Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 387: Slapping someone in the face is fun

Chen Banzi's face was full of anger, and he rushed towards Xi Rui in one step.

Xi Rui suffered a loss at the hands of Lin Mo last time, so he would not be polite to Lin Mo's master now. He sneered and rushed forward!


Before the two of them came into contact, two terrifying auras collided with each other.

It was a complete collision of qi and blood, but the impact effect was like a bomb explosion!

"Master, you don't have to do anything!"

"Father, we are not here to fight this time!"

Lin Mo and Xi Hao's voices rang out at the same time.

Then the two figures retreated at the same time, keeping a relatively safe distance.

They stayed beside Lin Mo and Xi Hao respectively, clearly worried about the other party's sneak attack.

"Lin Mo, we have known each other for a while. I don't want to hurt our relationship, and I don't want anyone to say that I am bullying you with my strength!

You should also know that your Rob City cannot continue to grow. We are not the only ones eyeing this place.

I came here this time only to represent the Xi family. If someone comes next time, I may not chat with you so kindly!"

Xi Hao stepped forward, looked at Lin Mo, and said with a faint smile.

"Before I took over Rob City, I didn't see you were so interested in this place. Before I lost my martial arts instinct, I didn't see you dare to stand in front of me like this.

Now, you are standing in front of me in a human-like manner, and the words you say are so high-sounding. Aren't you worried that I am pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

Lin Mo chuckled, walked past Chen Banzi, and walked towards Xi Hao step by step.

Xi Rui's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but step forward.


Lin Mo sneered, his eyes fell on Xi Hao, and he didn't speak.

"Father, there's no need to be like this, he's just a mortal!" Facing Lin Mo's gaze, Xi Hao felt that this look was like a needle piercing his body, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Xiao Hao, don't act on impulse at this time!" Xi Rui was a little worried. His strength was very strong and he had reached the first-grade martial emperor realm.

But when he faced Lin Mo, didn't he almost die?

Now he is really worried that Lin Mo is playing the pig to eat the tiger. If Xi Hao dies here by accident, then their branch in the Xi family is basically finished!

"Father, do you think that my strength is dangerous even when facing a waste like Lin Mo?

Should I say that you are too cautious, or should I say that in your eyes, I have always been inferior to him?"

Xi Hao looked at his father and spoke lightly.

Xi Rui's face became a little ugly, and he opened his mouth for a long time before saying: "Xiao Hao, you should know very well that this is not what I mean. In my eyes, you will always be the most powerful..."

When he wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Xi Hao.

"Lin Mo, I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you. I will only give you two choices.

First, hand over Rob City and get out of here. I can guarantee that after taking over Rob City, everyone you leave behind will live well!

The second way is that I will kill you and then take over the entire Rob City. At that time, our Xi family will take over the entire city.

At that time, everyone related to you... will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as the last three words came out, a terrifying killing intent spread.

Early stage of the seventh-grade martial emperor!

Lin Mo felt Xi Hao's blood and qi power and immediately understood his current strength.

The Dragon Transformation Plan is indeed very powerful, which directly improved his cultivation a lot.

At least in terms of the value of blood and qi power, Lin Mo is far inferior to Xi Hao.

"Xi Hao..." Lin Mo suddenly spoke and called Xi Hao's name.

Then there was a long silence without speaking.

Xi Hao thought Lin Mo was thinking, so he stood there quietly waiting, but a confident smile appeared on his face.

In his opinion, anyone who is not a fool knows what to choose.

"Xi Hao, what I actually want to say is, are you scared?

Facing me, a person who may have lost his martial arts instinct, you don't dare to go up, why are you still telling me so much now?

I'll tell you the truth, I won't choose either of the two paths you gave me... Don't forget, I still have one chance, even if I risk my life, I can kill you once!"

Lin Mo's voice was full of murderous intent, and he took a few steps forward as if stimulated.

At the same time, his mental power began to gather, as if the scene at Zhu's house was recreated!

In order to be realistic, Lin Mo even walked step by step into the air, a silver spear appeared in his hand, and mental power surged in his body, making a sound like a tsunami.

Facing such a Lin Mo, Xi Rui's face suddenly showed a look of fear.

When he was at Zhu's house, he had seen such a scene with his own eyes, and even experienced it personally, just three words: can't beat!

Since you can't beat it, you can only admit that you are scared, run away quickly!

"Xiao Hao, should we leave now?" Xi Rui looked at his son and spoke hesitantly.

"I won't leave!" Xi Hao said seriously. Although he was not at the scene of the Zhu family's incident, he heard others talk about it later.

So he only knew that Lin Mo's counterattack was very powerful, but he didn't know exactly how powerful it was.

At this moment, seeing that Lin Mo seemed to be using the same trick as before, his face showed a look of tension and fear.

"Father, I said, I won't leave, not even a step back. If I retreat today, I won't be able to move forward on the road of martial arts in the future!" Xi Hao shook his head firmly.

Xi Rui was so angry that he almost cried, but his status in the Xi family was not as good as his son, so he could only shut his mouth honestly at this moment.

He prayed in his heart that his son could be stronger and withstand Lin Mo's attack.


Lin Mo suddenly spoke, and the silver dragon spear in his hand burst out at Xi Rui and others!


The void seemed to be trembling, and the terrifying power even attracted all directions, causing the air to explode continuously. It can even be heard that the entire Rob City is trembling!

Countless people walked out of their homes, looked up at the terrifying light in the sky, and their eyes were full of despair.

In their opinion, this is almost the end of Rob City!

"Go!" Xi Rui looked at everything in front of him, his heart pounding, and at this time he couldn't care so much, carrying his son and rushing towards the distance.

Xi Hao had never thought that his cowardly father would dare to do such a thing.

He struggled twice, trying to stay and resist such an attack with his strong physical strength.

It was this series of actions that took too much time, so that a terrible loud noise came to the ears of the two.

Then they felt like a sailboat sailing on the sea in a storm, being torn by the terrifying force.

This feeling was extremely terrifying. They were all strong men, and what the strong valued most was actually the control over themselves.

But now the two of them had no way to control their bodies in the violent energy, and could only sway in the wind like seaweed!

This feeling of giving everything to other forces was really bad to the extreme.


When the two of them forcibly opened the blood barrier, formed a shield, and blocked in front of them, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, the next moment, they trembled all over, flew up, and fell heavily to the ground.


The two who had already vomited blood once vomited blood again.

After Lin Mo used this method, he fell directly from the air.

Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong's faces changed slightly. They just woke up from Lin Mo's powerful blow, and then saw Lin Mo falling headfirst.

Chen Banzi reacted quickly, flew up directly, rushed towards Lin Mo, and caught him.

Wei Yunlong reacted a little slower, and could only cheer up and look at the opposite side.

Xi Rui, who had already smiled on his face, smiled more intensely when he saw Lin Mo falling down.

"Son, did you see that? That Lin Mo's strength is not very good. From the current situation, it should be his last chance. It should be no good!

Just do it, kill them all!"

"Are you asking me to do something?" Xi Hao glanced at his father and spoke lightly, then slowly stood up and looked at Chen Banzi and others: "It seems that you should no longer have such a restless existence as Lin Mo!

Then, you can come out!"

As Xi Hao's voice fell, several figures suddenly rushed out from a distance.

Three first-grade martial emperors, one second-grade martial emperor! There are still many martial emperor-level masters left!

These people had been hiding in the dark before, and now they are happy when they know that Lin Mo is seriously injured and the only forces that can be seen in the entire Rob City are Chen Banzi and Wei Yunlong.

"Everyone, Lin Mo is no longer good, Rob City has no successor, and it is now in our pocket. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and kill people!"

Xi Hao looked at the masters around him and smiled.

As soon as the words fell, the masters around him rushed out with a grin.

"Humph, who said that my Rob City is unmanned?"

At this time, Liu Lei appeared here with No. 1 to No. 5.

Moreover, Lin Mo's body was filled with terrifying blood and energy, and just a trace of it escaped, which made Xi Hao's face change.

"Lin Mo, here I come!" Liu Lei stood beside Lin Mo and said with a smile: "Are those people your opponents? Why do they all look so ugly!"

"Mr. Lin, leave those Martial Emperors to us!"

The five figures were obviously practical, because after saying this, they rushed directly towards those Martial Emperor-level masters.

Liu Lei rushed out and hit Xi Hao in the face with a right hook.

"What a jerk! You don't even know who you are. You dare to touch my brother!" Liu Lei said blankly.

Looking at this scene, Xi Hao and Xi Rui were stunned for a long time before they suddenly realized that Liu Lei and the others did not fail in their realm breakthrough!

They have all advanced now!

"This is impossible!" Xi Rui shouted.

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