"Are these for us?"

Goshawk looked at the small mountain of snacks in front of him, his eyes widened.

He was originally a monster, and his strength was even more powerful, so he only became more honest in front of Xiao Lu.

But now, looking at the pile of snacks in front of him and Lin Mo who brought him snacks, he suddenly felt...

Others are quite nice...

"Of course it's for you, I can't finish it by myself!" Lin Mo said with a smile, pointing at a pile of potato chips and said: "These are specially bought for you!"

The goshawk nodded repeatedly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the small mountain of potato chips, including the packaging.

Monsters like them naturally have a place to store things, swallow them in their stomachs, wrap them up with Qi and blood, and just take them out to eat when they want to eat.

"These are all yours!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu again and said with a smile.

Xiao Lu nodded with satisfaction, put away all the snacks, and then said: "Then what are you waiting for? We can set off! Let's set off now! The target is Suzaku Mountain!"

The goshawk even lowered its head diligently so that Lin Mo could stand on its back more easily.

After Lin Mo and Xiao Lu got on its back, they suddenly spread their wings, waved the wind, and then rushed towards the sky!

The terrifying speed surprised Lin Mo. He originally knew that the goshawk was fast, but he didn't expect it to be so fast!

"It would be great if this became my mount!" Lin Mo thought to himself.

At the same time, he was silently calculating how many snacks he could use to tame the goshawk...

"Suzaku Mountain is about three days away from the Holy Mountain. Even if we fly at full speed, it will take a day. We can rest at the foot of Suzaku Mountain for one night and then go up the mountain!"

The goshawk spoke while flying.

"Then let's have barbecue tonight?" Xiaolu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he suggested.


The strong wind suddenly intensified a lot. When the goshawk heard these words, it almost fell into the clouds.

"Okay, I brought a lot of barbecue materials!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

After hearing these words, Goshawk barely stabilized his body and then returned to its original height.

At the same time, he began to look forward to it vaguely.

There is actually no sunset in the abyss, but the light will slowly dim.

Seeing that it was getting dark, they landed on the ground. They were still far away from Suzaku Mountain.

Lin Mo took out all the prepared ingredients, lit a fire, and started grilling.

After the various ingredients were roasted to a certain extent, Lin Mo took out a brush and spread a layer of barbecue sauce on them, and then sprinkled them with sesame seeds, cumin and other condiments.

A scent of fragrance instantly filled the surroundings. Xiaolu and Goshawk couldn't help but swallow a big gulp of saliva, and looked at Lin Mo with eyes full of anticipation.

"You can't eat grilled chicken wings. After all, we have wings just like you!" Xiao Lu wrapped all the grilled chicken wings into rounds.

The goshawk gave her a blank look. One was flying in the sky and the other was running on the ground. Can they be the same?

But considering that I can't beat Xiao Lu, I can only express my agreement.

Fortunately, Lin Mo prepared enough ingredients and took them out directly, which gave them great satisfaction.

After they destroyed all the ingredients, the goshawk volunteered to keep vigil.

Lin Mo and Xiao Lu each found a place to sleep, while the Qi and Blood clones practiced all night.

The next morning, they set off again, but when they were still some distance away from Suzaku Mountain, the goshawk suddenly let out a scream and then crashed down directly.

Fortunately, Xiao Lu moved quickly and caught Lin Mo and others before they landed.


A long cry resounded, and Lin Mo and others looked up at the same time, and then saw an unforgettable scene.

On the top of Suzaku Mountain in the distance, you can see a shadow hundreds of feet high, with golden light all over its body. On its forehead, metal-like feathers formed an ancient text.

"De! That word is De!" Lin Mo said softly: "That's Phoenix! We've found the right place!"

After confirming that it was Phoenix, Lin Mo felt much more relaxed.

He had great faith in the things in the dream. Since he had really found Danxue Mountain, Lin Mo firmly believed that there must be a way to heal there!

"What happened to you just now? Can you continue flying now?" Xiao Lu looked at the goshawk and asked with a frown.

"No more!" Goshawk shook his head and said with a distressed face: "I forgot one thing, you also know that this is Zhuque Mountain.

Beings like Suzaku have the same status as kings to all those who can fly.

In his territory, let alone flying, even breathing depends on his face! "

"It makes sense." Lin Mo nodded: "In that case, let's walk there!"

Goshawk nodded, but Xiaolu was a little unhappy and jumped on his back: "You will go a little faster if you carry me on your back!"

Goshawk's face was filled with helplessness, but he finally carried Xiaolu on his back and quickly set off towards Zhuque Mountain.

"Is this nugget gold?"

Not long after, Lin Mo looked at a piece of gold as big as a football under his feet, with a look of surprise on his face.

You can pick up nugget gold just by taking two steps...

"It should be jade over there. It's such a big piece and of good quality!" Xiao Lu on the side pointed at a huge stone in the distance and said with a smile.

Lin Mo looked at the stone of good quality, which was emerald green and transparent, almost exactly the same as the legendary imperial green!

"Hiss!" Lin Mo was a little moved. When he wanted to put it away, he saw a bigger stone not far away. Unlike the imperial green, this stone had three different colors on it.

"Numb, I'm numb!" Lin Mo directly gave up the idea of ​​taking the jade away, and at the same time confirmed that this was the legendary Danxue Mountain.

It was exactly the same as described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

At the same time, another idea filled Lin Mo's mind.

Since everything here is the same as described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, then is the entire abyss the world described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

Lin Mo thought so in his heart, and at the same time merged with the blood clone, and went madly towards Zhuque Mountain.

"Something's wrong..."

At the foot of Zhuque Mountain, Xiaolu suddenly spoke, looking at Lin Mo vigilantly: "There are other creatures on the mountain, and their strength is not weak!"

"Is it Zhuque?" Lin Mo looked at Xiaolu with some concern and asked.

"Definitely not. Look at the phantom that Suzaku showed earlier. It's not comparable to my strength at all... It should be other creatures!

Maybe they are also coming for the things on Suzaku Mountain!?"

Lin Mo nodded. This possibility is very high.

However, Lin Mo still doesn't know what the things on Suzaku Mountain that can heal him are.

If he finds other creatures on Suzaku Mountain, can he figure out where the good things on the mountain are?

"Speed ​​up." Lin Mo whispered, "Is there any way to make me look like an abyss creature?"

"After you merge with the Qi and Blood Clone, the whole person looks no different from an abyss creature!

Especially the core of the Qi and Blood Clone is actually the Qi and Blood Seed.

And the Qi and Blood Seed actually comes from the abyss!"

Xiao Lu explained, then stared at Lin Mo and said, "Do you want to pretend to be an abyss creature and then approach him?"

Lin Mo nodded. Since the opponent's strength is not weak, it is naturally not a good idea to fight directly.

If it can be resolved peacefully, that would be the best!

"In that case, let's go faster!" Xiaolu said, and rushed out with Goshawk and Lin Mo!

At this time, Lin Mo discovered Xiaolu's terrifying speed. They had almost reached the halfway point of the mountain in the blink of an eye!

"Don't forget, I am the Holy Mountain, and I must have mastered the power of the mountain.

Although Suzaku Mountain is the territory of Suzaku, it is also a mountain. I can control part of the power of the mountain!

With such power, my speed can naturally be improved a lot!"

Xiaolu explained it, and then looked not far away: "They are there!"

At this time, Goshawk took the initiative to make himself only about one foot long, and then landed on Lin Mo's shoulder.

Xiaolu and Lin Mo walked over shoulder to shoulder.

There were three people on the other side, and they were all strong, so they found them when they approached.

"What are you two? From which kingdom?" A young man among the three spoke.

"I come from the foot of the Holy Mountain, my name is Xiaolu, and he is my companion named Mo!"

Xiaolu spoke directly, while hiding Lin Mo's real name.

"From the Holy Mountain?"

Hearing Xiaolu's self-introduction, the three of them were stunned for a moment.

"My name is Leng Bai." The young man said, and then pointed to the two older people around him and said: "They are my brothers, Leng Yue and Leng Ye!"

Leng Ye and Leng Yue just nodded slightly to Lin Mo, but smiled at Xiaolu.

Lin Mo pouted, it was obvious that he was attracted by Xiaolu's face!

I have to admit that no matter what time, a good-looking face is still very important.

"Are you two here for the things on Suzaku Mountain?" Leng Bai looked at Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

"The things on Suzaku Mountain?" Lin Mo pretended to be stunned: "I don't know what is on the mountain!

You may have misunderstood, we actually saw a phantom on the mountain when we were playing around, so we decided to come up and take a look!

In fact, it was just to try our luck.

You just said there is something on Suzaku Mountain, I don't know what it is?"

Lin Mo was just worried about how to start, but who would have thought that Leng Bai would ask such a question, so he asked what he wanted to ask directly.

Just as Leng Bai was about to speak, Leng Ye suddenly coughed and said, "We also saw the phantom, so we went up the mountain to take a look!"

"In that case, can we go together?" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Sorry, we don't like to be with others!" Leng Yue shook his head, and then prepared to take Leng Bai and Leng Ye away.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Lu looked at the three of them, and said pitifully, "What we like most is treasure hunting, you can take us with you, I promise not to disturb you!"

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