Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 39 Watching the Tiger! Tiger Fist Upgrade!


The moment the black cloth was lifted, a deafening tiger roar sounded, and the rich blood and qi power rushed towards him.

In the three-meter-high iron cage, there was a colorful white-browed tiger with hanging eyes. It was about eight meters long and was standing in the iron cage, staring at everyone coldly like a king.

The oppressive feeling of mountains and seas fell on everyone's head.

This is the mountain king!

Lin Mo was the first to bear the brunt. In just a moment, he felt that his blood was boiling and his body was about to explode.

Thump! Thump!

The muffled sound was endless. Behind Lin Mo, some people knelt on the ground because they could not bear this oppressive feeling.

"Damn it, what is this bastard doing!" Leng Feng stood in front of the iron cage with gritted teeth, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Yan Kai avoided the gaze of the mountain king, found a stone, and leaned on it.

As for the others, they all lowered their heads, trembling all over, and dared not make a sound.

On the other side, Sun Qian and Zhang He, who ran out of the monitoring room, heard the tiger roar and stopped, their expressions changed drastically.

"This... the mountain king was woken up?!" Sun Qian said in a lost voice: "What did these students do? If they angered the mountain king, a tiger roar would send all of them to the hospital bed!"

"It should be okay, I heard that the mountain king was just woken up and was a little dissatisfied.

As long as those students don't kill themselves, they shouldn't completely anger it!" Zhang He said uncertainly.

"Hurry up and take a look!" Sun Qian didn't dare to be careless. She had a vague bad premonition in her heart, and always felt that something was going to happen.

As the general person in charge of this genius training camp, she needed to control the casualties within a reasonable range and must prevent accidents from happening.

"Relax, the child of the Yan family is very cowardly, and he also knows something about the mountain king. He should be able to prevent them from further angering it!" Zhang He comforted Sun Qian, and the two of them did not slow down and passed through the camp.

After hearing Zhang He's words, Sun Qian's expression eased a little. From their current position, it would take at most one minute to reach the entrance of the camp. With such a short time, the students should not be able to make any big waves!

"Brother Lin... No, Brother Lin, don't talk, slowly retreat..." Yan Kai leaned on the stone and spoke nervously in a low voice: "The strength of the Mountain King is comparable to that of a seventh-grade warrior, and his innate martial arts Tiger Roar Impact is comparable to that of a first-grade Xuan-level warrior. If we anger him, we will all have to go back to the furnace and rebuild!"

"Tiger Roar Impact? Is it very strong?" Lin Mo did not move his feet, just looking at the Mountain King in front of him.

The tiger roar just now made his blood boil, and at the same time, he had a vague feeling in his heart, but he could not grasp it.

"Just shout again!" Lin Mo looked at the Mountain King, was silent for a few seconds, and grabbed a demon wolf and threw it into the cage.

The demon wolf thrown into the cage let out a shrill wail, and then collapsed on the ground.

The mountain king glanced at the demon wolf, raised his tiger claws and pressed down.

With a puff, the wailing sound disappeared, and the demon wolf was directly pressed into blood mud by the mountain king.

Everyone shuddered. That was a demon beast comparable to a third-grade warrior. It was killed by a claw. If the mountain king rushed out of the cage, wouldn’t they all die!

"Lin Mo, you... come back!" Leng Feng gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Mo coldly, fearing that Lin Mo would do something crazy again.

"Brother Lin, my dear brother, you come back quickly, don't do this to your own death!" Yan Kai was also nervous and about to cry. He thought he was brave enough, but he didn't expect that there was a master who was more lawless than him!

That was the legendary mountain king, a strong man at the level of an ordinary warrior. Who would dare to provoke a mere warrior?

But Lin Mo actually dared to throw things in!

"Don't do this to your own death!" A group of people also prayed quietly in their hearts.

But the next moment, everyone was stunned.

Lin Mo picked up the fallen iron bar from the side and walked towards the iron cage.

"Stop him... Stop him quickly!" Leng Feng looked at this scene and couldn't help but roar.

Yan Kai simply turned around and hid behind the boulder, covering his ears honestly.

He had a look of despair on his face, like a helpless child.

Lin Mo stood in front of the iron cage and slowly raised the iron bar.

The eyes of the mountain king also fell on Lin Mo.

Even through the iron cage, Lin Mo could feel the anger in the heart of the mountain king.

"Just a little bit..." Lin Mo looked at the mountain king: "Can you call me?"

Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the mountain king, and slowly spoke.

Mountain King: "???"

"I know you can understand." Lin Mo said slowly: "Where is your tiger roar attack? Let me see its power!"

Lin Mo spoke one after another, and the mountain king just looked at him quietly, but did not move.

"In that case, I'm sorry..." Lin Mo sighed helplessly: "Everyone, cover your ears!"

Lin Mo said, while holding the iron rod tightly with both hands and raised it high.


Two figures came over, and when they saw the students, they felt relieved.

No tiger roars were heard along the way, and now they have arrived here, which means nothing will happen!

"Fortunately we caught up..." Zhang He just finished speaking, and heard a sound of metal colliding.

With a bang, Lin Mo smashed the iron rod directly on the iron cage.

The mountain king's eyes were filled with endless anger. Before it could make a sound, the iron rod in Lin Mo's hand had already hit its tiger claws!

Roar! ! ! ! ! !

The Mountain King actually stood up tall, and his huge body made a forward movement. At the same time, the roar of a tiger sounded, and it was like a real sound wave rushing forward!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he instinctively wanted to hide away, but he gritted his teeth and stood there firmly.

"Tiger Fist!"

Lin Mo used his martial arts skills. The roar of the Mountain King just now gave him some thoughts, and he took action directly at this moment.


With a burst of fist wind, Lin Mo faced the mountain king's roaring attack and used the strongest boxing technique he had mastered so far!

With this punch, Lin Mo turned into sound waves with the power of his blood. The roar of the tiger just now sounded in his mind, and at the same time, the huge body of the Mountain King was also reflected in Lin Mo's heart.

Therefore, with this punch, Lin Mo unknowingly incorporated everything he just saw into his fist.


Lin Mo punched forward with both fists, as if hitting a real wall!

The tiger roar impact formed a wall of sound waves, and Lin Mo's tiger fist was equally terrifying, bursting out with powerful energy!


A counter-shock force caused Lin Mo to retreat one after another. His hand bones were slightly bent, and the punch just now caused his hand bones to break.

But Lin Mo had an excited smile on his face, because he succeeded. The power he exerted with that punch just now was far beyond what he had done before when he was at the intermediate level!

In other words, after truly watching the tiger's style, Lin Mo's tiger fist proficiency improved again!

“There is still a distance between advanced proficiency and advanced proficiency, but if you enter the martial arts field in the game, you should be able to quickly upgrade to advanced proficiency!

By then the attack power is likely to exceed 600!

Even a seventh-grade warrior may not be able to withstand my punch! "

"Lin Mo, you did a good job!"

Just when Lin Mo's face was full of excitement, an angry voice came from behind. Sun Qian came to Lin Mo in a few steps and glared at him with a pair of wonderful eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, today's young people are so brave. They are fine now, and their hands are dry and broken!"

Zhang He walked up, facing the injured lying on the ground, there was no mercy on his face.

King Shan did use Tiger Roar Impact just now, but he didn't use it at full strength.

As Lin Mo estimated, the Mountain King had initially acquired spiritual intelligence. In the base, it was called the Protector God and was supported by the entire base, so it was impossible to actually attack Lin Mo and the others.

But if you anger it, it will definitely make the person who angered it regret it!

"Shan King, this matter is our fault!" Sun Qian walked to the iron cage, looked at Shan King, and finally spoke slowly.

Sun Qian's face was full of nervousness. Lin Mo had just hit a stick to create a crack in the iron cage.

If the mountain king really shows symptoms of madness, this little iron cage will definitely not be able to stop it!

"Please forgive me, the King of the Mountain. After the assessment, I am willing to offer ten Qi and Blood Pills..." Zhang He stepped forward and said with a smile: "Of course, King Tiger's favorite Pepsi will also be prepared for you. !”

After listening to Zhang He's words, the originally angry Mountain King immediately lost a lot of anger on his face, and at the same time, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After flicking his tail at Sun Qian, the Mountain King slowly turned around, found a comfortable position in the cage, and lay down again.

"Lin Mo, do you know you are wrong?!" After seeing that the mountain king had been completely comforted, Sun Qian turned around and stared at Lin Mo coldly.

"Instructor, Lin Mo has angered the Mountain King by disregarding our life and death, please be able to uphold justice for us!

Lin Mo has a bad heart and doesn't deserve to be here! "

Leng Feng was the first to bear the brunt, standing in front of Sun Qian and loudly accusing Lin Mo of being shameless.

A group of people followed behind to respond. In fact, Lin Mo's behavior just now really shocked them.

Fortunately, the instructor arrived in time in the end, otherwise the Mountain King would have escaped from the prison, and how many more of them would have died!

"Wrong?" Lin Mo looked at Sun Qian with a puzzled look on his face: "Where did I go wrong?

Isn't the Mountain King part of the assessment? "

"Part of the assessment?!" Sun Qian was stunned after hearing Lin Mo's words: "The King of the Mountain, who is comparable to a seventh-grade warrior, is here to assess you young people who have just entered the realm of warriors. Do you think you are worthy?"

"Sorry, I really thought this was part of the assessment. Otherwise, why would anyone put this thing here?" Lin Mo said pretending to be shy.

When Sun Qian heard this, she glared at Lin Mo fiercely, then turned around and looked at all the students in front of her: "All of you, stand up!"

After the words fell, a group of students looked at me and I looked at you, but not even one stood up!

"I said, stand up! Do you hear me?" Seeing this scene, Sun Qian showed an angry look on her face and made a loud voice.

"Tiger Roar Impact?" Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Sun Qian's voice: "Is it possible that Tiger Roar Impact can also be used for ordinary practice?"

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