Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 423: Descendants of Takamagahara

"If the winner is decided in the ring this time, I think Tang San won't stop it, right?!"

Listening to Li Fengchun's words, a strange look flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he finally nodded slowly and said: "Of course it is, winning or losing in the arena is clear, so of course I won't stop it, but it is better to dissolve enemies than to marry them. ah!"

Lin Mo smiled faintly, then turned and left.

Xiao Lin Yida looked at Lin Mo's back, his eyes flickering, and finally he snorted coldly and left.

After seeing both groups of people leaving, Tang San stopped Li Fengchun, who was about to leave too: "Brother Fengchun, your and my family are in similar situations. We can't bring the whole family to an irreversible situation just because of a moment of confusion. What a situation!

Do you agree? "

Li Fengchun was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Tang is overthinking. It is not easy for our Li family to get to where we are today. In addition to having an extraordinary vision, we also have a progressive heart for China.

If my Li family is completely destroyed in the future because of these, then I believe that the ancestors of the Li family will not be blamed! "

After saying that, he turned around and left without giving Tang San any chance to speak.

Watching Li Fengchun leave, the smile on Tang San's face slowly changed. In the end, his eyes looked as if he wanted to eat Li Fengchun alive!

Behind Tang San, those who followed him instinctively felt a chill. They glanced at each other, but in the end they didn't dare to say anything.

On the other side, Lin Mo led Zhou Lu and others to the waiting area. From a distance, he saw Xiao Lin walking towards the competition management committee with a knife.

"Boss, is Xiaolin Yidao up to any conspiracy?" Zhou Lu looked at this scene and couldn't help but look at Lin Mo.

"There's no need to worry. In the competition ring, strength is the last word. As long as my fists are strong enough, I don't have to worry about them no matter how many plots they have!"

Although Lin Mo said this, he was silently wary in his heart.

Not long after, a young woman walked towards Lin Mo from the management committee.

"Mr. Lin, the management committee needs you to go there!"

Lin Mo nodded and followed the woman to the members of the management committee.

"Mr. Lin Mo, we have received a request from Mr. Xiaolin Yidao, and we would like to ask for your opinion: Neon's suggestion is that the winner of the game between the two sides will be determined by one round. Both sides can choose the contestants at will, and the final decision will be made. A game determines the outcome!

Do you accept it? "

Will one game determine the outcome?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Lin Yidao not far away.

Seeing that the latter was also looking at him, and showed a provocative smile to Lin Mo.

“Since Neon has his own suggestions, I also have my own suggestions!

As long as Neon is willing to change the game into a life and death battle, then I agree with Neon's plan! "

Lin Mo directly expressed his thoughts.

A life and death battle? !

The people in the management committee looked at Lin Mo and were shocked for a moment.

Fists and kicks have no eyes, the purpose of this kind of competition is to reduce casualties as much as possible, but Lin Mo actually proposed a life and death battle!

This is exciting!

Westerners are originally a country that advocates bravery and blood, otherwise there would not be so many colosseums or various bloody competitions.

However, after entering civilized society, they put away their desire for blood, but Lin Mo knew very well that in the dark corners, there would still be such competitions going on all the time.

If a life and death battle could be held in such a formal occasion... a lot of tickets would definitely be sold! Make a lot of money!

"Mr. Lin, I have to say that your proposal makes us very excited, but I need to ask Neon's opinion!"

The people from the management committee smiled and spoke, and then the young woman left again. When she came back, Xiao Lin Yida was still with her.

Xiao Lin looked at Lin Mo with a knife, not hiding the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Mr. Xiao Lin, Lin Mo agrees with your proposal, but he has a premise, which is to change the game into a life and death battle!

In other words, the game begins, and the final sign of the end is the death of one of the parties! "

After the management committee finished explaining Lin Mo's thoughts, they looked at Xiao Lin Yida: "Do you accept this condition?"

A life and death battle? !

Xiao Lin looked at Lin Mo with a knife, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

If the two of them had never fought before the game, then if Lin Mo proposed a life and death battle, Xiao Lin would probably laugh to death with a knife.

He would definitely not hesitate to ridicule Lin Mo for not knowing whether to live or die, or for seeking his own death.

But the brief battle with Lin Mo made him understand one thing, that is, Lin Mo was far more powerful than he showed, and even if the two of them fought, there was a possibility that he would lose!

In a life and death battle, the loser's final result can only be death!

"Mr. Xiaolin, do you agree?"

Several people in the management committee looked at Xiao Lin Yida's silence and couldn't help but feel a little contempt in their hearts, which was clearly reflected in their tone: "The people participating in the competition in Neon this time are stronger than Lin Mo. Do you want to One round determines the outcome, isn't this taken into consideration?

Why, faced with such a must-win game, Neon didn't even have the determination to fight to the death?

What about Neon’s so-called bushido spirit? "

Faced with such ridicule, Xiaolin Yidao's face turned green. In the end, he could only look up suddenly, stare at Lin Mo, and said coldly: "Okay! Since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish!"

Seeing that Xiaolin Yidao finally agreed, the people on the organizing committee immediately smiled.

They took out the relevant documents and placed them in front of the two: "Before the game, please sign the documents!"

Looking at the dense English, Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then silently opened the translation software.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lin Mo directly wrote his name on it.

After seeing Lin Mo's signature, Xiaolin Yidao also signed his name on it.

After the organizing committee stamped its seal on it, the contract was considered to be effective.

"Thank you for your cooperation, please go back to the rest area and wait, the game will start soon!"

The people on the organizing committee looked at Lin Mo and Xiaolin Yidao and smiled.

"Humph!" Xiaolin Yidao snorted coldly and turned to walk towards the rest area: "I look forward to the moment when your head falls to the ground!"

Lin Mo turned around and left here as if he didn't hear it.

Xiao Lin Yidao looked at Lin Mo's attitude and felt like he had punched cotton, making him feel uncomfortable.

In the rest area, Zhou Lu and others looked at the documents in Lin Mo's hand with worried expressions on their faces.

"Boss, why don't you let me participate in this competition? If I can't fight, I will die. It doesn't matter!" Liu Mi looked at Lin Mo and said, "Anyway, my strength is the weakest among us. If I die, I die. It doesn't matter!"

"You said that as if I participate in the competition, I will definitely die. When I fought outside just now, I was able to beat him without fighting back. I can still do it on the ring later!"

Lin Mo said confidently: "Just watch me carefully later!"

Zhou Lu and others could only smile and nodded.

Time passed, and soon the rest time was over. Lin Mo and Xiao Lin Yidao looked at each other and stepped onto the ring at the same time.


The moment he stepped onto the ring, Lin Mo's eyes shrank suddenly.

Xiaolin Yidao seemed to have a violent power, and this violent power did not seem to belong to him, as if it came from a strong man that Lin Mo was somewhat familiar with.

"Lin Mo, you are looking for death, then come!" Xiaolin Yidao grinned and drew out the samurai sword at his waist.

The red blood power flowed, wrapping the entire samurai sword, and a vague shadow appeared behind Xiaolin Yidao.


The knife light was sharp, and it fell on Lin Mo's head.

Lin Mo's eyes were full of coldness. Facing such a knife, he did not hesitate at all. After the ghost shadow was used, he came behind Xiaolin Yidao in an instant.

Five Beast Fist!

The dragon roared, and a silver dragon appeared on the ring. With a dragon roar, it directly hit the shadow behind Xiaolin Yidao.

However, at this moment, the shadow turned around suddenly and his eyes fell on the silver dragon.


The blood-colored blade light turned in a direction at this time, and directly cut off the silver dragon head!

The surging blood and qi power instantly dissipated, and then Lin Mo raised his hand and took it into his body.


Xiaolin Yidao roared, holding a samurai sword and rushing towards Lin Mo again.

This time, Lin Mo's hand flashed, and he also used a weapon.

The three-pointed double-edged sword was flaming, and the entire arena instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

"Secret technique. Void seal!"

Xiaolin Yidao spit out these four words, and then the power in his body burst out instantly, covering Lin Mo completely.

Lin Mo felt that his power was sealed and he couldn't break free at all!

This feeling is like a person trapped in a swamp. No matter how much blood and qi power he has, it is all in vain, and it is all swallowed up by an invisible force!

Feeling such power, Lin Mo's face was cold.

"The source of this power is Xu Fu. Even if it is not Xu Fu, it is the same power as him!

You are the one from Takama-ga-hara!"

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lin Yi Dao and spoke loudly.

Xiao Lin Yi Dao smiled coldly: "Do you understand it now? Isn't it too late!

I am a member of the Neon Royal Family. You may have forgotten what the title of the royal family is!

Only I am qualified to be the blood of Takama-ga-hara!

Although you are going to die, after knowing this secret, you should be able to die without regrets!"

More secret codes appeared behind Xiao Lin Yi Dao, and the blurred blood-colored figure suddenly became solid.

It was a man in an ancient robe, looking at Lin Mo with a cold expression.

"Die!" The robed man spoke coldly.




Lin Mo's eyes suddenly froze and he shouted loudly.

The Kyushu Order was suspended in front of Lin Mo, and different lights flew out and fell on Xiao Lin Yi Dao opposite.

When the light took effect, Lin Mo broke free from the power of the secret technique without hesitation.

"Let me die? You are not qualified!"

Lin Mo swung the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand fiercely.

The blood-colored shadow behind Xiao Lin Yidao suddenly screamed, and then the sword light flashed, and the shadow directly turned into a blood-colored smoke, and then completely dissipated!


Xiaolin Yidao lost the support of the blood-colored phantom and fell to the ground with a look of panic on his face.

"What a waste!" Lin Mo smiled coldly and raised the three-pointed double-edged sword in his hand again.


A big head flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

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