Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 406: Terrifying Existence

Lin Mo trembled all over and looked at the huge temple at his feet, with a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

"This one is a bit supernatural!"

Lin Mo stretched out his hands slightly, held the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and then directly dispelled this terrifying blow.

"Senior..." Lin Mo considered the words: "Senior is Xuanwu?"

"Nonsense, who else could it be if it wasn't me!" The voice sounded again, and then Lin Mo saw a shadow emerging above the temple.

Different from the phantom he saw before, the phantom in front of him was completely icy blue, and the fluctuations of water properties were constantly escaping.

The moment this phantom appeared, Lin Mo actually knew that he must have a certain relationship with Xuanwu.

But it is still a bit difficult to make Lin Mo believe that he is Xuanwu.

"So, is the temple actually the shell of the predecessor?"

"It's just the remains after death. Now I'm just a trace of the true spirit on the remains, and I don't have much strength." There was a look of emotion in Xuying's eyes, and he looked at Lin Mo with reserve in his eyes: " You kid, do you want to get the Xuanwu inheritance from me?

Judging from your age, you are not very old. You have such strength at a young age. It is not an insult to me to inherit everything from me, but you want me to hand over the inheritance to you so easily, which is not possible! "

"Senior, you must have misunderstood!" Lin Mo raised his hand and interrupted Xuying's words: "Senior, you should still remember that you blocked the junior when he took action earlier.

I heard that Xuanwu is a creature with extremely powerful defense. My strength is only at the Martial Emperor level, so how can I break through your defense?

But you actually stopped me, so this junior can't be fake, right? "

Lin Mo's eyes had a scrutinizing look, which made the shadow look a little panicked.

"Is it true or false? Are you so firm?" Xuying felt like cursing in his heart, and he started to take action. What he could hold on to was true, and what disappeared if he couldn't hold it back was false, right?

Divine special identification technique!

Xuying silently complained several times in his heart, and then forced a smile on his face and said: "Boy, do you know how many years I have been gone? In these long years, even if my legacy has some spirituality, it should Slowly dispersed!

No matter how solid the shell is, without spiritual support, it will only slowly decay in the end! "

"Senior, can you possibly see any difference in me?" Lin Mo thought for a while and asked again.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Xuying's eyes actually emitted a ray of blue light, covering Lin Mo's body.

He couldn't feel the malice in the light, so Lin Mo didn't resist, just stood there, silently feeling the envelope of light.

Soon, the light dissipated, the shadow trembled, and the huge body became a bit illusory because of such movements.

"Why does your kid...have the aura of Suzaku?

There is also the breath of Nirvana. Could it be that your kid has experienced Nirvana once? "

Xuanwu looked at Lin Mo with a surprised look on his face.

At this time, Lin Mo finally confirmed that the shadow in front of him was Xuanwu.

Even after such a long time, you can still see the aura of Suzaku on Lin Mo at a glance.

"You are indeed Senior Xuanwu. What I did before was just to prove Senior's true identity, so please forgive me for my rudeness!"

Lin Mo showed a respectful look on his face and bowed deeply to the shadow.

Xuanwu nodded with satisfaction, his huge body swaying in mid-air: "Okay, kid, now that I have proven my identity, I have only one question, and that is, do you want my inheritance?"

"The inheritance of my predecessors should be of the water attribute. I wonder if it is possible for these attributes of mine to resist each other?"

Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then directly displayed all the attributes on his body.

Ice, fire and thunder!

The power of three attributes surrounded Lin Mo's body, and the power of blood with the thunder attribute contained endless power of thunder.

Just the attribute power the size of a fist continued to emit thunder, and the terrifying aura almost distorted the surrounding air!

Secondly, the power of fire attribute qi and blood is also suspended there, and the surrounding air becomes distorted.

As for the ice attribute, after hanging there, the power of the attribute escapes, and streaks of frost begin to solidify around it.

"You kid, you are really a freak! So many attributes can be integrated so perfectly without any conflict with each other!"

Xuanwu looked at the power displayed by Lin Mo and immediately sighed.

I have to say that Lin Mo was indeed too strong. Standing there with a calm expression on his face, Xuanwu was a little unsure.

"Suzaku has the ability to undergo nirvana and be reborn. Your boy has such strength at such a young age. Could it be that Suzaku is reborn?"

Xuanwu finally spoke, and then tried again to shroud Lin Mo with a ray of light.

Soon this ray of light dissipated, and the puzzled look on Xuanwu's face became even heavier: "Your body has been completely reshaped, and it contains some of Suzaku's essence and blood. It is indeed rare..."

"My inheritance is the inheritance of water attributes. Maybe you can really try to fuse it!"

In the end, Xuanwu said this and actually planned to hand over his inheritance to Lin Mo.

Hearing this news, Lin Mo smiled: "Thank you, senior. I will definitely carry forward your abilities!"

Xuanwu sneered and said, "Carry forward? The reason why I gave you the inheritance is actually to see how far you can go!

In the future catastrophe, no one can survive, you and I are the same, but after your strength becomes stronger, you may be able to live a little longer!"

Xuanwu's voice sounded, full of pessimism.

After Lin Mo heard it, he also had a bad premonition in his heart.

He suddenly thought of something he had overlooked before, that is, whether it was Xuanwu or Suzaku, their strength must be terrifying.

So how did they die?

Did they survive all their vitality in the long years, or did they die in the hands of a powerful enemy?

If it was the former, Lin Mo felt that he should not say the above words, if it was the latter... that would be a bit scary!

"Did you think of something?" Xuanwu looked at Lin Mo's expression and smiled: "Just as you thought, I can tell you very clearly that the Four Symbols were all killed!

They were directly wiped out!

Because of the special circumstances of Zhuque and I, we still have some things left. As for whether Qinglong and Baihu can have any residual spirits left, I don't know!"

Lin Mo was shocked. This was really a terrifying news.

The Four Symbols, which were lofty existences in the legend, were all wiped out!

"Is the one who wiped out your existence back then dead?"

"Dead?" Xuanwu showed a mocking look on his face after hearing Lin Mo's words: "Why do you think that the existence that can directly wipe us out will die so easily?

To tell you the truth, at the beginning I only felt an invincible aura enveloping me, and then the boundless murderous intent surged, and I died!

The reason why there are still residual souls left, in addition to my special situation, there is another possibility that they wiped out my existence and disdained to do anything with my residual soul, and wanted me to be annihilated in the years!"

Xuanwu showed a self-deprecating look on his face: "My remains turned into the temple you see, and the place where I used to live has become this space..."

Xuanwu said a lot, Lin Mo listened quietly, and continued to accept the news.

"So, kid, now that you know so much, do you still have the courage to accept my inheritance?" Xuanwu said to Lin Mo with a mocking tone: "You should know very well that once the power of me and Zhuque reaches its peak in you, that existence will definitely attack you!

The reason why he didn't notice your existence now is entirely because you are too weak!"

The voice sounded, with unparalleled mockery and intimidation.

"Senior, you are joking. Although I am timid, I will not back down at this time!" Lin Mo thought for a while and said firmly: "If I really get the inheritance, I will definitely avenge the two seniors when I am strong!

Senior should know very well that as a martial artist, if I give up the road of martial arts because of these existences that may harm my life, then it will be difficult to improve in the future!

Senior, martial arts must be fought for!

Junior, I will not shirk my responsibility!"

Lin Mo said the last four words with a firm expression, and his expression was also extremely firm.

Xuanwu looked at Lin Mo, savoring the last four words of Lin Mo at the same time. After a long time, he smiled and said: "Hahaha, you are right, martial arts must fight, and it is my duty!

The inheritance is handed over to you, maybe my four-elephant power will see the light of day again!"

After the voice fell, Xuanwu's entire huge phantom flew towards Lin Mo.

It swooshed directly into Lin Mo's brow.

Feeling the huge information filled in the brow, Lin Mo's face turned pale.

A feeling of dizziness invaded Lin Mo's brain. After a short wakefulness, Lin Mo realized that he might fall into a deep sleep, so he took the opportunity to swallow several high-level blood and qi pills into his stomach.

The game is loading...

Lin Mo saw the familiar scene in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the dream, Lin Mo saw Xuanwu's huge body gradually shrinking, and finally became a ball of light, floating there.

Stretching out his hand, Lin Mo immediately felt that the information began to wander in his mind.

"Do you want to consume Qi and Blood Pills to comprehend the Xuanwu inheritance?" Such a prompt sound appeared in front of him.

"Yes!" Lin Mo chose yes without hesitation.

This time, he had hundreds of Qi and Blood Pills with him, so he didn't worry about consumption at all.

But it was only a moment before Lin Mo saw a new prompt: "Qi and Blood Pills have been consumed, and the current Xuanwu inheritance comprehension is 10%!"


More than 400 Qi and Blood Pills, or high-level Qi and Blood Pills, have increased the comprehension to 10%? !

Lin Mo almost screamed in his dream.

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