"On the mountain of Danxue, there is a bird. It looks like a chicken and has five colors and writings. It is called Fenghuang. The first text is De, the wing text is Yi, the back text is Li, the imprint is Ren, and the belly text is Faith... …”

Lin Mo looked at the words that appeared in front of him, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

"Isn't this the content of the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Are you trying to trick me?!"

When Lin Mo was in high school, he never had a breakthrough in the power of his blood. In his spare time, he became very interested in the myths and stories of this world.

Among them, one of the things that interested Lin Mo the most was the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

At that time, Lin Mo discovered that the Classics of Mountains and Seas in the two worlds were actually somewhat different.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas in this world seems to have a lot more content and is more detailed.

When Lin Mo was reading these stories, he even felt that the Classic of Mountains and Seas of this world might be the original version.

"The Dan Cave Mountain..." Lin Mo frowned: "So if I want to find a solution to the problem of my martial arts instinct disappearing, I have to go to the Dan Cave Mountain and find the Phoenix?!"

"Logically speaking, Danxue Mountain should be a legendary place. Where can I find it?"

"No, this is the way provided by dreams. I believe that my dreams will not lie to me!

Therefore, Danxue Mountain must exist, and Phoenix must also exist!

Just like the legendary real dragon..."

Lin Mo frowned deeply and his brain began to work rapidly.

If you want to solve your own problems, the most important thing is to find Danxue Mountain.

Lin Mo took out his phone and searched, but except for the Classic of Mountains and Seas, he couldn't find any other content.

"Hiss..." Lin Mo frowned, thought for a while, opened the door and walked out.

"Lin Mo, how's it going? Have you found a solution?" Chen Banzi had already returned. When he saw Lin Mo walking out of the room, his eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly greeted him.

Behind him were Wei Yunlong and others, who were all looking at Lin Mo anxiously at this moment.

"I found a way, but there is a place, I don't know where it is!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "By the way, Master, Teacher, have you found any useful information?"

Several people shook their heads with a look of sadness on their faces.

"Lin Mo, you'd better tell me your method, and the place you mentioned. Tell it, and we can all think about it together. Maybe we will know it!" Chen Banzi mused: "If we can't find it here, I will ask those old brothers from back then!

They work in the government, and the resources and information they have are incomparable to ours! "

Lin Mo nodded and said: "If I want to solve my problem, I have to find Danxue Mountain!"

"Danxue Mountain?!"

"Why does this name sound familiar?"

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas, this place is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!" Xie Meng, who had been silent until now, said with a solemn expression: "If this is a place in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, wouldn't it be over? There is no place like this in the entire Blue Star.

According to this, your body can’t handle it! "

"Yes, it may really be abolished!" Lin Mo said with a wry smile.

"Not necessarily!" Chen Banzi suddenly said: "There is a place that we haven't fully explored yet!"

"You're talking about the abyss!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he immediately understood where Chen Banzi was pointing.

In fact, when he was in the abyss, Lin Mo also thought about whether there was any connection between these places and the places recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

Now when Chen Banzi mentioned it again, Lin Mo felt that the fog in his heart suddenly disappeared!

"But, I have seen the names of the abyss in China and even the entire Blue Star before, but this place does not exist!"

Wei Yunlong frowned and said, "It would be bad if Danxue Mountain is somewhere in the abyss that we haven't explored yet!"

"Master, could you help me check if there is a place like Danxue Mountain through your previous connections?"

"Leave this matter to me, and I will give you the answer within an hour!" Chen Banzi patted his chest and said: "In addition, Principal Xie, Tianlong Martial Arts University is also one of the top martial arts universities in China, and your information should not be small. Please help me check it out!”

"Even if Mr. Chen doesn't tell me, I will definitely do this!" Xie Meng said with a smile: "I'm going to call now and let them check it out!"

"Principal Xie, you must find a reliable person to do this. There is so much information, and if you are not a reliable person, you may not be able to do it seriously!" Wei Yunlong thought for a while, although he felt that it was inappropriate to say this. But for Lin Mo, he still said such words.

"Don't worry!" Xie Meng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, principal, wait a minute!" Lin Mo suddenly said, a light flashed in his hand, and two boxes containing the holy fruit appeared in his palm.

"I have been in seclusion these days, and I forgot about the holy fruit I mentioned earlier..." Lin Mo handed the two boxes to Xie Meng: "Xie Principal, although these two holy fruits are not enough to express my gratitude, But I still hope you can accept it!”

"This..." Looking at the two holy fruits in front of him, Xie Meng's face showed an excited look: "Lin Mo, I'm not polite to you anymore. From now on, I, Tianlong Martial University and Luo Bu Jucheng, will watch and help each other! "

"Watch and help!" Lin Mo said with a smile. Two holy fruits were exchanged for the support of Tianlong Martial Arts University. This business was worth it!

Although Lin Mo knew very well that Xie Meng's words might not count if it came to a major event that might affect Tianlong Martial Arts University, but Lin Mo was still grateful to be able to say these words at this time!

"Okay, time is running out, everyone, hurry up and check! If you find out sooner, Lin Mo's strength can be restored sooner. Keeping it like this is not an option!"

Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng nodded, turned around and left.

"Master, teacher, these are the remaining holy fruits. Please choose a few reliable people to increase their strength!

Emperor Wu is still at the top of his game, we must improve the overall strength of Rob Abyss! "

After these holy fruits were distributed by Lin Mo, only five were left, and they were now placed in front of Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong.

"Lin Mo, the holy fruit is so precious, you can't give it all to us!" Wei Yunlong instinctively refused.

"Master, teacher, if I don't trust you, then who can I trust?!" Lin Mo smiled and shook his head: "You just need to make sure that the person you are looking for is reliable!"

"Okay, leave this matter to us two old guys!" Chen Banzi smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, give us these five holy fruits, and within half a year, I will give you five powerful Martial Emperors!"

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, while Xie Meng's heart was beating rapidly.

Now, in addition to the two Martial Emperors Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong beside Lin Mo, Liu Lei has also reached the third-level Martial Emperor realm. The increase in the power of Qi and blood is as simple as breathing for them.

If this rate continues, in less than half a year, Lin Mo will be able to gather at least eight Martial Emperors around him!

Even if we look at the whole of China, this force can definitely be ranked in the top ten!

Xie Meng looked at the two holy fruits in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little excited. He was really lucky to be on the right team at the most critical time.

At the same time, he had also made up his mind to stand firmly on Lin Mo's side no matter what in the future.

He always felt that this kid Lin Mo would definitely reach a very high position in the future.

Thinking of this, he said goodbye to Lin Mo and prepared to return to Tianlong City to investigate the information in person.

"Yunlong, please draw up a list here..." Chen Banzi looked at Wei Yunlong, pondered for a while, and then said: "I tell these people you choose, once they accept the Holy Fruit, they must put down their names, five people , just name them with code names like A, B, B, D, and E!”

"Master, there's no need to be like this..." Listening to Chen Banzi's words, Lin Mo couldn't help but frown, feeling that this was a bit too cruel.

"Lin Mo, you don't understand this aspect. These holy fruits can create top strong men, but these strong men also need to be well controlled.

These code names are proof that they have handed over their control to you!

Sometimes, you need to be ruthless. I know you are soft-hearted, so leave this matter to the two of us. After half a year, I promise to give you a strong battle formation! "

Wei Yunlong said, patting his chest.

Lin Mo thought for a while, didn't say anything more, and nodded in approval.

"In addition, teacher, please don't spread the word about Danxue Mountain yet." Lin Mo said with a smile: "While I am a waste, I can just do a screening of the people around me!"

Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi looked at each other and finally nodded.

After the two left, Lin Mo turned around and left the Dog Prince's mansion and found where Ye Qing currently lived.

In order to develop the latest version of the Qi and Blood Pill formula, she moved directly to an apartment closest to the research institute. She spent twenty-four hours a day, leaving only eight hours for eating and sleeping. The rest of the time she spent in the research room.

Lin Mo called Ye Qing at his residence. After hearing that Lin Mo was released from quarantine, Ye Qing was very excited. He rarely put down his work and returned to his residence as quickly as possible.

"Have you... found a way?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo nervously. She was really worried about hearing something she didn't want to hear.

"I have some clues, and I am checking information now." Lin Mo said with a smile: "You must have been exhausted recently. There is no need to torment yourself like this. You should get more rest!"

Lin Mo took Ye Qing's hand and said softly.

Listening to Lin Mo's words, Ye Qing's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I just want to help you more. I know that Qi and Blood Pills are very important to you, so I must develop more Qi and Blood Pills as quickly as possible..."

"Thank you!" Lin Mo felt warm in his heart and lowered his head to kiss Ye Qing's forehead gently.

Ye Qing leaned gently on Lin Mo's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Ye Qing, how have you considered this matter? I can tell you that all Danfang's data is in my hands now. If you don't agree to my conditions, I will leave with the team now.

At that time, I will hand over these data to other R\u0026D teams..."

Just when the two were tender, a cold voice sounded outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the closed door was kicked open.

A middle-aged man walked in carelessly, walked straight to the sofa and sat down, and then his eyes fell on Lin Mo, with a surprised look on his face.

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