Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 396 Leng Yu? Princess Yu'er? !

"Isn't it too early to start forming gangs now?" Lao Jiu looked at Lin Mo and others and spoke softly.

"He is a descendant of the old Zhou family. He is very capable, but he was directly excluded from the family and was not reused. It is normal for him to want to stand out in this selection!" An old man on the side said softly: "Many people envy them. They have a good background, but only they themselves know that when they are born into such an inherited family, they often face even crueler things!”

Survival of the fittest!

The so-called cruelty is survival of the fittest. As long as you are good enough, you can get most of the family's resources, but if you are lost to everyone, you will become the family's leftovers.

Many people are destined to become scraps as soon as they are born, and their status is even inferior to that of a family member.

As if he felt the gazes of Lao Jiu and others, Zhou Lu also restrained his posture and sat there.

As for the remaining people, they straightened their backs and looked like they were seriously waiting to hear the lecture.

Lin Mo chuckled, not wanting to waste too much time on them.

He looked at the others, scanning them one by one, while silently assessing their strength.

"There are still many talented people in China, so we can't belittle ourselves, but similarly, we can't be arrogant.

Of course, compared with them, I still feel that I am more powerful, invincible at the same level, and can kill people even at higher levels! "

Lin Mo had a smile on his lips and spoke lightly in his heart.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly shrank, looking at the back, he was extremely surprised.

"Why does it feel...impossible!" Lin Mo whispered softly, and then looked at Zhou Lu beside him: "Brother Zhou Lu is the heir to the family. I wonder how much you know about the young talents here?"

"Haha, I'm not bragging. Before I came here, I knew everyone's information. Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken the initiative to make friends with you, Brother Lin!

As long as you open your mouth, brother, I will definitely tell you everything! "

"Thank you Brother Zhou!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded, then showed a slightly shy look and said: "To tell you the truth, I am almost thirty years old, but I am not married yet.

I was anxious, but there was no suitable partner.

Among the young talents present today, there are many women, but I have fallen in love with one..."

Zhou Lu looked serious at first, thinking that Lin Mo might ask something that would shock everyone, but he didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

For women? !

Zhou Lu looked Lin Mo up and down, feeling a little disdainful in his heart. Considering his strength, Zhou Lu finally nodded and said: "My fair lady, a gentleman is so timid. Brother Lin can still think about this matter at this time. It shows that you have everything in mind!

Haha, tell me who Brother Lin likes, and I promise to tell you everything! "

"The one over there..."

Lin Mo raised his finger and pointed at the familiar back in the distance, and said with a smile: "Although I didn't see the face, just this back made me fall in..."

Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo's infatuated face with contempt in his heart, and then smiled and looked in the direction of Lin Mo's finger.

Then the smile on his face slowly solidified.

"Is she the one Brother Lin likes?!"

"Yeah, how about it? Do you feel trapped just by looking at the back?" Lin Mo asked with a smile on his face.

"Brother Lin, I have something I don't know whether to say or not." Zhou Lu considered his words and said: "The one you are interested in is called Leng Yu, and he is top notch in both strength and appearance.

However, her personality is just like her name, extremely cold, like a piece of cold jade!

According to the information, she comes from a mysterious family, the Leng family. This family is very mysterious in China and there is very little information about it.

But the Leng family is definitely very powerful. Some people speculate that the Leng family is probably second only to the inheritance family!

Some people even say that the few low-end inheritance families are probably far from being the opponents of the Leng family.

Brother, if you fall in love with someone else, I think you still have some possibilities, but if you fall in love with this one, I think you have no hope! "

Zhou Lu patted Lin Mo's shoulder with a look of pity on his face.

"I will work hard. Wouldn't it be a pity if I don't fight for it sometimes?" Lin Mo looked at Zhou Lu firmly: "By the way, do you have a photo of her? I want to see it!"

"You still want photos? With her indifferent face, no one dares to take out their mobile phone to take pictures in front of her!" Zhou Lu said with an exaggerated expression: "Okay, you will definitely be able to see her later. Looks like, don’t worry!”

Lin Mo nodded regretfully, and then said nothing.

Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo's expression and shook his head with pity. He felt that the latter must have been deeply affected, so he didn't say anything more.

Little did he know, Lin Mo's heart had already started to get excited.

"Could this woman really be Princess Yu'er?"

"She seemed to have gained some benefits when we were separated in the Holy Mountain, and now her strength has reached the fifth-grade Martial Emperor realm. Although she is a little worse than me, she is still pretty good!

However, if she is Princess Yu'er, then how did she come here so arrogantly? "

Lin Mo was thinking like this, and his back was soaked with cold sweat before he knew it!

“If there has always been such a passage between the abyss and the human world, and we don’t know about it yet, that would be simply terrifying!

There is a second possibility, that is, someone colluded with the creatures of the abyss to bring people out of the abyss!

As for the third possibility... I haven't thought of it yet, but I always feel that things are not that simple! "

"We must find out whether this woman is Princess Yu'er!"

Lin Mo's eyes were firm and he made his decision instantly. He wanted to see who this woman was!

After taking a look at the nine pillars of the country sitting around the table, Lin Mo stood up directly as they seemed to have no intention of speaking.

During this process, his facial muscles moved slightly, and by the time he took the third step forward, he looked like a different person.

If you look carefully, you can still see Lin Mo's shadow, but at first glance, he definitely doesn't look like Lin Mo!

After reshaping his body in the Nirvana Pool, Lin Mo's control over his muscles has reached a terrifying level.

However, what Lin Mo didn't expect was that after he stood up, the eyes of everyone present immediately focused on him.

Among them was the woman named Leng Yu.

The moment she turned around, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed.

"Sorry, my legs were numb just now. Stand up and take two steps!" Lin Mo calmly turned around and sat back, while adjusting his facial muscles.

The whole process seemed to happen silently, and it was difficult to notice at all!

"Okay, I actually thought of this method. How about it? Isn't it shocking?!"

Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo who sat down calmly, with a look of shock on his face.

He was really shocked by Lin Mo's actions. The people sitting around the table were the pillars of the country. Lin Mo actually dared to do this!

It’s simply amazing!

"It's really good, but it's not my cup of tea!" Lin Mo shook his head regretfully: "I like baby fatter ones, but this one is a bit too thin!"

Zhou Lu rolled his eyes at Lin Mo. As a man, he understood the spirit of Ah Q in men. In other words, if you can't eat grapes, you will say sour grapes!

Don’t do six basic things.

Lin Mo, who was sitting on the chair, changed his expression slightly after confirming that Leng Yu was not looking at him.

In fact, there was already a storm in his heart!

"It's really that woman! Damn it, how did that woman come to the world!

what is going on? "

Lin Mo was shouting crazily in his heart, and at the same time, his mind was running rapidly, thinking about the reason why this woman appeared here.

"Okay, since everyone has been waiting for a long time, let's start quickly, so that no one's legs will be numb again later!"

Lao Jiu, who was sitting around the table, smiled and spoke.

At this time, several faint laughter sounded, and the sound was full of ridicule.

Feeling the mocking laughter, Lin Mo actually didn't care, but looked at the nine people on the table.

"Let me tell you the purpose of calling you here today. First of all, of course, everyone is getting to know each other. Although not all people are here, as far as I know, only two people are absent!

One of them is already in the beautiful country, and the other one was injured. "

"Hahaha!" Someone couldn't help laughing anymore.

Because they all knew who the injured person was according to Lao Jiu.

"That boy from Lao Li's family is just a hot-blooded boy. He only has blood and energy, but no brain!"

"Yeah, after losing, I didn't dare to show up anymore!"

It was obvious that Li Fengchun's character and character were well-known in everyone's minds, so soon everyone started talking about it.

Of course, Lin Mo also became the subject of discussion among these people.

At this time, Lin Mo heard his name spoken by them more than once.

Lin Mo looked indifferent, but kept staring at Leng Yu, wanting to see if this woman would look back.

Lao Jiu, who was sitting around the table, introduced everyone's names before talking about the second thing.

As Zhou Lu said, to go to the beautiful country, you must have a leader, and everyone present is a genius.

So they want to find a way to select a team leader who meets everyone's needs!

“I have three ways for you to choose from: The first is to vote!

The second type is to compete directly after registering yourself.

The third method is that everyone recommends, and then the recommended people compete directly! "

Lao Jiu introduced the general method to everyone, and then sat back, quietly waiting for everyone's decision.

Lin Mo sat there, stretching, with a calm smile on his face.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with him. He doesn't want to fight for the position of team leader, and he doesn't want to get involved.

"We choose the third method, the recommendation method to decide who is the leader!"

Many people in the crowd spoke like this.

"I recommend Lin Mo!"

"I also choose Lin Mo as the team leader!"

Then Lin Mo heard many people shouting his name loudly.

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