"Master, the elders are waiting for you in the reception room!"

After Li Zong stepped into the gate of the Li family, a middle-aged man stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

Li Zong nodded, glanced at Lin Mo, motioned him to follow him, and then walked towards the yard on his own.

Lin Mo chuckled, and when he was about to follow, he was stopped by the middle-aged man.

"I came with Senior Li!" Lin Mo explained with a smile: "You should have seen the look in his eyes before he left."

"This is not the place you should enter!" The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Mo was too lazy to say more, and kicked out with his leg.

The middle-aged man was caught off guard and kicked away. After falling to the ground, he had fainted.

"People from the big family are really not ordinary people!" Lin Mo glanced at the place where the middle-aged man fell, sighed, and then hurriedly chased after him.

"You dare to hit someone in my Li family, you are so brave!" Li Zong heard the footsteps behind him, and he knew that Lin Mo had followed him without looking back, so he said with a smile.

"Senior, don't pretend! This middle-aged man is your man, but in order not to be exposed, I must stop him, and then I will do it, and he will pretend to be defeated, that's it!

In this way, he will not be exposed."

Lin Mo smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, I didn't use any strength at all in that kick just now, but he flew out directly, and even vomited blood and fainted.

If I didn't know that my strength had not broken through, I would almost think I became a god of war!"

Li Zong looked at Lin Mo deeply, and he was relieved.

At least from this point of view, Lin Mo still has some brains. In this way, he handed such an important matter to Lin Mo, which is also a bit more likely to win.

Pausing at the door of the reception room, Li Zong looked back at Lin Mo, without saying anything, but there seemed to be some meaning in his eyes.

Then with a creak, the door was pushed open.

Lin Mo saw the situation in the reception room: it was a long solid wood table. Lin Mo, who knew a little about wood, only took a glance and knew that this was a long table made entirely of Huanghuali wood.

The chairs placed around the table were also Huanghuali wood. Even before entering the door, Lin Mo smelled a fragrance.

There were nine old men sitting on the tables around. They were all very old, but three of them seemed to be older. Similarly, the strength of these three was also stronger.

"It seems that there are three supreme elders, and the remaining six are elders!" Lin Mo silently distinguished their identities in his heart, and at the same time, his vigilance in his heart was raised to the extreme.

Because he suddenly found that the strength of these elders and supreme elders was all above Li Zong.

"Li Zong greets all the elders!" Li Zong stepped forward, and as the head of the family, he took the initiative to salute them.

"Okay, hurry up, the one behind you is Lin Mo?" One of the three great elders looked at Lin Mo and raised his eyebrows impatiently: "Why did you take so long to get here?

Can't you do such a small thing as asking someone to see us?"

"Forgive me, great elder. Lin Mo had other things to do in Beijing, so he was delayed for some time!" Li Zong clasped his fists and said, "I just learned about this matter, so I immediately went to the scene to invite Lin Mo over!"

"What could it be?" The great elder looked at Lin Mo and said. He looked at the two supreme elders and shook his head, saying, "A fifth-grade peak martial emperor, is there anything more important than meeting us?"

"Boss, why are you so aggressive?" Another supreme elder on the side looked at him and said, "Can't the little kid have his own things?

Do you think they are all like us, a bunch of old immortals who practice martial arts all day and hide away. They dare not spend any energy, for fear of dying if they are not careful!"

Lin Mo stood there, watching the two supreme elders quarreling, looking around, and finally fell on the remaining chair.

He glanced at Li Zong and found that the latter had no intention of sitting down, but stood there respectfully.

"Tsk tsk, a family head is so pitiful!" Lin Mo sighed in his heart, then walked to the chair and sat down directly.

The two supreme elders who were quarreling stopped quarreling when they saw this scene.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Mo.

There was mockery, curiosity, and hatred in these eyes.

Lin Mo seemed not to feel these gazes, just sitting there, looking at the two supreme elders: "Two seniors, continue, don't pay attention to me!"

"Hmph!" An elder slapped the table: "How can this be so disrespectful, so disrespectful!"

"Tsk tsk, why is it so disrespectful?" Lin Mo glanced at him and said lightly: "You are from the Li family, I am Lin Mo, and I have nothing to do with the Li family, so do I need to respect you?

Then, I was invited by your Li family, do I have to stand and talk to you? Don't you Li family know what etiquette is?

Finally, the three supreme elders are here, and you, an elder, dare to slap the table. Isn't this called disrespectful?

Of course, there is also no family education!

No wonder, you are so old, your parents may have died a long time ago, and they don't have time to educate you, it's understandable!"

"Lin Mo, it's not your turn to tell my son whether he has a tutor or not!" the Supreme Elder suddenly said calmly.

hiss! So his dad is still alive?

Lin Mo was slightly surprised, nodded and said: "Then you educate me well!"

"Okay, okay, let's hurry up and talk about business. We don't have so much time to waste!" Another elder said with a smile: "Lin Mo, we invited you here this time because we want to talk to you. cooperating!

This time the Li family will arrange for one person to participate in the trip to the beautiful country. We hope that you can cooperate with the Li family to win the championship of this trip!

Of course, if you win the championship, our Li family doesn’t have to give up all the rewards, we will give them all to you!

Of course, you can also get other benefits from our Li family!

Also, our Li family can provide you with shelter!

You should be very clear that your current situation is not very good. Both the Xi family and the Kong family are behemoths to you.

As a heritage family, our Li family has rich heritage and strength. As your backing, it is completely enough! "

"Senior's so-called backing is someone who can support me no matter what trouble I cause, right?

If someone bullies me, can you support me? "Lin Mo looked at the third elder who just spoke with great surprise.

The third elder Taishang glanced at the elders around him, with a smile on his face.

The other elders also laughed, looking at Lin Mo with eyes full of pity, as if looking at a child who had never seen much of the world.

"Haha, our Li family has a very high status in the capital, and this is the home of my Li family!

When it comes to face, no family can deny us face!

Even if you cause trouble, we can solve it!

And then if you are bullied, our Li family can definitely stand up for you! "

Listening to the words spoken by the third elder, Li Zong sighed instinctively. He knew very well that Lin Mo's next words would probably make them unable to get off the stage.

Just when Li Zong was thinking this, Lin Mo actually spoke.

"It turns out that the Li family is so powerful!" Lin Mo's eyes were shining, as if he was happy that he had found a big leg: "I just happened to offend a family, and then I was bullied by the same family!

I want to ask you to support me!

As long as you support me, I promise to complete this trip to this beautiful country beautifully! "

"Tell me about it!" The third elder Taishang said calmly.

The other elders also leaned on the huanghuali wood chairs with relaxed expressions and looked at Lin Mo.

"When I first came here, I destroyed the Xi family's main hall, and then the Kong family provoked me. I really can't swallow this breath. I want you to help me vent my anger and destroy the Kong family's capital. It would be nice to separate the family!”

Lin Mo stated his request directly in one breath, and then looked at them expectantly.

Li Zong's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, this is indeed the case.

Then he looked up at the elders. Seeing their constipated expressions, he felt happy in his heart.

He felt that the mood he had experienced before was experienced again by these elders and the supreme elders. As expected, he felt much more comfortable!

The third elder Taishang looked at Lin Mo with an embarrassed face and said, "Li Zong said that you had something to do before you came here, so you went to demolish the house?"

Lin Mo nodded: "If Senior Li hadn't stopped him, I would have even torn down the door for him!"

Everyone: "..."

"It's a pity that Senior Li stopped me. I originally wanted to drop by the Kong family!" Lin Mo added with regret.

At this moment, the corners of everyone's mouths began to twitch. They were going to Xi's house first and then to Kong's house. What else could they say about dropping by?

These two families are completely in two directions. Where is the road?

But they didn't say it, and they didn't want to say it.

"Lin Mo, this matter is a bit difficult to handle, but don't worry, I guarantee that there will be no subsequent revenge after you tear down the Xi family.

The Kong family is of great significance to China, so it cannot be easily targeted. I advise you to give up this idea! "

"So you are just talking. If a family like the Kong family really takes action against me, your backers will not be able to do it either!" Lin Mo said with great disappointment.

A group of people were stunned, but speechless.

"Master, there's a meeting going on inside, you can't go in!"

"Hmph, I'm about to go in, and I want to ask my ancestors, what's wrong with me, and why do I need to arrange for someone to protect me?

I don't need it, they are just a bunch of trash from the beautiful country, I can destroy them all with one hand! "

At this moment, two voices came from outside the door.

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