Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 40: Xuan-level first-grade martial arts!

Tiger Roar Impact is a powerful sonic martial art that uses the power of Qi and blood to empower sound waves to attack the enemy and destroy people's meridians.

According to Lin Mo's estimation, the level of this martial skill is at least the ninth level of Huang level, and it may even be a Xuan level martial skill!

"I am Sun Qian, the chief officer of this training camp, and I am currently at the peak of the ninth rank warrior!

The person next to me is my deputy Zhang He, an eighth-level warrior!

In the next two months, Zhang He and I will lead your training!

Now, let me talk about the subsequent plan...

In the next two months, you will enjoy ultimate freedom. You can do anything in the camp. I will not force you to practice, nor will I give you any tasks.

Here, you can enjoy all the facilities, but each facility can only be used by ten people a day!

In addition, waste is not allowed in the camp, so once you are seriously injured in the camp, or we judge that you have become a waste, we will drive you away directly!

In addition, every three days, Zhang He and I can grant the wish of the strongest among you!

Any wish! "

After hearing Sun Qian's words, the eyes of everyone below suddenly lit up.

Sun Qian and Zhang He are both very powerful. If you can get their guidance, you will definitely benefit a lot!

"Instructor Sun, is it true that any wish is allowed?" Lin Mo looked at Sun Qian, raised his hand, and asked loudly.

"Yes, you can wish for anything!" Sun Qian nodded, looking at Lin Mo's handsome appearance, a hint of ridicule appeared on her face: "If you have the courage, I can even stay with you for one night!"


As Sun Qian finished speaking, Lin Mo clearly heard a group of people behind him swallowing their saliva.

Even Yan Kai beside him couldn't help but look at Sun Qian one more time.

Lin Mo couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly: "Thank you instructor for your kindness, actually I just want to learn a few more martial arts!

The Tiger Roar Blast you just used is good! "

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Sun Qian couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. She looked at Lin Mo deeply, feeling a little shocked.

What she just used was indeed Tiger Roaring Impact, but it was trained by someone based on the Shan Dawang's talented martial arts ten years ago, and it belongs to the first level of Xuan level.

However, this kind of martial arts training is extremely difficult. It took Sun Qian three full years to improve her proficiency in martial arts to the intermediate level.

"Today is the first day of the training camp. You ranked first in both assessments, so we can fulfill one of your wishes!" Sun Qian looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

"Then I want to learn Tiger Roar Attack!" Lin Mo said without hesitation.

"Are you sure you won't think about it again?" Zhang He looked at Lin Mo and said helplessly: "You can even ask for the right to use all the training rooms in the next two months!

Tiger Roar Impact has extremely high requirements on talent. You may not be able to improve your proficiency at all after learning it! "

"I've decided!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Just make your decision!" Sun Qian nodded: "Except for Lin Mo, the rest can go back to the camp to rest. You can choose your own room and bed.

Lin Mo, come with us! "

Sun Qian left these words and turned around with Zhang He, heading towards the room on the side.

After Lin Mo followed in, Sun Qian pulled out a few materials from a pile of materials and placed them on the table.

"This is your information. A month ago, your strength was only 0.8 qi and blood. In just one month, your qi and blood increased by nearly thirty!

It is recorded here that you took a large amount of Qi and Blood Pills.

We would like to remind you that such a speed of improvement is fascinating, but when you reach the samurai level and want to improve your level, the price you have to pay will be much higher!

You even need to eat the Qi and Blood Pill!

In the short term, you can crush others with your health, but in the later stage, everyone will be wiped out by the mud..."

"Don't worry, instructor, I will try my best to make the Qi-Blood Pill a living!" Lin Mo said with a smile, "Please teach me Tiger Roar Attack!"

"This kid is ungrateful!" Zhang He stood aside and couldn't help laughing: "In that case, you should quickly hand over Tiger Roar Shock to him!

By the time this kid masters it, it will take at least an hour or two, and by then all the rooms in the camp should have been allocated..."

Sun Qian nodded, fumbled in her desk for a moment, pulled out a piece of yellowed paper and placed it in front of Lin Mo.

"That person deduced Tiger Roar Impact back then, but over the years, I am the only one who has cultivated his proficiency to the intermediate level!" Sun Qian put the paper in front of Lin Mo and said deeply: "Even if it is only the intermediate level, I have paid The hardships are beyond your imagination!”

"Thank you!" Lin Mo took an angry look at the paper and wrote down all the contents on it.

The core of the tiger's roar impact is to blend sound waves and energy and blood together, and explode them in an instant to achieve the maximum attack effect.

"After remembering the above content, you can try to use martial arts!" Sun Qian said: "I will give you certain guidance."

Lin Mo nodded, closed his eyes, recalled the core essentials of martial arts in his mind, and then his energy and blood circulated slowly.


Lin Mo let out a roar, and a gust of wind suddenly blew in the whole room. That was the impact of Lin Mo's sound waves.

Feeling the attack power brought by the martial arts, Lin Mo was a little disappointed, recalling the power of Sun Qian's martial arts in his mind.

"It shouldn't be like this. Since the Tiger Roar Impact was derived from the Mountain King, then..." Lin Mo was reviewing this martial art in his mind, and soon he had a glimmer of enlightenment in his mind.

"With only the power of Qi and blood, I can't feel the impact of the sound wave at all!" Sun Qian chuckled: "This is the disadvantage of using Qi and Blood Pills, it's like a castle in the air..."


Just halfway through the words, Lin Mo on the side performed the Tiger Roar Impact again!


A gust of wind passed by, and the books and desk lamps on the desk were blown directly to the ground, and the windows in the room were directly bounced open by the huge impact force in an instant!

Sun Qian was interrupted by Lin Mo's voice halfway through her words, and she was looking at him in shock at this moment.

And Zhang He stared at Lin Mo.

"I... F*ck? You mastered the basic skills in the second time?!" Zhang He couldn't help but curse: "You kid are not a monster!

Sun Qian, how long did it take you to reach his level?"

Sun Qian also came back to her senses, glanced at Zhang He, ignored him, and looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression: "How did you... perform this martial art?"

It took her a full month to reach Lin Mo's level of attack power!

And Lin Mo actually took less than a minute!

"Thanks to the Mountain King!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "If I'm not mistaken, the instructor's so-called great hardship should refer to resisting the Mountain King's tiger roar head-on!"

Sun Qian looked at Lin Mo deeply, and finally didn't speak.

"Okay, you go back first." Zhang He waved at Lin Mo.

After Lin Mo left, Zhang He stood in front of Sun Qian with a grin and said, "This kid... is incredible!"

"Yeah, I wanted to hit his arrogance, but I didn't expect to be hit by him!" Sun Qian said helplessly: "It took me a month to reach his level, and he only took a minute.

How long do you think it will take him to reach my current level? A year? Half a year?"

Zhang He's expression was unusually serious, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The two instructors were stimulated by Lin Mo today.


"Good harvest, Tiger Roar Impact turned out to be a first-grade Xuan-level martial art, I'm rich!" Lin Mo smiled.

Now he has entered the door, as long as he practices more in the martial arts field, his proficiency will definitely improve.

Leaving the monitoring room, Lin Mo walked towards the dormitory area.

The entire camp was transformed from an abandoned military base. According to the information Lin Mo obtained, there are gravity rooms, simulated training rooms, fighting rooms, abyss rooms for people to practice...

The so-called abyss room simulates some situations in the abyss. In it, you can even encounter monsters from the abyss!

As for the infrastructure, in addition to the canteen, there are bedrooms.

According to Yan Kai's introduction, the bedrooms in the camp are double-person, and the conditions are very good.

Lin Mo came to the dormitory area with his hands behind his back. After looking for a few minutes, he chose a quiet room, opened the door, and walked in.

"Lin Mo, what are you doing here, get out, this is our dormitory!"

The moment he entered, Lin Mo saw two students lying on the bed.

After the two saw Lin Mo, they immediately cursed coldly.

Lin Mo chuckled and turned to leave the room.

"Tsk! What a waste! If he had dared to say a word just now, I would have crippled him!" One of the people in the room sneered, "Do you really think you are so great? If I hadn't used up all my blood and energy in the pit, how could he have performed well?"

"Brother Biao is right!" Another person looked at him and said flatteringly, "Everyone knows that you are the leader of Black Dragon City, and your strength is amazing. This kid didn't dare to speak when he just came in. Now it seems that he must have been stunned by Brother Biao's style!"

"Of course!" Fan Biao smiled proudly, "I'll find time later to beat this kid up!"

"Understood! Brother Biao, don't worry, I will always be your soldier!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the room was kicked open.

"Who the hell is this! Dare to kick my door!" Fan Biao rushed to the door, cursing, pointing at the door and about to curse, a foot kicked over!

With a thud, Fan Biao was kicked to the ground by Lin Mo, and he wailed while holding his buttocks.

"What did you say you were going to do to me?" Lin Mo looked at Fan Biao quietly and spoke slowly.

"Lin Mo, this is our room, you can't enter! Otherwise I will tell the instructor now!" Fan Biao lay on the ground, pointing at Lin Mo and shouting loudly.

"Your room?" Lin Mo sneered: "Now this is mine!"


The next moment, Fan Biao's legs were directly broken by Lin Mo, and then he smiled at another person.

"Ah!!" The other person screamed in fear and rushed out holding his head.

Not long after, Fan Biao was also thrown out by Lin Mo roughly, and he moved in openly.

"I have to say, this place is really good... I'm tired all day, take a Qi and Blood Pill, and get ready to go to bed!"

Lin Mo lay on the bed for a while, took out a collection of five Qi and Blood Pills from the storage space, and stuffed them all into his mouth.

The game is loading...

After seeing the surroundings clearly, Lin Mo directly entered the room where the lord was!

Lin Mo had already finished the ordinary rooms in this copy before, and now he spent five Qi and Blood Pills to enter the lord's room.

Just like the body he saw before, the lord in front of him was also a humanoid corpse that was about to decay!

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