"So it was really your people who did it?" Lin Mo looked at Xi Hao's shocked face and spoke slowly.

His tone was very soft, but people who knew Lin Mo knew very well that he should be extremely angry at this time.

The calmer the tone, the more it highlights the anger in his heart at the moment!

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" Xi Hao quickly returned to his original expression, and responded calmly to Lin Mo's inquiry.

"You should be very clear about the situation China is facing now. The beautiful country is far more powerful than us, and even Neon has begun to plan for China, wanting a piece of the pie.

Not to mention that we in China still have so many abyss entrances, and abyss creatures will rush out at any time.

You should be more aware that once these people in Luobu City become Martial Emperors, China's combat power will be greatly improved.

But you know this, but you still want to take action.

Just because the giant city of Rob cannot be in my hands!

Internal friction, no matter what time, what you people like most is internal friction! "

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned red. He was not angry because one of his own was being targeted.

It's because these people who take action don't care about China's interests at all, but only care about their own interests!

In their eyes, China's interests are nothing at all. If there is a conflict with their own interests, they will choose their own interests without hesitation.

"Lin Mo, I have no idea what you are talking about!" Xi Hao said calmly.

At the same time, the strong men behind him stepped forward and surrounded Lin Mo and others.

"Xiao Mo, why are you talking to them so much? Just do it!" Liu Lei moved his fists and feet and spoke in a cold voice. He stared at Xi Hao up and down, gritted his teeth and said: "It's this grandson who stole your spot, right? Wait a minute. I'll cut him for you!"

Xi Hao's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but glance at Lin Mo.

His strength has now reached the seventh level Martial Emperor, but facing Liu Lei, he is still far behind.

"Lin Mo, are you just hiding behind others now?" Xi Hao looked at Lin Mo and said calmly.

"Hiding behind others gives you a sense of security!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "You can also hide behind them, see if they are willing!"

Lin Mo pointed to the strong men who appeared later, with a smile on his face.

Xi Hao's expression changed. These people who came behind him were not from the Xi family, and there was no way they would sacrifice their lives to save him.

So Lin Mo's words were equivalent to exposing his current situation, which made him a little angry.

The dragon transformation plan was quite successful, and his strength improved rapidly, so in his opinion, he himself was the favored son of heaven and the center of the world.

But now, with just a few words, Lin Mo kicked him off the altar from his high position!

In fact, it was far more than just kicking him off the altar, but also pressing him into the dust, not forgetting to kick him twice.

In this way, both dignity and face are lost.

"Lin Mo, do you only know how to talk? Are you willing to fight me to the death?" Xi Hao suddenly raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo: "Otherwise, don't pretend to be here!"

"Fight to the death with me?" Lin Mo smiled faintly: "If you want to die, I can help you... even,"

Lin Mo paused for a moment, then glanced at the strong men around Xi Hao one by one, with a smile on his lips: "Even you guys can come together..."

After the words fell, Lin Mo's mental power began to gather again, and at the same time, a token appeared, hanging in front of Lin Mo.

The spear formed by condensing the power of Qi and blood was also hanging there, and the sharp breath stung everyone so hard that they could hardly open their eyes.

powerful! Very strong!

The expressions of several strong men behind Xi Hao changed. Although there were strong men at the Martial Emperor level among them, they all knew that Lin Mo had killed a strong man at the Martial Emperor level.

Although the price was a bit high, at least he was killed!

God knows if Lin Mo will break out again today and kill them instantly?

"If you want to fight, just come up!" After Lin Mo's aura had condensed to a certain level, he looked at Xi Hao and spoke calmly.

Xi Hao's expression changed again and again, and finally he just sneered: "Are you trying to scare me? I don't believe you can still use your original power!

If you want to fight, then I will help you!

I hope you won't disappoint me too much! "

After saying that, he actually used his martial arts skills and stood in front of Lin Mo step by step.

"Today, life and death!" Xi Hao spoke word by word, as if he wanted to scare Lin Mo away with these words.

"Just what I want!" Lin Mo said lightly with a smile on his lips.


After the words fell, Lin Mo's voice disappeared.


Lin Mo directly used his martial arts skills, and when he appeared again, he was already standing on the right side of Xi Hao.


Five Beast Fist! bombardment!

Along with the roars of five ferocious beasts, Lin Mo punched out!

The terrifying roar was accompanied by huge fluctuations in energy and blood.

Everyone raised their hands to block the ejected gravel, and at the same time dispersed the strong wind.

A group of people stared blankly at Lin Mo, who was almost suppressing Xi Hao in a frenzied output.

Countless palms and soles continued to fall down. Xi Hao was still holding on, but he was still fighting back or resisting crazily.

But at the end, Lin Mo punched him in the face.

His handsome face was deformed directly, and it was this moment that made Xi Hao completely stunned and completely broken.

Then came the violent output.

Xi Hao was constantly hit by fists in Lin Mo's hands, and at the same time, he also used his fingers like swords and swung his palms like mountains...

After such attacks were continuously launched, Xi Hao was seriously injured and dying.

Seeing this scene, a group of people's faces became ugly.

Xi Hao's strength was so strong, but Lin Mo was able to do almost one-sided slaughter!

The terrifying power swept out, leaving Xi Hao no chance to fight back.

Seeing Xi Hao fall to the ground, his inhalation was not as much as his exhalation, and Xi Rui's face immediately turned pale.

This is his biological son, and the hope of his rise. If he dies here, it will be over!

"What are you all still standing there for? Do it! Do it quickly!"

Xi Rui looked around and urged anxiously.

"Sorry, they are fighting freely, we can't fight, this is to respect them!" The leader said lightly.

At the same time, it can be seen that the eyes of those people looking at Lin Mo have become complicated.

It is an expression of shock and appreciation.

The blood power in Lin Mo's palm slowly gathered and became a dagger.

Holding the dagger, Lin Mo walked to Xi Hao little by little and put the dagger against his throat.

Although it is not a physical object, the dagger condensed by the blood power not only contains sharpness, but also carries the murderous intent accumulated by Lin Mo over the years!

So even if it is just placed on the neck, there is still a kind of icy coldness sweeping over, making him feel extremely scared.

"Lin Mo, you can't kill me. The Dragon Change Plan has not been completely completed. I am the final selector of the Dragon Change Plan. If you kill me, it is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire Dragon Change Plan..."

But Lin Mo's face was not moved at all, and the dagger in his hand was still straight and stabbed at his vitals.

"Lin Mo, you should be very clear about the identity and status of our Xi family. Don't kill me. I can promise you the friendship of the Xi family!"

"Also, I am willing to withdraw from the Dragon Transformation Plan. All the subsequent plans will be participated by you!"


Seeing the dagger in Lin Mo's hand getting lower and lower, the despair in Xi Hao's heart became stronger and stronger.


After a muffled sound, Xi Hao's eyes suddenly widened.

There was a bloody hole on his neck, and blood was constantly flowing out at this moment, which looked extremely terrifying.

But Lin Mo looked normal, just calmly put away the dagger and looked at the remaining people.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, since you are here today, don't leave, all stay!"

His voice was cold, and at the same time he looked at Wei Yunlong and others: "Please!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, Chen Banzi, Wei Yunlong and others had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and after hearing Lin Mo's words, they rushed out directly.

At the same time, Xie Meng appeared here with several peak martial emperors.

At the same time, Liu Lei, Xiao Yan and others who were equally powerful also appeared.

In short, this time, the strength of Rob City completely crushed the people sent by the opposite side.

"Lin Mo, we can have a good talk. The Xi family is just our spokesperson. Now that he is dead, I think you have a chance to be our spokesperson!"

The leader looked at Chen Banzi and others who rushed towards him, and felt his scalp tingling.

My God, before coming, he didn't know that there were so many fierce people in Rob City. If they said they would fight, they would really fight with all their lives without any hesitation.

"Lin Mo, let's talk. Can we give up Rob City!"

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't respond, the figure spoke again.

"Don't talk so much when fighting!" Chen Banzi's voice sounded, followed by a muffled hum, and a figure in the sky shook for a while and almost fell down.

Obviously, this is the person who was hit by Chen Banzi.

"Robu City was originally mine, so whether you want it or not, in my opinion, it's shameless.

Secondly, you said that this matter can be exposed?

At the beginning, your people directly took action and ruined the promotion path of six people on our side.

This is an undying hatred. If I can't fulfill my promise today, then in the future, you will only be arrogant.

Sorry, I don't have so much time to play with you, so please... all of you die!

This is also a little advice from me to the people behind you!"

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