A group of people looked at Lin Mo with a big smile on their faces.

Lin Mo looked at them with a very sincere smile.

The smiles of both parties have the same meaning, that is, they both think the other party is an idiot!

"A few of you have come from afar. Lin welcomes you very much. I have prepared a banquet for you here. Please invite us!"

After a group of people came forward to introduce themselves, Lin Mo did not remember everyone's names, but silently wrote down the leader, a middle-aged man named Du Han.

His strength is not weak, and he has actually entered the first-level Martial Emperor realm.

"Lin Mo, we come here this time because we really want to join you! Of course, we don't come empty-handed, but with sincerity!"

The leader, Du Han, sat in the seat of host and guest and took out a document from his arms with a smile on his face.

"This is the document we got from the Ministry of War. With this document, your status as the manager of Rob Giant City is legal!"

With that said, he handed this document to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo took the document and looked at it up and down, feeling slightly surprised.

He knew very well how much energy was needed to obtain this document, and these people in front of him could even obtain such a document.

"Thank you guys, this is exactly what I need now!" Lin Mo's face was full of smile, he put the documents away, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Before, Xiao Qian was responsible for the transportation of materials in the entire city in Luobu City. , now that Xiao Qian is dead, I hope to leave this matter to you!

I wonder what some of you think? "

Entrusting the transportation of the entire Rob City to these people is equivalent to actively handing over your throat to others.

It would be better if these people stayed safe, but if they were restless, there would be big problems in the entire giant city of Rob.

Several people were not fools. After hearing Lin Mo's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then sneered in their hearts.

They had heard how powerful Lin Mo was before they came, but now they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"In one week, we will have the entire giant city of Rob in our hands, and then we will get all the holy fruits in Lin Mo's hands!"

Several people glanced at each other, and Du Han had already sent his thoughts to several people through mobile phone messages.

Several people nodded silently, and then began to work hard to persuade them to drink.

Lin Mo also seemed to be in a good mood and drank with a few people. The few people who had originally made up their mind to get Lin Mo drunk became drunk without knowing it.

After getting drunk, they sang cheerful songs along with Lin Mo...

"When friends come, there is good wine. If the jackal comes, he will be greeted with shotguns..."

"Lin Mo, if you leave the material transportation work in Luobu City to them, aren't you worried about taking the entire transportation of Luobu City into your hands?

At that time, we will be very passive. It is difficult to say whether they are trustworthy or not!

Although they were recommended by Han Wei, they had to be let go! "

After sending the drunken people to the resettlement place prepared for them in advance, Chen Banzi spoke with a worried face.

"Yes, Lin Mo, although I am very touched that you trust Han Wei, what you did is indeed inappropriate!

It can be said to be very irrational! Wei Yunlong pondered for a moment and then said: "How about I step in and drive them out?" "

"Master, teacher, I have my own plan, and this time they really gave me a big gift!

This document is very important to me. "

Lin Mo shook the documents in his hand and spoke with a smile.

In China, what matters a lot is a name that is right and the words are right. If the name is not right and the words are not right, it will be difficult to sit securely in the position.

"For the sake of this document, it doesn't matter if I just let them sit in that position for a few days!

Master and teacher, please rest assured that they will soon reveal their flaws. After all, they can't wait for such a long time! "

When the two of them saw Lin Mo being so determined, they stopped talking and left worriedly.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, five days had passed.

Lin Mo looked at the documents on hand with a smile on his face.

Some of these documents were handed over by Duhan, and some were secretly collected by him himself.

The contents of the two documents are generally the same, with only some details differing.

But it is these details that show that these people are indeed very unstable.

"Lin Mo, they have now secretly contacted my father. They want to use Xiao Qian's death to arouse my father's hostility towards you. But what they don't know is that Xiao Qian and my father are mortal enemies. They This trick is not very useful!”

Xiao Xun'er stood in front of Lin Mo with a faint smile on her face.

After being cured by Lin Mo, Xiao Xun'er's appearance became more and more attractive. Perhaps because of her special constitution, her hair turned out to be light purple, which looked extremely bright.

"Let them continue to do it. Just keep a close watch on your side." Lin Mo thought for a while: "I guess it will only be a matter of these few days in the end. They should take action!"

Xiao Xun'er nodded. When leaving, Lin Mo suddenly raised his hand and threw a piece of paper out. Xiao Xun'er raised his hand to catch it.

"Leave it to Brother Xiao Yan, he should know how to do it!" Lin Mo said calmly.

Xiao Xun'er nodded, then turned and left.

On the other side, Du Han and others gathered in a small room, all with smiles on their faces.

"Gentlemen, we have been ordered to stay in China for so many years. Now as long as we have the entire giant city of Luobu in our hands and bring the holy fruit in Lin Mo's hand back to Nihong, it will be a great achievement!

When the time comes, the Black Dragon Society will naturally have a place for us!

Guangzong Yaozu is at this moment!

Ma Yan, how is the situation over there? "

The woman named Ma Yan said with a slight smile on her face: "There are six generals in total guarding the giant city of Luobu, each guarding six roads into the giant city.

I have them all in my hands one day at a time. These stinky men are the easiest to deal with. None of them can escape from my grasp! "

Ma Yan licked her lips and smiled proudly.

During these six days, she slept one day at a time.

"Well done. What these people have in their hands is actually the main force of Rob Giant City. As for Lin Mo, I have found out clearly that he doesn't have many people under his command!

Qian Ning, how are you doing over there? "

Qian Ning was a skinny man. Before he spoke, he glanced at Ma Yan with some pain and said, "I have taken over all the caravans outside. Without my permission, they will not send anything to Rob Giant City." !

As long as I give the order, Rob Giant City will completely cut off all material supplies! "

"well done!"

With an excited look on his face, Du Han confirmed some other things with the remaining people. When he learned that everything was going well, he stood up with twinkling eyes.

"Everyone, since everything is ready, there is nothing to hesitate about, get ready to take action!

The giant city of Rob should be in the hands of the Neon Black Dragon Society!

This will be the starting point for Neon to establish its world dominance! "

Everyone responded loudly, with excited eyes and unparalleled expressions of enthusiasm.

It was late at night, but their hearts were full of light.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

“It’s now time to make great achievements!”

Several figures quickly moved toward the building where Lin Mo was located. At the same time, Du Han took out his cell phone and called Han Wei out.

When she received the call, Han Wei's face was filled with pain. She didn't expect that she would have to face this day so soon.

After hesitating for a long time, she got up and walked towards the Dog Prince's mansion.

Shortly after Han Wei left, Wei Yunlong, who had been resting in the next room, slowly opened his eyes, with endless disappointment flowing on his face.

"I didn't expect that you would take this step in the end!" He said silently, then stood up, with restrained energy, and rushed towards the Dog Prince's mansion.

"They're coming!"

In the Dog Prince's mansion, Xiao Xun'er stood beside Lin Mo and spoke softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of Prince Dog's mansion was blasted open by a powerful force.

Du Han took the lead and arrived at the door of the living room in a few flashes.

"Lin Mo, get out of here..." Du Han said loudly, but he only shouted halfway when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because Lin Mo was sitting in the hall, looking at them with a smile.

"Boss, what's going on? Something feels wrong!" Qian Ning stood behind Du Han and spoke softly.

"Huh, I'm just pretending. At this point, everything is in our hands, what else is there to say!"

Du Han snorted and spoke.

"The boss is right. We have done enough. Do you think there is any possibility for them to turn around?" Ma Yan also sneered.

The words of these two people made Qian Ning and others feel a lot better.

"I should be nice to you, I'll leave the entire giant city of Rob to you." Lin Mo looked at Du Han: "You came to me so late, do you have any other requests?

For the sake of my wife, I can consider helping you..."

"What we want is of course the entire giant city of Rob. Will you give it to me?" Behind Du Han, another chubby old man spoke.

While speaking, his eyes kept scanning Xiao Xun'er's body back and forth, and he did not hide the evil thoughts in his heart.

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly and looked at Lin Mo.

"Robust City is too important to me, I can't give it to you!" Lin Mo shook his head and said softly: "Let's change it to other conditions!"

"Hahaha, Lin Mo, you don't think we are negotiating terms with you, do you? You are wrong, we are informing you!

From now on, the giant city of Rob is changing hands!

Where are the six generals! "

Du Han's voice fell, and six figures rose into the sky from the distant building and landed on the roof.

"Here!" Six voices responded simultaneously.

"Seal all entrances to the city. No one is allowed to leave without my order!" Du Han gave the order with a smile: "Monitor all the people related to Lin Mo. If there is any abnormality, kill them directly!"

"Yes!" Six voices still sounded.

At the same time, the lights in the entire Rob City seemed to be on, and there were sounds of footsteps. This was the march of the six generals. Following Du Han's order, they began to monitor everyone related to Lin Mo. !

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