Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 36: Surpass the First!

"Wang Tianfeng's speed is too fast. This guy is a monster. Ordinary geniuses can't compare with him!" Zhang He nodded in agreement, and then looked at Lin Mo: "But having said that, this guy's 24.8 blood can take To second place...

He is also a monster! "

"Gravity is only the first level we have set. If you can maintain the current results in the second level, you will be considered a real monster!"

Sun Qian spoke disapprovingly.

"Speaking of the second level..." Zhang He had a look of unbearability on his face: "Are you sure you want to train them in that way?

Someone could die if you're not careful! "

"There is no immortality in martial arts!" Sun Qian said calmly: "Since I am the person in charge of this training camp, I should have the power to make the decision!"

"I hope those old guys won't jump around when the time comes!" Zhang He smiled expectantly: "Speaking of which, I'm also looking forward to it. When we saw those things, many people were scared to death and didn't know they were there. How embarrassing can it be!

By the way, I want to turn on the real-time video, I want to record all the embarrassing scenes of these boys, and then I will use it to mock them! "

Zhang He stood up excitedly and turned on the video button in front of the screen.

Sun Qian on the side suddenly rushed to the screen and looked at the scene where Lin Mo was in shock.

"How can this be!"

Sun Qian's voice was trembling because she was so shocked.

"I see you are making such a fuss, so what?" Zhang He said helplessly.

"His speed has increased again!" Sun Qian pointed at Lin Mo: "Now his speed is faster than Wang Tianfeng!"

On Purple Mountain, Lin Mo looked up and could vaguely see the top of the mountain.

Moreover, as the distance to the top of the mountain got closer and closer, Lin Mo could already vaguely see several figures appearing around him.

The fastest one among them was dozens of meters ahead of him, and was climbing up at an extremely fast speed!

There was another person next to him who seemed to be aware of Lin Mo's presence, and even raised his hand to say hello lazily.

"The blood level is very high, and he also has breathing skills!" Lin Mo looked at the person closest to him and couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The two are about the same age, but the person next to him should have more than twice his energy and blood.

"Brother, go ahead and overtake the monster in front of you!" Yan Kai looked at Lin Mo, with a smile on his handsome face: "If you can overtake him, I will treat you to the capital one day. Ten days of training at the top training ground!”

"Top training ground?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was a place that used technological means to simulate the best training environment to increase the speed of training.

However, the fees for such places are horrifyingly expensive. Some top training places cost tens of millions per day!

After practicing for ten days, that’s hundreds of millions!

Lin Mo smiled and did not respond, but silently felt the current state of his body.

The Thunder Breathing Technique should have reached a new level after breaking through a certain limit.

Lin Mo could feel his current cultivation speed. Even without taking Qi and Blood Pills, he could increase his Qi and Blood by at least 0.5 per day!

"It's terrible! At this rate, even if I don't take Qi and Blood Pills, I can conquer the warriors within a year!" Lin Mo showed a smile on his face, and he can conquer the warriors within a year!

This is something I never dared to think about before.

Moreover, after becoming a samurai, even if your lifelong strength does not increase, you will be able to live a lifetime of wealth!

You know, Wu Di, who captured him last time, only had the strength of a first-grade warrior.

"I don't know what the limit of the Thunder Breathing Technique is after the breakthrough!" Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at Wang Tianfeng, who was only a few dozen meters away from him, with a smile on his face.

The next moment, his speed increased again!


The sound of thunder in Lin Mo's body became more obvious, and it could even be vaguely seen that there was a layer of lavender light on Lin Mo's body surface!


Lin Mo instantly surpassed Yan Kai and became second place, and chased Wang Tianfeng at the current speed!

Wang Tianfeng, who was rushing at the front, felt something and slowly turned around and took a look.

"The blood value is not high, but the speed is so fast?" Wang Tianfeng frowned slightly, and soon thought of something: "It is a bit shameless to use the Qi and Blood Pill to maintain the current speed!"

"However, if you want to defeat me with this method, you are thinking too much!"

Wang Tianfeng thought like this, the energy and blood in his body began to mobilize, and the next moment, his speed also began to increase!

Lin Mo's speed has been increasing crazily, and if you look carefully, you can vaguely see arcs jumping on his body.

Yan Kai, who was left behind by Lin Mo, opened his mouth in surprise and looked at Lin Mo's back: "I'll go, I'll just talk casually, you really have to go all out!

Ten days of top training ground, you are going to wipe out all my pocket money! "

At the same time, other people who were climbing also felt something and looked in the direction of Lin Mo.

"The Flash? No one has lightning on his body!"

"Is it a special effect?"

Several people who were relatively close began to discuss.

Wang Tianfeng rushed to the front, feeling that the distance between Lin Mo and himself was still approaching crazily, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"I said, I won't lose, then I will definitely not lose!" Wang Tianfeng had a cold look on his face, and the next moment, his speed skyrocketed again!


He even ignored the obstacles in front of him and used his fists to clear the way.

The broken stones flew, and Wang Tianfeng moved forward!

Although Lin Mo kept avoiding the stones, his speed was not inferior to Wang Tianfeng, and he even had a tendency to surpass him!

Wang Tianfeng's eyes were cold, and the next moment, he punched the boulder beside him fiercely!

With a bang, the boulder cracked, and several of the stones smashed directly at Lin Mo!

Lin Mo, who was rushing forward, looked stern and avoided it with difficulty.

Looking up at Wang Tianfeng, Lin Mo's face showed a cold look.

"Against me?" Lin Mo said coldly, and the next moment, his speed soared again!

In front of the screen, Zhang He and Sun Qian didn't know what to say.

After watching the video for so long, they couldn't remember how many times Lin Mo's speed had soared!

You know, 0.5 gravity was added to Lin Mo's body.

That is to say, when the gravity on Lin Mo was higher than that on Wang Tianfeng, his speed still exceeded that of Wang Tianfeng!

"This kid is a monster!" Zhang He couldn't help but say: "I am looking forward to his performance after entering the camp... If he performs well, I want to keep him!"

"Will he become a waste like you if I leave him?" Sun Qian glanced at him and said lightly: "If he maintains his current ranking at the end of the training camp, I will personally plead with those old guys to let him enter the Beijing Military University!"

"Just as I thought!" Zhang He smiled and said: "If he really enters the military university, I think he can be handed over to that person for training. That person is very good at dealing with these monsters!"

"He is good at dealing with monsters, but he is also good at driving people crazy!" Sun Qian said lightly: "Let's see when it's over. If he can really be worshipped by that person, it will be a good choice!"

"That kid will surpass Wang Tianfeng!" Zhang He did not continue the topic, but pointed to the screen.

On the screen, Lin Mo was only a few meters away from Wang Tianfeng.

"Wang Tianfeng is a bit unkind. He actually attacked Lin Mo!" Zhang He glanced at Sun Qian: "Should we add 0.5 gravity to him as well?"

"No need. I really want to see how Lin Mo will react!" Sun Qian looked at Lin Mo, because at this moment, the two of them were already standing shoulder to shoulder.

Wang Tianfeng glanced at Lin Mo with a sneer on his face: "Do you really think that I can be in the limelight if you win here?

I tell you, after I enter the camp, I will let you know what a real strong man is!"

"You have no chance!" Lin Mo looked at Wang Tianfeng with a cruel smile on his face.


His figure rushed forward a few meters, then stopped and turned around!

Facing Wang Tianfeng!

Vajra Finger!

Lin Mo roared, and golden light lingered on his two fingers, like indestructible metal!

"Just you!"

Wang Tianfeng's face was cold, and he waved his fists to win!


After a muffled sound, Wang Tianfeng showed a surprised look on his face.

He was actually at a disadvantage in this attack!

"Wang Tianfeng consumed a lot of blood and energy along the way, and Lin Mo used blood and energy pills to replenish his blood and energy. Therefore, when the two of them fight now, Lin Mo is not at a disadvantage, and even has the upper hand!" Sun Qian saw the reason at a glance.

And Lin Mo saw Wang Tianfeng suffer a loss, and the sneer on his face became even stronger.

He stood on it and jumped high towards Wang Tianfeng!

Eagle step!

Lin Mo performed Eagle step and stepped on Wang Tianfeng's face!

Wang Tianfeng raised his hands to resist, and his feet collided with Lin Mo's!


Under the huge pressure, Wang Tianfeng knelt on the ground!

"Stone Crushing Fist!"

Lin Mo jumped down and punched with both fists at the same time!


Wang Tianfeng was hit by a punch, spitting out blood from his mouth, and fell to the ground!

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