
Leng Feng, who was rushing at the front, roared, turned around and ran towards Lin Mo and others without hesitation.

But the demon wolves were as fast as the wind, and hundreds of them drowned everyone at once!

Some people were shaking their fists and using martial arts skills to fight the demon wolf, while others were so frightened that they were trembling all over and stood there without daring to move.

Faced with such a student, the demon wolf opened his mouth and bit him without hesitation.

Amidst the shrill screams, someone was bitten to death!

"What kind of genius training camp? Are they going to kill us all?!" Looking at this bloody scene, some people were so frightened that they almost cried.

"A bunch of idiots!" Sun Qian said coldly in front of the screen: "Faced with such a disparity in combat power, formulating tactics is the most important thing! The average strength of these people is above level three warriors. With reasonable tactics, these people There are simply not enough demon wolves to kill!”

"Besides, the purpose of this level is not to let them kill the demon wolf!" Zhang He had returned to the monitoring room and said lazily: "Find the wolf king, kill the wolf king, and the wolves will naturally collapse!

You are right, a bunch of brainless guys!

However, there are also some who perform well..."

Zhang He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Mo and Yan Kai: "These two have been calm from the beginning to the end, especially Lin Mo, who discovered the existence of the demon wolf in a very short period of time."

"These two are also idiots. This level requires teamwork. The two of them rejected Leng Feng's invitation. No matter how strong they are, they can't pass the assessment!" Sun Qian frowned: "You pay attention to the time and you can persist. Anyone who takes more than thirty minutes can be considered a pass!

If not a single one passes, it’s time for those stubborn old men to curse! "

"Wait, look, what are these two boys doing?" Zhang He, who had been looking at the screen, suddenly spoke, interrupting Sun Qian's words.

On the screen, Lin Mo and Yan Kai stood back to back, staring around cautiously.

"Are there any weapons?" Lin Mo looked at the wolves in front of him and asked loudly.

"Yes, but there is only one piece!" Yan Kai touched the ring on his right hand, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

"I only have one thing!" Lin Mo took out the iron rod, held it in his hand, then roared and rushed towards the wolves!


Lin Mo picked up the iron rod and hit the demon wolf in front of him hard. The demon wolf's head exploded instantly and it fell to the ground.

Facing this bloody scene, Lin Mo's expression did not change at all, and he even used an iron rod to move the broken head twice.

"No demon pill?!" Lin Mo was a little disappointed, and then looked at the next demon wolf.

"The formation of demon elixir requires specific circumstances. Not every demon beast has demon elixir!" Yan Kai was also paying attention to Lin Mo's situation. Hearing his words, he couldn't help but explain.

Just as he was talking, Lin Mo killed another demon wolf with the iron rod in his hand.

Yan Kai's movements were also extremely fast. He raised the knife and cut open the intestines of each demon wolf.

Such a crazy fight caused the two people to consume their vitality and blood at a rate that doubled.

Less than five minutes later, Yan Kai's movements became slow, and the dagger in his hand even fell to the ground several times.

The demon wolf howled, and then several demon wolves pounced on Yan Kai at the same time.

"Fuck! I'm going to die!" Yan Kai shouted, and then rushed towards Leng Feng and others: "Brothers, help!"

Looking at this scene, Leng Feng and others were so frightened that their scalps went numb.

"Don't come over!!"

Someone yelled at Yan Kai, and Leng Feng almost vomited blood in anger, but faced with this scene, he could only take action forcefully.

"Yan Kai's energy and blood are depleting so fast, but Lin Mo..." Sun Qian looked at the screen with a solemn look on her face: "He has been rushing to kill, but his energy and blood seems to be exhausted. !”

"It should be some kind of breathing method!" Zhang He's face was solemn: "This kid has a lot of secrets. Have you noticed how he takes out the weapon in his hand?"

"It should be some kind of storage space, but he doesn't seem to have any similar decorations on his hands!" Sun Qian took a special look at Lin Mo's hands.

There isn't anything resembling storage space on it.

"I want to see how long this kid can last!" Zhang He glanced at a screen in the picture. It was a huge cage with black cloth covering all sides.

Occasionally you can hear breathing coming from inside.

In the deep pit, the iron rod in Lin Mo's hand was covered with blood stains, and there were more and more corpses of demon wolves around him.

Ten minutes have passed. According to the normal consumption rate, Lin Mo's qi and blood should have been exhausted long ago, but now he feels full of qi and blood.

At this time, Yan Kai and others had left the center of the battle and were taking Qi and Blood Pills to replenish their Qi and blood.

"Is this guy a perpetual motion machine?" Yan Kai swallowed a Qi and Blood Pill and felt the abundant power of Qi and Blood, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Intermediate Qi and Blood Pill!"

The people on the side looked at the Qi and Blood Pill that Yan Kai had just swallowed, with envious expressions on their faces.

Intermediate Qi and Blood Pills cost two million each!

"It's great to be rich!" Leng Feng muttered, took out a few low-level Qi and Blood Pills from his body, and distributed them to several people around him.

"Thank you, Brother Feng!"

"Brother Feng is awesome!"

Several people quickly thanked him and then swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill.

Leng Feng smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Mo in the distance.

"Let's see how long you can hold on!" He thought coldly in his heart: "After killing for so long, the number of demon wolves has only decreased by more than 30, and there are nearly 70 left. You can't kill them all!

When your blood and qi are exhausted, it will be your death!"


At this moment, the iron rod in Lin Mo's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

Just as he was about to bend down to pick it up, a tall demon wolf suddenly howled and rushed towards Lin Mo!

"That's the wolf king!"

Someone looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The size and strength of the wolf king exceeded the demon wolf. After a little feeling, Lin Mo immediately judged the strength of the wolf king.

Comparable to a fourth-grade warrior!

Stone-breaking fist!

Facing the wolf king who pounced on him, Lin Mo didn't have time to think too much, and directly swung his fist and hit him.

"With less than 30 blood and qi, he dared to confront the wolf king face to face. This kid is really bold!" Zhang He said with a smile.

But in the next scene, the wolf king screamed and fell directly from mid-air to the ground.

"Vajra Finger!"

Lin Mo didn't give it any chance. His two fingers were covered with golden light and he mercilessly pointed at the waist of the wolf king!


The wolf king howled and his eyes quickly turned blood red!

The short black hair on his body stood up, and the terrible blood power kept surging!

"The wolf king is crazy!" Someone exclaimed, with a look of fear on his face.


The next moment, Lin Mo punched the wolf king's head and interrupted the wolf king's long howl.

Because of its powerful strength, the wolf king obviously has a certain spirituality, so after Lin Mo interrupted its howl, it was immediately confused.

At this time, Lin Mo swung his fist again and hit it on the head.

The wolf king was stunned by the heavy punches one after another.

Seeing Lin Mo pick up the iron bar, the wolf king finally showed a look of panic on his face.

The next moment, he actually ran towards the wolf pack with his tail between his legs!

The wolf king was defeated, and the wolf pack naturally dispersed.

But Lin Mo chased after him with an iron rod.

The wolf king was powerful, and his intelligence was just beginning to develop. It was very likely that he had already formed a demon pill.

So, under the gaze of everyone, a dramatic scene appeared in the deep pit:

A group of wolves fled frantically in front, followed by a young man holding an iron rod, chasing desperately...

"This kid... is too fierce!" Zhang He looked at this scene and couldn't help but speak.

Sun Qian nodded and said regretfully: "It's a pity that his blood value is too low! This determines that his upper limit will not be too high!"

"It's a pity!" Zhang He stood up and moved his hands and feet: "Okay, time is almost up, let's get ready and meet the children!"

Sun Qian nodded, the wolf king had already escaped, and the group of students had passed the assessment.

On the other side, Lin Mo chased out of the exit with an iron rod.

In an instant, Lin Mo felt suddenly enlightened, and in front of him was a huge flat bottom with some tents on it.

The tents formed a huge open space, which should be a place for training.

The previous group of wolves were trembling and hiding in a corner.

Lin Mo killed nearly twenty wolves, and the remaining nearly seventy were huddled together like drowned rats, shivering.

In addition to the wolf pack, there was a huge iron cage in the corner, but it was wrapped in black cloth outside, so you couldn't see what was inside.

The wolf king had been excluded outside, staring at Lin Mo pitifully.

"You are the wolf king after all, but you are scared like this!" Looking at the wolf king's appearance, Lin Mo couldn't help shaking his head and prepared to go forward to harvest the wolf king's demon pill.

Seeing Lin Mo coming forward, a resolute look flashed in the wolf king's eyes.

The next moment it suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the cage in the corner.


It let out a shrill howl and bit a demon wolf next to it fiercely.

The poor demon wolf had its neck bitten off directly.

The wolf king shook his head, and the body of the demon wolf was thrown directly into the cage from above.

Soon there was a noise in the cage, followed by the sound of chewing.

The wolf king had a cold look in his eyes, and he kept biting the demon wolves to death and throwing them into the cage.

After throwing seven or eight, the chewing sound in the cage disappeared.

The wolf king suddenly slapped the cage hard a few times.


A roar suddenly came from the cage, and the wolf king was so scared that his whole body crawled on the ground.

As for the remaining wolf demons, they collapsed directly on the ground, and the fishy liquid flowed out from under them.

"Fuck! What the hell! I'm scared to death!"

Yan Kai, Leng Feng and others who rushed over were frightened by the roar and stared at the cage nervously.


Perhaps sensing someone outside, the thing in the cage roared again!

This time, the roar was louder and contained terrifying blood power, which directly made a group of people's faces change wildly.

"It's the Mountain King!" Yan Kai suddenly exclaimed: "Damn it, they actually put the Mountain King here!

Run! Run quickly, anyway, we have passed the test, there are only two levels of assessment, we are qualified to stay!"

"Mountain King? That warrior-level monster?" Leng Feng's face also changed slightly, and he retreated repeatedly.

Lin Mo looked at the iron cage with a look of surprise on his face.

"Mountain King? So there's a tiger inside?" Lin Mo looked at Yan Kai and others. When he saw them nodding, a smile appeared on his face: "That's great!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the iron cage.

After taking a short breath, he reached out and lifted up the black cloth!

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