Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 382: Accepting this power

"According to the legend, the Vermillion Bird was actually reborn from the ashes. What you are talking about now is the blood pool. They are two completely different things!"

Lin Mo looked at the two brothers and frowned slightly. He did not really believe such words.

The two brothers just sneered and said lightly: "Whether you believe it or not is up to you!

Now that the Vermillion Bird has appeared, the blood pool must be there. If you don't believe it, you can step back and we will go forward!"

Then he took two steps forward.

Lin Mo thought about it and actually had no intention of moving. Instead, he looked at them quietly.

The shadow of the Vermillion Bird was still standing there, but the pair of eyes stared at them, as if they would take action directly at the slightest disturbance.

The previous death of Leng Bai made the two brothers extremely vigilant. At this moment, facing the Vermillion Bird, although they had confirmed that the blood pool was there, they were still very cautious.

"Sure enough, the blood pool is there!"

After taking two more steps forward, Leng Yue suddenly smiled and spoke loudly.

Then Leng Ye on the side also showed an excited look.

The two brothers walked towards the blood pool step by step, and stopped when they were one step away from the blood pool.

"Brother, who will go down first?"

The two brothers looked at each other, and it seemed that at this time, they were a little afraid to go into the water.

Lin Mo had been observing the situation of Suzaku, and at this moment he found the hesitation of the two brothers, and Suzaku seemed to show an impatient look in his eyes.


With a long cry, the terrifying heat wave swept over again.

This time Lin Mo could clearly feel that the target of the heat wave was the two brothers.

This was clearly dissatisfied with the two brothers and urged them!

"Brother, I'll go first. If I die, you leave immediately!" Leng Ye roared, and then stepped directly into the blood pool.


Just when Leng Yue wanted to see what was happening with Leng Ye in the pool, the latter suddenly screamed.

Leng Ye, who had just stepped into the blood pool, was suddenly submerged in the blood-colored pool water!

Moreover, the water in the pool was like a living thing, constantly wriggling. In just a few seconds, it ate a complete body clean!

Seeing this scene, several people felt cold in their hearts.

Leng Yue retreated again and again, wanting to leave here.


The call of Suzaku sounded again, and this time he swung his dual wields fiercely, and the boundless flames enveloped the past like a tide.

"Fight!" Facing this scene, Leng Yue roared louder, and rushed directly towards the flames instead of retreating.

With a splash!

Accompanied by the sound of a heavy object falling into the water, Leng Yue actually jumped directly into the pool.

And those flames seemed to have identified the latter, and then covered the pool water!

The whole pool of water was burning, but this time, Leng Yue did not make any sound.

"Success?" Xiaolu stood aside and asked softly.

"I don't know." Lin Mo shook his head and frowned, saying, "I think the pool water should be what they are looking for.

That should also be the place where I can restore my strength!

I'm going to try!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo raised his legs and walked forward.

As soon as he took a step, he stopped, thought about it, and a ray of light emanated from his body, and his clone was separated from his body.

"If I die, you will be a brand new individual, and it has nothing to do with me!" Lin Mo said softly.

"Lin Mo, you are crazy. Without the blood clone, you are just an ordinary person. You can't bear the flames and pool water!" Xiao Lu saw this scene and roared directly.

"What if you can't bear it?" Lin Mo chuckled: "Don't worry, I believe I can walk out of the pool!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo walked directly towards the pool.

His speed was even faster than the previous Leng brothers.

Just a few seconds later, he stood in front of the pool.

Without hesitation, Lin Mo jumped directly into the pool.


As soon as he jumped into the pool, Lin Mo couldn't help but gasp.

Hot! Extremely hot!

There was no water in the pool, it was clearly a liquid flame!

A pool of water made entirely of flames!

Although Lin Mo had lost his blood and qi at this moment, his body was extremely strong, so even though he was burned by the flames, he did not turn into ashes.

He looked into the distance, where there were two figures.

One of them was Leng Ye, but now he was silent, his whole body was full of flames, and all his vitality had been burned out.

The other figure was Leng Yue, who was emitting waves of blood and qi, and it was obvious that his vitality had not yet been cut off.

"I didn't expect that you would have the courage to jump down!" Leng Yue suddenly made such a sound.

There was obvious restraint in his tone, and he was obviously suppressing the pain brought by the flames.

"Do you feel any benefits?" Lin Mo asked softly.

"Why should I tell you?" Leng Yue snorted coldly, and then closed his eyes, obviously not intending to communicate more with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo chuckled and didn't care about the latter's attitude.

The flames were indeed burning his body all the time, and Lin Mo could even clearly feel that his body was dissipating.

"My body is being eroded. Is this process similar to the rebirth of the Vermillion Bird?"

"Could this pool of water be used to recreate the scene of the Vermillion Bird's rebirth?"

"But my body is very strong now. Does it mean that I can't complete the rebirth of the Vermillion Bird by resisting the power of the flames?"

"No... It's not my problem. The temperature of the flames is too weak for me!"

Soon, Lin Mo found something wrong.

The temperature of the pool of water did burn Leng Ye to death, but it was not scary enough for Leng Yue and himself.

"Maybe I should look deeper into the pool!" This thought popped up in Lin Mo's mind.

Then he stopped hesitating, took a deep breath, and dived into the pool.

The moment he sank into the pool, he felt like his body was about to explode.

The pool of water was just like the surface of the sun, with orange light everywhere. You can even clearly see that the pool of water is constantly spewing light, which looks like the corona!

"The temperature here is so scary, at least twice higher than the surface of the pool!" Lin Mo exclaimed.

But the temperature here is still not enough!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and dived down!

At this moment, Lin Mo felt another breath wave coming from behind him.

Looking back, it turned out that Leng Yue also dived down, and the speed was faster than Lin Mo.

"Thank you for discovering the real secret of this pool of water!" Leng Yue's voice sounded with a mocking look.

In the pool, he can still use the power of blood and qi, so the speed of diving is faster.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and could only try his best to dive down.

The entire pool of water is unknown how deep, and Lin Mo soon lost sight of Leng Yue.

According to his calculations, he has dived to a depth of at least 300 meters.

"I haven't seen the bottom yet! Is this pool of water actually thousands of meters?!" Lin Mo was already a little shocked.

He gritted his teeth and increased his speed again, and this time he was almost squeezing his potential.

In an instant, his speed increased by at least two times, and in the magma, the whole person rushed out like a flying fish.

Finally, when the diving depth reached 500 meters, Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he saw the bottom of the pool!

And he saw Leng Yue's figure and a basketball-sized ball of light in front of him.

"Is that... the core? The core of this pool of water!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he rushed directly to the core.

"Get out of here!" At this moment, a wave of blood and qi power swept towards Lin Mo frantically.

That was Leng Yue, who started to attack after seeing Lin Mo approaching.

However, Lin Mo discovered that Leng Yue's blood and qi power seemed to be suppressed a lot, and attacking at this moment would not pose much threat to Lin Mo.

"You... the flames of the pool water devoured most of your vitality, and also devoured your blood and qi power.

So you are actually about the same as me now, right?"

Lin Mo chuckled and said casually, then stood leisurely opposite Leng Yue, with a pair of eyes looking at him lightly.

"This is the core. As long as we figure out the secret of this core, we can get this benefit, right?" Lin Mo spoke softly, as if he was talking to Leng Yue, or talking to himself.

Of course, Leng Yue couldn't answer him. He still held the core with both hands, not letting go, and there was a look of pain on his face, as if he was holding on to something.

Lin Mo looked at this scene, and also stretched out his hand and grabbed the core.


In an instant, Lin Mo understood why Leng Yue had such an expression on his face.

At the moment of holding the core, Lin Mo felt that his vitality was rapidly fading, and at the same time, his body was enveloped by an inexplicable force.

This force was like a catalyst, dissolving the entire body!

Therefore, the reason why Leng Yue didn't have much blood and qi was entirely because he used the blood and qi to resist this force.

And Lin Mo is now an ordinary person with a terrifying body, so facing such a force, he has no power to resist.

"Suzaku is reborn from the fire..." Lin Mo felt this power, and he knew very well that he could not resist such a power.

Now there are two choices in front of him, the first is to persist.

The second is to give up directly and leave quickly.

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo smiled and said: "In fact, there is a third way to choose."

Originally, Lin Mo's body was resisting such power, but with the fall of Lin Mo's voice.

He forcibly controlled his body, not resisting this force, but frantically gathered this force into his body.

The gathered power became more and more huge, and in the end, Lin Mo's body began to become illusory.

As the power continued to increase, in the end, Lin Mo's body puffed and turned directly into a sky full of light.

And then completely dissipated!

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