Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 390 Return to the Capital

"Jingcheng, I'm back!"

Coming out of the high-speed rail station, Lin Mo looked at the familiar city in front of him with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Mo stayed in this city for nearly three years. Although he spent less than two years studying, the remaining time was spent at the Ministry of War.

Here, Lin Mo met many people and made many enemies, but in the final analysis, he still missed them a little.


There was a heart-wrenching sound, and Lin Mo looked down, only to see a car parked in front of him.

Sitting on the fiery red convertible was a young girl wearing a red shirt. She looked about twenty-five years old. She wore big sunglasses on her fair face. Just the exposed face was enough to make people marvel.

Looking further down, what he saw was a pair of slender thighs with black stockings. For some people with special hobbies, just these legs would be enough to lick for a year.

But looking at the person in front of him, Lin Mo frowned slightly because he didn't recognize the woman in front of him.

"Get in the car!" The woman moved her sunglasses downward slightly, revealing her eyes.

What surprised Lin Mo was that this woman clearly had an oriental face, but she had a pair of light red eyes, which actually made her already beautiful face look even more charming.

"Who are you?" Lin Mo asked without getting in the car.

"Li family, Li Yan." The woman said calmly: "Okay, get in the car quickly. If the old man at home hadn't asked me to pick you up, do you think I would be willing to come?"

Li Yan spoke impatiently. She had already made an appointment with her best friend to drink coffee later, but her grandfather temporarily arranged to pick up a stranger. Naturally, she was in a bad mood.

"Then you can go, I didn't want to take your car." Lin Mo said lightly, then chose a direction and walked towards the Ministry of War.

In fact, according to Lin Mo's current speed, he could circle around a place as big as the capital in half an hour at most.

Even though everyone is practicing martial arts now, there are still a few strong ones after all. Moving forward at such a speed will inevitably arouse criticism from many people.


Seeing Lin Mo walking away step by step, Li Yan had a look of disgust on her face, and she kicked the accelerator and chased Lin Mo fiercely.

After passing Lin Mo, Li Yan made a 360-degree U-turn on the road. At such a crazy speed, she could turn around so quickly, which caused many people to exclaim.

Then amidst everyone's exclamations, Li Yan stepped on the accelerator again and drove straight towards Lin Mo!

Li Yan had a sneer on her lips. Her car had been modified, and even a strong man with the level of Emperor Wu would be injured if it was hit.


A terrifying loud noise was heard, and then everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the collision.

After seeing clearly what happened there, a group of people couldn't help but open their mouths.

As the smoke filled the air, Lin Mo put one hand on the hood of the sports car and stood there motionless.

As for the modified car, the entire hood collapsed completely, and bursts of smoke came out.

"You're so special!"

Li Yan spent more than 90 million yuan to modify this car. The materials on it were all special materials used to build the entrance gate to the abyss, which were extremely precious.

Now he was actually destroyed by Lin Mo's palm.

Without thinking, she jumped out of the car and rushed towards Lin Mo.

The light in her hands flickered, and streaks of brilliance appeared on her fingertips. That was the weapon she used, and its grade was almost reaching the ninth level of the Earth Level!

However, no one expected that Lin Mo just raised his hand slightly, and Li Yan directly put his neck into Lin Mo's palm as if his body was being controlled.

Lin Mo exerted a little force and tightened his grip on Li Yan's fair neck. As long as he exerted a little force, the latter would die.

"I'm curious, where did you get the courage to do this with me?" Lin Mo asked lightly, the strength in his hands getting stronger and stronger.

"You...let me go!" Li Yan struggled and raised her hand to hit Lin Mo's palm.

However, in Lin Mo's view, such an attack is no different from tickling.

"Li family, the Li family in Beijing?" Lin Mo asked lightly: "If you don't want to answer, I will crush you to death. Then someone will naturally jump out, and then I will know whose family you are from. !”

After saying that, without giving Li Yan a chance to react, she directly applied force with her palms, and there was even a sound of needles clicking, which was the sound caused by the dislocation of the throat bones.

"I...I said!" Li Yan was anxious. She was afraid of death. At this age, it was the time to enjoy it. If she died in Lin Mo's hands because of this matter, thank you!

"I'm from the Li family in the capital. Grandpa asked me to pick you up!" Li Yan said everything that should be said and what should not be said, like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

"Okay, I understand, let's go!" Lin Mo threw Li Yan aside and said calmly: "Tell Mr. Li that Lin Mo is unfamiliar with people in the capital, so I won't visit him at home. Otherwise, I won’t know why he was killed!”

After saying that, without giving Li Yan a chance, she walked directly towards the Ministry of War.

Before coming, Lin Mo had already investigated the relevant information of the Ministry of War, and what Lin Mo remembered most clearly was that the Xi family should now have a branch in the capital.

It seems that the branch where the capital is located belongs to Xi Hao's branch.

So, Lin Mo was ready to go and see. This breath was not something that could be swallowed by killing Xi Hao!

Half an hour later, Lin Mo stood in front of the Xi family's gate.

The Xi family's security was very cautious. Seeing Lin Mo standing at the door for nearly two minutes without moving, they immediately became alert. One of the security guards turned around and ran towards the yard.

Lin Mo looked at this scene without moving. This time he came to establish his authority.

And since ancient times, there are not many ways to establish authority: killing chickens to scare monkeys, showing off one's power, etc.

What Lin Mo wants to do this time is to show off one's power!

Soon, the door opened again, and several figures walked out from inside. The leader was an old man who looked nearly ninety years old. He looked at Lin Mo with a cold face.

"Boy, who are you? Standing in front of my Xi family's gate, are you going to do something bad?" The old man looked at Lin Mo and spoke coldly.

Lin Mo knew this old man. It was written in the information before he came here that he was Xi Hao's grandfather, named Xi Xun. His strength was not as good as Xi Rui, but his prestige in the Xi family was very high. It was said that there was no one in the Xi family who did not obey him.

"I'll give you something." Lin Mo said lightly, then raised his hand and pointed forward, and two corpses fell down.

This was the method he had just tried to use recently, storing the entity in the storage space and taking it out when needed.

"Hao'er! Rui'er!"

Seeing the two corpses on the ground, Xi Xun's face was full of anger and sadness.

He took two steps forward and was about to pounce on the corpses, but when he was not far away, he stopped.

"Damn Lin Mo, you deserve to die, I'm going to kill you! You deserve to die!"

Xi Xun cursed with endless resentment, and at the same time he rushed towards Lin Mo regardless of anything.

"You're living like a dog at such an old age!" Lin Mo dodged directly, and at the same time stood up in the air step by step, holding the spear condensed by the power of blood and qi in his hand.

"Kill them!"

Lin Mo smashed the spear in his hand directly at the Xi family!

With the terrifying roar, the entire front hall of the Xi family seemed to be reduced to ruins.

Lin Mo deliberately avoided places with a large number of innocent people, and chose places where almost all the people of the Xi family were direct descendants.

Xi Xun looked at this scene, and his eyes were about to spit fire!

"I, will kill you!" Xi Xun looked at Lin Mo, and spoke word by word, with anger on his face as if he wanted to eat Lin Mo.

But there was no fear on Lin Mo's face, even though there were at least ten strong men standing beside Xi Xun at this moment, each of them was stronger than the martial emperor.

But now, facing a Lin Mo, he didn't move at all.

In front of Lin Mo stood a man, his hair was combed meticulously, but his face was serious.

Lin Mo nodded: "Old senior..."

The man raised his hand to interrupt Lin Mo: "Do you want to ask who I am?"

The old man looked back and said: "I just arranged for my beautiful granddaughter to pick you up, but you didn't seem very satisfied. There was no other way, so I had to come here in person. Now it seems that I came at the right time. If I came a little later, you might be killed by the Xi family!

How is it, is it timely?

Do you want to consider going back with me for a cup of tea?"

Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him, frowning slightly. Li Yan had said before that she was from the Li family. According to the information, the current person in charge of the Li family in Beijing seems to be called Li Zong.

Is it this old man in front of him?

Why is this old man so powerful?

Lin Mo looked at the old man in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Does the Li family also want to get involved in the affairs of the Xi family?" Xi Xun looked at Li Zong and asked in a deep voice.

"Not really, but Lin Mo is a distinguished guest of our Li family, please give us a face!" Li Zong looked at Xi Xun and said with a smile.

"What if I don't give you this face?" Xi Xun said coldly: "You are not blind, you should have seen that the two bodies on the ground, one is my son and the other is my grandson, did they die in vain?

What's more, this person came to our house specially, if we don't keep him, then will our Xi family still be able to raise our heads in the capital in the future?"

"You said that your Xi family is a part of the capital, do you really think you are the master?" Li Zong looked at Xi Xun and suddenly sneered: "What did you do with the Kong family? Do you really think we can't help it?

You did such a thing and now you are killed by someone, and you still have the face to say such things?"

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