"Kill?!" Li Zong looked at Lin Mo with shock. Although his appearance here meant that the Li family had no way out, it was still a bit difficult for him to directly kill the old man in front of him. accepted.

"Kill!" Lin Mo nodded affirmatively.

The three-pointed two-edged sword trembled slightly, and the Kyushu Order flew out in the shortest possible time, hanging above Lin Mo's head.

The light flickered, some fell on Li Zong, some fell on other members of the Kong family, and some fell on Lin Mo.

"What a powerful force!" Li Zong's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but roar, then he rushed towards the old man of the Kong family.

Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all. Facing the middle-aged men of the Kong family, he took action directly. The three-pointed and two-edged sword burst out with rays of brilliance, and patches of blood bloomed here.

Lin Mo did not kill people indiscriminately, but swept them with his mental power, pulling all those people into the spiritual realm.

Here, Lin Mo simulated their usual appearance and revealed the darkest place in their hearts.

Then all these people were killed!

"Kong family, is it really time to prune the branches as the soldier leader said?" Lin Mo had a look of sadness on his face.

What kind of person the ancestor of the Kong family was, but who could have imagined that a few years later, his descendants would all become like this.

Screams resounded, and a figure fell down in mid-air, but his head was already in Li Zong's hands.

The remaining members of the Kong family looked at this bloody scene, and they all shut their mouths honestly.

Everything that happened today will be forever imprinted in their memories. Whenever they dream about it at midnight, they will wake up because of this incident.

"If the Kong family is dissatisfied with what happened today, you can come to me. My name is Lin Mo!" After saying these words, Lin Mo turned around and left without any hesitation.

The remaining people of the Kong family made eye contact with each other, but in the end they all looked away honestly.

"Do you want to tell the soldier?" An old man suddenly said. He is an old man of the Kong family, but because of his low status, he did not have time to do many bad things.

But because he is older, he knows a lot of secrets. For example, he knows that the leader of the army is a member of the Kong family.

"Soldier leader?" Some people didn't know what was going on and looked at the old man with doubtful expressions on their faces.

"The military commander has some relationship with the Kong family..." The old man couldn't explain clearly, so he could only speak vaguely.

"Call me first, and then tell the commander!" The person with the highest status in the crowd said, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

This number is a number that they do not have permission to dial on weekdays. Once this number is dialed, it means that the person in front of them is dead!

In this case, the Kong family will definitely arrange the most elite force to take revenge.

After the phone rang twice, it was directly connected.

"You'd better come to the family if you really have something to do. Otherwise, you should know the consequences of making this call without permission!" An old voice sounded on the phone.

The caller trembled and said quickly: "Of course I know. There must be something very important to report to the family on today's call!"

"Say!" The voice on the phone was calm, because he felt that the reason why the call was put through was simply because the family had encountered some difficulties, or because two people had died, and they wanted the family to come forward to intimidate their opponents.

The family is naturally willing to do such things, because on the one hand it can increase the cohesion of the family, and on the other hand it can deter enemies who have lost fear of the family.

"The Kong family in the capital was wiped out, and there are less than ten people left in the entire family!

The rest of the people were all dead. Kong Ye was directly killed by the head of the Li family, and the Kong family's house was damaged by Lin Mo's knife! "

This person opened his mouth and told what happened here directly.

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

"The family knows about this!" Finally, after who knows how long, the voice on the phone finally came.

However, there was a hint of trembling and anger in this voice.

After hanging up the phone, the person who answered the phone immediately conveyed the news to the top brass of the Kong family.

In just one minute, the top management of the Kong family was furious. News came that the Kong family was about to go to war directly with the Li family.

But at this moment, a figure appeared at the door of the Kong family.

Seeing this figure, one of the top executives of the Kong family appeared directly at the gate and greeted him personally.

Because this person is currently the soldier's personal attendant, and his general job is to convey news on behalf of the soldier.

So the appearance of this person here means that there is news from the soldier master.

"The Soldier Master asked me to tell you something." The man did not step into the Kong family. He just stood at the door of the Kong family and said loudly: "The Soldier Master said, take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the man clasped his hands in a salute, then turned around and left.

After the man left, several figures suddenly appeared at the door of the Kong family. These people were all senior members of the Kong family.

"Take care of yourself...what does this sentence mean?" one person said.

"What do you mean, the old soldier is warning us!"

"Then...are we still going to take action against the Li family?"

"What are you going to do? The soldier leader arranged for someone to tell us these four words at this time. It is clear that he wants us to be honest!

Okay, go back and swallow your anger!

As for revenge, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future! "

"Are we going to let this matter go? Our Kong family is a heritage family after all. If we don't show any expression after suffering such a big loss, how can we survive in the heritage family in the future? "

A group of senior members of the Kong family stood at the gate and argued fiercely.

"Just because the Li family can't be targeted doesn't mean that others can't be targeted!" A voice sounded: "Isn't there a person named Lin Mo who is the mastermind?

Do it to him, but don't do it in China.

Contact the people in the United States, and when Lin Mo appears, kill him directly!"

"Good idea! I'll arrange it now!"

"Also, warn the family members to restrain themselves in the near future! ”


So, the Kong family, who originally planned to retaliate severely, stopped directly because of the four words conveyed by the military leader, and changed their target from the Li family to Lin Mo.

What they didn't know was that Lin Mo, whom they targeted this time, was actually the person the military leader valued the most!

At this moment, the Li family in the capital.

"Something big has happened! This time it's really a big deal!" The three supreme elders of the Li family looked nervous on their faces, looking at Li Zong in front of them: "Do you know how terrible a blow the Li family will suffer because of your impulse this time?

We are not the opponent of the Kong family yet. The Li family may have to hand over some people as scapegoats this time! "

"I understand, I will hand over the position of the head of the family and take all the responsibility for this matter!" Li Zong nodded and spoke directly.

"I don't think this matter is so pessimistic?" Lin Mo stood at the door, and when he heard the words inside, he couldn't help but push the door open and walked in.

"Lin Mo, this is the family meeting of the Li family, please go out! "The great elder had a cold look on his face: "Moreover, do you think you can stay out of this matter? When the Kong family blames you, my Li family will definitely hand you over!"

"No need to worry..." Lin Mo shrugged: "I can tell you clearly that the Kong family will not attack the Li family, let alone me!

If you don't believe it, you can wait..."

Before Lin Mo finished speaking, a figure rushed in from outside.

"The Kong family...all the people of the Kong family in Beijing have left Beijing!"

"In addition, there is news from Lucheng that the Kong family has received a warning from the Lord of Arms and has given up the plan against the Li family!"

"Also, they may attack Lin Mo in the United States!"

The figure stood at the door and spoke honestly.

Lucheng is where the Kong family's main home is, and the Li family will naturally arrange people from the Li family there.

"What!" The three great elders stood up at the same time, looking at the person who reported the news in shock.

"It's absolutely true! "

"I've said it all, you just don't believe it!" Lin Mo said lightly, shrugging his shoulders to show his helplessness.

Li Zong also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news, at least now his position as the head of the family is preserved.

Although he is not greedy for the position of the head of the family, he still wants to do what he wants in this position for a while.

"Lin Mo, this time, you are lucky, but I want to warn you, my Li family and you are not on the same line, you are just a person hired by our Li family.

If you want to kidnap our Li family through Feng Chun, then we will be the first to kill you!

Don't say I didn't warn you!"

The great elder said lightly.

Lin Mo chuckled: "Sorry, in my opinion, your Li family is not qualified to stand on the same front with me now!

How can a cowardly family that wants to hand over its head of the family in the face of a battle be worthy of standing on the same front with me? "

"Lin Mo, you are so presumptuous! "The Great Grand Elder stood up and raised his hand to slap Lin Mo.

His strength has reached the level of the fourth-grade martial emperor. Lin Mo is just like an ant in front of him.

But Lin Mo just stood there calmly, not even raising his hand.



At this moment, the Second and Third Grand Elders attacked at the same time to block the attack.

"Brother, you can't touch Lin Mo now!"

"Lin Mo is the leader of this team. The Kong family doesn't dare to take action in China. If our Li family takes action, how do you think the Lord of Arms will target us?"

The two Great Grand Elders spoke directly.

After hearing these words, the Great Grand Elder's expression kept changing, and finally he could only glare at Lin Mo fiercely: "You'd better keep a low profile, otherwise I'm worried that someone will attack you before you set off!"

"I said, whoever wants to kill me can try! "A three-pointed, two-edged sword appeared in Lin Mo's hand.

The terrifying killing intent spread out at once, and the faces of several elders present changed slightly. Many of them were about to enter the realm of Martial Emperor, but facing Lin Mo's pressure, they actually felt a little trembling!

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