"I'll give it to you! I'll give it to you! Don't kill me!" Shi Yao was shocked when he saw the body on the ground.

His father had promised to send Ye Qing to his bed.

But now he is lying on the bed...

"The data is all in this hard drive, the password is eight eights!"

Shi Yao trembled as he took out a hard drive from the corner of the room and handed it to Lin Mo.

"You said you wouldn't kill me, let me go! Let me go!" Shi Yao looked at Lin Mo, his eyes even nervous.

"I'm a man of my word, I'll arrange for someone to send you away right away!" Lin Mo smiled faintly and left with Ye Qing.

Not long after, several guards from Rob City found Shi Yao and took him away from Rob City.

After walking out of the city gate, Shi Yao let out a long sigh.

After watching the two guards leave, a resentful look slowly appeared on his face.

"Lin Mo! Ye Qing! You two adulterers, I will definitely..."


A stream of light flashed and pierced his heart directly.

The huge inertia carried his body to fly more than ten meters away, and then smashed into a stone wall.

On the wall of the distant Rob City, a figure stood there quietly.

"Tsk tsk, this Sun-piercing Spear is really powerful. This distance should be more than a thousand meters, and it directly killed people!

It is worthy of being a seventh-grade martial art of the Earth Rank!"

With a smile on his face, Liu Lei slowly walked down the city wall: "What an idiot, he had the wrong idea and thought he could leave Rob City alive."

"That's right, if Mr. Lin hadn't told us not to do it, I would have done it when I sent him out of the city gate!" The guard who had sent Shi Yao away earlier said with a grin.

"Okay, you guys stay here and I'll go to see Mr. Chen!" Liu Lei said, then jumped off the city wall and flew madly towards Chen Banzi's residence.

“No! We have read all the information on Tianlong City, and there is no record of the location of Danxue Mountain.” Xie Meng said in a low voice over the phone: “Lin Mo, I’m sorry!”

“Principal Xie, I’m very grateful for your help in checking. No results were expected!” Lin Mo said with a smile, without much disappointment.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong: “Master, teacher, is there any news?”

“I asked my friends to check some recently discovered abysses, but unfortunately, there is no relevant information!” Wei Yunlong shook his head, his face a little ugly.

“Master, what about you?”

“Don’t mention it, this bunch of bastards, I pulled them out of the dead back then, and now they are in high positions, and they have to talk to me about such a small matter, and they just want benefits in their words!

Damn it, I misjudged them!”

Chen Banzi was full of anger and cursed loudly.

"What do they want?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "As long as it's not too much, we can agree to it."

"Jiuzhou Order." Chen Banzi said in a deep voice: "They can't guarantee that they can find the result. Isn't this just a free-for-all?

I understand that over time, even the deepest friendship will fade."

"Jiuzhou Order..." Lin Mo pondered for a moment and said: "I will also investigate first to see if there is any trace of Danxue Mountain.

If not, I can give them part of Jiuzhou Order first, and when they find the news of Danxue Mountain, I will give them the rest of the token!

Ask if this condition is okay!"

"Okay, I'll go and have a good talk with those people!" Chen Banzi nodded angrily.

After everyone left, Lin Mo entered the dream with the help of the Qi and Blood Pill.

When Wei Yunlong talked about the newly discovered abyss, Lin Mo suddenly remembered that Xiaolu and the others should know more about the abyss.

So, if there is the whereabouts of Danxue Mountain, Xiaolu and the others should know more about it.

Lin Mo and his clone merged briefly, increasing his speed to the extreme and rushing towards the Holy Mountain.

This time, Lin Mo brought some snacks bought from outside. When he saw Xiaolu, he piled them in front of her.

"This is the gift I brought for you. Try it quickly!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"You are smart!" Xiaolu said with a smile, then picked up a bag of spicy strips from the snack pile, opened it, took a bite, and her eyes lit up!

"It's delicious!" Xiaolu pinched the spicy strips with one hand and exclaimed sincerely.

But soon, her little face became red, and she jumped there: "Ah, so spicy, so spicy!"


Lin Mo picked up a bottle of Coke, opened it, and handed it to Xiaolu: "Drink it quickly, it will be much better!"

Xiaolu really didn't have any defense against Lin Mo, took the bottle and raised her head to drink a big sip.


After a big sip of Coke, she couldn't help but burp.

"Good... so refreshing!" Xiaolu's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help but take another sip of the Coke in his hand.

"This time, I came here because I actually want to ask you something." Seeing that Xiaolu was in a good mood, Lin Mo said, "Do you know where Danxue Mountain is?"

"Danxue Mountain?" Xiaolu was stunned for a moment, thought about it seriously, and then shook his head and said, "I have been staying in the Holy Mountain since I was born, and I don't know much about the whole world.

But I can ask other people for you..."

Xiao Lu thought for a moment and whistled into the sky, and suddenly the huge goshawk from before appeared in front of Lin Mo again.

Compared with before, its condition didn't seem to be very good. Its feathers were far less bright than before, and even its eyes became a little dull.

"What...what's going on?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? You still have the nerve to ask me what's wrong?" Goshawk heard Lin Mo's words and wanted to hit him hard on the head.

Since tasting the delicacy of barbecue, the goshawk has sacrificed his own flesh and blood several times.

After being called this time, Goshawk was already desperate when looking at Lin Mo standing there.

The meat on his legs has just grown, is it possible that he needs to donate another large piece of meat?

"Have you ever heard of Danxue Mountain?" Xiao Lu looked at the goshawk and asked.

"Danxue Mountain?" Goshawk was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was called here not for the food, but to ask questions.

He thought for a moment and then slowly shook his head: "There is no place called Danxue Mountain in the entire Luobu Abyss that I know about, and as far as I know, there is no such place in the entire abyss."

"No?!" Lin Mo was immediately disappointed.

"Is it possible that the name of this place is different inside the abyss than outside?" Xiao Lu suddenly said: "How about you describe it, what are the characteristics of that place?"

"There is water running across the mountain, gold and jade on the mountain, and a colorful bird with three lines of virtue, benevolence and faith on its body..."

Lin Mo briefly recounted the description of Danxue Mountain in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"Your colorful bird?" Goshawk looked at Lin Mo with disdain on his face: "Is that the Suzaku you are talking about!"

"Probably!" Lin Mo nodded: "Do you know this place?"

"Goshawk, if you know, tell me." Xiao Lu rummaged through the snack pile for a while, took out a bag of potato chips and placed it in front of it: "Look, this is the snack Lin Mo brought. , as long as you answer the questions correctly, I guarantee that he will bring you a lot of snacks in the future!"

The goshawk looked at the bag of potato chips in confusion, tore it open with his mouth, and swallowed all the contents inside.

His dull eyes suddenly became bright: "This is so delicious! Is this human food? It's so happy!"

A bag of potato chips, finished in one bite.

After Goshawk finished eating, his face was full of aftertaste.

"Suzaku Mountain." Goshawk stared at another bag of potato chips in the snack pile, swallowed and said, "We call that place Zhuque Mountain!"

"Do you know the road?" Lin Mo pointed at the potato chips: "If you are willing to lead the way, I will give you as many snacks as you want!"

"How much do you want, how much do you want?!" Goshawk's eyes suddenly lit up, and his whole body was full of energy.

"Are you leaving now?" Goshawk was a little anxious because Xiaolu had already started to pack up the snacks on the ground.

This makes it clear that I don’t intend to share it with it.

"I want to go too! I want a year's worth of coke and spicy sticks!" Xiao Lu said eagerly from the side: "You have very little strength left now. Take me with you and I can help you fight!"

"A year's worth of snacks..." Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and mentally evaluated her strength, which was comparable to that of a fourth-grade Martial Emperor.

No matter how you calculate it, this deal is a good deal!

"Okay! I promise you!" Lin Mo nodded: "In addition, I will also supply you with an additional year of Sprite!"


"Yes, it's as exciting as Coke!" Lin Mo explained with a smile.

Xiaolu's eyes suddenly shone and she nodded repeatedly.

"The blood clone will take you to the entrance of the Rob Abyss. You wait for me there. I will bring something in, and then we will set off together!"

Lin Mo confessed and left directly from the dream.

This trip to Zhuque Mountain must be very dangerous, so Lin Mo had to arrange a lot of things.

Because Xiaolu was with him, Lin Mo didn't plan to take Chen Banzi and the others with him.

There are now a large number of people in Rob Abyss who are being promoted to Martial Emperor, so at this time, two strong men are needed to guard them.

Lin Mo hopes that after he comes back from Zhuque Mountain, there will be two or three more Martial Emperors in Luobu City!

In this way, the strength of the entire Rob Giant City will be raised to a higher level.

"If you have any questions at the Qi-Blood Pill Research Institute, just go to the master. In addition, eat this holy fruit first!" Lin Mo handed the holy fruit that he had left to Ye Qing: "If you don't improve your strength quickly, I will Don't worry!

If someone like Li Zheng or Wang Zheng appears again, I won’t cry to death! "

Ye Qing looked at the holy fruit in her hand and finally nodded slowly.

Afterwards, Lin Mo rushed directly to the snack shop and started shopping like crazy!

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