Lin Mo and Zhou Lu looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

In the abyss, being able to encounter the temple means that they can have a clear exploration goal, instead of exploring aimlessly like a headless fly.

"Let's go!" Lin Mo's voice was low, and he was suppressing the excitement in his heart.

In fact, he now has a premonition in his heart, that is, there must be other gains in the temple.

Thinking of this, his figure flashed one after another and rushed to the temple in the distance.

Zhou Lu followed Lin Mo with a group of people and quickly caught up.

A group of people had excited expressions on their faces, and they looked at Lin Mo with deep admiration in their eyes.

Not because of anything else, but for Lin Mo's luck, they all felt that following Lin Mo was indeed a correct choice for them.

A group of people were very fast, standing at the entrance of the temple, and the expressions of a group of people became serious.

Standing close to these temples, you can feel the majesty of the temples more.

The tall pillars were carved from a whole stone. There were at least hundreds of such stones. When piled up, they looked like a mountain.

Some temples in the distance were even hung in the air with chains. The temples in the air were connected to each other by chains.

"It reminds me of the legendary Hanging Temple, but the Hanging Temple was built on the mountain, and the temple in front of me was directly suspended in the air. There is no comparison, no comparison at all!" Zhou Lu said with emotion.

Lin Mo let his mental power cover the front.

The temple in front of them was too huge. A group of people stood at the entrance and felt as small as ants.

"There is a holy spirit in the temple."

Just as everyone was sighing, Lin Mo suddenly said this.

A group of people were stunned and looked at Lin Mo nervously.

"Living beings? Do you mean living beings? Abyssal beings?" Zhou Lu's expression became tense. Abyssal beings, or abyssal beings living in the temple, he really couldn't imagine how terrifying their specific strength could be.

Anyway, one thing is certain, all of them together may not be enough to kill the abyssal beings!

"It's not clear yet. I just sensed the breath of the living beings with my mental power, but it was only for a moment, because the next moment, my mental power perception was directly cut off!"

Lin Mo's face was full of regret, and he spoke slowly.

Just after his mental power dissipated, he tried to use his mental power to imprint everything in the entire temple.

But in just a moment, Lin Mo felt that his mental power was shattered by a mysterious force.

"What should we do, should we go in or not?" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo with a hesitant look on his face.

Lin Mo was the strongest among them. If Lin Mo led the team, they felt that they had a great chance of survival.

"What do you think?" Lin Mo looked at everyone: "Those who are willing to go in stand on the left, and those who are unwilling to go in stand on the right. Don't worry, this time, those of us who go in, no matter what we get, we will bring it out, and then divide a part of it for you!

But you need to guard at the gate and prepare for our defense, is there any problem?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, two people stood directly on the left, lowering their heads with apology on their faces.

The rest of the people stood on Lin Mo's right.

"Lin Mo, I'm sorry, our strength is too low. If we really go in, there is a high possibility of death, and you may also help us because of us, so we don't want to delay everyone's time, nor do we want to cause any burden to everyone!

Don't worry, we will guard at the gate, and no matter what we get in the end, we will not be jealous."

One of the two spoke.

Lin Mo remembered these two people, they were from the Song family in Beijing.

At the beginning, the Song family was one of the few families in Beijing that almost became a heritage family, but in the past ten years, the older generation of the Song family has died, but the younger generation has not grown up yet.

The two people in front of him were Song Yang and Song Yue, the two most powerful people in the younger generation, who had already reached the sixth level of the Martial Emperor. At the current speed, as long as they could survive well, it would only be a matter of time for the Song family to return to its original status.

So, there was nothing wrong with the two of them making such a choice.

On the contrary, because of what the two people were carrying, Lin Mo even had some sympathy for them.

However, sympathy is one of the most useless emotions in this world.

"Okay, we all came together, and the division of labor is different." Lin Mo looked at Zhou Lu and others: "Let's go in first. It's also very important to bring out everything and guard here. Don't forget that there are other people outside. If we find good things and other people come in, it will be bad!

So, if anything happens, you must notify us!"

Lin Mo left this sentence and walked in with a group of people.

Lin Mo took the lead, and there was no fear on his face. Instead, he released his mental power as much as possible, covering the surroundings and exploring the surroundings.

Although there is a mysterious force blocking the mental power, with Lin Mo's current strength, he can still cover a small area with mental power.

Entering the main gate of the courtyard, what Lin Mo and others saw was a huge bronze tripod, which seemed to be more than ten meters high. It was difficult to imagine how such a huge bronze tripod was cast.

"Pay attention to the inscriptions and patterns on it. Maybe we can find information about these temples." Zhou Lu spoke, and followed Lin Mo at the same time, telling Lin Mo bit by bit what he had interpreted.

"The content on the tripod in front of me is very simple. It is that a tribe encountered a flood while hunting, and the terrifying water flow directly washed all of them into the sea.

After experiencing life and death, they woke up from an island next to the sea and saw the terrifying giant beast.

It was a whale-like creature, huge and devouring humans. Later, another monster appeared and saved them all.

After some people survived, they worshiped the monster who saved them as a god. This god also began to help them and let them live a happy life.

But later, this god no longer performed miracles. Instead, he said that he didn't care about these simple rituals. He was tired of it now, so he was ready to go back. "

After the monster disappeared, those people felt that their power was losing crazily.

Later, everyone understood that the gods of those people had disappeared...

Zhou Lu interpreted everything he saw to Lin Mo. The whole story did not mention what the so-called god was.

This actually made Lin Mo very interested in that god.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

At this moment, Lin Mo and others suddenly heard the sound of something inside the cauldron hitting the giant cauldron.

Several people looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

"Could the creature you are talking about be the thing inside the tripod?" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo and said with lip language.

"It's impossible. When the gods disappeared, something must have happened that we don't know about. We don't know what the things in the tripod are. We'll find out only if we take a look!"

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he used the Yan Xiang Technique to rise above the air, and then looked inside the giant cauldron.

After just one glance, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel numb all over.

Inside the cauldron was a purple-black liquid, with at least hundreds of giant turtles crawling inside!

The circumference of their bodies is at least one meter, and coupled with the length of their limbs, they are as big as a dining table!

These turtles were stacked one after another in a limited space. They were obviously very naive, but Lin Mo looked a little disgusting.

"Will there be other good things in the cauldron?" Lin Mo looked at the giant cauldron in front of him and suddenly had this thought in his heart.

But the next moment, Lin Mo knew that he was overthinking it. Apart from the turtles, there was nothing else in the cauldron.

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, slowly landed from the air, and looked at the others: "Let's go explore other places and show you what I was doing inside the cauldron and the recorded video! "

When Lin Mo's voice fell, someone immediately looked at him not far away in horror.

"You... you bastard! What a terrifying thousand-year-old bastard!"

After hearing the sound, Lin Mo also looked around. When he saw that it didn't matter, he was stunned.

Because the statue in front of me is really terrifying, with a height of thirty meters, which is simply higher than many buildings.

The most important thing is that the original body of this statue turned out to be a turtle!

Unlike other turtles, the turtle in front of me is really too big. Especially that claw, it was simply taller than Lin Mo's holy body.

"What a terrifying statue. How big must such a big bastard be? Could it be that these people had nothing to do and built this temple secretly, but the bastard didn't even know about it!"

Zhou Lu asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Probably not. Looking at this statue, I thought of a creature, also a turtle, but actually very powerful.

Is this turtle statue just meant to look like that turtle? "

"Which one?" Zhou Lu had a thoughtful look on his face, and finally gave up thinking and simply asked Lin Mo.

"You should know Xuanwu, the legendary Xuanwu is a big turtle!

So this is probably Xuanwu Hall! "

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