"You were deceived by him!"

When the third elder of the Xu family said this, his tone was full of disdain, even ridicule.

Xu Yin's originally ugly face became even more ugly at this moment.

"I'm going to Luobu Giant City now, kill that kid, get back the Holy Fruit, and bring back the Nine Provinces Order!" Xu Yin looked at the great elder and said in a deep voice.

Then when he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped directly.

"You also said that Lin Mo's energy and blood have surged over a period of time. If he really still retains the strength to fight, wouldn't we have already put the Xu family in danger if we provoke her?" The elder said calmly. He said: "At this time, we must learn to use our strength!

You know, we are not the only ones in China who are jealous of the holy fruit in his hand! "

After a pause, the great elder continued: "It spread immediately that Lin Mo has mastered the ninth-grade heavenly weapon Jiuzhou Order, as well as the holy fruit that can promote people to the Martial Emperor. Now that he has lost his martial arts talent, as long as he solves With the strong men around him, everything he has is at his fingertips!"

After everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they all smiled and said: "Great Elder is wise, in this way, even if Lin Mo really has the strength to fight, he will be wasted on others.

We just need to keep an eye on what's going on over there, and when necessary, just take action and take everything away! "

"The great elder is wise!"

Everyone shouted for a while, then immediately turned around and set up their arrangements.

Everyone in the Xu family screamed, and Lin Mo on the other side, under the full speed transfer of Wei Yunlong and others, had arrived at the edge of the huge city of Luobu.

"We don't have much time left. In one day at most, someone will come looking for trouble!

The things on Lin Mo's body are indeed so attractive! Chen Banzi said in a deep voice: "We must prepare early!" "

"If you guys can trust me, I'm willing to let some powerful men from Tianlong Martial Arts University take charge!

There are three strong men in our school who are only one step away from Emperor Wu! "

After Xie Meng pondered for a moment, he spoke.

Because at this time, if you arrange for a strong person to come over, you will inevitably be suspected of taking advantage of the situation.

"Thank you principal, please arrange it as soon as possible!" Chen Banzi said with a smile.

"Xie Principal, after this incident, Tianlong Martial Arts University will have two holy fruits!" Lin Mo said softly from the side.

Xie Meng was stunned immediately. He wondered if he heard it wrong, two holy fruits? !

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I'm going to make arrangements now. I want to call all the powerful men above the ninth rank Martial Emperor!"

As if he had been stimulated, Xie Meng walked toward the distance boldly and confidently, and began to arrange the arrangements.

"Teacher, I have a formation here. Please help me set it up!" Lin Mo pondered for a moment and took out a roll of formation from his body.

This was what Lin Mo redeemed on the way back, and it's called the Great Wild Fierce Sun Formation!

He can communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and transform it into the purest power of the blazing sun in the formation. As long as the enemy steps into the formation, they will be burned by the scorching sun!

If the person in charge of the formation is strong enough, he can even kill all the powerful Emperor Wu in the formation!

Of course, the cost of redeeming this formation was extremely high, as all the Qi and Blood Pills on his body were completely consumed!

A whole hundred high-level Qi and Blood Pills!

Lin Mo already felt a headache, but at this time, he was willing to spend more Qi and Blood Pills!

Wei Yunlong opened the formation and after looking up and down, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "Good thing, such a powerful formation. If I am in charge of the formation, even if three first-grade Martial Emperors attack me, I will still be able to do it." Be sure to kill him directly!"

Lin Mo nodded and watched Wei Yunlong turn and leave.

"Master, you are the strongest. I want you to scare them outside the giant city of Rob!"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and said in a deep voice.

"No problem, take care of yourself, kid!"

Chen Banzi said, turned and left.

"Lin Mo, I'll be by your side to protect you!" Liu Lei has arrived at Luobu City and is standing next to Lin Mo with an angry look on his face: "Damn the Xu family, they actually spread your news. , there must be many people who want to take action against you now!"

"It doesn't matter, give me a certain amount of time, I can recover!" Lin Mo said, then looked around: "Where is Ye Qing?"

"I'm here!"

Ye Qing's voice sounded from behind the crowd, and then he saw her walking over with a suitcase in her hand.

"I thought you might need these, so I brought everything we have here!"

Ye Qing placed the box in front of Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo took the box, opened it and took a look, feeling as if something was holding it in his heart.

An indescribable feeling filled his heart.

There is a whole box full of bottles, all of which are filled with Qi and Blood Pills!

"There are three hundred pieces in total, I hope they are enough for you!" Ye Qing said softly: "If it is not enough, I can give birth again!"

"That should be enough!" Lin Mo smiled, pulled her hand up, and kissed her gently on the forehead: "Thank you!"

Ye Qing had just given away so many Qi and Blood Pills.

Three hundred Qi and Blood Pills can provide a total of thirty thousand Qi and Blood!

But what Lin Mo needed was to use the Qi and Blood Pill to enter the dreamland.

"Principal Xie, Liu Lei, please bring people to help me protect the law, I will see if I can find a way to solve my troubles!" Lin Mo looked at Liu Lei and Xie Meng and said with a smile.

"No problem!" Xie Meng nodded.

And Liu Lei has already stepped out and stood beside Lin Mo.

During this period, Liu Lei's strength has improved rapidly, and now he has reached the first-grade martial emperor realm.

Standing next to Lin Mo at this moment, he has given people a strong sense of security.

"I have been trained a lot in Rob Giant City during this period, and my practical skills have improved a lot! Don't worry!" Liu Lei said with a smile.

He came a few days earlier, so he was trained a lot, and he was in a state of pain and happiness all day long.

Entering his room, Lin Mo directly took out a blood and qi pill and swallowed it.

"The game is loading..."

Lin Mo opened his eyes in the dream, and the blood and qi clone was still in the dream. After seeing Lin Mo, he took the initiative to greet him.

"I can't try to merge with you now. It's not that step yet. You continue to practice first!" Lin Mo expressed his thoughts.

Although the fusion of Qi and blood clones can restore some strength, it is not the original body after all!

What Lin Mo wants is to restore himself, and he has a feeling that when he killed the Zhu family, that operation should be of great benefit to him.

It's just that I don't know what caused the loss of martial arts instinct.

"It's not a big problem, I definitely have a way to recover!" Lin Mo murmured.

He looked up and looked around, pondered for a moment, and then asked: "I want to know, my current state, is there any way to recover?"


As Lin Mo finished speaking, an area appeared in front of him, which was the page of the Dream Mall.

A book lay there quietly, and the title was simple: "Basic Qualities of Martial Arts".

Dream seemed to be worried that Lin Mo didn't know the function of this book, so he specially marked it next to it: It can solve your current problems.

A book can solve the current problem?

Lin Mo was a little confused, but when he looked at the price, his face turned green.

Price, 299 high-level Qi and Blood Pills!

Lin Mo silently calculated in his mind, the answer was three hundred minus one, and in the end he could only curse the quintessence of the country in his heart.

Since there is a solution in this book, what else is there to say, just exchange it directly!

At this moment, Lin Mo did not hesitate and directly exchanged the remaining Qi and Blood Pills for this book.

"Exchange successful!" The prompt sounded, and Lin Mo felt that there was an extra book in his spiritual sea.

"Basic qualities of martial arts!" Lin Mo was the only one in the whole room. He woke up from his dream, thought about it, and took out the book directly.

After taking a look at the book that was obviously a transcribed version, Lin Mo opened the first page.

The content above is very simple. The first page is a basic introduction to martial arts...

Then the second page is the development history of martial arts for the elderly...

Seeing the second page, veins on Lin Mo's forehead began to jump, and he began to wonder if the consciousness in the dream was deliberately playing tricks on him!

"Huh... It's normal for a book to have some content like this..." Lin Mo let out a long breath and silently comforted himself: "Maybe the third page will be much better... Let me take a look, the third page... Analysis of the differences between Eastern and Western martial arts?!

It's a lot better!

What a mess!"

Lin Mo jumped up from the bed and smashed the book in his hand to the ground.

"You ripped me off, if I fall for you again, I'll take your last name!" Lin Mo was so angry that he jumped up and cursed in the room.

Outside the door, Xie Meng and Liu Lei looked at each other and pretended not to hear the voice inside.

But the moment their eyes met, they saw a look of regret and heartache in each other's eyes.

"Lin Mo must be in pain, telling us that he was going to retreat into the house, but in fact, he was venting his emotions!"

"At such a young age, he fell from a martial arts genius to the mortal world and became someone without martial arts instincts... It's hard for him..."

The two people thought at the same time.

In the room, Lin Mo jumped for a while, and finally calmed down. He sat back and looked at the book he had smashed on the ground.

"After all, I changed it myself, so I have to finish reading it even if I cry!" Lin Mo bent down and picked up the book, then turned to the fourth page.

He was ready to complain, but when he turned it, he was shocked.

The content of the fourth page is the way to circulate the Qi and blood power and the way to solve the Qi and blood!

"Finally it's worth it!" After reading a few pages, Lin Mo couldn't help but sighed.

For a period of time, Lin Mo read the above content without sleep and almost forgot the original meaning of his purchase of this book.

When he turned to the last page, he saw the content above:

This page proposes a solution to the loss of martial arts instincts and several solutions...

Looking at these words, Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

This is it!

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