those blood vessels when needed!

Such damage does not sound very big, but what if all these blood vessels are connected to the heart?

The consequence of direct detonation is that the heart will collapse directly, and the person will naturally die!

Several people had no idea that they had been left with a backup by Lin Mo. Seeing Lin Mo personally greet them, they felt funny in their hearts, and felt that Lin Mo was really pitiful.

What does it feel like to be betrayed by the person you trust the most? They all want to ask Lin Mo.

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