"Who are you? The aura on your body does not belong to my Japanese people!"

The figure slowly appeared in front of Lin Mo, with a halo of blood and qi behind him, which looked like the halo of the gods in the legend.

Lin Mo's face was calm, and he looked at him indifferently.

The figure in front of him was naturally a "god" from Japan, but in Lin Mo's view, it was nothing.

"Huaxia, Lin Mo." Lin Mo responded indifferently: "Who are you?"

The figure did not seem to expect that Lin Mo would dare to talk to him so lightly, and could not help but reveal an angry look.

The figure constructed by the blood and qi suddenly expanded several times.

Among the three pieces of ancient jade left on Lin Mo's body, there were two pieces of ancient jade with blood and qi surging out, which sank into the body.

"Mortal, you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

The figure spoke coldly, and then seemed to sense something.

He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo, and suddenly a ray of light flew out.

That is the sword of Ame-no-Murakumo, which is now hanging in front of Lin Mo.

"How come my sword is in your hands!" A look of shock appeared on the man's face.

"So you are Susanoo!" Lin Mo chuckled, raised his hand and held Ame-no-Murakumo: "I went to the so-called Takama-hara in your Neon mouth, and this thing naturally became mine!

If I am not mistaken, Neon should have other abysses, and the entrance to Mount Fuji is just one of them!

Xu Fu and the rest of you are hiding in those abysses, relying on the myths they have constructed, enjoying the power of offerings from the Neon people!"

Lin Mo spoke slowly, staring at the man's expression at the same time.

Since leaving Neon, Lin Mo has been wondering what Xu Fu's purpose was in constructing the myth in Neon.

Now, Lin Mo has some guesses in his mind.

That is, these people may be able to draw strength from the faith of the Neon people.

If Lin Mo's guess is true, how much power have these people accumulated over thousands of years?

Isn't it already the realm of the ninth rank of the martial emperor or even the peak of the ninth rank?

Lin Mo couldn't predict, so up to now, he had no intention of moving those so-called gods in Japan.

"You actually know so much!" Susanoo showed a surprised look on his face: "In that case, I can't keep you. The small martial arts realm is not worth mentioning at all!"

After saying that, he raised a hand and pointed at Lin Mo.

At this moment, a ray of light emanated from Lin Mo's body, resisting the power of this finger.

Lin Mo looked calm, and this power came from the dream.

"The blood and qi power that can be absorbed is detected. Do you want to absorb it?"

Such words have appeared in his mind.

"Absorb!" Lin Mo responded with his own thoughts.

Then, Lin Mo saw the figure of Susanoo in front of him become distorted.

The endless blood and qi power began to gather on Lin Mo's body.

The phantom was also becoming more and more illusory, and in the end only some residual breath and charm were left.

Lin Mo felt the blood and qi power in his body, and a smile appeared on his face.

The fifth-grade martial arts realm!

Five hundred thousand points of blood and energy surged in his body, making Lin Mo feel extremely fulfilled.

The breath of the ancient jade in his hand also became weak, and Lin Mo put it in the spiritual platform.


The ancient jade vibrated, as if it wanted to do something in the spiritual platform.

But inside the spiritual platform, the seed trembled slightly, directly suppressing the ancient jade.

Lin Mo chuckled. The situation in the spiritual platform was similar to what he expected. In fact, putting the ancient jade in it was one of the reasons why Lin Mo wanted to use the seed to suppress them.

In the following time, Lin Mo went to see Ye Qing, and after confirming that she was not affected, he began to prepare for some of the next things.

In fact, these things came much faster than Lin Mo expected.

The first to attack was the Ministry of War.

The Chinese Ministry of War arranged a strong man to come directly to the giant city of Rob.

This strong man and Chen Banzi were actually acquaintances, and he was also one of the strong men who guarded China together at the beginning.

"Li Shang, are you here to embarrass my disciple this time?" Chen Banzi looked at the old acquaintance in front of him with cold eyes.

"Old Chen, have you reached the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor now?" Li Shang did not respond, but looked at Chen Banzi with a look of surprise on his face.

Chen Banzi did not respond, but just stared at Li Shang blankly.

Li Shang's face seemed a little ugly. He did not expect Chen Banzi to be unwilling to pay attention to him at all.

"Old Chen, I actually have no other intentions this time. There are only two things in total!" Li Shang sighed lightly, and then looked at Lin Mo: "I believe you have read the documents given to you by the Ministry of War. I wonder what you think?"

"Thank you, Ministry of War!" Lin Mo chuckled and said: "Of course, this is also the result of my own efforts. This is what I deserve!"

Lin Mo's words directly stunned Li Shang. He thought Lin Mo would really thank him, but he did not expect that he would be so perfunctory.

"Lin Mo, you should know that the Ministry of War spent a lot of time and effort to give you this document, which is also..." Li Shang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chen Banzi.

"Li Shang, you'd better stop talking nonsense. Your temper was not like this at the beginning. After going around in circles for so long, you should quickly tell us your purpose!

Didn’t I say there are two things? Let’s talk about the first thing quickly! "

Li Shang suddenly looked embarrassed again, glared at Chen Banzi, and then said: "The Ministry of War hopes that you can hand over part of the holy fruit in your hand.

Of course we won’t take them all away, you can keep one! "

Li Shang had a smile on his face and slowly stretched out a finger.


Suddenly, the power of Qi and blood in Chen Banzi instantly locked onto Li Shang.

Li Shang's cultivation is currently only at the eighth-grade Martial Emperor level. Facing the pressure from Chen Banzi, he simply couldn't bear it, and his face instantly turned pale.

"It's really funny. When did the Ministry of War become like this?

Lin Mo got these things after experiencing life and death. You want to pick peaches just by saying a word?

The faces of these people in the Ministry of War are really thick! "

Li Shang's face also became ugly. He didn't expect that even Lin Mo didn't say anything, but Chen Banzi started to curse.

He originally thought that Lin Mo was just a junior, and he could rely on his status as an elder to communicate with Lin Mo. In addition, he was a high-ranking person in the military, so it was not easy to control Lin Mo.

But unexpectedly, Lin Mo acted like an outsider throughout the whole process and didn't speak at all.

The only time he spoke, he almost choked Li Shang to death.

"This matter is not non-negotiable." Li Shang considered the words and said: "I can give you some permission to keep the three holy fruits!

Lin Mo, you should know very well that this is the Ministry of War’s final bottom line!

Otherwise, the Ministry of War can take back your documents at any time! "

"Then take it back!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "I don't need the paperwork, but I will continue to stay here. The Ministry of War should not have the right to kick me out of here, right?"

Lin Mo smiled faintly and spoke again.

Li Shang was suddenly speechless again. He found that Lin Mo didn't take him seriously at all.

"Li Shang, you should go back, I have never seen such disgusting people like you.

He obviously robs other people's things, but he still pretends to be a gift!

It really makes me sick to the extreme!

There is not a single holy fruit! Get back! "

Chen Banzi actually said such words in the end, which already made it clear that he was about to fall out.

Li Shang's expression became extremely embarrassed. He didn't expect that Chen Banzi didn't care about the past friendship at all.

"Senior Li, if you have nothing else to do, you can go back first!

Of course, Rob Giant City also welcomes Senior Li to wander around! "Lin Mo also spoke directly, as if to see off guests.

The corners of Li Shang's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and his brows were beating wildly.

"I have a second thing!" Li Shang felt angry in his heart.

The Ministry of War actually has records about the Holy Mountain, and they also know very well how much fruit the Holy Tree on the Holy Mountain can bear each time.

So this time, the bottom line given by the Ministry of War is that Lin Mo can keep half of the fruit.

The purpose of Li Shang's visit this time was actually to get Lin Mo to hand over most of the holy fruits, and then he could secretly keep a few for himself.

But I didn't expect that Lin Mo was unwilling to take out one.

This made his wish to become Emperor Wu come to nothing, and one can imagine the anger in his heart.

However, Li Shang ignored one thing, that is, these holy fruits belong to Lin Mo and have nothing to do with him and the Ministry of War!

"The second thing?" Lin Mo chuckled, as if he had been prepared for this, and just stood there, looking at Li Shang quietly.

For some reason, Li Shang looked at the smile on Lin Mo's face and instinctively felt that something bad was going to happen.

But he still gritted his teeth and said: "Du Han and others are members of the Ministry of War, and they are now dead in Luobu City. According to our investigation, they still died in your hands!

It is a serious crime for you to kill someone from the Ministry of War without permission. Do you know your mistake? "

This is Li Shang's trump card this time, that is, Lin Mo killed people from the Ministry of War without permission.

Li Shang is confident that he can rely on this crime to take advantage of Lin Mo.

"Does Senior Li have a good relationship with Du Han and others?" Lin Mo did not answer, but asked suddenly.

Li Shang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course it's great, they and I are colleagues and friends!

This time they died in your hands, which makes me extremely angry!

I want to seek justice for this matter! "

He spoke with awe-inspiring justice, and there was even some sadness and anger in his eyes.

Lin Mo looked at his expression, and his expression suddenly became serious and cold.

"Master, you heard that he has a close relationship with Du Han and others! Please ask Master to take down this person!" Lin Mo said sharply.

Chen Banzi also sneered, rushed forward and controlled Li Shang.

Li Shang was furious: "You dare to touch me?! Do you know..."

Li Shang was interrupted by Lin Mo just as he was halfway through his words.

"Senior Li, do you know that the beloved relatives and friends you talk about are from Neon?!" Lin Mo spoke slowly.

Li Shang's pupils shrank suddenly!

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