Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 391 What do you want me to do? !

"Shut up!" Xi Xun stared at Li Zong: "The inheritance family cannot be insulted. Although my Xi family is not as good as your Li family, it has been inherited for nearly a hundred years. Even if it is not the inheritance family, it is not much different. Come on, are you, the Li family, going to fight against our entire family over a boy?"

"Do you know what it means to inherit a family?" Li Zong looked at Xi Xun with a chuckle: "Do you think that after being passed down for many years, it can be called an inherited family?

The so-called inheritance families are all families that have made great contributions to the entire China.

Having shed blood for China can be called the soul of China and the backbone of China!

Are you worthy of the Xi family? "

Xi Xun's face suddenly darkened. If we really looked at it from this point of view, their Xi family really could not be called a heritage family.

But in his concept, the so-called inherited family means that it has been passed down for a long time. He has never heard of what Li Zong said.

"Li, I just want to ask you, will you give me the face of my Xi family?" Xi Xun didn't bother to say more, and directly stared at Li Zong and asked in a deep voice.

"No." Li Zong said calmly: "Not only will I not give you face, but if you make me unhappy, I will also help you fuck your Xi family!"

Xi Xun's face turned livid, and after staring at Lin Mo for a long time, he said gloomily: "Our Xi family will remember what happened today!

Everybody come into the house with me! "

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the house.

As for Xi Hao and Xi Rui lying on the ground, he never looked at them again.

He could ignore the two corpses on the ground, but others did not dare to ignore them. Several people came forward, carried the corpses separately, and walked towards the Xi family's courtyard.

"Thank you, senior, for your help!" Lin Mo turned around, looked at Li Zong, and saluted with clasped fists.

"Haha, do you know how to say nice things now?" Li Zong glared at Lin Mo: "Young people today are so powerful, my granddaughter is so cute, you actually hammered people and cars!

Okay, don't pretend to be here. Since you dare to attack the Xi family at this time, you must have a backup plan. Even if I don't come, you must be able to leave calmly. "

"To be honest, I didn't expect that there are so many powerful people in the Xi family. If I had known about it earlier, I would definitely not have come!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Okay!" Li Zong smiled and nodded: "Since I'm here, I'm here to support you.

Let’s talk about it, there are other enemies in the capital who are coming together to tear down the house! "

"It really is!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Senior, do you know where the Kong family is? You don't need the main family of the Kong family, it's enough to separate the family!"

"It's enough to separate the families!" Li Zong stared at Lin Mo with wide eyes and said, "I'm afraid you think I live too long, right?

When the Kong family is divided, I can’t just come and tear it down by myself!

You kid, calm down, aren't you going to the Ministry of War?

Before you go, come back with me and discuss something with you! "

Li Zong thought for a while, and then added: "Of course, don't force it. If you want to come, just follow. If you don't want to, just go to the Ministry of War!"

"Looking at what you said, senior, this junior is naturally willing to go!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Senior came to invite me personally. If I don't go, wouldn't I be shameless!"

"Hahaha, if you don't want to come with me anymore, I will tie you up myself!" Li Zong laughed, took Lin Mo's arm and headed in one direction: "This place is not far from the Li family. Come on, let’s go for a walk with the old man!”

The two of them were walking on the streets in the core area of ​​the capital.

In other words, the core of the capital can actually be called the core area of ​​the entire China. Someone once joked that here, with just a brick, you can kill several big bosses such as city lords.

You can hardly see many cars here. After all, those who can drive here have a high status and can be counted on both hands.

An old man and a young man were walking leisurely, which was quite leisurely.

"Senior, do you have something to say to the junior?" Lin Mo looked at Li Zong and asked with a smile.

"I do have something to tell you." Li Zong nodded: "Now the whole of China is not very peaceful. Martial arts are becoming more and more prosperous. Over the years, more and more powerful people have emerged.

Some people or some families began to feel uneasy.

Our Li family has been in existence for more than a thousand years since the Tang Dynasty, and we have never done anything that would be embarrassing to China.

but now……"

Li Zong looked dejected and shook his head: "Although I am the head of the family, there are elders above the head of the family, and there are also supreme elders.

These people will have children and descendants. If there are deviations in the hearts of the descendants, these people will be affected to a greater or lesser extent.

The Li family is like this, and the Kong family is like this...

I am looking for you this time because I have taken a fancy to your potential.

I want you to help my Li family! "

When Li Zong said this, he turned around and bowed to Lin Mo, clasping his fists and saluting.

Lin Mo was startled and turned away quickly, not daring to receive such a gift.

Just kidding, no matter who Li Zong is, he even has to salute to ask Lin Mo to help. This shows that this matter must be fatal!

To receive this gift, you may have to pay with your own life!

"You kid, you really don't want to suffer at all!" Li Zong looked at Lin Mo and was speechless.

He could only stand up and look at Lin Mo and said, "Okay, then I won't ask for your help... I'll change the way I put it. How about we make a deal?"

Lin Mo blinked and said with a smile, "Tell me first. At least I can't be in danger, right!"

Li Zong nodded, "We're almost at the Li family, so I'll make it short.

You got a place to go to the Beautiful Country this time. You should know that many people in China are eyeing this place.

The reason why you can get a place is because a big shot is also optimistic about you."

When Lin Mo heard this, he instinctively felt a tremor all over his body.

How big a person must be to be called a big shot by Li Zong!

"Don't interrupt me, kid! Listen carefully, don't worry, that big shot is just optimistic about you, and I can tell you clearly that that big shot is definitely someone you can trust!

It's just that the big shot doesn't want to show his face in front of you, so I naturally can't say his name!"

Li Zong waved his hand, as if he was too lazy to dwell on this matter too much, and then continued after a pause: "There is a quota in my Li family, which is currently in the hands of a descendant of a supreme elder.

The boy's name is Li Fengchun, and his current strength has reached the seventh-grade martial emperor realm. This strength is top even among the younger generation.

The Li family arranged him out to let him show up in some official activities later, and eventually gain a certain voice in China.

In other words, this is paving the way for him to move to a higher position in the future!

You should understand what I mean!"

Lin Mo nodded. Li Fengchun's talent is amazing, so some people in the Li family began to get restless. They wanted Li Fengchun to become the spokesperson of the Li family and take charge of the entire China step by step!

"Tsk tsk, the hearts of these big families are really cruel!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart.

"Your expression, are you mocking our big families in your heart?" Li Zong, who was standing aside, looked at Lin Mo and asked a question out of the blue.

"How do you know... No, what are you talking about, senior? I'm not that kind of person at all!" Lin Mo quickly shook his head to deny: "Go on, I'm listening.

So what do you want me to do? Otherwise, on the way to the beautiful country, I will secretly..."

Lin Mo put his hand across his neck and made a gesture of wiping his neck, and his eyes also showed a fierce light.

Looking at Lin Mo's expression, Li Zong suddenly felt a little bit amused and didn't know why. He suddenly regretted it. He always felt that if this matter was handed over to Lin Mo, it might not be reliable!

"What are you thinking about? I want you to try to see if you can subdue this child and make him obey you!" Li Zong suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Lin Mo calmly, and spoke slowly.

"Let me convince him?!" Lin Mo was stunned: "Excuse me, will he be the future head of the Li family?"

Li Zong nodded: "If nothing unexpected happens, Li Fengchun will become the next head of the family after me!"

"Then if you let me subdue him, doesn't that mean that the entire Li family will listen to me in the future? You are going to give the Li family to me!"

Lin Mo touched his chin with one hand, and then suddenly realized: "I know..."

He looked up at Li Zong and suddenly said: "You are not my biological father who has been separated for many years!

Otherwise, how could you be so good to me!

I tell you, it's only in these few years that I suddenly realized that my father and I don't look alike!

When I saw you today, it was really a familiar feeling. Look at this nose, these eyes... We two have a father-son look!"

Lin Mo spoke with emotion on his face, and at the same time said in a scolding tone: "Why did you come to me now!"

Li Zong listened to Lin Mo's nonsense and was so confused that he even forgot to interrupt Lin Mo.

Eventually, Li Zong began to doubt his life again.

"Okay, okay, how much nonsense can you talk!" Li Zong couldn't stand it anymore: "Didn't I tell you that even if you are the head of the family, you can't completely control the Li family!

I asked you to subdue Li Fengchun because I wanted you to contain the radicals of the Li family. Give me some time to clean them out!"

The word "clean up" can be said to be an understatement when it comes out of Li Zong's mouth.

But the meaning contained in these two words is extremely bloody!

"What do you think, kid, do you want to make this deal?" Li Zong looked at Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

"Since it's a deal, what about the reward you give me? You can't let me work for nothing!" Lin Mo didn't answer directly, but asked like this.

Li Zong was really speechless this time. After subduing Li Fengchun, the huge Li family was almost under the control of Lin Mo.

But this kid actually dared to ask for a reward? !

Where is justice! ?

Where is conscience! ?

Where is the police! ?

"Anyway, just tell me whether you are willing or not!" Li Zong was too lazy to talk too much with Lin Mo. He glanced at the gate of the Li family and asked directly.

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