"Why don't you ask me what will happen after John dies?"

Weina took Lin Mo out of the gravity room. Lin Mo was walking in front, but Weina was walking behind.

After the improvement of the physical realm, Lin Mo's figure became more perfect. At this moment, Wei Na followed behind, her eyes were filled with Lin Mo's perfect body proportions.

But I couldn't help but ask.

Because from the time Lin Mo left the gravity room to now, he seemed to have forgotten about John.

"Any questions?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "If this matter eventually involves me, then it is impossible for me to complete the realm of physical body consolidation in the gravity chamber!

Now that I have left the gravity chamber intact, it proves that I am fine!

This matter has been resolved by your Cupid Association!

I owe you another favor! "

Listening to Lin Mo's response, Wei Na could only nod helplessly: "Communicating with you like this really doesn't give me any sense of achievement at all!

I originally wanted to scare you, but now it seems that I was overthinking it! "

"Haha, I'm actually very interested in the whole thing. Can you tell me about it?" Lin Mo smiled and said.

"The Cupid Association gave it directly to the Luke family..." Weina did not hide anything and recounted what happened in the past two days.

"President, you are so awesome. The final operation was excellent!" Lin Mo gave his most pertinent evaluation.

Originally, he thought that the price for the Eros Association to protect him was to have some antagonism with the Luke family, but he did not expect that Alice's move directly caused no antagonism between the two forces!

"Shall I take you back now?" Weina looked at Lin Mo: "You have been here for two days, it's time to go back and report that you are safe!

In addition, I always feel that if you don’t go back and take a look, those people under your command may not be able to stand up! "

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then understood: "Are they so crazy?"

Wei Na nodded: "How come people in the same team are so different!"

There is obviously a connotation in these words. As for who the connotation is, I won’t say...

Lin Mo touched his head in embarrassment and said, "I don't want to go back yet. As you can see, my physical realm has been consolidated, so I want to see if I can enter the Eye of Zeus?"

Wei Na's feet paused and she was stunned.

"You want to enter the Eye of Zeus?"


"Are you sure you haven't just stepped into the physical realm of the emperor's peak? Don't you want to get used to it?"

"I've almost adapted to the gravity chamber!" Lin Mo smiled. In the past two days, in addition to training in the gravity chamber, Lin Mo also spent a lot of Qi and Blood Pills to adapt to the dream state.

It is worth mentioning that all Qi and Blood Pills are sponsored by the Cupid Association!

During the entire training process, Lin Mo directly consumed nearly a hundred Qi and Blood Pills.

"Okay, I'll take you to the Eye of Zeus!" Wei Na looked at Lin Mo's firm eyes and finally chose to agree.

"I'm convinced by you. You are simply a cultivator. I have never seen a cultivator like you!" Wei Na said as she walked away, with a look of helplessness on her face, "Speaking of which , I actually reported yesterday that there are no plans to use the Eye of Zeus recently!

So under normal circumstances, you cannot use the Eye of Zeus!

But it’s different now. My permission rights have been upgraded, and I have one more opportunity to use the Eye of Zeus without applying!

Otherwise you might really have to go back today! "

"Then I owe you a favor!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Anyway, if you owe something like favor, you will get used to it!

"Forget it, forget this favor. Speaking of which, I still have the permission right now because of you!" Wei Na said with a smile: "Okay, come with me!"

As he spoke, he led the way.

The Eye of Zeus was obviously a more advanced place than the Gravity Room, and the two of them walked all the way towards the deepest part of the Cupid Association.

Along the way, I was able to meet a lot of people, but after walking for a while, I met fewer and fewer people!

Until finally, they were blocked by several powerful men at the peak of the emperor.

"Swipe the permission card!" The strong man blocking the road said directly.

Vina swiped her permission card, and then the door was opened directly.

Lin Mo nodded at them and followed Wei Na inside.

"If it weren't for you, I might not be able to get in!"

Lin Mo smiled and spoke.

"This is where the Eye of Zeus is, because the energy contained in it is so explosive that ordinary places simply can't bear it.

So we directly created a small abyss and stored the Eye of Zeus in it! "

Vina explained.

Lin Mo nodded, because the Thunder Breathing Method in his body was running all the time, so he could feel the energy fluctuations wandering in the air around him.

It was extremely pure thunder energy. Lin Mo could clearly feel that when the thunder energy surged, his whole body was filled with power!

"What a great place. Even if I don't enter the Eye of Zeus, if I practice here, the speed at which my energy and blood power will increase will be at least twice as high!"

Lin Mo felt the changes in the power of Qi and blood in his body and spoke with emotion.

"If it's really useful, I can apply for it for you, and you can come here often!" Wei Na said with a smile.

"No need, I will definitely go back after the game is over!" Lin Mo smiled and waved his hand: "However, if you can let me bring some souvenirs back before I leave, I will owe you one more It’s a favor!”


Wei Na was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lin Mo meant at all.

"For example, the gravity chamber produced here and other things that China doesn't have!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "It would be great if you could give me some!"

Wei Na was speechless for a moment, thought for a while and said: "I can give you a gravity chamber, but you can't give the gravity chamber to your researchers!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He was just asking casually, but he didn't expect that there was something really interesting about it.

"That's natural. I promise it will only be used for training and will not be given to them for scientific research!" Lin Mo promised with a smile.

Wei Na looked at Lin Mo's eyes and finally nodded.

"Ahead is the entrance to the Eye of Zeus..."

When Weina raised her hand and pointed forward, she suddenly looked at Diana in front of her in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"What else do I want to ask you? Why are you here?!"

Diana turned to look at Vina, with a cold look in her eyes: "How do I remember that you didn't apply to enter the Eye of Zeus this time... I understand, you entered here privately, according to the regulations of the Cupid Association, I can Kill you directly!"

The Eye of Zeus is a very important existence in the Cupid Association. If you want to enter it, you first need to meet certain permissions.

After reaching a certain permission level, you will have the opportunity to apply for entry once a month. If the permission level increases, like Vina, if you reach B+, you will have the opportunity to enter the Eye of Zeus once a month without applying.

If such a rule was violated, then Diana did have the right to kill Vina directly.

"Sister Diana, you really care about me. You even know that I didn't apply to enter the Eye of Zeus this month!" Vina smiled softly: "But sister, have you forgotten that there is some special situation? "Excuse me, can I come in directly without applying?"

Diana was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "I don't think the president will give special permission for you!"

The president of the Cupid Society can authorize someone to enter the Eye of Zeus, in which case the authorized person can ignore the permission rights and application restrictions.

"The president did not grant me permission!" Weina shook her head: "But I still came in. Sister Diana, you actually know the reason very well, right?

It's just that you don't want to believe it...

People are like this, they don't want to believe things they don't want to accept, even if that is the only truth! "

"Hmph, I don't care what your reasons are. I only know that you have not applied or received permission. According to the regulations, you should be killed!"

Diana's eyes turned cold, and the next moment she rushed directly towards Vina.

She really had murderous intentions. If Vina entered the Eye of Zeus really for the reason she thought, then in the future, Vina's status in the Cupid Association would really far surpass her.

So now I can only kill her without any care!

Kill her!

Once you have such an idea, there is no way to restrain your murderous intention.

Wei Na sneered and rushed forward.

A cross lightsaber appeared behind Diana and stabbed Vina hard in the heart.

And Wei Na first used the power of blood to condense into a shield, and at the same time, a harp appeared in her other hand.


He raised his hand and flicked it gently, and the harp emitted a burst of sound waves, which turned into a dozen sword rays visible to the naked eye and sliced ​​towards Diana's head.

The sharp energy suddenly surged, and a violent wind suddenly rose in the entire abyss!

Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged and he stood quietly aside, but he was ready to take action at any time.

The sword energy collided, making a series of screams, and at the same time, the aftermath escaped. Both Vina and Diana couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Are you okay?" Lin Mo stepped forward. The Jiuzhou Order was already hanging in front of him. A ray of light flowed, and Wei Na's energy and blood power was instantly increased.

Diana's expression changed slightly, and she snorted coldly, just as she was about to charge forward again, the entire abyss suddenly trembled.

"Is the abyss where you fight?" Two guards walked in and looked at Vina and Diana with indifferent expressions.

"She came in without applying for a change. According to the regulations, I can kill her directly!"

"Diana attacked me, but I just retaliated passively!"

Diana and Vina spoke at the same time.

"Vina now has B+ permission. She can enter the Eye of Zeus at any time!" One of the guards said calmly, and then looked at Vina: "She misunderstood you, why don't you explain?"

"Why should I explain?" Wei Na shrugged: "It seems that the Cupid Association does not stipulate that you must explain when you face misunderstandings, right?"

The two guards were speechless for a moment, while Diana was completely stunned.

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