Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 383: The Power of the Beginning


A burst of laughter resounded throughout the pool.

Leng Yue was at the bottom of the pool, looking at the dissipated Lin Mo, with a smile on his face.

He held the ball of light in his hand, still trying to resist the force that was going to dissipate him.

"As long as I survive the final impact, everything will be mine!" Leng Yue's voice rang out.

His body was still slowly dissipating, and there was little blood and energy left in his body!

Time passed slowly, and soon Leng Yue's face showed a look of horror, because he suddenly found that his limbs had dissipated almost completely!

Only a vague phantom remained.

This feeling can be said to be very absurd and terrifying, and the feeling of being gradually deprived of life made him tremble all over.

The ball of light in his hand was still continuously delivering that force, and at the same time, that force was constantly eroding all his vitality in his body.

"No... this is not right!"

Cold sweat began to flow down Leng Yue's face, and he wanted to let go, but it was too late.

A pair of hands seemed to grow on the light ball, unable to move at all.

"If this goes on, I will be exhausted to death! He is right, he will survive in the face of death! He is right!"

Leng Yue roared as if he had figured everything out.

He then gritted his teeth and gave up all resistance.

Then, his body disappeared in an instant!

At the moment when his body disappeared, he saw the golden flames all over the sky directly enveloping him.

In the golden flames, there was an extremely rich vitality.

After his body disappeared, all he had left was consciousness.

What he had to do at this moment was to use his consciousness to condense vitality in the endless flames.

However, he soon became desperate, because consciousness could not exist for too long in the flames.

When he held the light ball in his hands before, his consumption was too great. What he consumed was not only vitality, but also consciousness after his body was scattered!

"So that's how it is. The correct approach should be to give up resistance at the very beginning, let the body dissipate, and then..."

He couldn't say the rest of the words, because the golden flames swept across the sky, and the remaining consciousness could not resist at all, and finally dissipated directly!

At this time, all three brothers of the Leng family died here!


"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

In the endless golden light, such a consciousness slowly spoke.

This was a scream from the depths of his soul, but it was precisely because of this pain that his consciousness woke up from the chaos.

"I...I am in a special scene, with endless vitality surging around and endless flames burning!

This is the fire of Nirvana, which can burn impurities and make the body purer!

These vitality are the most primitive primordial power of heaven and earth!"

The so-called primordial power is a few words that Lin Mo once saw in an ancient book.

In many Chinese legends, the origin of human beings is generally a legend like Nuwa creating humans.

In this ancient book, there is such a saying that the so-called Nuwa is actually the original power.

When the entire Blue Star was just formed, there was such a power between heaven and earth. After it gathered together, it produced a special qualitative change and formed human beings.

This power is the original power!

Although Lin Mo's body disappeared, his consciousness did not lose much, but was retained to the maximum extent.

In fact, it was because of the strength of the body that Lin Mo's consciousness did not lose a bit.

"Original power... So what I have to do is to use the original power to shape my own body?"

Lin Mo quickly figured out the most important point here.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate at all and began to gather the original power around him with his consciousness as the core.

At this time, Lin Mo understood the horror of the Nirvana flame.

When these flames are burning, they will not spare you just because you only have consciousness.

On the contrary, because you only have consciousness, which is pure to the extreme, when the power of the flame surges, the pain it brings can be transmitted to Lin Mo's most original experience.

This most fundamental experience made Lin Mo feel like his entire consciousness was about to explode!

Pain! Endless pain!

These pains are not meant to erase, but to destroy consciousness!

Use the purest pain to destroy consciousness, not to erase it!

"Give up, give up, Lin Mo, no one can endure such pain!

In fact, look at us, after giving up resistance, although we have no flesh, we are just like here, eternal life! ! ! "

"Yes, Lin Mo, give up, why endure such pain, the flesh is actually a burden to us, after letting it go, it is actually liberated!"


Endless voices echoed around Lin Mo, and he opened his eyes to see that those were the purest consciousness.

They were all persuading Lin Mo to give up resistance and accept the destruction of the Nirvana flame.

"Get out!" Lin Mo roared.

These consciousnesses couldn't help but take two steps back as if they felt fear, but soon gathered around again. They followed Lin Mo's consciousness closely and were unwilling to give up. This feeling was like a dying lion meeting a hyena. Same.

They knew that the lion would die sooner or later, so they waited patiently.

When the lion falls, or when the lion shows its weak side, those extremely disgusting hyenas will rush up all at once, destroy all the flesh with their sharp teeth, and then eat the flesh and blood. clean!

"Get away!" Lin Mo's consciousness made such a sound again.

"Haha, look, if someone gives up, he will live forever like us!"

A series of laughter sounded in the distance. Lin Mo looked and saw that Leng Yue's consciousness had condensed, but it was torn to pieces by countless consciousnesses that rushed forward in an instant!

The consciousness that was soon torn to pieces was put together again.

After the combination of consciousness was completed, Leng Yue swam directly towards Lin Mo and smiled at Lin Mo.

"Are you still resisting? What's the point? Give up. Like me, we can be friends!"

Such a voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears, which itself was a destructive force to consciousness!

"Get away!"

Lin Mo roared again, and a tyrannical killing intent began to emit from his consciousness!

When he was alive, Lin Mo couldn't remember how many people he had killed. But at this moment, endless murderous intent surged out from the hidden corners of his consciousness, and crazily enveloped the surroundings. go!

This terrifying killing intent made the surrounding consciousness instinctively retreat, and Lin Mo even heard screams.

That was when the consciousness closest to him was washed away by Lin Mo's murderous intent and turned directly into ashes!

After feeling the ashes dissipate, my consciousness seems to become stronger.

Lin Mo's consciousness revealed a look of joy, and he pounced on the remaining consciousnesses without hesitation!

This is a counterattack from Lin Mo!

With murderous intent surging, Lin Mo simply gave up on gathering the power of the Yuan Dynasty, and instead began to devour the consciousness around him.

Soon, those consciousnesses dissipated, and he no longer dared to wander around Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo felt the tyrannical power surging in his body.

"Now, it's almost time!"

Lin Mo thought, and then began to gather the power of Taichu around him!

These forces seemed to have their own consciousness, resisting Lin Mo's gathering and pulling.


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Lin Mo's consciousness.

That's thunder!

Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face, because he knew where the thunder came from.

Thunder Breathing Technique!

After mastering this breathing method, no matter whether Lin Mo was actively operating or not, there would always be thunder surging in his body.

In other words, the Thunder Breathing Method actually operates on its own in his body, which is why Lin Mo's energy and blood power can be improved all the time.

However, after the martial arts instinct disappeared, Lin Mo thought that the Thunder Breathing Technique also dissipated. Unexpectedly, it did not dissipate, but was instead imprinted in his consciousness!

At this moment, the Thunder Breathing Technique is actually being used here with the help of consciousness recovery.

Endless thunder gathered and enveloped Lin Mo's consciousness.

Then Lin Mo felt it, and the endless power of the Yuan Dynasty began to surge, just like the power of Qi and blood that had been gathered at the beginning, it began to converge towards Lin Mo's consciousness!

This process was even smoother than Lin Mo imagined. In just a few breaths, Lin Mo's surroundings were filled with the power of the Yuan Dynasty!

“Build your own prototype!

This process is like Nuwa creating human beings...

I pinched my face while playing a game, but I didn’t expect that I would have the opportunity to make up my own face! "

An inexplicable feeling surged in Lin Mo's consciousness. He watched the power in the distance slowly form a human shadow under the influence of consciousness. This process was indescribable!

"This is the process of creation, and it is even of great significance to my martial arts path!"

Lin Mo quickly realized this, thought about it, and then directly tried to imprint the entire process into his consciousness!

Time passed, and a day and a night passed in the blink of an eye.

On the shore, Little Green and Fly had moved away from the pool and were now sitting on the ground.

"Click, click!"

The goshawk kept opening the potato chips and pouring them into his mouth, then took a whole bag of potato chips and took a sip!

An eagle's face was filled with contentment.

Gulu gulu!

On the other side, Xiao Lu held a large bottle of Coke in his hand and was drinking it boldly.

"Tell me, how is this guy Lin Mo doing now?" Xiao Lu burped and looked at Xiao Cang.

"I don't know!" Goshawk shook his head, and then opened the Nth bag of potato chips.

"No, we can't just go down like this, I want to go down and take a look!" Xiao Lu finished the remaining Coke, then stood up suddenly and walked towards the pool.

However, after taking a few steps, he stopped.

"What a rich life force! It's somewhat the same as when I was born!"

"Lin Mo, you need my help!"

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