Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 37 The instructor is simply a devil!

"What the hell?!"

Yan Kai, who was watching the show in the back, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene: "I asked you to surpass, but I didn't ask you to knock people down!

So fierce! "

"There was a fight? Who was that? So strong!"

The people who followed him one after another couldn't help but stop and look at Lin Mo in amazement when they saw this scene.

The woods were dense, and they could only vaguely see Lin Mo jumping up and Wang Tianfeng flying backwards.

As for Lin Mo's appearance, they couldn't see clearly at all.

"You... are despicable!" Wang Tianfeng fell to the ground and pointed at Lin Mo: "Do you know who I am? Do you believe that after entering the camp..."


Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo stepped on Wang Tianfeng's legs, and with a scream, he passed out.

"I told you that you can't enter the camp, and you're still here..." Lin Mo dropped these words, turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain.

If Wang Tianfeng was still sober, he would definitely regret it because the people he had left behind had already surpassed him one by one.

And he, from first place, ended up being eliminated.

In front of the screen, Sun Qian and Zhang He stared at Lin Mo.

"Pfft!" After a few seconds, Zhang He suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, I like this guy, I must get him to the military headquarters!

But Sun Qian and Wang Tianfeng are from the Wang family in the capital. He also has an even more evil brother who is at the Martial Arts University in the capital. If he knew that his brother had his feet trampled on by someone, he would probably go crazy! "

"Since he dares to do it, he will have to bear the consequences!" Sun Qian smiled lightly: "But I didn't expect that this kid actually defeated Wang Tianfeng! Although he took a slight advantage, it was enough to prove that this kid has great fighting talent. high……

It's a pity that the blood value is too low!

His current energy and blood value may not be low in Jinling, but looking at the whole of China, it is not good at all, and it is incomparable to those monsters!

After actually attending a martial arts university, it is possible to be lost in the crowd. "

"You don't need to tell me so much. Anyway, I will definitely take this kid to the military camp and hand him over to that person for training!" Zhang He chuckled: "When the time comes, I want to watch those monsters being beaten up!"

"Okay, there's still half an hour left. Get ready. The second level assessment will begin soon." Sun Qian turned off the screen with an expressionless face and left.

Zhang He followed with a smile: "Do you think we should also arrange for the Mountain King to enter the second level?"

"Are you crazy?" Sun Qian glared at him: "The Mountain King's strength is comparable to that of a seventh-grade warrior. If it goes crazy, even if you and I join forces, we may not be able to completely subdue it!

Don’t forget, this is its home court! "

"Okay then..." Zhang He nodded with some disappointment.

At this moment, Lin Mo was already standing on the top of the mountain, and soon saw the continuous buildings not far away.

"The entrance to the camp is on the top of the mountain." Looking back at Wang Tianfeng who was lying on the ground, Lin Mo waved his hand at him and stood at the entrance of the camp after a few ups and downs.

"It's still twenty minutes until twelve o'clock. Fortunately, I'm fast enough!" Lin Mo looked around and saw others arriving one after another.


The phone vibrated again, and a text message came into view.

"Enter the camp and start your two-month training camp life!"

"Genius, good luck to you!"

Lin Mo looked at the word "genius" at the end of the text message and felt it seemed like a silent mockery.

Putting away his phone, Lin Mo looked at the open camp door, always feeling that this was the entrance to the fire pit...

"I finally came in. My name is Yan Kai. What's your name, buddy?"

Just as Lin Mo was about to enter the camp, a hand was put on his shoulder.

Lin Mo frowned, took a step forward, avoided his hand, and then pointed behind him with his golden fingers.

"I'll go, you're going to destroy me!" Yan Kai shouted and raised his hands to resist.

His hands seemed to be petrified, and Lin Mo's two fingers made a crisp sound when he pointed them.

"So strong!" Lin Mo was shocked: "This guy hides his strength!"

Yan Kai's strength is definitely better than Wang Tianfeng!

"Ahem, don't be nervous, I just want to make friends..." Yan Kai coughed lightly and said with a smile, "I'm willing to admit defeat. When you get to the capital, I'll treat you to a top training ground!"

As he spoke, he extended his right hand to Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo." Lin Mo also stretched out his hand and said his name.

"What a name!" Yan Kai gave a thumbs up: "Would you consider joining the camp together? I heard that the real test is yet to come!"

Lin Mo frowned slightly and looked at him quietly.

"The test just now is just the first test. After entering the camp, there will be a practical test. It is different every year. I don't know what it will be this year!"

Yan Kai explained, then looked at Lin Mo expectantly: "How about it, do you want to come together?"

Before Lin Mo could answer, dozens of figures rushed over from behind.

With almost no pause, they rushed straight into the camp gate.


With a loud noise, the camp gate completely disappeared, and a huge pit appeared in its original position!

A group of students screamed and fell down.

"What the hell... what a trap!" Lin Mo wiped his forehead, feeling that he was really too wise.

When he saw the text message, he felt that there was a trap in it, but he didn't expect it to be so!

"Fortunately, I didn't rush down..." Yan Kai also wiped his forehead: "We are so lucky..."

Bang bang!

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared behind the two of them and kicked them.

The two were caught off guard and kicked directly into the deep pit.

"Hesitate!" Zhang He moved his hands and feet, squatted at the edge of the pit, and turned on the real-time video: "I really look forward to seeing these geniuses crying for their parents!"

In the pit, Lin Mo looked up.

The depth of the entire pit is more than ten meters, and the pit wall is smooth. It is impossible to climb up.

Where the two were standing originally, a camera can be seen, filming them.

"Don't let me catch you..." Lin Mo said speechlessly.

"It's useless to catch you. We are not his opponent. Besides, that should be one of our instructors... Zhang He." Yan Kai said speechlessly: "I heard that Instructor Zhang is a weirdo. He is obviously talented, but he is too lazy to scare people. He spends most of his time sleeping..."


Lin Mo was stunned, and looked at the camera again. He wanted to ask, are you also a cheater who relies on sleeping to level up?

"You seem to be very interested in Instructor Zhang!" Yan Kai looked at Lin Mo's inquiring eyes and couldn't help asking.

"You seem to know a lot about the training camp!" Lin Mo didn't respond, but looked at Yan Kai with a scrutinizing look on his face.

"The training camp is almost the same every year. I heard it from my brother!" Yan Kai explained.

Lin Mo nodded, which was considered to be an acknowledgement of this answer, and then looked around: "How to pass the second level?"

"I don't know..." Yan Kai spread his hands: "My brother didn't tell me!"

"Your brother, so useless!" Lin Mo sighed.

"I hope you dare to say this to him when you see him in the future..." Yan Kai muttered softly: "I forgot to remind you that someone is recording in real time. My brother may also see this video..."

"What did you say?" Lin Mo was observing the surroundings and didn't listen carefully.

"It's okay!" Yan Kai shook his head quickly: "Have you found the exit?"

"Found it." Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed not far away: "It's written on the sign!"

Following the direction of Lin Mo's finger, Yan Kai took a look and was speechless.

A sign with the word "exit" was placed about a hundred meters away from where they landed.

With the experience of falling into the pit before, a group of students looked at the sign and didn't dare to move at all.


Everyone's mobile phone rang at the same time, and a new text message was delivered.

The content of the text message was all the same: leave from the exit!

"This..." A group of people looked in the direction of the exit with a hesitant look on their faces.

After a while, several people looked in the direction of Lin Mo and Yan Kai and walked towards them.

"My name is Leng Feng. We can cooperate in the next assessment!" Leng Feng stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yan Kai nodded: "How do you plan to cooperate?"

"You two are very strong. I think you two can open the way in front, and we will be the rear guard, ready to support at any time!" Leng Feng said his plan.

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment, while Lin Mo sneered and said, "Then why should we cooperate with you rubbish?" After that, he rushed directly towards the exit. Yan Kai was stunned for a moment, and waved to Leng Feng: "You also saw that my teammates' meaning is my meaning!" After that, he also rushed up. Leng Feng looked at the backs of the two people leaving, and his face suddenly turned livid. He came from Tianlong City, and his blood and qi had reached 42, which could be regarded as the seed player of Tianlong City this year. So there were more than a dozen students from Tianlong around him, which could be said to be a hundred responses. But he ran into a wall with Lin Mo and Yan Kai. "Humph, being too arrogant will always bring about the consequences!" Leng Feng left this sentence and followed with a group of people. The two ran for dozens of meters in one breath, but nothing happened. "Is this level a 100-meter sprint?" Lin Mo looked at the exit getting closer and closer, and couldn't help frowning. "Do you know what the instructor is called in the training camp?" Yan Kai glanced at Lin: "Devil!

You expect the devil to be so kind..."

With a creak, while talking, the two saw a door slowly opening in the direction of the exit not far away.

The two paused and looked at each other blankly.

"The door is open? Has the devil changed this year?" Yan Kai murmured, and then a smile appeared on his face: "My brother said that this year's main instructor is a woman, haha, women are really kind!

Praise the female instructor!"

"You think too much..." Lin Mo looked at the direction of the door vigilantly and took a fighting posture.

"Idiot, the door is open, what are you waiting for?!" Leng Feng had already caught up with people, looking at Lin Mo and Yan Kai standing there, and couldn't help but mocking: "Let's go!"

Accompanied by his call, a group of people rushed directly to the exit of the gate.


Just when they rushed out more than ten meters, a wolf howl sounded.

Then, smoke and dust rose from the exit, and figures could be vaguely seen rushing out from the entrance.

"What...what? A wolf?" Leng Feng looked at the entrance and couldn't help frowning.

And the people around him had already begun to tremble.

At this time, the smoke and dust dispersed, and hundreds of giant wolves half the height of a man were rushing towards them!

"Monster beasts - giant wolves!" Yan Kai's face became extremely ugly: "Comparable to third-grade warriors! There are a hundred of them!

This chief instructor is not an angel, she is a super devil!

She is not going to test us, she is going to send us to reincarnation!"

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