Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 430: Unexpected Ending

The news conveyed by the president of the Cupid Association spread throughout the entire beautiful country in a very short period of time!

Within the Luke family, upon receiving this news, the patriarch of the Luke family was in a state of confusion.

"What's the situation? Our people died in your Cupid Association, and you just don't give us an explanation, but you actually want us to give you an explanation?

You took the wrong medicine! "

As for the guard John killed before entering the gravity chamber, in their eyes, it was like stepping on an ant while walking on the road and there was no sense of guilt at all.

But the direct descendants of their Luke family actually died in the Cupid Association!

"Alice, you are going too far. Do you really think that the Luke family is afraid of your Cupid Association?" the leader of the Luke family said coldly.

As the patriarch of the family, his name is Luke. In fact, every patriarch of the Luke family is named Luke. In their view, this name represents supreme glory and tyranny. strength.

At this moment, Luke's face was filled with coldness. The announcement from the Cupid Association was a huge humiliation to the Luke family!

Let’s not talk about the response of the Luke family. Once the order from Alice, the president of the God of Love Association, came out, the fun people who were waiting to see the show were also confused.

"What's going on? Are the Cupid Association going to fight with the Luke family?"

"It looks like they are going to fight to the death. An announcement has made the entire beautiful country aware of it!"

"The Luke family is not really going to fight!"

"That would be really fun!"

The person who originally concluded that Lin Mo was dead felt his face burning at this moment, and had no idea that Lin Mo's fate was so tough.

The Eros Association is really on guard!

"Are the people in the Cupid Association crazy? Do they want to go against the Luke family for Lin Mo? What's so good about Lin Mo? Why!"

Tang San, on the other hand, was furious, yelling in the villa, completely going crazy.

The two women who served him were treated rudely by him, but the two women did not dare to be dissatisfied at all and could only obey silently.

"Tell the Neon people to prepare for action. If the Luka family doesn't dare to take action, let them take action directly and kill Lin Mo!" Tang San said fiercely through gritted teeth.

He originally thought that this would save him trouble, but now that he was fine, Lin Mo seemed to be fine!

"Boss is fine, boss is so powerful!"

Contrary to Tang San's dissatisfaction, the smiles on the faces of Zhou Lu and others were as if they were celebrating the New Year.

Originally they wanted to ask Huaxia for help, but now it seems that the phone bill will be saved!

"Continue to inquire about the news over there. If there is any situation, we will respond!" Zhou Lu said.

Li Fengchun silently hung up the call to the Li family for help.

"This guy is really surprising!" Li Fengchun murmured, with deep admiration in his eyes: "If it were me, would I have the courage to do these things?

Lin Mo... is such an enviable person! "

As the deceased, John probably never imagined that his death would suddenly attract the attention of the entire beautiful country and even half the world.

Now that the Eros Association has taken a stance, everyone is waiting for the Luke family's reaction.

On the very next night, a younger direct descendant of the Luke family openly announced that they wanted the Cupid Association to give an explanation to the Luke family, otherwise, the Cupid Association would bear their wrath.

Faced with such an attitude, what the Cupid Association did was very simple, that is, it directly issued a notice, that is, the Cupid Association felt offended by this person, and in the entire beautiful country, whoever could kill this person would You can become a friend of the Eros Association!

After this order was issued, this young man was assassinated at least ten times in just half an hour!

In the end, this kid gave up and wanted to hide inside the Luke family.

But before he stepped into the door of the Luke family, a cross sword pierced his heart directly.

"Glory Knight Musk!"

Someone recognized the person who made the move, and it turned out to be Musk, one of the members of the most mysterious Knights of Glory from Europe!

This person has mastered the power of the Holy Cross Sword, and it is said that he can briefly connect with the power of a ten-winged angel.

The most important thing is that Musk killed someone, and the Luke family would never dare to take action against him. That's because the Knights of Glory behind Musk are too powerful!

Although there are only ten people, each one of them is extremely powerful. The most important thing is that their assassination methods are very strong. If they want to assassinate one person, ten people will keep taking action until the goal is achieved. !

Even the Luke family doesn't want to face endless assassinations!

Finally, that night, Luke, the patriarch of the Luke family, made a public response: "I am ashamed of what John did in the Eros Association, apologize to the deceased, and are willing to bear the corresponding compensation!"

The Eros Association quickly gave its own reply: "I feel sorry for John's death, and I hope that the relationship between the Eros Association and the Luke family will not be affected by this incident!"

Although the Cupid Association's final reply seems to be a show of goodwill, anyone who is not a fool can see that this was entirely a response from the Cupid Association after the Luke family first made a low profile. !

In this way, although the Luke family has lost face by apologizing, the Eros Association's low profile is tantamount to giving them back face!

In this way, neither the Luke family nor the Cupid Association suffered any losses, and Lin Mo no longer had to bear the corresponding responsibilities!

From beginning to end, only John suffered the greatest loss, losing his life...

In other words, a world where only John was injured has been achieved...

"The president actually saved Lin Mo!"

In front of the gravity chamber, Wei Na looked at the information on her phone with a surprised look on her face.

Originally, she thought that the Cupid Association might pay a certain price for the whole thing, but she didn't expect that the president would handle the whole thing so beautifully!

"The president must have seen Lin Mo's potential, and he is very optimistic about it!" A smile appeared on Wei Na's face, and she felt relieved about her choice!

At this moment, Lin Mo had been in the gravity chamber for two days.

It's funny to say that as the initiator of this incident, Lin Mo got into the gravity chamber after killing someone and spent two days regardless.

Now his realm is almost stable, and the whole thing is completely over!

"Not only is his talent tyrannical, but his calculations are also terrifying. Taking him as my contractor, I don't know if it will be good or bad for me!"

Wei Na whispered silently in her heart.

At this time, a message was sent out on the phone again, which was an internal notification from the Cupid Association.

"Starting from today, Wei Na's permission in the Cupid Association will be upgraded to B+ level!"

Looking at the messages on her phone, Wei Na's heart was trembling.

"I have improved so much all of a sudden. All of this... is because of Lin Mo!"

The licensing level of the Eros Association is divided into four levels ABCD from top to bottom, and each level is divided into three ladders.

Vina's original grade was B-, but now it has been raised by two levels!

All this is because of Lin Mo!

"You are really a miracle worker!" Wei Na said with a chuckle.

There is something even more funny here.

When Lin Mo first arrived, President Alice had already warned Wei Na that her previous suitors, Cage and Lucian, were already waiting at the Cupid Association.

But until Lin Mo entered the gravity chamber, Wei Na did not see them appear.

In the past two days, Wei Na thought that Cage and Lucian had forgotten to trouble Lin Mo.

It wasn't until she had just obtained the B+ license that she knew that Cage and Lucian had originally planned to cause trouble before Lin Mo entered the gravity room.

But then I heard the news about John's arrival and immediately changed my plan.

John is stronger than both of them, so they want to wait for John to kill Lin Mo.

But I didn't expect that the last person to die was John.

Then the two of them began to wait to see the consequences of Lin Mo, thinking that Lin Mo would definitely die.

Who could have imagined that it would end like this?

Sneaked away... In the end, the two of them chose to follow their hearts and slipped away from the Cupid Association.

It is said that the movement of running is extremely smooth...

Time passed, and the next day passed like this.

In the gravity room, the power of Qi and blood on Lin Mo slowly disappeared, and at the same time, the power of thunder stopped jumping.

The originally crystal-clear body has returned to normal.

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Wei Na sitting there.

Today is already the morning of the third day, which means that Vina has been waiting here for two days and two nights!

Although it was just an exchange of interests, what Wei Na did really touched Lin Mo!

"Weina, thank you very much for the past two days!" Lin Mo said softly.

Wei Na opened her eyes and looked at Lin Mo, with a surprised look on her face: "Why are you awake? Don't you continue to comprehend?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the screen, which recorded all Lin Mo's data during the past two days and two nights.

Then she gasped.

All data are the same as S level, this level represents the top! The ultimate top!

At least such an S-level evaluation, she has never seen in the Cupid Association!

"Help me end it!" Lin Mo said.

Vina nodded, and then chose to close the gravity chamber.

After the gravity was turned off, a line of text appeared on the screen: This gravity chamber data surpassed all previous data records. Do you want to leave a name for the archive?

Wei Na was stunned for a moment, then smiled and wrote down Lin Mo's name, and then chose to save it!

Ever since, all the gravity chambers in the beautiful country have received this record and preserved it permanently.

In the years that followed, everyone who left records in the gravity chamber discovered that no matter how good their data were, they could not get first place!

The name Lin Mo has become a record of the gravity room forever!

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