Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 407: Could he be asleep? (1/2)

"I feel terrible. I was cheated. This game is too expensive..."

Lin Mo looked at the progress of his comprehension which only increased by 10%, and all kinds of resentment kept coming out of his heart.

Hundreds of Qi and Blood Pills, even at the current price, would cost tens of billions, but it only increased his comprehension by this much.

The cost-effectiveness is not high!

Concentrating his mind, Lin Mo began to analyze the benefits brought to him by the Xuanwu inheritance.

Xuanwu, the god in charge of water attributes, so the benefits he brought are also related to water attributes.

"Self-healing ability!"

After analyzing for a moment, Lin Mo immediately understood one of the benefits brought by Xuanwu, and even in his dream, he smiled.

Judging from the current level of Lin Mo's comprehension, ordinary injuries will not even cause any trouble to Lin Mo. In other words, if he was stabbed on the back by the enemy, even if the bone is visible, Lin Mo can still become lively again within three to five minutes.

"If it is increased to 50%, it can achieve the regeneration of broken limbs and the instant healing of serious injuries!

If the degree of comprehension reaches 100%, then it will be invincible, and theoretically it can reach the point of immortality..."

Considering that Xuanwu is now completely destroyed, Lin Mo feels that even if it reaches 100%, it may not be immortal, but it is still very powerful!

The second skill is water control.

"At present, the ability to control water only stays on the surface, that is, the control of visible water. With the improvement of the degree of comprehension, perhaps the final effect is to control the water element!

As we all know, most of the human body is water element, so if you master the ability to control water elements, in the battle, you can instantly drain the water elements in the enemy's body. What effect will it have?"

"Maybe you can go to Egypt to specialize in mummification. The speed is fast and the effect is good. It will definitely be well received!" Lin Mo's mind was opened up and he thought of a new way to make money.

Drive this wild way out of his mind, and then look at the third ability.

"Four Symbols Power, 50% completion?"

Lin Mo looked at the prompt of this ability and was a little confused at first, but soon understood it.

The Four Symbols ability should refer to a new ability unlocked after collecting the inheritance of the Four Symbols.

"However, I only got some benefits in the Suzaku Nirvana Pool, and perhaps a trace of Suzaku's blood essence, but I didn't get the inheritance of Suzaku. Why do you judge that my completion has reached 50%?

Does what I have got so far actually include the inheritance of Suzaku?"

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Lin Mo has thought a lot in his mind.

Whether it is the Nirvana Pool or the Suzaku blood essence, the gains he has brought to him are great, but these two are not something that can be transformed into skills.

"So, what exactly is the inheritance of Suzaku?"

With such questions, Lin Mo tried to communicate with the dream.

But the dream did not respond.

In the end, Lin Mo had to give up. To be honest, up to now, Lin Mo still doesn't know what the mechanism of dreams is. There was a period of time when he had determined that dreams definitely had their own consciousness.

But recently, the subjective consciousness of dreams has completely disappeared.

Lin Mo even began to doubt whether the dream was an illusion caused by taking too many drugs...

Just when Lin Mo fell into the dream, Tang San, Li Fengchun and others in the temple opened their eyes directly. Strong blood and qi flowed through their bodies, and the Gengjin Qi burst out instantly.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of boom continued. It was the Gengjin Qi that blasted a gap on the stone pillars in the temple. Large pieces of stone collapsed and the whole temple began to shake.

"It's going to collapse!"

The people who were immersed in the cultivation and comprehension suddenly opened their eyes, looked around, and then their faces changed drastically.

"Too much, you destroyed the temple after you completed your comprehension, so that we can't comprehend it. How can you guys be so insidious!"

Zhou Lu and others were all awakened. After all, there was still a certain gap between their talents and the top talents, so they didn't fully comprehend it.

But now the temple is about to collapse. If they continue to stay here, they will definitely be crushed to death.

The comprehension is halfway done, and now they can only leave passively.

"Hmph! Your talent is not good, and you haven't fully realized it. What does it have to do with us!" A young man behind Tang San spoke in a cold voice.


"Shut up and get out!" A young man behind Zhou Lu was about to speak when he was stopped by Zhou Lu: "That's Chu Xiong from the Chu family. I didn't expect him to follow Tang San all the time, not showing his true colors. If he hadn't spoken now, I wouldn't have noticed him!

I didn't expect Chu Xiong to come too, and his strength is even above Tang San!"

The man who was about to speak earlier turned pale.

As long as you are in the capital, there are few people who have not heard of Chu Xiong's name.

The Chu family in China is actually not a family in the capital.

The entire Chu family is in the mountain city. It is said that they have been operating for more than two thousand years. The reason why they have not become a family of inheritance is entirely because they rarely leave the mountain city.

In other words, the reason why the Chu family is not a family of inheritance is not because the Chu family is not strong enough or the inheritance time is not long enough, but because the Chu family did not lend a helping hand when China was in trouble!

It is said that the Chu family's motto is to develop oneself and not to ask about external affairs.

"I didn't expect that the Chu family was also involved in this matter!" Zhou Lu sighed, and his expression became serious.

Not many people know the strength of the Chu family, but it is definitely qualified to be compared with the inherited family!

A group of people rushed out quickly, and the moment they rushed out, the entire temple collapsed!

Looking at the huge temple behind them, a group of people showed panic on their faces. If they had come out a little later, they might have died now!

"Some people didn't come out!"

Soon someone in the crowd spoke up. Everything happened so fast that some people had not yet woken up from their perception and were crushed to death before they could escape!

"You guys are too cruel. They all came with us, and now because of your selfishness, they all died in it!

When we go back, we must tell their family about this!"

Someone in the crowd spoke up with a look of panic on his face.

"Are you talking about me?" A cold shout sounded, Chu Xiong looked at the man who had spoken earlier, and before he could speak again, he attacked like lightning.

The Gengjin Qi solidified at his fingertips, becoming a piece of metal nearly nine inches long, and then fiercely stabbed the man's neck like lightning!

The man's eyes suddenly widened, and then he covered his neck and fell to the ground little by little.

On his neck, there was a thumb-sized blood hole on each side, and blood was constantly flowing out.

"Gengjin Qi is really powerful. It can pierce the defense of a martial emperor-level strongman in just a moment!"

Chu Xiong had a faint smile on his face. Although he was very satisfied with the effect of Gengjin Qi, for someone like him, there are actually many ways to kill people. The addition of Gengjin Qi only made him feel a sense of freshness, but it didn't really have much effect.

Seeing someone fall, a group of people quickly stepped back and looked at Chu Xiong in panic.

Chu Xiong wiped the bloodstains on his face as if nothing had happened, and then looked at the crowd: "Is there anyone else who is dissatisfied with our actions just now?"

Li Fengchun had a cold look on his face, and wanted to say something, but was pulled by the person behind him.

Li Fengchun opened his mouth, but finally calmed down.

Although he was a middle school boy and his brain was not very good, he was not a fool after all. If he opposed Chu Xiong now, he would definitely be suppressed.

Li Fengchun knew very well that he was not Chu Xiong's opponent, but he didn't have much anger or discouragement in his heart, because after all, there was such a big gap in realm.

But it was different with Lin Mo. His realm was much higher than Lin Mo, but he was killed instantly by Lin Mo, which made him very unhappy and he always wanted to find a chance to get back at him.

"By the way, where is Lin Mo?"

Thinking of Lin Mo, Li Fengchun suddenly found that Lin Mo didn't seem to be in the crowd.

"Could he be smashed to death and buried in the ruins!" Someone sneered and spoke directly.

"If you die, Lin Mo won't die!" Zhou Lu counterattacked with an unhappy face, and then looked at the people behind him: "Everyone, look for Lin Mo separately to see if he is nearby!"

The people following Zhou Lu are now convinced by Lin Mo, so after receiving the order, they quickly turned around and walked around.

They began to look for Lin Mo's trace along the ruins of the temple.

"Found it!" Finally, someone spoke, and the voice was loud, which attracted the attention of many people at once.

"He is here, as if he fell into a deep sleep!" The voice sounded again, and Zhou Lu and others rushed over to find the sound, and then saw Lin Mo sitting cross-legged on the grass, as if he was asleep.

At this moment, Lin Mo was sitting cross-legged on the ground, without any blood and energy flowing around his body, his eyes were slightly closed, and his breathing was even.

"Could he be asleep!" Behind Zhou Lu, the person who complained in the temple before spoke softly.

"What are you thinking about? Lin Mo is so quick-witted. He is sitting cross-legged here now. He must have some insights and is practicing. He can't be asleep. Let's stay here to prevent any accidents!" Zhou Lu spoke loudly, and then sat not far from Lin Mo, staring at the surroundings.

Although he was also wondering whether Lin Mo was really asleep, at this time, he would definitely not say anything, but instead pretend to protect Lin Mo.

Sure enough, everyone saw his actions and immediately surrounded Lin Mo in the middle. They all sat cross-legged on the ground, looking around with a serious face, always alert to the approach of others.

"What are you doing, protecting the law?"

A chuckle sounded. It was a person from the Mu family, named Mu Ying. She was not weak in strength. As a woman, she could reach the sixth level of the Martial Emperor, which was indeed good.

She has always been low-key here, but now, she stood beside Chu Xiong with a confident smile on her face. When she spoke like this, her voice was also teasing and mocking.

"Could he be asleep? Are you guys stupid enough to protect a sleeping person?" Another woman beside Mu Ying whispered.

"Lin Mo is gaining insights, please don't get close!" Zhou Lu said with a stiff face.


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly snored, and the scene became very awkward!

"Hahaha, enlightenment? Is this what you call enlightenment? You're snoring because you're enlightened!"

"I'm dying of laughter, a bunch of idiots, thinking that a sleeping person is enlightened, and sitting here foolishly to protect him, are there something wrong with their brains!

With such a low level of intelligence, no wonder they can't comprehend the energy of Gengjin!"

The mocking voices resounded, and a group of people looked at them, with more or less mocking smiles on their faces.

The expressions of Zhou Lu and others also became embarrassed.

To be honest, they didn't expect it to be like this. They thought Lin Mo was practicing, but who would have thought that he was actually sleeping!

"He is really a person who is consistent in appearance and heart!" Zhou Lu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But he still sat there firmly: "Please don't disturb me!"

"What if I insist on disturbing him?" Mu Ying said coldly: "As the leader, he can still sleep soundly when so many people in the whole team died. I think he is not worthy of being our leader!

So I suggest that he give up the position of leader now, and get out of the whole team!"

"Lin Mo was determined to be the leader at the beginning. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the pillars of the nine countries to seek justice. Otherwise, shut up!" Zhou Lu said loudly.

At this time, the position of leader must not be compromised at all.

If you really give in, you will definitely retreat step by step! In the end, you may even be directly regarded as the person who takes the blame!

"This is not up to you!" Mu Ying sneered and looked at the other woman.

The two women nodded at the same time, and then walked towards Zhou Lu and others step by step!

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