Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 41: Free Visualization Method! Conquering the Wolf King

"The lord of this level is actually a rotting corpse again?" Lin Mo slowly approached and stopped when he was still some distance away from the corpse.

The difference from last time was that the corpse in front of him had no intelligence at all. When he saw Lin Mo approaching, he immediately turned around and rushed towards him.

"I thought I could ask something, but now it seems that I thought too much!" Lin Mo shook his head regretfully, took out the iron rod and smashed it at the corpse.

Although the corpse was rotten, it was extremely strong, and an iron rod hitting it felt like hitting fine iron.


Lin Mo used the Tiger Fist, and the wind of the fist was like the roar of a tiger!


The corpse staggered back, and a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly looked into Lin Mo's eyes!


For a moment, Lin Mo felt as if he had been hit with a stick.

"Psychic attack!" Lin Mo was shocked.

Only when a warrior breaks through the ranks of warriors and enters the realm of King of Martial Arts can they initially cultivate their spiritual power.

"Martial King level rotten corpse?" Lin Mo had a shocked look on his face.

Soon, Lin Mo discovered that although the corpse was at the level of King Wu, it only had fighting instincts left. Although it was powerful, it did not pose a threat to Lin Mo!

Lin Mo used positioning and sneak attacks to consume the rotten corpse's health bit by bit.


Lin Mo's two fingers, as if they were made of fine gold, dug into the back of the corpse's head.

The smelly liquid splashed out, and then the rotten corpse's head collapsed!

A warm current flowed into Lin Mo's body, the rotting corpse disappeared, and two shimmering lights appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes.

"Another drop!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he was looking forward to it. What would the lord of the Martial King level finally drop?

He stepped forward to pick up the glimmer of light, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Taking out the two groups of shimmering light, Lin Mo took out the contents of the groups of light.

"Freedom of Contemplation?"

Inside the first light group is a scroll, which records a method of visualization.

"Can you temper your spiritual power?" After Lin Mo finished reading the contents of the contemplation method, a look of shock appeared on his face: "And there is no limit to the realm, even warriors can practice it!"

After confirming this, Lin Mo showed an excited smile on his face.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate spiritual power, but after mastering the method of self-contemplation, he can start cultivating spiritual power from now on!

If he is promoted to Martial King one day, he will definitely be invincible at the same level!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Mo directly followed the above method, sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

The idea of ​​free visualization is actually to visualize the heaven and earth in your mind, and form a new world in your mind.

Lin Mo first visualized the sun and moon, and it took a lot of effort to visualize a crescent moon in his mind!

"It's so difficult!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh when he woke up from his cultivation state.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past three in the morning!

He quickly opened the second light group. Inside was a blue bottle with a drop of blue liquid inside.

"There's no explanation for what this is!" Lin Mo was helpless, looking at the bottle in his hand with a look of struggle written on his face.

"If you drink randomly, you might die suddenly!"

"Why don't you find someone to try?"

Leng Feng's face appeared in Lin Mo's mind: "Find time to test the medicine on you!"

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly heard slight footsteps coming from outside the door.

Putting the blue bottle away, Lin Mo slowly stood up, walked to the door of the room and stood quietly.

"Is there someone? Fan Biao?" Lin Mo guessed who would be outside the door.


With two soft sounds, the door was pushed open.

Lin Mo saw an unforgettable scene: the wolf king stood there like a human being and tiptoed towards the house.

The light in the room was bright. The first thing the Wolf King looked at when he came in was the big bed. After seeing that there was no one on the bed, a flash of doubt flashed in the Wolf King's eyes.

"Where's the man? I obviously saw him coming in!" the Wolf King thought.

It had already developed some intelligence, and when it saw no one on the bed, it immediately had a bad premonition.

After landing on his front feet, the Wolf King was about to turn around and run outside when he heard the sound of a door closing behind him.

Lin Mo stood behind the door and looked at the Wolf King with a smile: "If you don't come, I will forget about you!

I'm worried that I can't find anyone to help me test the medicine! Now that you’re caught up, let’s do it! "

Lin Mo said and stepped forward directly. After just a few minutes, he subdued the Wolf King.

The controlled Wolf King felt despair in his heart at this moment. He clearly remembered that Lin Mo was not so strong during the fight during the day. Why did he become so strong in the blink of an eye? ?

Before he had time to think about it, the Wolf King couldn't help but want to scream.

Because it saw Lin Mo take out a blue bottle from his body, pour a little bit of the liquid inside, and then pour it into its mouth!

"It's over, I'm going to die!" The Wolf King thought in his heart with fear in his eyes.

The next moment, light blue liquid dripped into his mouth, and the Wolf King gritted his teeth to make these potions not only fall into his stomach.

But as the medicine dripped into my mouth, a cool feeling instantly rushed from my mouth straight to my brain!

"Nothing happened!" After looking at the Wolf King for a full minute, Lin Mo sighed with emotion and spoke slowly.

First of all, it is certain that the liquid in this bottle is non-toxic. Lin Mo has not yet figured out what other functions it has.

What Lin Mo didn't see, the wolf king understood the moment the liquid exploded in his mouth.

"Spiritual power! It's something that can improve spiritual power!" The fear on the wolf king's face turned into surprise, and the look he gave Lin Mo was unconsciously less hateful!

"This kid is not bad. He knows to share good things with me. It seems that he is afraid that I will do something to him..." The wolf king thought of an explanation for himself, and then began to lick some of the remaining medicine on his mouth.

"This dog thing seems to be a little more energetic after eating..." Lin Mo looked at the wolf king, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

The wolf king, who was licking his lips, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Mo: This bad thing actually said that I was a dog thing...

The wolf king felt the spiritual power gradually gathered in his mind, and his eyes became brighter!


A wolf howl suddenly came out of the wolf king's mouth, and Lin Mo, who was thinking, was startled by the sound of the wolf howl.


He swung his fist and knocked the wolf king out, hitting the door heavily.

The wolf king's eyes were filled with panic again.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the wolf king, Lin Mo immediately understood the effect of the blue liquid.

"This thing can actually increase mental power!"

With a look of surprise on his face, Lin Mo took the blue medicine bottle and glanced at the light.

Seeing Lin Mo take out the medicine bottle, the wolf king's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly squatted in front of Lin Mo. The originally drooping tail also stood up and swayed happily at Lin Mo.

It looked at Lin Mo and even stuck out its tongue, looking like a husky.

"This is not enough for me to take, you'd better move aside!" Lin Mo said, putting the medicine bottle to his mouth and tasting it gently.


A chill gathered from his limbs to his mind. In an instant, Lin Mo felt that he had become the most almighty god here.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his mental power slowly spread around with him as the center of the circle.

One meter, two meters... ten meters! Fifteen meters!

In just one minute, Lin Mo's mental power completely covered all the places within fifteen meters around him!

Lin Mo could clearly sense every blade of grass and tree around him.

"You're squatting there. You're not going to attack me when I'm not paying attention!"

Lin Mo retracted his mental power and spoke with a strange look.

He just saw Fan Biao and his roommate squatting in the bushes.

The two of them looked sneaky, and you could tell at a glance that they had no good intentions!

Noticing the change in Lin Mo's expression, a look of doubt appeared on the wolf king's face, and then he released his mental power in the direction Lin Mo was looking.

Soon, the wolf king noticed the two people squatting in the bushes.

It glanced at the blue bottle in Lin Mo's hand, and a greedy look appeared on its face, then it walked towards the door step by step, stood up, turned the door open, and walked towards the bushes.

The wolf king was covered with gray hair, and it was impossible to see clearly in the night.

Fan Biao was squatting there with his roommate at this moment, muttering in a low voice.

"Brother Biao, what are your plans today?"

"We must find a chance to kill this Lin Mo!" Fan Biao's face was filled with hatred: "Damn, if I hadn't brought healing medicine, I would have died today!

This kid named Lin Mo is looking for death, right? He even dares to touch me?!"

"Brother Biao is right. The two of us will ambush well. As soon as that Lin Mo shows his head tomorrow, we will directly cripple him!" Fan Biao's roommate took out a dagger from his pocket and gestured fiercely twice.


The wolf king was squatting in the bushes. When he heard this, he went up and bit Fan Biao's roommate's wrist.

Screams sounded, and the wolf king pounced on Fan Biao again.


A few minutes later, the wolf king walked directly into the room with two collars in his mouth.

Looking at the two people dragged in by the wolf king, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

Reaching out to the wolf king, the wolf king immediately squinted his eyes and stuck out his tongue to enjoy Lin Mo's touch.

After thinking for a while, he dipped a little blue liquid from the bottle with his finger and put it on the wolf king's mouth.

The wolf king licked the liquid carefully, and his eyes were full of wisdom when he looked at Lin Mo: This kid is not bad, and he actually fed me such a good thing! This wolf has decided that from now on, I will stay with you for a while! You must serve this wolf well!

When the wolf king looked at Lin Mo, Lin Mo was also looking at the wolf king: "This little thing is good, it will be very face-saving to keep it as a pet dog in the future!"

One wolf and one person looked at each other with different thoughts, and the more they looked, the more they liked it...

After watching for a while, Lin Mo set his eyes on Fan Biao: "Want revenge? I'm waiting!"

Lin Mo squatted down and fumbled on Fan Biao's body for a while.

Two Qi and blood pills, one healing pill.

"Confiscate it, get out!" Lin Mo left the things and kicked Fan Biao again.

Fan Biao rolled and crawled away with his roommate.

"Come, take one!" Lin Mo casually threw a Qi and Blood Pill to the Wolf King!

The Wolf King opened his mouth and swallowed it, and a warm current filled his body.

The Wolf King's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Mo, even more satisfied...

After a night of silence, Lin Mo left the bedroom and prepared to take a good look around the camp.

At this time, he saw a lot of people standing at the door of a room not far away.

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