Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 405: Xuanwu Inheritance

"Suzaku, Xuanwu, Azure Dragon, White/Tiger."

In Chinese legends, these four mythical beasts are called the Four Symbols. Lin Mo once thought that these things only existed in legends, but when Lin Mo saw Suzaku in the Nirvana Pool and got some of Suzaku's blood power, he began to doubt whether these things existed or not.

Now, a place suspected to be the Xuanwu Temple appeared in front of him, and Lin Mo's eyes were suddenly filled with excitement.

"Xuanwu Temple! So, there may be good things here!" Zhou Lu's eyes suddenly lit up and began to look around.

Lin Mo looked at the huge bronze tripod in front of him and had some ideas in his mind.

He raised his hand and slapped it on the bronze tripod with a bang, and a wave of sound surged out and spread out to the surroundings.

Zhou Lu and others screamed and covered their ears, but it was too late. They were affected by the sound waves and their ears began to bleed.

"What a strong power!" Lin Mo sighed.

At this time, the small turtles in the bronze tripod were all suspended in the air, as if they were swimming in the water.

The scene here immediately attracted the attention of Zhou Lu and others. They immediately forgot the pain in their ears and focused their eyes on the turtles.


Groups of light flowed and gathered on the turtles, and finally the turtles disappeared, forming groups of light, and these lights gathered together in a very short time.

Then a golden light column rushed straight into the sky from the inside of the temple!

In other parts of the abyss, the remaining people looked at the light column, their eyes changed slightly, and then they made the same reaction. They turned around and rushed towards the direction of the temple.

The light lasted only for a moment, and then slowly disappeared.

However, the light formed a new image.

It was a tortoise with golden light all over its body. It was huge, with a diameter of at least several meters. Its limbs swung slowly, and mysterious forces emanated from its limbs, causing the surrounding void to become distorted.

Lin Mo quietly watched the scene in front of him and waited silently.

He could sense that the breath of other people was approaching in the distance, but he was not in a hurry and just stood there.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several air-breaking sounds rang out, and Tang San and others appeared here.

Looking in the direction of Lin Mo, Tang San hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly.

Lin Mo smiled, but did not speak, just quietly watching the Xuanwu in the air.

"Xuanwu! That's Xuanwu!" At this moment, a voice sounded. It was Li Fengchun. The boy was full of excitement: "I have seen a similar picture in a book of my grandfather. Although the color is slightly different, the image is exactly the same!"

"Is it really Xuanwu? That's one of the four elephants!" Someone sighed with excitement on his face.

Lin Mo frowned slightly, because the image in front of him was somewhat different from the legendary Xuanwu, or somewhat unreasonable.

The description of Xuanwu in the legend is "the residence of the seven gods in the north, actually starting from Dou, suppressing the north, and controlling wind and rain."

So Xuanwu is the god of water, but the Xuanwu in front of him is surrounded by golden light, and is full of Gengjin Qi, and does not look like a water god at all.

"Lin Mo, you found this place first, what do you think of it?" Tang San hesitated and asked.

"This should be the Xuanwu Temple, but the one in front of you is not Xuanwu!" Lin Mo thought about it, and still said his speculation.

"Hehe, you said it's not Xuanwu, so it's not Xuanwu?" A voice sounded, it was a young man, who was somewhat similar to the Mu family youth that Lin Mo drove away when he set out, and he was probably also from the Mu family.

"The second-ranked person in the Mu family is the younger brother of the person you drove away, named Mu Yu." Zhou Lu spoke in time and told the man's information.

Mu Yu? Lin Mo couldn't help but smile. This name really sounds very casual!

"If you don't believe it, forget it. I'm not your father. I don't expect you to believe it just because I say something casually!" Lin Mo chuckled and said.

"Lin Mo!" Mu Yu's expression turned cold and he said sternly: "Don't you think I dare not kill you?"


As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo raised his hand and punched.

The Five Beasts Fist blasted out, the beasts roared wildly, and the whole temple began to tremble, as if it would collapse at any time.

Mu Yu's face changed drastically. He didn't expect Lin Mo to start fighting as soon as he said it, without giving him any chance to prepare.

But he was not a coward. He roared and punched.

"If I use external force to deal with you, I will lose!" Lin Mo swung his fist domineeringly, relying only on his own blood and qi to perform the Five Beasts Fist.

The violent breath continued to shoot out, and the expression on Mu Yu's face turned into horror little by little.

Then the whole person flew backwards and hit the wall with a bang.


Mu Yu spit out a mouthful of blood and stood up with difficulty.

He wanted to say something, but he saw a flash of knife light.

Then the scenery in front of him was completely turned upside down, and then he was completely submerged in endless darkness.

Lin Mo put away the three-pointed double-edged sword and looked at everyone: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but don't provoke me!

Although I am the leader, no one asked me to spoil you!

I don't care at all how many people can return to China in the end.

Everyone, be careful what you say! "

After that, he no longer looked at the shadow in the sky, but looked in other directions of the entire hall.

Everyone looked at Lin Mo's movements, but no one spoke.

In the end, their eyes fell on the turtle composed of light and shadow.

"I seem to feel some inexplicable aura flowing in my body, as if it is trying to connect to the phantom in the sky!"

"I have a similar feeling. Is it the inheritance of Xuanwu?"

"I have it too!"

"Me too……"

A group of people had excited expressions on their faces. They looked up at the golden turtle in the sky. After a slight hesitation, they sat down cross-legged, silently running their martial arts skills, and actively accepted the connection of the aura.

"Lin Mo!" Zhou Lu also felt the aura, but before sitting down, he looked at Lin Mo and shouted.

Lin Mo waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me!"

Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo, and finally sat down and began to use his martial arts skills, trying to absorb this energy to see if he could gain insights.

"Pretending!" Some people were sitting there cross-legged, not understanding anything yet, but when they saw that Lin Mo seemed to have no intention of coming, they suddenly sneered.

They felt that Lin Mo was trying to save face and suffer, and in the end Xuanwu's understanding and even inheritance would fall on them.

"You will cry then!" Some people thought viciously, then quickly closed their eyes and started practicing against the clock.

"These pillars look a bit strange. How come there are so many stone pillars in a temple?

The most important thing is that these stone pillars..."

Lin Mo touched a stone pillar casually, and then moved his gaze up along the stone pillar.

Finally, he saw that the top of the stone pillar did not simply rest on the top of the temple, but was twisted at the top and connected with other stone pillars.

"Why does it look like blood vessels?" Lin Mo murmured.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong. The top of the temple doesn't look flat, but has an egg-like shape. It's just that the entire temple is too big, so it looks like it's flat..."

Lin Mo observed little by little, constantly making new discoveries, and then he simply walked towards the gate of the temple.

After a moment of silence, he lifted his legs and walked out.

After Lin Mo walked out of the temple, he looked up at the temple in front of him.

The huge temple has four gates and two small gates...

Four gates are located around it, while two small gates are symmetrically distributed at both ends.

"Why does it look a little strange!"

Lin Mo took a few steps back in the distance, trying to observe the appearance of the entire temple as much as possible.

In the end, Lin Mo used the Yan Xiang Technique and stood directly in mid-air, looking down at the entire temple.

Seeing this, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

The entire temple has a circumference of dozens of meters. When viewed from above, the temple looks like a huge turtle shell.

The most important thing is that the color of the entire turtle shell is aqua, which is the same as the attributes of Xuanwu that Lin Mo speculated.

"Could this temple be the shell left behind by Xuanwu back then?"

Lin Mo looked at the building in front of him that looked very similar to a turtle shell, with a puzzled look on his face.

"If it was built by man, it's not impossible!"

"Find a way to try to verify it!"

Several verification methods flashed through Lin Mo's mind, and finally his eyes lit up and he thought of the best way.


The power of Qi and blood flowed, the light in Lin Mo's hand flickered, and a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand.

The breath gathered little by little, Lin Mo focused all his momentum on the three-pointed two-edged sword, and then suddenly shot it towards the temple in front of him!


The three-pointed two-edged knife was thrown out by Lin Mo as if it were a fire-pointed spear. In just an instant, it reached the edge of the temple, still a few meters away from the temple at most!


At this moment, a shield like water waves appeared around the entire temple.


With a muffled sound, the three-pointed two-edged knife was inserted directly into the shield formed by the water waves.

The water rippled, and the three-pointed and two-edged sword was so sharp that it could no longer move forward!

"What a terrifying shield, water shield!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up slightly. The temple was able to generate a shield on its own. Does this mean that the temple is psychic?

In other words, as Lin Mo initially guessed, the entire temple is a basalt turtle shell!

"Add your mental power to the power of qi and blood, and then use the Kyushu Order to stack the power. Try again. If you can destroy the temple, it proves that the temple in front of you is not a basalt turtle shell. If you say it is not destroyed, it proves that I Your guess is right!”

The Nine Provinces Order hung in front of Lin Mo, and Lin Mo's aura began to rise crazily.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword shone brightly for hundreds of feet. Lin Mo roared and was about to throw it out again!

"Wait a minute! Do you have to break me to pieces?"

At this moment, an angry voice sounded!

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