Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 403 Deserted Island Abyss

"What kind of hell is this place? How far are we from the United States?"

Someone looked at Lin Mo with an unhappy look on his face: "As the leader, shouldn't some people give us an answer as to how we can leave here?"

In the sky, the plane had already disappeared.

And there was no green on the island where they were now. There was no doubt that this was a deserted island.

Lin Mo stood in the crowd, looking at the sea in the distance, and then his mental power spread around, and soon enveloped the entire island.

"There is no life, it's very strange!" Lin Mo was a little confused. Two days before boarding the plane, he used his free time to look at the map of the entire itinerary. In his memory, there was no such island at all.

But Lin Mo was sure that they were now in the center of China and the United States, and they should be quite far away from the United States.

"This should have been arranged from the beginning, but what is their purpose in placing us here?" Lin Mo frowned, then relaxed his brows, and a possibility flashed through his mind: "Let's look for an entrance to the abyss here!"

"Entrance to the abyss?!"

Some people's eyes lit up when they heard Lin Mo's words. If there is an entrance to the abyss here, so many of them can definitely have a good harvest if they enter the abyss!

"Humph, this is simply an uninhabited island, how can it look like there is an abyss?"

"Besides, even if you are the leader, you are not qualified to order us!"

Some people spoke lightly, with an arrogant look on their faces, not taking Lin Mo seriously at all.

"Who are they?" Lin Mo looked at Zhou Lu and asked lightly.

"They are from the Han family, and their status in the capital is not low, and there are two people from the Han family among the pillars of the nine countries!

And it is said that these two people are very protective of their shortcomings, so be careful."

Zhou Lu looked alert and spoke like this.

After being impressed by Lin Mo's powerful strength in the martial arts hall, Zhou Lu began to follow Lin Mo wholeheartedly.

"Boy, now that you know our identity, be honest. You should know very well what will happen to you if you offend the pillars of the country!"

The Han family members smiled lightly and spoke slowly.

Someone even raised a middle finger to Lin Mo provocatively.

However, the next moment, the knife flashed and the man's entire palm was cut off.

Blood splattered, and Lin Mo was already standing in front of those people, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand: "If you want to die, I can fulfill your wish. Anyway, in this place, as long as I kill all of you, no one will know what I did here!"

This understated sentence made everyone present tremble all over.

This is an isolated island. If Lin Mo really attacks them, then there is no doubt that many of them will die here.

"Okay, let's look for it quickly. If there is really an entrance to the abyss, it may be an opportunity for us!" A voice sounded, and it was someone from the Zhou family.

Zhou Lu snorted coldly, but didn't say anything. As a member of the Zhou family, he was not very popular with the Zhou family, so in fact, he had a deep hatred for these direct descendants of the Zhou family.

"Okay, let's take action!" Another voice sounded, it was a young man with a faint smile on his face, but when he looked at Lin Mo, a hint of murderous intent flashed across his face.

"People from the Kong family!" Zhou Lu whispered in Lin Mo's ear.

People from the Kong family? !

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. It really surprised him that someone from the Kong family would appear here.

Originally, it was thought that after the Kong family in the capital was destroyed, the Kong family should cancel this action, but unexpectedly, they still arranged people to come.

"This person's name is Kong Yan, and he is quite capable, but it is said that he is not the original candidate of the Kong family this time, but a temporary replacement!

The original person to be sent is called Kong Chi, who is even more powerful and is known as the first person of the younger generation of the Kong family!"

Zhou Lu really knows everything about Lin Mo, and he slowly spoke at this moment, telling all the information.

Lin Mo nodded, and at the same time looked in another direction, where a young man was taking a group of people to start moving, searching inch by inch on the deserted island.

"This kid has actually pulled up his own power!" Lin Mo chuckled, and the young man was naturally Li Fengchun.

As a person who inherited the Li family, naturally many people are willing to follow him.

In fact, Li Fengchun himself also has his own charm. Not only is he powerful, but he is also a good person.

At this moment, he led people to search on the deserted island, and he has always been at the forefront.

"Let's start looking too!" Lin Mo said, and then turned and walked towards the place he had identified.

When searching with mental power before, there were some anomalies here: that is, mental power here, nothing was detected!

Lin Mo clearly saw a huge stone, but mental power could not detect it!

So, Lin Mo instinctively felt the problem here.

After walking over with a group of people, Lin Mo smiled.

A millstone-sized stone, about one meter high, looked ordinary, but when Lin Mo approached, he saw something written on it in special words.

These words did not belong to any words that Lin Mo was currently aware of. They looked very ancient and it would be extremely difficult to decipher them.

"If I guessed correctly, the entrance to the abyss is right here!" Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and the power of blood surged crazily, followed by a terrifying light flashing.

The huge stone disappeared at this time, and a huge portal appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the door in front of him, Lin Mo had a smile on his face: "Go in first!"

With that said, he walked directly towards the door.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, a voice sounded, it was Kong Yan from the Kong family.

Lin Mo paused slightly, turned around, and looked at him calmly.

"Abyss are generally dangerous, we should make a plan, and since you are relatively weak, I think you should guard outside!" Kong Yan said lightly: "Moreover, now we need to convey the news that the abyss has been discovered here. Go back and tell the Ministry of War!"


Lin Mo spoke softly and stepped directly into the door: "I discovered this place. If you dare to step foot here, I will kill you!

You can give it a try. Anyway, I don’t have much favorable impressions of you Kong family members! "

After saying these words, Lin Mo's figure disappeared in front of everyone.

Kong Yan's face suddenly became livid.

Zhou Lu smiled lightly and followed Lin Mo in. At the same time, he was followed by those led by Li Fengchun.

Kong Yan stood at the door, his face gloomy for a long time, and finally said coldly: "I, a member of the Kong family, have never been threatened by anyone!"

Having said this, he raised his legs and walked directly inside.

"I said, if you come in, I will kill you!"

The moment he stepped into the door, Lin Mo's voice rang in his ears, like a roar from hell.

Kong Yan's face changed drastically, and the energy and blood all over his body exploded instantly!



The Kyushu Order flashed, and Lin Mo suppressed Kong Yan in an instant.

"Your strength!" Kong Yan looked at Lin Mo with a look of horror on his face.

Because Lin Mo's strength actually reached the sixth-grade Martial Emperor realm.

It was obvious that when the house was demolished yesterday, it was still only at level 5. How come it had such a terrifying level improvement in just two days?

Lin Mo had a calm smile on his face: "Isn't there still some gap between my strength and yours?"

Kong Yan's strength has reached the seventh-level Martial Emperor realm, which is already very powerful.

"Lin Mo, the Kong family is not something you can offend. Do you dare to kill me in front of so many people?" Kong Yan said this in a very calm voice.

But Lin Mo smiled lightly and directly pierced his chest with the three-pointed two-edged knife.

"Don't take the Kong family too seriously. You have to know that I have demolished the Kong family in the capital!" Lin Mo pushed it casually, and Kong Yan's head fell down weakly.

"You have also seen that I am the one who killed the person. If you don't accept it, you can do it at any time!"

Lin Mo had a faint smile on his face and looked into the eyes of everyone present.

"Huh, you're just an idiot. Do you really think that the Kong family is omnipotent?" Someone said softly, and then turned around and left.

Li Fengchun glanced at Lin Mo, said nothing, and turned to leave.

In fact, at this moment, his desire to conquer Lin Mo had reached its extreme.

Until now, what he was thinking about was how he was treated as his younger brother by Lin Mo that day.

"Hmph, when I am in the abyss, I must make you convinced of me. I will make you my little brother!"

With this thought in mind, Li Fengchun quickened his pace and walked towards the deepest part of the abyss.

"Let's go, we should set off!" Lin Mo looked around, and his mental power was already spreading around.

Zhou Lu followed Lin Mo closely.

The abyss in front of them was extremely vast, and a group of people directly divided into several teams and walked in different directions.

"This abyss should be an unknown abyss, so be careful when exploring!"

Zhou Lu stood beside Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo did not reply, but silently sensed the whereabouts of his blood clone.

But what shocked him was that here, he couldn't feel the whereabouts of the blood clone at all!

According to my initial guess, the entire abyss should be connected together. Why can't I feel the existence of the blood clone here?

Could it be that my initial guess was wrong?

Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face, looking beyond the nearby scenery and looking further away.

There seems to be a temple-like building there!

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