Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 424: Group delivery, right?

died? !

A group of people looked at this scene with shocked expressions on their faces.

There were quite a few spectators present, and they all looked excited at the moment. After so many games, this was the first time they had seen such a bloody scene.

So enjoyable!

Only Lin Mo stared at Xiao Lin Yida's body without putting down the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

"It seems you discovered me?"

A voice came out from the fallen body, and then, the blood flowing from the body slowly outlined on the ground, forming a special symbol.

Gu'ao, a mysterious aura emanated from the symbol, and then light flashed, and a figure slowly solidified.

This is a woman in white, with long snow-like hair and blue eyes. Just one look at her is unforgettable.

However, the appearance of such a beautiful woman brings endless chills.

The blood on the ground was solidified first, and then Xiaolin Yida's body was quickly covered by frost.

ice! The ultimate ice attribute power!

"It's the snow girl!"

Someone in the crowd spoke, with a horrified look on his face.

In the legend of Neon, Snow Girl is one of the hundred ghosts. She is not weak in strength and possesses the ultimate ice attribute. The breath from her mouth can solidify flesh and blood into ice cubes.

Lin Mo looked at the snow girl in front of him, with no emotion on his face.

"It's just a spiritual mark!" Lin Mo whispered.

The snow girl in front of me is naturally not real, but was summoned based on the previous blood symbol.

"A mere mortal dares to kill my descendant, Gao Tianyuan, you deserve to die!" The snow girl's voice sounded, just like her name, her tone was cold and devoid of any emotion.

"Isn't Gao Tianyuan your neon world of gods? Why do you, a ghost, protect the descendants of Gao Tianyuan... Don't tell me that you are Gao Tianyuan's lackey!"

Lin Mo looked like he suddenly realized something, and looked at the snow girl with a mocking look in his eyes.

Xue Nu's status in the hearts of the Neon people is not low, but now she is mocked as a lackey by Lin Mo, which is hard for her to accept.

The wind and snow suddenly rose, turning into countless ice cones and shooting towards Lin Mo's body.

"All attacks are transformed by mental power, which is interesting!" Lin Mo sneered. Faced with such intensive attacks, he didn't have the slightest worry and just waved his hand.

The majestic mental power surged instantly, forming a protective shield like a turtle shell around the body.

At the same time, a green shadow of a small tree was slowly discovered between Lin Mo's eyebrows.

"You said you can restrain her?" Lin Mo looked at the spiritual tree in front of him with a surprised look on his face.

There were fluctuations on the Spiritual Tree. Lin Mo felt the fluctuations and finally nodded slightly.


Lin Mo's mental power was released, forming a dense root system around his body, and then the spiritual tree seemed to have grown legs, moving directly along the root system.

It was very fast and arrived in front of the snow girl almost instantly.

"You..." Snow Girl looked at the spiritual tree in front of her with a puzzled look on her face.

But then, she became instinctively afraid.


A thick branch stretched out from the tree of spirit, wrapping the snow girl in it in just a short moment.

The most important thing is that no matter how hard the snow girl struggles, she can't escape from such a package.

"No..." the snow girl roared.

But soon, she could no longer make a sound, because the roots of the spiritual tree suddenly grew and continued to take root in the snow girl.

By the end, the snow girl's body was covered with dense roots.

The spiritual tree began to grow slowly, and the snow girl's body dissipated in a short period of time!

At the moment when the snow girl disappeared, Neon was somewhere unknown.


In the cave made of frost, the snow girl suddenly opened her eyes, with an extremely shocked look on her beautiful face.

"My spiritual clone has dissipated!"

She stood up slowly, and the boundless wind and snow began to sweep around her crazily as she stood up.

Taking one step forward, he appeared outside the cave. A dozen figures stood there in the distance, looking in the direction of the snow girl.

"Why are you so crazy? The whole world will be frozen by you!"

One of the figures spoke. It had a strong body, but its head was like a dog's head.

"Tengu, the spiritual clone I left on Xiaolin Yida has dissipated!"

The snow girl slowly spoke and told the story.

"Who can even destroy your spiritual clone?" A look of surprise appeared on Tengu's face: "Your spiritual power is stronger than those of us. The spiritual clone has exceeded 700,000 points of spiritual power. It's impossible to be so easily..."

"Who did it?" Another figure said. She was naturally the headless woman, one of the Neon Hundred Ghosts.

"It can't be captured, I can't see it." Yukionna shook her head: "However, it is a fact that the descendants of Gao Tianyuan died outside, so I hope that one of you can go over and kill all the enemies!!"

The snow girl's eyes were full of coldness. When she said the last word, the surrounding wind and blizzard swept up again.

All the surrounding monsters slowly took two steps back, and then resisted this ice attribute energy with terrifying power.

"Snow Girl, when will you be able to properly control the ice energy in your body? God did not bestow this energy on you to make you go crazy!" Tengu shook off the ice on his body with a look of displeasure on his face, and then looked at To the remaining people: "There are so many of you, who is willing to go?"

"I'll go!" the headless woman said slowly, then looked at the snow girl: "Tell me the teleportation runes on the ground."

The snow girl condensed a rune directly on the ground with ice and snow.

The headless woman integrated her own power into the symbol, and then created a clone: ​​"Although my spiritual power is not as good as yours, this clone of mine contains two kinds of power, blood and spirit. It should be stronger than you." The spiritual clone is stronger..."

Before he finished speaking, the entire clone immediately dissipated.

On the stage, Lin Mo watched the runes shine again, and then saw the headless woman appearing in front of him.

This time, the spiritual tree started to act on its own. The roots wrapped the headless woman in it, and then began to continuously devour the spiritual power of the headless woman.

"Although it can't be compared with the spiritual liquid, this power is also extremely powerful. I can absorb a few more. Maybe my spiritual power can be improved again. In addition, the degree of connection with the spiritual tree can also be deepened a lot. .

It's just... this one or two is still not enough! "

Seeing that the headless woman's body had dissipated, Lin Mo had a look of regret on his face.

Too weak, this thing is really too weak!

" clone was also destroyed!" The headless woman suddenly spoke, her entire headless body becoming much paler.

The separation of clones is a loss to herself.

"What? Destroyed again?" Tengu showed a shocked look on his face: "Who did it, do you remember?"

"I don't remember it at all!" The headless woman waved her hand: "That power is very powerful, I am no match!"

"How ridiculous! We, Gao Tianyuan, are such an existence, but two of our clones were killed by ordinary people... This matter must be taken seriously!

All of you, get ready and take action with me! "

The Tengu directly attached its own energy and blood power to the symbol, and then differentiated into its own clone.

The remaining monsters also split into clones in the shortest possible time.

In just ten seconds, there were more than a dozen clones in front of him.

The moment they stepped into the symbol, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

"We formed a group to give away experience, right? Are all neons good people?"

Lin Mo opened his mouth, and the spiritual tree slowly floated up, and then in just a few moments, it directly enveloped the sky above the entire arena!

Countless roots are constantly shuttling back and forth like meteors falling from the sky, piercing through the body one after another at the same time.

The tengu barked several times, but it had no effect at all. The dog's head was pierced directly, and its body quickly dissipated.

"What a powerful spiritual power!" A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face, feeling the spiritual power being constantly exchanged between the spiritual tree and his spiritual platform.

At the same time, Lin Mo also felt that the connection between the two became clearer.

"If the connected channels become my meridians...does that mean the whole process will be smoother?"

Lin Mo stood on the ring and watched the figures around him disappear, while the symbols on the ground also dimmed.

Of course, the reason for the gloominess was entirely because all the blood from Xiao Lin's sword had been evaporated.

"It's useless, it only has this little blood. If I could get more blood, my harvest wouldn't be all that much!"

Lin Mo had a look of disgust on his face, and the spiritual tree had returned to his spiritual platform and was completely hidden.

"In the competition between Huaxia and Neon, Huaxia will win in the end!" As the final result was announced, smiles suddenly appeared on the faces of Zhou Lu and others present.

Lin Mo walked down from the ring step by step, his eyes wandered among the crowd watching, and finally landed on the faces of several beautiful Chinese people.

"These people..." Lin Mo whispered in his heart, but ultimately said nothing.

"Boss, I can't believe we actually won!" Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo with an excited look on his face: "Boss is mighty!"

"So you thought I was destined to lose at the beginning, right?" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

Zhou Lu chuckled and rubbed the back of his head: "Don't I think your strength is a bit different from his!"

"Boss, the next game will be held in the afternoon. Do you want to take a break or go watch other people's games?" Zhou Lu continued: "I think there is someone's game that you will be very interested in. "

"Who?" Lin Mo had a curious look on his face.

"Aaronel." Zhou Lu said with a smile.

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