After the Kong family was wiped out, it did not cause much repercussions in the capital.

In fact, there seems to be a force that covers up this matter.

Lin Mo arranged a lot of things in the next two days, and at the same time handed Ye Qing the new pill recipe exchanged in the dream world.

This is a high-level Qi and Blood Pill recipe. According to this recipe, the cost can be greatly reduced.

After explaining these things clearly, it was time to set off.

In the martial arts hall, Lin Mo stood at the front of the team, followed by a team of more than thirty people.

These people come from various major families, and some come from some martial arts universities.

There were actually people from the Ministry of War and the Martial Arts University here, who were just Lin Mo's juniors and juniors.

I didn't see them during the selection at the martial arts hall, so after seeing Lin Mo as the team leader, some of them showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

Because they came from the same school, Lin Mo didn't want to care too much.

The Pillars of the Nine Kingdoms appeared directly at the scene. They briefly talked about the purpose of this time and the rewards after the incident was over.

"In short, this time, you all must come back safely. You must know that you are the most precious people in China!" Finally, the boss said.

A group of people responded with a roar, and their momentum gathered together, as if they wanted to lift the entire martial arts hall.

At this moment, a figure stood quietly on the top of the martial arts hall, silently watching this scene.

"I hope there are one or two people among you who can make me interesting!

Lin Mo, don’t let me down. In the future, you will have many things to face!

The strength of the Martial Emperor is simply not good enough, not even for us, far from it! "

The sound dissipated and the figure of the soldier master also gradually disappeared.

An aircraft has already parked on the apron of the military commander. The latest aircraft developed by the Ministry of War does not consider comfort at all. Everything is prepared for battle.

A group of people boarded the plane directly. Looking at the simple seats inside, some people had looks of disgust on their faces.

"How can you let me sit in a place like this? If you really don't have money, I can have my private plane come over and take us all to this beautiful country!"

A young man spoke. He came from a non-heritage family, but he was also very powerful. In addition, he was a direct descendant, so his monthly pocket money amounted to tens of millions.

For such a person, enjoyment is the most important thing, so he was very unhappy when faced with a simple airplane.

"You are from the Mu family, right?" A voice said.

Everyone looked around, and it turned out to be Lin Mo, who was looking at the taboo person at the moment.

"So what if it's me?" The young man from the Mu family spoke directly, with an unhappy look on his face: "You say you are a team leader, but we all know very well that you are just a nanny and a waiter, and you exist just to serve us. …”


Before he finished speaking, Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped him out.

The man's body spun several times in mid-air before falling heavily into the aircraft cabin.

"Now, get out of here, you are disqualified!" Lin Mo said calmly.

"You are just a team leader, you have no qualifications..." The man from the Mu family spoke loudly. He covered his face and wanted to attack Lin Mo, but thinking that his strength was not Lin Mo's opponent, he could only make a sound to express himself. of anger.

"You can also choose to continue sitting on the plane, but I guarantee that you will die on the way, or be accidentally killed by them in the beautiful country..." Lin Mo said lightly.

The young man from the Mu family had an unhappy look on his face: "Are you threatening me?"

"Otherwise?" Lin Mo said calmly: "I'm just threatening you!"

The expression of the young man from the Mu family changed slightly, he looked into Lin Mo's eyes, finally snorted coldly, and walked off the plane.

"Okay, everyone, if anyone is not satisfied with the plane, you can get off now!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Of course, you can also wait until I throw you off halfway!"

A group of people looked at Lin Mo, but ultimately said nothing.

The Pillar of the Nine Kingdoms looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

"As you can see, this guy Lin Mo is not a fuel-efficient guy. I don't know whether I should be happy or worried about handing over these people to Lin Mo!"

Lao Jiu's face was filled with complex expressions, and he spoke slowly.

"At least, these people are obedient on the surface now, aren't they?" Lao Liu said with a smile: "Moreover, they probably don't know that this time the plane can only send them halfway..."

"What, haven't you told them yet? Are you being too stupid? You should say this kind of thing in advance, right?"

Lao Qi had a surprised look on his face and spoke loudly.

"Let's talk about those who didn't come. We'll give them a surprise when the time comes!" Lao Jiu said with a smile.

"I think it's more of a shock than anything else. There are a few little girls there who haven't graduated yet. Don't scare them into tears!"

Lao Liu's face was full of helplessness, but there was excitement in his eyes, as if he was looking forward to this.

The boss sighed slightly. None of the pillars of the country came from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Such a small scene is really nothing to them.

With a roar, the plane slowly took off.

Then there was a sudden acceleration, so powerful that Lin Mo felt as if his body was separated from his soul.

The speed of the plane increased to a very terrifying level in a very short period of time, so much so that the speed of Lin Mo's ghost shadow was not necessarily as fast as the speed of the plane!

"When did China actually increase the speed of the plane to the current level? This should be a secret weapon like a killer!" Lin Mo was shocked in his heart, and at the same time looked at the other people in the plane with a scrutinizing look on his face. .

Facing such terrifying speed, some people had pale looks on their faces, as if they had a feeling of people walking in front and their souls chasing after them.

The most important thing is that Lin Mo was scared to tears when he saw some of the girls!

Fortunately, the speed of the plane slowly decreased at this time, and finally remained at a terrifying but stable speed.

Most of the people who can be selected are stronger than the Martial Emperor, so they adjust very quickly.

Many of these people have already begun to seize the time to practice.

Time passed, and a few hours later, Lin Mo opened his eyes from practicing and looked around.

He could feel that the speed of the plane seemed to have dropped a lot again, and the altitude seemed to have adjusted somewhat.

Just when Lin Mo was confused, the door of the plane suddenly opened!

In an instant, violent airflow rushed into the cabin, and at the same time, everyone's seat belts were disconnected!

Lin Mo looked at the mechanism set up on the seat belt with a helpless look on his face.

Then the whole plane started to tilt!

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the plane tilted, and coupled with the continuous surge of violent airflow, the people inside were pulled directly out of the plane!

For a moment, many people screamed.

At such a height, they didn't even have a parachute on them!

"Ah! I don't want to die!"

"I want to go back! I want to go back!"

Lin Mo heard that several so-called strong men who had piled up Qi-blood pills and various precious things were crying and yelling at them to send him home.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. At such a high altitude, if we can control the speed of landing, there is a possibility of survival!"

Someone spoke, and Lin Mo knew him. He was a direct descendant of the Tang family. Tang San was said to be an ultimate martial artist with the water attribute. He was very powerful and had now reached the seventh-level Martial Emperor realm.

Now he sent a message to everyone, asking them to hold hands and increase resistance as instructed.

Some people looked at Tang San with expressions of gratitude.

Lin Mo was also in the crowd. After thinking about it, he joined hands with Zhou Lu and others and slowed down.

In fact, Lin Mo knew very well that at such a height, with his own physical strength, nothing would happen.

But since they were chosen as the team leader, they naturally had to ensure that they were safe without committing suicide!

Even though a group of people held hands and increased the wind resistance, the landing speed was still very fast.

At this moment, even Tang San had a solemn look on his face, because according to estimates, even if he fell into the sea at such a speed, he would be smashed into a pulp!


At this moment, a voice rang in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, they felt a chill condensing, and then a huge transparent ice block appeared directly below them.

With a bang, everyone screamed, and after breaking the ice, their speed was reduced once.

Then came the second ice cube, the third ice cube...

"Aren't you an ultimate water attribute martial artist? Do you know what to do?" Lin Mo said calmly while using the ice attribute to condense ice cubes and slow down, looking at Tang San.

Tang San nodded, and countless water streams began to gather, right below everyone.

Ever since, everyone changed from smashing on the ice to smashing into the water flow.

It took about ten minutes for a group of them to fall directly into the sea water. The good news is that no one among them has died yet!

"Not bad, these guys can actually do this!" In the martial arts hall in the capital, the pillars of the Nine Kingdoms looked at such a scene with a smile on their faces.

"Tang San and Lin Mo performed very well. These two are both good prospects!" Lao Liu nodded, his face full of admiration.

"Let's keep watching. The place where they landed now is still far away from the beautiful country. Let's see how they arrive on time!"

The boss spoke calmly.

At this moment, everyone who did not know that their every move was under the surveillance of the Ministry of War emerged from the sea and swam towards the island not far away.

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