"Just now, the old Li family received news that Lin Mo just left there."

"Several elders and the supreme elders of the Li family are old foxes. I wonder what their purpose is in calling Lin Mo this time!"

"It must be for that kid Li Fengchun. I really don't understand why the Li family, with so many direct descendants, focuses on cultivating this brainless guy!"

"Although Li Fengchun is brainless, his talent is indeed very strong!"

"However, I also got news that the third supreme elder of the Li family wanted to accept Lin Mo as a disciple, but was directly rejected.

Tsk tsk, a martial arts emperor-level mind master was directly rejected. I really don't know whether to praise him for his principles or say he is an idiot!"

In the huge reception room of the Chinese Military Department, dozens of people were sitting.

Among them, there was a table in the middle, with nine strong men in military uniforms sitting around it.

Around the table, there were other young people and middle-aged people sitting.

At this moment, everyone listened to the discussion of the nine people sitting at the table, and for a while, they felt a little dread of Lin Mo.

"By the way, didn't you just say that Lin Mo was coming soon? Why hasn't he arrived yet? Where is he?"

"Is this kid lost? After all, the Ministry of War is quite big."

"How could he get lost with the three big words "Martial Arts Hall" hanging there? Wait a little longer, this kid might be deliberately trying to intimidate us.

After all, the Lord of Arms just spoke, asking us to take it easy and not to target him deliberately."

"Why did the Lord of Arms turn around and talk to Lin Mo?"

"How would I know? The Lord of Arms has always had a mysterious son, whose identity is still unknown. Could it be this kid Lin Mo?"

Nine people sat around the table, and although they had lowered their voices, it was useless.

The people around them still heard it clearly, so their faces changed slightly.

——It involves the scandal of the Lord of Arms. Is this something we can listen to?

A group of people were nervous, and they could only try their best to suppress their frantic heartbeats, watching their eyes and noses, and pretending not to hear it.

"You may not believe it, but Lin Mo has already arrived at the martial arts hall. He is standing at the gate now and has not come in yet!"

At this moment, one of the nine people looked at his phone, put it down and said to the others: "It is said that he has entered a special state."

"Special state?" The remaining eight people looked at each other: "Could this kid have entered the state of enlightenment directly after reading the words mentioned by the military leader himself?"

"If that is the case, it would be against the will of heaven. I want to see it with my own eyes!"

One of the old men stood up and walked towards the gate of the martial arts hall.

After someone took the lead, the remaining eight people also stood up and walked towards the gate.

After all nine people left, the remaining people sat there with confused faces-who am I, where am I? What should I do? Aren't we going to have a meeting?

"Why don't we go and take a look?" One person said weakly.

A group of people immediately moved, stood up and walked towards the gate.

Ten minutes later, a huge group of people surrounded the gate of the martial arts hall, looking at Lin Mo standing in front of the gate.

At this moment, Lin Mo completely entered a state of selflessness, as if a magnificent world appeared in front of him.

And he stood at the highest point of the world, overlooking the whole world.


A dragon roar sounded, and Lin Mo's eyes then looked over.

That was where the dragon roar came from. It was a continuous mountain range, which was completely a giant dragon crawling on the ground veins. The mountains were steep and full of rich vitality.

"Kunlun? Is this the Kunlun Mountains?!" Lin Mo only took a glance and understood where this place was.

Gradually, the mountains in front of him changed, and the dragon soared into the sky, with flowing light around it, and finally condensed into a one-meter-long blood-red sword.


The sword light was continuous, and the dragon spirit was majestic.

The blood-red sword slashed out directly the moment it condensed.

The whole world seemed to be cut in two.

"What a terrifying sword energy! Far beyond the instant kill sword!" Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face. The scene just now was a demonstration of this kind of sword martial arts. As long as this martial arts is learned, then you can naturally cut out such a sword.

With a slight movement of his mind, Lin Mo slowly stretched out his palm. In this vast world, he seemed to grab the continuous mountain range.

Then the mountain range gathered into a short sword in his palm.


With a casual swing, the sword intent was vast, like the endless Kunlun Mountains!

While Lin Mo slashed out a sword in the world of mind, in the real world, in front of the martial arts hall, he also slashed out a sword casually.

At this moment, Lin Mo had no sword in his hand, but his heart was already full of sword intent.

With a casual swing, the sword intent surged out and slashed directly towards the plaque of the martial arts hall!

"Get out of the way!" One of the nine people spoke seriously.

At the same time, he raised his hand and sent out a stream of blood and energy, which condensed into a barrier and blocked the sword light.

At this time, the sword light hit the light curtain. In just a moment, a loud noise was heard and the light curtain shattered directly.

Lin Mo's sword light also shattered.

"It's blocked!" A group of people breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but speak.

But then they reacted, because Lin Mo's strength was only the Martial Emperor, and the strength of the old man who had just taken action had already reached the Martial Emperor level.

In other words, the move the two of them just performed can be considered a tie?

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's eyes changed a lot when they looked at Lin Mo.

Some young people also put away their previous contempt and looked at Lin Mo with a lot more solemnity.

"Old Jiu, how much power did you use?" An old man beside the person who just took action asked softly.

"Sixty percent." The man known as Lao Jiu said softly: "This boy really surprises me. I finally know why the third elder of Lao Li's family wants to accept a disciple.

With such incredible fighting power, I want to take him as my disciple! "

"Sixty percent...it's really amazing!" Several other old men nodded, and then walked toward the martial arts hall in a flash.

When Lao Jiu passed by Lin Mo, he lightly tapped Lin Mo's shoulder: "Boy, it's time to wake up. The words "Martial Arts School" are hanging there, and you won't run away!"

After that, he laughed twice and quickly caught up with the people in front of him.

At this time, Lin Mo also opened his eyes suddenly and was stunned for a moment when he looked around.

"Being watched." Lin Mo felt guilty, thinking that he had just slashed out a sword in the world of thoughts, but it was a false world.

In the real world, I should just stand there blankly... right?

He glanced at the faces of everyone around him and felt that his guess was not very reliable.

"Everyone, you can go in. Don't keep the Nine-Tailed Kingdom's Pillar Stone waiting." Someone spoke at this time.

Then everyone showed a look of sudden realization and rushed towards the martial arts hall.

Because Lin Mo had a better position at the beginning, he was pushed forward by the crowd.

After entering the conference hall of the martial arts hall, Lin Mo found a seat and sat down.

This time, Lin Mo didn't sit on the table stupidly, but sat low-key on a chair in the corner.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that as soon as he sat down, several people immediately followed him.

He was a little wary, and then did not speak first, but the power of Qi and blood had already begun to surge in his meridians, and his eyes had already locked onto one of them.

If these people want to take the opportunity to commit a crime, Lin Mo will take action directly, kill one person instantly, and then defeat them one by one!

The few people sitting next to Lin Mo didn't know yet, but Lin Mo had already arranged their deaths just by sitting next to Lin Mo.

"Ahem, brother Lin Mo, please introduce yourself, my name is Zhou Lu, I come from the Zhou family in China, and I can be regarded as one of the inherited family heads!

I have admired Brother Lin for a long time, and today I finally have the chance to meet him, which can be considered lucky! "

Looking at Zhou Lu, Lin Mo also smiled and nodded: "It turns out to be Brother Zhou. I have admired you for a long time. I wonder what you want from me?"

"Brother Lin, do you know the purpose of calling us here this time?" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo and whispered: "I have received the news. The purpose of this time is actually to select someone who can lead the team to the beautiful scenery." People from the country come out.

Everyone present is actually here for the qualification to lead the team.

This trip to the beautiful country is extremely risky, but if you are leading a group, then the final reward will definitely be the greatest. "

"Brother Zhou, to be honest, my strength is actually just that. If you are too confident in me, you may have problems!" Lin Mo shook his head and said, "I don't know what Brother Zhou is looking for me for. ?”

"It's like this. Although I am a descendant of the family, I have already been marginalized in my family. These few people around me are also marginalized people in the family, so I want to unite.

The goal of our alliance this time is these people who are not valued in the family, so that they can become our help! "

Lin Mo looked at Zhou Lu, closed his eyes slightly, and began to meditate.

After a long time, he looked at the old men on the table and said with a smile: "I can't promise you that I will cooperate with others, but if you want to cooperate with me, you must share all possible things with you. .

You see, the pillars of the country that you call us have been looking at the three of us until now. Maybe some of us will be exempted from the qualifications! "

Zhou Lu was shocked when he heard Lin Mo's words, and then looked in the direction of the round table.

Sure enough, just as Lin Mo said, a group of people were looking at them with wide eyes.

Among them, Lao Jiu had a kind smile on his face, like a weasel going to pay New Year's greetings to the old hen...

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