Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 358 A Group of Small Shrimp

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?!"

Some residents of Rob Giant City heard the sound and lit their lights directly, wanting to see what was going on outside.

But when they opened the door and saw groups of strong men wearing armor and holding weapons lining up passing in front of them, they were all frightened.

The most important thing is that they felt the killing intent in the soldiers, making them feel as if they were suffocating.


The muffled sound kept coming, which was the sound of closing doors and windows.

These people are not fools. Something must have happened in the city that caused so many soldiers to attack.

What they have to do now is try not to get involved as much as possible.

"Did you hear that?" Du Han had a smile on his face, raised his hands slightly, and said very boldly: "Lin Mo knows that people who know current affairs are heroes. You are not a fool. You should know very well that the entire giant city of Luobu has been destroyed by me. It's in your hands.

If you want your friends to be safe and sound, then quickly fulfill my request! "

"What if I don't care about their safety?" Lin Mo smiled faintly: "You should know very well that those who do great things do not stick to trivial matters. The most important thing is that if you want to achieve great things, the first thing you must give up is messy emotions.

I also want to thank you for helping me avoid worries!

The most important thing is that with our current strength, as long as you dare to attack them, we are absolutely sure to kill you directly! "

When Lin Mo said this, his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

He even stood up from his chair and took a step forward.

Tap tap tap!

The footsteps were a little messy. Behind Du Han, Qian Ning and others couldn't help but take two steps back and looked at Lin Mo with some shame and anger.

Lin Mo smiled faintly, as if he didn't see their miserable situation.

Du Han's expression changed slightly, and then he quickly calmed down.

They were well prepared today, so what if Lin Mo really didn't care about the lives of his relatives and friends? They have other backup options.

Every second move, they firmly believed that Lin Mo's veins were being strangled.

"You don't know how many resources the entire Rob City consumes every day. As long as I say a word, all external supplies will be cut off. How should you respond?"

After Du Han's words fell, a group of people immediately showed smiles on their faces, and even showed provocative looks towards Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, let me tell you, there is no solution to cutting off food. As long as we cut off your supply line, even if you don't care about the life or death of your friends, can you still not care about the life or death of the entire giant city of Rob?

If everyone is dead, what if you are the manager of the giant city of Rob? Do you want to manage a dead city? "

"Also, if resources are really cut off, do you think the people in Robo City will still regard you as their leader?

Everyone is not a fool. As long as you have no use value, you will be abandoned immediately!

No matter how powerful you are, you still can't kill everyone. Then the whole of China won't be able to tolerate you! "

As Du Han talked, the expression on his face gradually became calmer again, and even the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became deeper.

Lin Mo just looked at him quietly, chuckled and said, "So, do you think this is enough?"

"Isn't this enough?" Du Han sneered: "Lin Mo, stop pretending to be relaxed in front of me, you must be worried now, right?!

Hurry and hand over the holy fruit in your hand, otherwise, the whole of China will not be able to tolerate you! "

After the words fell, a figure from outside slowly walked in, it was Han Wei.

"Master's wife, you're here too!" Lin Mo looked at Han Wei without much surprise on his face.

When Han Wei introduced these people to Rob Giant City, Lin Mo had made these preparations and knew very well that he would face her in the future.

"Lin Mo...I'm sorry, me too..." Han Wei had a guilty look on her face and wanted to speak, but Lin Mo raised her hand to stop her.

"Master, there is no need to say more. Since the choice has been made, there is nothing more to say!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Teacher will naturally handle your matter!"

Han Wei paused when she heard Lin Mo's words, then turned around and looked at the door.

Wei Yunlong stood there quietly, exhaled slowly and said, "Han Wei, I thought I could warm your heart after so many years, but I didn't expect..."


The next moment, Wei Yunlong had arrived in front of Han Wei.

Han Wei's expression changed slightly and she took a few steps back. At the same time, someone next to Du Han rushed forward.

He held a piece of ancient jade in his hand, and with a cold shout, a ray of light suddenly flew out of the ancient jade and shot towards Wei Yunlong!

Wei Yunlong's face changed slightly. The energy contained in this light was very powerful, even exceeding the realm of Emperor Wu!

"Get away!" Han Wei suddenly yelled and rushed towards Wei Yunlong.


With a muffled sound, the light exploded directly inside Han Wei's body.

A huge wound exploded on her chest, and blood spurted out.

Endless energy and blood energy gathered together and surged to maintain Han Wei's vitality.

Wei Yunlong stepped forward and held Han Wei in his arms, with a sad look on his face.

"Yunlong, I'm sorry!" Han Wei opened her mouth, but in the end she just spit out these few words, and then she died completely!

With tears streaming down his face, Wei Yunlong placed Han Wei's body on the ground, walked to Lin Mo step by step, and turned to look at Du Han and others.

Endless anger surged, and Du Han and others suddenly felt that their hearts seemed to be trembling.

Ninth-grade Martial Emperor realm! Wei Yunlong actually stepped directly into the ninth-grade Martial Emperor realm at this moment!

"Teacher, my condolences!" Lin Mo spat out a few words.

Wei Yunlong nodded and said: "This is the fate she deserves. If she does something wrong, she will be punished, but she also died because of me!

I want to avenge this! "

Lin Mo nodded, looked at Du Han, and said calmly: "In that case, let's get started!"

After the words fell, the six figures standing in mid-air outside the door suddenly moved.

They appeared in the room at the same time, standing in front of Duhan and others.

"Hahaha, if Lin Mo is like this, then let's fight! I want to see your desperate look!" Du Han laughed and said: "Generals, kill him! From now on, I will share the giant city of Luobu with you! "


However, Duhan's order had no effect at all.

After his voice fell, he saw six generals kneeling down directly to Lin Mo.

Du Han's expression suddenly changed.

"You!" Behind Du Han, Ma Yan's face was full of anger: "You made a good promise when you were in bed, why did you change your mind?"

"Tsk, tsk, you believe a man's promise in bed!" One of the generals turned to look at Ma Yan: "Otherwise, how could you serve us with all your heart!"

"I have to say, your neon woman skills are really good! Tsk, tsk, endless aftertaste!"


The smiles on the faces of the generals were strong, but the words coming out of their mouths were full of humiliation.

Ma Yan had an angry look on her face, and then sneered: "Do you really think I slept with you for free? Look at the marks on your body!"

After the words fell, a white mark appeared on several generals.

"As long as I have a thought, these marks will explode instantly! You will also die directly!" Ma Yan had anger on her face: "Now, kill Lin Mo! Otherwise you will..."


She didn't say the rest of the words, because her heart was directly detonated at this moment!

A mouthful of blood spit out from her mouth, and then she fell directly to the ground and died completely!

"Since they will die if your thoughts are moved, then just make your thoughts unable to move!" Lin Mo smiled faintly and spoke slowly.

When he met a few people, he had already taken the opportunity to leave a mark on their hearts. At this moment, he directly detonated the mark on Ma Yan, causing her to die suddenly.

Seeing Ma Yan die, Du Han's expression immediately changed.

In his opinion, such methods are simply unpredictable!

"Lin Mo, you forced me to do this!" Du Han looked at Qian Ning and said loudly: "Don't hide it, let's do it!"

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly spoke, looked at Du Han and others in front of him, and said doubtfully: "You are calling for action now, don't tell me, you have no backup plan!

Do you really want to show off? "

"Do you really think you are my opponent? We are carrying weapons containing neon gods, and you are not our opponent!" Du Han sneered: "The piece of jade just now is one of them!"

"Susano'o and the others?" Lin Mo smiled faintly: "It seems you really have no backup plan!

Forget it then, I’ll send you on your way! "

After all, without giving them any chance, he directly detonated the auras buried in their hearts!

Puff puff...

A muffled sound came, and several figures trembled and soon lost their breath.

Lin Mo looked at the three figures lying on the ground, hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and groped around on their bodies.

Soon, four pieces of ancient jade appeared in front of him.

"Teacher, these four pieces of ancient jade are their methods. I know a little bit about the situation in Neon. These things should be leftover after Xu Fu created the gods!" Lin Mo didn't have a general understanding of that period of history. Know well.

However, some clues can be deduced. These pieces of ancient jade are still useful. Lin Mo is going to investigate the situation in Neon little by little.

"Just keep it. When you go to Neon in the future, I will go with you!" Wei Yunlong nodded. These people were all dead, but his revenge was not avenged.

Han Wei indirectly died at the hands of the Neon Man, so what he wanted to do was to destroy the entire Black Dragon Society!

"I didn't expect this matter to end so quickly!" Xiao Xun'er had a look of surprise on her face: "You were able to deal with them from the beginning, why didn't you do it earlier?"

"I am indeed worried that they have a back-up plan. The Black Dragon Society is much more powerful than you think, and their infiltration into the entire China is also serious.

Once Du Han and the others are dead, I suspect that some of the people behind will be unable to sit still and will take the initiative to attack me! Lin Mo chuckled and said, "I'll leave the situation here to you. I'll go to Ye Qing's place to have a look..."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Xiao Xun'er had a look of helplessness on her face, but she could only arrange for others to deal with the bodies on the ground.

Today's rebellion was a joke from beginning to end. Lin Mo thought he could lure out the big fish from Neon, but he didn't expect that he only caught a few small shrimps.

"The remaining aura on the ancient jade should be enough..." Lin Mo took out a piece of ancient jade on his way to Ye Qing and spoke softly.

At this moment, a breath suddenly emanated from the ancient jade, and an illusory figure emerged.

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