Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 360: Get some trustworthy people

"What nonsense are you talking about! Du Han and the others are all talents from our Chinese Military Department. They have been working hard for so many years. Now that they are dead, I will not allow you to humiliate them like this!"

Li Shang's face was full of anger, and he pointed at Lin Mo and yelled loudly.

Lin Mo looked calm and looked at Chen Banzi and said, "Master, can you show him the evidence?"

Chen Banzi nodded and said: "His whole family died in the hands of Nihong's people. There should be a blood feud with Nihong. There is no doubt about this."

Lin Mo nodded and shouted outside: "Come in and show the video of that time to Senior Li!"

Not long after, Xiao Xun'er came in with a playback device, connected it to the projector, and played the scene from that day.

In the picture, when Du Han mentioned Neon, he was talking about the Black Dragon Society, and his words were filled with endless respect.

The scene at that time appeared in front of Li Shang again, and evidence after evidence made him unable to admit the identity of Du Han and others.

At the end, Li Shang's face was full of anger.

"Chen Banzi, I am innocent and have nothing to do with them! I will never take refuge in Neon!" Li Shang looked at Chen Banzi and spoke eagerly.

"Senior Li's words are wrong. In the face of absolute interests, even the most beloved relatives and friends can be abandoned. People's hearts are far apart. Who knows what you think?" Lin Mo said lightly: "After all, you are an elder. If you have the nerve to force me to hand over the Holy Fruit, you can do such a thing, what else can't you do?"

After saying this, Li Shang's eyes were filled with anger.

"Chen Banzi, you speak to me, you prove it to me!" Li Shang said angrily, while constantly struggling.

But Chen Banzi just subdued him hard and didn't give him any chance to break free.

At the end, Chen Banzi was exhausted. He looked at Lin Mo with even pleading in his eyes.

"You can kill me, but you can't let me die with a stigma!" Li Shang murmured: "Just think of it as me begging you, kill me, but don't spread those stigmas on me! "

Chen Banzi had pity and hatred on his face, and looked at Li Shang with a complicated expression.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?" Chen Banzi's heart was filled with emotion. If he could stick to his heart at the beginning, maybe the outcome would be different!

Even if Chen Banzi can intercede in front of Lin Mo for the sake of past friendship, I believe Lin Mo will give him this face.

After all, if there is a friend at the level of Emperor Wu in the Ministry of War, many things will be much easier.

"I don't know much about Senior Li's character, but I can leave this video to you!" Lin Mo clicked the play button, and the projector played another picture again.

That was the scene where Li Shang admitted that he had a close friendship with Du Han and others. It turned out that everything was hidden under the video recorder from the moment Li Shang entered the hall!

Li Shang's expression turned pale again. He didn't believe that Lin Mo would be willing to hand over the video to him for no reason.

"Tell me, what conditions do you have!" Li Shang sighed, knowing that he probably wouldn't die, but he would definitely suffer a lot.

"I need to leave a mark on you. From today on, I need to see the determination of the Ministry of War to punish those who are lurking in the Ministry of War!

I want to see changes in the Ministry of War. "

Li Shang's face became serious. The change Lin Mo said was, in other words, to see blood!

He looked at the young man in his twenties and was extremely shocked.

What a thoughtful thought this was, and now he regretted it to the extreme.

He fought for this spot against all odds. If he had known this was the case, he wouldn't have come even if I killed him!

"I promise you!" Li Shang had no choice at all and could only nod in agreement.

Seeing Li Shang agree, Lin Mo's face showed a smile, nodded and said: "He is a smart man!"

After saying that, he went forward directly, and according to the previous actions on Du Han, he also left aura on several of Li Shang's heart veins.

"You have also seen those videos. As long as I move these qi machines, your body functions will be destroyed instantly!

Don't think about getting rid of these auras, I can feel you touching them. If I feel it, I will move the aura directly!

Okay, go back, again, I want to see the results within three days! Lin Mo waved his hand, and Chen Banzi took Li Shang away from here.

Lin Mo looked at their leaving figures with a look of sadness on his face.

"There is a lack of talent!" Lin Mo had a look of emotion on his face. There were a lot of talents available in Luobu City, but compared with what he wanted to do now, he still needed more manpower.

Lin Mo had a thoughtful look on his face, and his eyes lit up slightly.

One day later, Tianlong City.

This is the first time Lin Mo has come to this place. According to the information he obtained previously, the person he is looking for is in Tianlong City.

Tianlongcheng Martial Arts University.

After Lin Mo completed registration at the school gate, he entered the school directly.

As one of the most open cities in China, Tianlong City is full of a culture of tolerance, and all schools allow outsiders to enter.

Of course, the reason why outsiders are allowed in is because of their own confidence.

The Tianlong City Martial Arts University in front of him is one of the best universities in Tianlong City. According to the information that Lin Molai found before, the president of this university is named Yu Hua, and he is actually a strong man at the peak of the ninth rank of the Martial Emperor. !

A strong man of this level is guarding the school. Even if there is a short-sighted person looking for trouble, he can just slap him to death!

With a smile on Lin Mo's face, he walked on campus and looked forward along the plastic road. The students were reading and practicing. In short, it was a very beautiful atmosphere.

Lin Mo had also seen such a scene when he was at Wuhan University in Beijing.

"Youth is so wonderful!" Lin Mo saw couples holding hands and walking past him, with happy smiles on their faces.

Following the instructions on the school map, he first circled around the school, and then he spread his mental power to the extreme and enveloped the surroundings bit by bit.

Soon a smile appeared on his face: "I found you!"

After saying that, Lin Mo walked towards the school playground.

From a long distance away, Lin Mo saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure standing there, staring into the distance.

Following his gaze, there was a woman standing in the distance, wearing a sports vest, her long and straight thighs swinging regularly, running back and forth along the track.

As she ran, the two monstrous balls of evil kept vibrating, making people feel dizzy.

"Watching the ball!" Lin Mo took in all this, then quietly stepped forward, stood behind the figure and spoke abruptly.

"Yeah, look at that ball, it's so white..." The figure nodded subconsciously, but soon realized something was wrong and quickly turned around to look at Lin Mo: "What nonsense are you talking about? Who is watching the ball... Let me go! Lin Mo, is it really you?"

"Long time no see, Liu Lei!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

After graduation, Lin Mo and Liu Lei had not seen each other again. Occasionally, they could hear some news about Liu Lei, but then they stopped completely.

Yesterday, when Lin Mo was thinking that there was no reliable person around him, Liu Lei, a good friend, naturally appeared in his mind.

The two of them stepped forward at the same time, hugged each other fiercely, and slapped each other hard on the back.

"You kid!" Liu Lei separated from Lin Mo and looked at Lin Mo with a surprised look on his face: "I can't tell what state you are in now!"

"Martial Emperor, fifth rank!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "You are not bad at all. You have actually reached the ninth rank Martial King realm, and you are only a hair away from the Martial Saint!"

Liu Lei's talent is not very good, and being able to reach this level really shocked Lin Mo.

At the same time, Lin Mo noticed that Liu Lei's figure had become a little different.

From the original skinny monkey-like figure, he has become powerful, and his muscles are full of explosive power.

But soon, Lin Mo frowned again: "Why does your martial arts cultivation feel like something is wrong!"

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Liu Lei's face became a little uneasy, he scratched his head and said, "You have seen that my martial arts training and my current figure are actually the result of taking medicine!"

Lin Mo was shocked, because to reach this level of cultivation, even based on the current cost of various pills, it was a terrifying amount of money.

Liu Lei's family is no better than Lin Mo's, so where did he get so much money?

It's not that Lin Mo doesn't want to see his former best friend doing well, but he is worried that Liu Lei has gone astray for money.

"These fees are not cheap. Also, I remember that the school you took the exam for was not this one, but now I heard that you are a teacher here. Although you are just a physical education teacher, you are paid very well... Liu Lei, you have been doing this all these years. What have you been through!" Lin Mo looked at him and asked with a smile.

Liu Lei scratched his head and seemed hesitant to speak. Lin Mo even saw that Liu Lei's cheeks seemed to be a little red.

"Do you have time? Go out for a meal?!" Lin Mo smiled when he saw his appearance. In this regard, Liu Lei was no different from before. Every time he was nervous, he would scratch his head.

"Let's go out to eat!" Liu Lei subconsciously glanced at the woman who was still running in the distance, then sighed and nodded.

After a while, the two of them arrived at a small restaurant outside the school. They ordered some of their favorite dishes in high school, then ordered a bottle of liquor, and started chatting.

After two glasses of white wine, when Lin Mo asked Liu Lei again about his experiences over the years, he opened his mouth and turned even redder.

"Liu Lei, is there anything we can't say? Is the relationship between the two of us worth keeping secret from me?" Lin Mo raised his glass and touched it with him: "Okay, hurry up, you've whetted my appetite. "

"Okay, I told you not to laugh at me!" Liu Lei gritted his teeth and began to talk about everything he had experienced over the years.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was stunned as he listened!

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