Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 389: One punch is enough to prevent a hundred punches


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo turned around without even bothering to look at them.

At this time, Chen Banzi, Wei Yunlong and others roared and rushed forward.

Although the strength of Luobu Jucheng is not comparable to that of a huge family like the Kong family, it still won't take much effort to kill them.

"Lin Mo, do you know that we are..."

The leader spoke loudly, wanting to tell his origins.

"Kill him!" Chen Banzi yelled, interrupting the man's words and taking action directly.

As soon as he took action, he showed the most terrifying killing intent. The power of his energy and blood fluctuated, forming a bloody full moon behind him, and then slammed down towards the man.

"Die!" Chen Banzi roared.

At this time, he couldn't be allowed to shout out his origins.

These people must be from the Kong family. There is no need to think too much about this. But once they are named directly, it will be troublesome.

First of all, given the status of the Kong family, this behavior is like relying on the big to bully the small. Using such a dishonorable method to seize the huge city of Luobu will damage the reputation.

Secondly, if members of the Kong family are killed in Luobu Jucheng, the Kong family's face will be even more damaged. In this way, Luobu Jucheng will inevitably face the most crazy revenge of the Kong family.

Therefore, Chen Banzi felt that he could not be allowed to reveal his identity.


The man didn't expect Chen Banzi to act so decisively. He was caught off guard, his body trembled, and his whole body was swallowed up by the bloody ball of light, and then slowly annihilated.


Seeing that another person died, all the remaining members of the Kong family panicked.

"Master, there is no need to stop them. If they want to shout, just let them watch. I really want to know what family they come from!"

Lin Mo spoke calmly and expressed his thoughts.

Chen Banzi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and stopped speaking when he met someone who wanted to reveal his identity.

"We are from the Kong family. Do you want to be enemies with the Kong family?"

"Killing people from the Kong family is provoking the Kong family. When the time comes, it will not only end with you being deprived of power, but all of you will die!"

A group of people shouted out their identities and threatened them at the same time.

But the killing did not stop. By this time, it had almost become a one-sided siege.

With the demon-suppressing array provided by Lin Mo at the beginning, if it is used, even the powerful Martial Emperor can kill the powerful Martial Emperor.

What's more, the strength of strong men like No. 1 to No. 5 is invincible. The combination of five people forms a powerful battle formation, with crazy output and harvesting lives.

In a short time, only the last one of the Kong family was left.

This person's strength has reached the level of a first-grade Martial Emperor. The reason why he can survive until now is not because he is very powerful, or because the people in Luobu City want to leave him alive, but because this person's defense is really terrifying.

"Earth Dragon Armor, perfect level!" Chen Banzi said, with a solemn look on his face.

"Earth Dragon Armor?"

Lin Mo had a curious look on his face and looked at Chen Banzi, waiting for his explanation.

"Earth Dragon Armor is a ninth-level earth-level martial arts. Once mastered, the defensive power will be extremely amazing. When the Martial Emperor is at his peak, he can withstand attacks from at least the first-level Martial Emperor.

Now that he has connected the earth dragon armor to the perfect level, even if I am the peak third-level Martial Emperor, I may not be able to break through his defense! "

"You can't break the defense, right!" Lin Mo chuckled: "Then catch him, I want to try it myself!"

As Lin Mo's order was issued, the man was soon caught.

"Hey boy, the Earth Dragon Armor is extremely powerful, you can't kill me now!

Just wait, our people will come again. I have just sent a distress signal, and soon the official people will come back, but they are on our side! "

"Boy, it's not too late for you to admit defeat now!"

"Let me go! I'll spare your life!"

The man looked at Lin Mo with a stern expression, and his words became more and more outrageous.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Mo walked over step by step and raised his hand to put on his shoulder.

The power of communicating with Suzaku caused the Nirvana Fire to flow directly along the palm of his hand and into the man's body meridians.


As the scorching flames entered his body, the man couldn't help but roar.

But Lin Mo had no intention of stopping at all. Instead, he silently increased the terror of the flames.

"Can't break your defense? Who do you think you are? You are worthy of saying such things!" Lin Mo said lightly, and a ray of flame followed the meridians directly to her heart, and then swallowed violently.

A flame burst out from his chest.

The man's body twitched violently, and then he fell completely to the ground.

Although he is not dead, he is almost there.

Lin Mo's eyes were cold. He had destroyed the Earth Dragon Armor's defense with that blow just now, and it had also destroyed his self-esteem.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, with no consciousness of survival in his eyes.

"I will kill this man myself!" Lin Mo looked at him and spoke word by word.

Then he grabbed forward with his right hand, and the flame patterns instantly condensed into a dagger.

Lin Mo stabbed the man between the eyebrows with the dagger.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and a figure burst out from the sky not far away.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was standing not far from Lin Mo almost in the blink of an eye.

He glanced at the corpses on the ground with a look of regret on his face, and then looked at the remaining member of the Zhu family in Lin Mo's hand, his eyes suddenly lit up.

That's good if there are still living people. In this way, many things can be easily explained, and it will be easier for the Kong family to explain.

"Lin Mo, I am from the top management office of the Ministry of War. My name is Tao Yuan. I am here to tell you that we are going to give you a place to go to the beautiful country for exchange!

By the way, how about I also be a peacemaker for a while and save his life? "

Tao Yuan looked at Lin Mo and spoke lightly with a smile on his face.

He should not be too young. Standing in front of Lin Mo at this moment, Lin Mo felt that this man was full of elegant temperament.

He was wearing a gray gown. It was rare for him to be able to run so fast while wearing such long clothes.

"Who did Mr. Tao mean by that?" Lin Mo looked at him and suddenly asked.

Tao Yuan was stunned for a moment, then he reacted: "Haha, I'm just here to break up the fight. As for whether you kill him or not, that's your business!

Anyway, my mission here this time has been completed, so I’m leaving now! "

After that, he actually turned around and left.

"Master, please send Mr. Tao off." Lin Mo just responded lightly, and then stabbed forward with the dagger in his hand without hesitation!

The man who was still screaming suddenly stopped moving as Lin Mo's long sword thrust out. He lay there looking like a complete fool.

Originally, Tao Yuan had already taken a few steps, but after feeling the movement behind him, he paused slightly and said with emotion: "Today's young people are really amazing!"

After saying that, he was sent away by Chen Banzi.

After everyone left, a group of people gathered around Lin Mo excitedly, listening to Lin Mo's tortuous road to regaining his martial arts instincts.

Of course, Lin Mo also hid a lot of content in this. After all, many things cannot be scrutinized.

The most important thing is, if they find out that Lin Mo and Xiaolu have an irreconcilable relationship, will they give Lin Mo a big hat?

Therefore, Lin Mo still chose to hide such information.

However, although Lin Mo hid something, in the end it was for their own good.

"I need to prepare. If I want to make my mental power stronger, I need to prepare better.

This beautiful country is, after all, the country of lighthouses in many people’s minds. It’s always good to have more prospective students!

I hope these people will not disappoint me! "

Lin Mo spoke calmly.

The participation certificate from the Ministry of War will be available soon, and it has already been three days.

During these three days, Lin Mo threw all the things he might encounter during his trip into the storage space, so that when he went to the beautiful country, he would not find them when he needed them.

"I have to go to the Ministry of War this time. There is no other way. Even if I am targeted, I will admit it!" Lin Mo held a meeting before leaving. He looked at the people below and said with a smile: "We are all We need to grow up. Although we fight in different places, we are no different from them."

Everyone nodded, recognizing what Lin Mo said next.

Lin Mo looked at everyone, thought for a while and said: "During my absence, you must keep a low profile as much as possible...this thing."

Lin Mo looked at the Jiuzhou Order in his hand with a thoughtful look on his face.

Although it didn't take long when he first got this thing, Lin Mo was asked to put this token in Rob Giant City... At least so far, there is nothing here that he can trust!

"Okay, that's it, I'm going to the capital!" Lin Mo said calmly, then picked up the luggage he had packed last night, left the giant city of Luobu, and headed for the capital.

Riding on the high-speed train and looking at the distant land along the way, Lin Mo felt relieved.

"When you go to the capital this time, you will definitely be under a lot of pressure, but at this time, you have to stay calm!

Be careful they dig holes for you! Understand? "

"Also, in the Ministry of War, no one should be busy. The relationship here is complicated and cannot be explained in detail, but you must remember that in the Ministry of War, you should not be willing to help others."

Thinking of the explanations given by Chen Banzi and others before leaving, Lin Mo had a look of helplessness on his face.

In fact, Lin Mo didn't want to offend the Kong family, but at that time, he had no choice.

People are being aggressive and open-minded. If you don't fight back, more people will bully you in the future.

Hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

Lin Mo has always regarded this principle as a standard!

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